Apple has been attacking free speech and giving the Chinese jobs that should be for Americans. After Steve Jobs died there has been 0 innovation over at apple with a degenerate at the head of the company. Fuck you Crapple.
Apple loses $55 Billion, Can you say trump curse?
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Trading is a meme
>After Steve Jobs died there has been 0 innovation
This is the main deal here. Other companies are gaining ground on them.
Phones are still too goddamn high though.
They had a Pod
Then a Phone....
Now Just a Phag ....who has made Phuck all
Hopefully Trump won't cuck out with the bails, these parasites need to go, as long as the new manufacturing jobs stay somewhat strong so there isn't too many layoffs of real Americans
Too bad, if Apple turn less gay and less jewish they could trash Windows 10 easily.
Why did you remake this thread?
>t. poorfag
So essentially, they are fucked. All of Q3, when their stock was at 222, they started to buy back their shares, a move that is pretty confident. Then, during the last 3 months, China's economy just died. So, now, Apple is falling literally billions of dollars per minute. They bet on Trump bending the knee to the Chinese, and kept insisting business would grow in East Asia, but it didn't, and Trump didn't cuck. They bet all their chips on China winning the trade war, and both Apple and the commies lost. Now, Apple is choking on their own shit.
>Apple turn less gay and less jewish
They've always been gay and jewish
>they could trash Windows 10 easily.
>durrrr dey helping China and not da u.s.a durrr
Mac OS X and its successors are really solid. Well, fuck off, no idea why I'm replying this.
And that’s a GOOD thing
Apple really went from innovation to complacency and profit chasing. They are so focused on the next expansion in to xyz market that they lost their way. They've also shifted focus towards profit at user expense instead of user attraction. Locking down of repairability on the PC side has seen them all but surrender the market to Windows machines.
Not to mention while they were chaining their supply chain to China they didn't stop to think someone like Xi might get power and use it to drown them. They are trying to move some of the SC to India but it's going to cost them in the short term.
Ahh, when put this way it sounds so poetic. Cheers, user.
Lurk moar
>0 innovation
This. They've been releasing essentially the same phone for more than a decade.
Anyone who still buys apple after Steve Jobs death is retarded
No. Try enlightening them. Most iphone ueser don't know that samsungs can use fm radio and SD CARDS! That is how you buy everyone over.
Don't worry about Apple, your fellows are dumb enough to buy the new model every fucking year
wtf, that was actually good. thank you leaf.
Steve Jobs was a sand nigger that didn't invent shit. He stole other companies' their ideas and marketed them to hipster retards.
I actually like the iPhone because it is like a refrigerator: it just works. Very basic. Never an issue with the virtual keyboard, camera, text messaging, web browsing, or the 2 dozen or so apps I use regularly.
I had an android phone for 2 years and it was total shit (Samsung Galaxy). Apps crashed, camera took shitty pictures, even the fucking virtual keyboard would freeze on everything. What a typical non jap gook shitshow.
Comparing a $800 phone to a $200 phone.
Solid hunks of shit...
All I heard was sneed
You can also remove the battery still on many Samsung phones.
A phone with a non-removable battery can spy on you even after you turn it off.
Apple has a superior hardware to software synergy. They are just being punished for their faggot CEO’s poor decision to virtue signal his pedo love and bet against Murika.
He knew what he wanted and how to get it. Cook is (or was) good with money, but I guess Jobs didn't think enough about what things might be like if he wasn't around to hold the leash again. Tim's whole "let's all get along and be happy" approach to the company isn't going to be sustainable.
>After Steve Jobs died there has been 0 innovation over at apple with a degenerate at the head of the company.
things got worse, quality control went right out the window.
>Apple has a superior hardware to software synergy.
marketing propaganda for gullible fucking morons.
What is Xi doing to Apple that you consider 'drowning' them? First I'm hearing anything about this
The new iPhones are retarded
The notch is ALWAYS THERE
Turn the phone sideways to watch a video? Giant notch on side distracting you through entire thing
I couldn’t believe it was this retarded so I tested them sat Walmart
Cook is a retarded faggot
Steve Jobs would have never signed off on this turd
I don’t think apple’s done a single thing of note since cook took over
They should shitcan his ass
That’s what pissed me off the most about the Android phones was the constant upsell by my techie faggot colleagues who would constantly say “but your Galaxy has a better camera than the iPhone?” Ok smartass then why are the pictures so shitty?
>Apple has a superior hardware to software synergy
Because they control the whole stack.
>using a phone to take photos you want in high quality
My iPhone pics are near slr quality. Don’t be mad because you are a poorfag with an Android phone...
Seriously - just get a sony mirrorless and a one of those tiny 20mm pancakes and you are good to go.
Android spys on you in airplane mode then uploads where it's been when it gets a connection. Apple doesn't. Tucker did a story on this. It's just 2 fucking bad choices, Android or IOS.
They had the same problem when he was forced out in the late 80s. Macs were a joke, til he came back with weird phone ideas.
You can fit both into a pair of faggot skinny jeans
These means cheap Iphones are comming
LOL, fuck Iphones, I cant download emulators on it
this unironically
Apple just works.
Sure it's not great, but it beats having a phone that dies every few months.
Not talking about just hardware either.
The OS of most other phones itself is shit.
I have the zenfone 3(the only one worth buying) and I paid like $200 for it, camera is actually really nice, but if you're using it just as a phone for calling and texting you only have the charge the fucking thing like once a week.
No , Cook is only good with supply chain, thats what he got fired for, he has not improved any other aspect of apple.
As long as Apple stand by their overpriced/premium strategy they will never have a chance to reach the masses like Windows on desktop and Android on phones
times change... now theres a Huawei $400 cheaper than the iPhone that has 4 leica cameras and takes better pictures... in 3 modes..
and theyre chinese so they have chinese marketing, apps and are tailored to china.
Apple has just been riding the wave, no innovation
>After Steve jobs died
Best kek of my night thanks apple cuck
So...what tech company is going to be the next “innovator”
Already did the best they can and are now following the Apple path
Too niche
Autocorrect said don’t, speaks volumes
So who is it?
>Good Leaf post
Sadly rare.
Apple has been moving from a hardware company to software/services in the past few years. They knew the iPhone would only be a main source of their revenue for a certain period of time. The profit margins on all of their hardware is stupid good but the stock has admitted been overbought (as have all tech stocks). I’ll continue buying Apple up until I retire and plan on making a good amount of profit via dividends and options.
>Losing $55 billion in market value
What does it mean?
Does it mean Tim cock lost $55 billion from his Swiss bank account?
I am retarded pls explain
Depends on what you think the next innovation is going to be, because a bunch of big tech companies will continue to rise and fall together making adjacent products.
>Apple has a superior hardware to software synergy.
>Faggy two year old hardware mixed with faggy two year old software
Talk about synergy
I've had the same Samsung I dunno what the fuck it's called for the last 3 years, my friend has replaced an iPhone every year for the last 3 years because the battery shit the bed, or it slows down on him, etc etc, I've never seen someone swap from Apple products regret doing it, your synergy bullshit is just a made up placebo you want to be real because it supports your want to use apple crap for no reason
Last thing Jobs would have wanted is to have his successor out shine his accomplishments. Cook was selected for a reason.
I think that’s the point.
Short answer it means that Apple will have to break into those cash reserves that iFags will never shut up about.
Basically Apple has cholera and there isn't a lot in several miles.
>phones more and more expensive every year
>same shit-ass OS designed to sell music and iCloud space
>make it a living nightmare to sell+service apple products
"wow wtf why aren't we still selling as much as we did when the iphone 5 came out"
apple is a retarded entity that is run by algorithms and automation, it was bound to crash into a wall at some point
Cinematographer here. I’ve cut iPhone 8 footage for quick cut b roll with RED Epic and nobody noticed.
>Basically Apple has cholera and there isn't a loo in several miles.
I fucking hate fone posters
Fuck Wall Street and fuck elitists. Trumpism is a good thing
It is good for average people. People have been getting brainwashed to support policies that hurt average people.
a few. but still loads better than the "none" apple is known for
Let's differentiate between him and Wojniack.
Wojniack read books, studies architectures , circuits and leaned to make operating system that is the selling point of Apple devices.
Steve jobs was more of an extrovert , outward speaker, public speaker, master of rhetoric, master of business ehtics (being selfish) and didn't even graduate. I bet he didn't even know what eigenvalues are.
You see. White man are autistic while Jews are leechers.
They will lose more with the battery fiasco and no platform language.
>Apple has a superior hardware to software synergy.
yeah, if a single bit of hardware or software fucks up the whole ship goes down with it. real synergized
They pricing out their target demographic so hard. Once boomers start dropping they better have a plan for adjusting their hardware profit margin and adding in budget level shit. Then again no one is really challenging them on ease of access to ecosystem for normies. Windows put some work in with 10 but going from morbidly obese to adorably chunky isn't that much of an accomplishment and google doesn't have the balls and unify and uniform their ecosystem it seems.
Yes Unix native graphics (Metal) are better than Android Linux (Opengl ES)
Poverty must suck
>NBC News explaining to brainlets how much a trillion dollars is.
Apple is nothing but thief and liar. Eight years ago, Samsung already knew that there was no future for the smartphone business, and already had their future in biotechnology, and the IoT.
Wall street poos $450 k per year . Why didn't you apply for brokerage at age 21 just like Jordan Belford? Is it toughest competition in US?
Post admission you just have to play blind dart and make money.
Tim Cook is fucking Apple up bigly
his first mistake was leaning too far into the mainstream luxury world and hiring a woman from the fashion world to handle marketing (iirc)
Did you notice?
What app do you record with btw
i love samsung and south korea. really you don't need more than a samsung, and it doesn't even have to be latest generation galaxy, can be last generation, still a very capable phone. I go either samsung or sony, never apple products.
This is why I'm never getting rid of my Samsung phone.
They're fucked they move all their operations to china to jew out now china is producing shitloads of its own phones and no doubt want to sabotage apple since it's their biggest competitor. Iphone is banned from sale in china. They are getting cucked hard by the chinese now as well.
Goofy Indian.
I saved the money you iFags spent on phones and bought a nicer car.
Enjoy the battery life issues while you wait for an uber.
>hiring a woman from the fashion world to handle marketing (iirc)
That's fucking pathetic. I always considered Apple products to be fashion accessories but I didn't know that it was true in a literal sense.
>make something in China
>they steal it and sell it cheaper
Who could have predicted this??
Goofy Indian.
>Iphone is banned from sale in china.
Of course they are they don't want shitty American knock offs cutting in on their business.
>buying a phone produced by almost literally the Chinese equivalent of the CIA/NSA
Yeah, hope those "cheap" smart phones are worth it.
>faggot CEO’s poor decision to virtue signal his pedo love
Legitimately a faggot and a pedo. My boss who doesn't know much about him was sitting in a restaurant his friend owns at the bar and in pops Cook.
He texted me and asked is he gay.
I answered yes.
Then he said he was there with an Asian boy that didn't even look old enough to drink.
> sounds like 50% of /nupol's dream
What are they going to do? Drone you?
Do they share data with the CIA/NSA?
If not, why would I care that China can spy on me?
Tim cooks chinese pizza?
> gay
> /nu/pol’s dream
Wrong. AN/K/AP TRAP HAREMS are what we’re really fighting for. Get informed
>My iPhone pics are near slr quality. Don’t be mad because you are a poorfag with an Android phone
How many likes do you get per Facebook picture post of your shitty life? Please say at least double digit likes.
> not old enough to realize pictures won't matter when you're a fucking grown person.
>Trap with a gun
Suicide imminent