Ban Circumcision General

Wake up and stretch.(your foreskin)

Discuss the political movement to stop Circumcision in the USA. We MUST include males in the Anti genital mutilation laws we already have on the books.

If you haven't watched the video or read the info graphics then where the fuck have you been?

And this topic is political because of the laws that seek to illegalize this crime in various nations (i.e Iceland).

This man is Eric Clopper, he lost his job at Harvard to give you this info. Take it. Share it. Meme it to your normie friends.
He names the Jew. And in so doing brings the JQ right to the forefront of public discussion.

>MANY shills in the thread will make the obvious point that Eric, is himself, a jew.
If he wasn't a jew they would be able to shrug him off as "anti-semitic" which of course they already did by calling him anti-semitic and firing him.

Watch and prepare to be more upset than you've been in a long, long time.

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Other urls found in this thread:,

Bump because I support this.
The practice of ritualistically mutilating babies for some desert volcano demon needs to end.

It's honestly fucked up, if people woke up to this practice being wrong the Jews would be in for a world of trouble.

now I know a lot of you guys hate us "Christfags", but I would like to say that the Bible is and always will be against circumcision, it boggles me how so many Christians here chop up their sons' penises over a supposed religious duty that does not exist

Shut your fuckin hole weirdo. We get it. Youre not circumcised and you want everyone to be weird like you. Just go get a circumcision. They do it for adults who dont want to look like dogs.

You dog dick sheath havin motherfucker... Gross....

It's Scofieldism

sperging out I see, seeing as how he has our flag, he probably fell under the blade too, I don't see how thinking it wrong to chop up your dick is weird

Its not a slight against Christians. I think somewhere along the line traditions of man failed, recorded history became a produced narrative, and things in the OT may be total fabrications.
Jews don't worship God, they're just a continuation of a materialistic desert cult. They defame Christ so harshly because he stood against everything they are.

ah, glad my parents weren't adherents of him, though I was cut, I actually don't blame my parents for it was in a time when many were still in the dark, for example the doctor pestered my mom

bumping for a ban

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I actually watched the American Circumcision documentary on Netflix, one person interviewed was Marilyn Milos, who during the 80s was fired for informing parents about this procedure not being necessary

Yea the doctor said I needed a Circumcision for a urinary tract infection...

Because you puritanical fools are so uneducated, poor and stupid that you believe most anything told to you. You believe in faith healing for Chirst sake and the book clearly depicts ZION AS THE PLACE OF ARMAGEDDON

If you are a Mormon, you think its going to be Missouri or Utah. Jewish or Any other fucking faith and its Israel.

This and regenerative medicines promises in general are only thing keeping me from killing myself desu

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>dogs get to have fore skin but I'm an intelligent tool using animal! Watch me cut my dick off to prove what a man I am!

cope. Fucking cope you spooked steer.

did they do it?

cut makes it cleaner senpai


puritans have ruined Christianity, the person who first introduced it to America was Kellogg, the cereal man

I blame mine. I call them stupid and ignorant to their faces. Dad is proud of me AND apologized. Once you stand up for yourself an level the cold steel of truth they walk and squawk.

Would be amazing to make circumcision illegal and btfo jews for good. Save the babies, alienate the kikes. 2 birds, one law

Canada is a developed nation too, act like one and use the running water that you have

Yeah never buy that shit anymore. Fuck you Tony I earned my stripes at birth go get chinked and chunked for your penis.

I was angry too, but my dad and I have reconciled, as for my mom, though she can see the other side she still clings to the muh infections belief, nevertheless, hopefully the American Circumcision documentary is what it takes to fully change her mind

This guy is a wackjob.

But then again, all intactivists are wackjobs.

I think that should be held off until the child is of the age of reason but, nobody cares irl. :(

>he cares about bodily autonomy what a wackjob!

Kill yourself

I hardly ever eat cereal, but when I do it is usually General Mills

>intactivists are wackjobs, circumcision should be held off until the child can choose for themselves
Well did you know that most intactivists are advocating for holding it off till the age of consent?

>its insane to ask that someone not touch you penis.


God bless Eric Clopper

the sheer fucking irony of the usage of that flag, treading on the rights of the child

Lucky Charms is god tier. Its so fucking racist.


they after me potehtohs

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Bump, almost forgot

how can cutfags possibly compete?

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sauce pls, for a friend

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Just fucking kill me already

We will be able to have the true male form one day, if foregen can succeed

I still want sauce (its for an art project)


Besides I dont understand how people like me will even know if it works are not. We dont know what its like to be normal, how can we be certain ?

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>literal faggot
>non white

why does Jow Forums love b00t so much?

Where can I find morefoe my artproject?

I dont even know his name. I just saw it and saved it

Circumcision ain't even that big of a deal.

Who the fuck cares about a little flap a skin that serves no purpose like an appendix.

Circumcision ain't even that big of a deal.

Attached: shlomosays.jpg (124x115, 3K)

>serves no purpose

Die kike filth

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hot off the press. Let's appeal to the "my body my choice" mindset.

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You're wrong about the appendix, and you're wrong about the foreskin.

I cannot save gore pics like that or look at them but this is indeed an obvious angle.

Well you can go ahead and continue bitching about something that doesn't even matter.

I'm going to go ahead and forget that circumcision is even a thing.

just a piece of skin indeed, fucking dumbass

I honestly feel sorry for you, I don't say that often. The Jew has ingrained this into your head so much you believe it.

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Your previous statement was false, the foreskin is not just skin, and the appendix is not useless, so besides lacking in facts you lackin logical comparisons as well


stupid faggot

>I'm going to go ahead and forget that circumcision is even a thing.
Ahh I get it, still in denial about the fact that your parents willingly mutilated you so as to camouflage the source of a barbaric Jewish custom.

You fucks will come up with any reason to hate the jews.

Foreskin has no purpose in the civilized world.

>who cares that my manhood was sacrificed to Moloch!

I don't hate jews, especially since some of the most vocal intactivists are jews, who see the wrongness of the practice, not to mention that eric clopper is himself jewish. And can you come up with a valid rebuttal to the argument of rights besides muh antisemitism

> t. circumcised shill

>but this is indeed an obvious angle.

You would think so, but since circumcision still exists, and the very people who chant "my body my choice" seem unable to make the connection, we need to shove it in their face until they realize.

>Foreskin has no purpose in the civilized world.

"civilized world" on the contrary, circumcision has no place in the civilized world, an ancient barbaric practice to ruin the human form

Except it does and that has been proven multiple times. Keep repeating the line kike filth.

circumcision is a fucking racket

just think about it, think about how it warps the subject's mind after it's done

obviously in caveman days there wasn't a measurable difference between psyches of the cut and uncut, now that we stay on top of such studies we know there is a huge difference

Why do you care so much about other people's penises anyway?

Jew hate is normal. Sourcing circumcision is immature.

You just mad cause you have a tiny pee pee.

Your sexual organs are the least of your priorities.

Because women are fucking stupid brainless whores who lack any capability of critical thinking or logic. The men In this country who should be doing the critical thinking have all been mutilated so their delusion causes them to justify it.

Women have the gall to cry about their rights to kill the unborn here and ignore that men literally get mutilated in the most barbaric and personal of ways.

again I don't hate jews, zionism is the problem in that instance, circumcision is wrong because it violates some inherent rights

This folks is how satire is done.


no, size is not the issue here, for me at least, function is

if user reveals their flag, it's probably australia

I really hope I dont have a large effect on my mind from this. I hope that my capability to acknowledge it means I am mostly normal mentally, that is something even foregen cannot solve.

It is in their holy book to require circumcision. Any jew that follows it is the problem not just Zionists. Their entire religion should be destroyed along with their culture, same with american "christians".

I'd like to see all abrahamic religion die.

Circumcision isn't inherently jewish.

Glad you noticed.

Your deluding yourself with what could have been.

If you've been circumcised, deal with it. Bitching and whining about it on the internet isn't going to get you your worthless foreskin back and it sure ain't going to slow down a tradition that dates back to ancient times.

But some jews show change, in brit shalom, if we outlaw non consensual circumcision, no exceptions, we can fix the issue the right way

>"Circumcision isn't inherently jewish."

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of course not, Muslims do it to, and it is every bit as wrong, no matter who does it, but here you are accusing everyone of "hating da joos!!!!!"while simultaneously saying it is ok to hate the jews, . pick a fucking side and stick with it

I'm not even defending circumcision.

and here you are now, shilling for an ancient and barbaric ritual, I need not bitch for I have hope in future medicine, but it is still happening to those that cannot speak, which is wrong in as you would say, a "civilized society"

it’s funny, but if i were to advocate for genocide, circumcision would be a major motivating factor

Your logic is weak.

You can accuse people of hating the jews and call it normal. Which is what I did.

Stay mad. It's obviously working. Look how well it's doing.

Yes you can but you will also make them directly go against their holy book.

If you think abrahamic religions deserve to continue after everything they've brought upon the world you and I just fundamentally disagree.

I will never respect their disgusting religion.

and who the fuck decided to call it circumcision in the first place? it’s a euphemism for genital mutilation. fucking hell.

Circumcision, to me, is akin to cutting your fingernails.

I'm not going to sit here and feel shitty because some other random asshole on the Internet says circumcision is bad.

To that I say, get over yourself you pathetic weak piece of shit.

I'm going to go out on a limb guys and say that cutting one of the most sensitive parts of a baby's body off with a knife is not okay. Is anyone with me?

... crickets ...

Ending one generation to save many people from mutilation in the future

My pp skin has been chopped off too

but you however are neglecting the fact that it is declared wrong in Christianity

Your fingernails dont have feeling and purpose you fucking idiot. This is the last time I respond to your stupid fucking bait. I hope you die painfully for implying this is acceptable to do to people

Give us today our daily thread

Imagine being this mad over dead skin.


No. As usual Christianity is riddled with contradictions. Paul says its not necessary and not to do it, yet jesus says he accepts all, circumcised, uncircumcised, Greek etc., yet doesnt state himself that it is wrong.

He speaks of circumcising the heart and soul but again does not disavow circumcision of the flesh.

Furthermore when he comes he says he has come to not abolish the previous laws and words of prophets but to fulfill them. Which includes circumcision.

It's much closer to ripping off said fingernails, or cutting off your eyelids.

Wrong person

weak is cucking to an unethical practice that was done upon you and you accuse me of weak logic here , yet comparing cutting your nails to circumcision is a false equivalency in that fingernails grow back, foreskins don't, and it's not about self-pity it is about showing a barbaric practice for what it is.
And still surprisingly, I am not mad

You purity fanatics are delusional.

There is no perfection.

Just die already.

>Imagine being this mad over dead skin.
Here the troll is doing his best impression of Shylock from Merchant of Venice.

"I demand my pound of flesh, closest to the heart!"