The drug problem

Is it better or worse where you live?

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Hi OP, I hope you get help.

Please don't share any more personal photo's of yourself

And please kill yourself

Never used to have Mexican gangs or whatever they are running heroin out here.

OP is the dealer who took the pic

pretty sure OP is taking a pic of his drug whore

Imagine having dealer money and that's the best you can do for a fuck toy.

Are withdrawals really as bad as they say? Can't they bite the bullet and go through a couple of days of feeling like shit to feel better long term?

Better or worse than what? Oh never mind. This is another shitty slide thread with no purpose.

All White neighborhood - translation: No drug problem

maybe it will cause that fat cow will lose some weight

Worse. Partied a few times this christmas, coke everywhere now in my beautiful city. Feels bad man.

They fry their dopamine receptors so they never feel better ever again long term. The withdrawals are like a severe flu but then you're left grey, unhappy and unfulfilled until you die

imagine the smells

It can be pretty bad. You wouldn't necessarily want to expect you're going to be all good as gravy by the end of the weekend. It's actually more like three months just to get an idea of how much your dopamine cycle might recover and adjust your expectations about the rest of your life.

So what usually happens is they don't stay clean for three months and the habit continues.

Do I see a lot of junkies? No
Are there like 10 shootings a day over drugs? Yes
You be the judge.

It's amazing, it turbo boots the natural selection process over here. And eliminates the White under class( who are insufferable). And since Islam forbids drug use, the only people affected by this phenomenon in question, are white trash and cross bred bantus. Lmao.

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I don't know anyone who uses shitty drugs like meth or heroin so I don't know the answer to the question.

Just because muzzies don't do drugs doesn't mean they don't sell them.

Not the deal over here, where most drug users tend to be white trash.

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Sounds like hell desu. Drug dealers should be publicly executed.

No change really. Teenagers still smoke weed but no one uses opioids or meth

Selling it to white trash, isn't really tantamount to using it for recreational use. So nothing wrong with that from what I can tell, besides it's speeding up the natural selection process. So it's nothing but beneficial to the opposing host population.

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Dude they cheat at their own rules as bad as the Jews. Even Mormons, who by and large are stunningly straight edge, they're into fucking satanic rituals and are the most porn in the country. Even the Amish are huge cheaters, nice as they are.

I would start with the producers, which would go back to the Bush and Clinton families, just for starters. Your average dealer is going to be in pretty bad shape if he got up to H by just being a go-between for friends who uses what he sells.

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They kill each other for money and turf, idiot.

You're dumb if you think only the underclass uses drugs

>Be me
>Live in St. Louis
>Degenerates killing themselves with tainted heroin

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The only thing that changes over the classes is the quality of the drugs. At least in my experience.

You should try heroin it's fun, don't be so close minded, you can find good stuffs around st Denis

and the upper classes have legit prescriptions for them so they don't get in trouble. Like pain meds, xanax, adderal

Which are horrible.
>tfw trying to give advice to a 65 year old woman because her husband is a ritalin victim and she's telling all about how he's a drooling retard who can't get off the couch when he's off it now


This. The only reason I have "Muslim" friends is because they aren't truly Muslim. Authentic Muslims need to be gassed. The vast majority of them age 18-25 drink and smoke more than any other group I know. They don't even believe in their own goatfucking faith

Maybe true in the US but here I was thinking of coke. I see hashish and marijuana is more available in the average to poor citizen, along with amphetamine.
Coke is a more middle-class/upper class drug here.

This. I had an opiate addiction. The base level of "happy" feels a lot lower. I'd never say no to them aswell. Withdrawal sucks but I wasn't on that many mg a day.

It’s worse. Death would be a welcome comfort when it’s at its peak. It’s torture dude.

its bad where I live but not with opiates it seems like meth is more popular

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Wow proxy page has really let herself go

How horrifyingly sad and revolting.

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worse, nothing but booze hounds, meth
heads, tobacco junkies. secularism is

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okay Jow Forums, help me out here. I look like a druggie, and live like a druggie. I dwell in a dump and sleep on the floor and shit. But I don't do drugs. Also I have money in a bank account I can't bring myself to spend. What do I do?

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Leaf here. Calgary. Opiate problem has gotten significantly worse since NDP has been in power. Area around needle exchange is basically a skid row at some points

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Jow Forums
clean your room
find somebody else to take care of, or just start out with pets and plants if that's where you're at.

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>San Diego
No such thing as a drug problem out here

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It's getting worse. I live an hour outside of Baltimore and that heroin shit just spills all over where I live. People dying everyday with the fentanyl shit.

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The withdrawals are a 3 day absolute night mare followed by a couple more days of uncomfortable. Dope sick is something I hope I’ll ever have to experience again.

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crossed the line there nigger. Those people died in an accident. How is that related to the topic at hand or even your posts of mug shots and white looters. FYI rename those files to nigger.jpeg because white people who loot and steal are fucking niggers and will hang next to the dark niggers too.

can confirm, severna park here. every other day someone i know has overdosed and died. 2018 was insane.

What's the note say>?

>the one on the end?

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>Even the Amish are huge cheaters
You'd better watch what you say about the Amish before their Dutch witch doctors put a pow-wow curse on your ass. You'll never be able to successfully grow corn on your land again.

Is that Proxy Paige?

no those people OD’d with their kid in the backseat.

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ur obviously not amongst third world whites

>house in the background
the fuck...?


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It's bad. There are not nearly enough degenerates OD'ing

How can you obese and hooked on opiates at the same time? All the junkies I've seen have been starvation tier.

lol, don't you know that white trash meth addicts is a thing?

Nah we're cool. They have some kind of mafia type racket on window installation, but they have respect for somebody they can see doesn't mind getting his hands dirty.

>since Islam forbids drug use
Islam forbids many things, yet you cunts keep partaking.

It's actually a common sort of flower to plant around the yard. It sticks up high over the other flowers and makes a big bright flower.

OP, are you from California? I think I know that girl.

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>city is now having class teaching people how to use anti-overdose meds

Why are we trying to save them? Just let them OD and die, problem solved.

yea but i assumed that the cultivation of the plant would be very illegal

no thats what they tell people. im 1 year clean of both heroin and benzos. it sucks at first but you get past it. i guess part of me IS forever a bit dulled tho. im happy enough but i dont think i can fall in love ever again. no matter who i date that feeling just doesnt come

I don't know if it's quite the same breed of poppy or not (I assume not because I know a little bit about plants) but it's just a flower. Kind of like weed in its natural form is really just a weed and you make like rope out of it.

It's also legal to grow mushrooms you can trip out on. It's just not legal to trip out on them or sell them as drugs.

is that your mom?

Edmonton here. Someone was shooting up next to my car two weeks ago in my parkade. Have never seen this before. Told her I'd cave her fucking skull in and kill any loved ones she had if I ever saw her again lmfao

Research I've seen indicates you're about as good as you're going to get after a year as far as like brain scans and stuff go. There's maybe some room left to go, but you're probably almost all the way there already.

However, life isn't just brain scans. So you can still relearn how to do new things even if the old ones are kind of shot.

>legal to grow mushrooms
I think its only true in new mexico the spores are legal in most states because they have no drug but if they catch you growing you can get arrested

I find crack pipes and needles in the trash at my community college. Meth is everywhere. Everyone smokes weed.

I believe you meant
>Is that you, mom?

She's everyone mom...Opium is a huge fukken problem all over the world and its only finna get worst.

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That's what I'd like to know, I can make out a few words here and there

It's definitely a discretionary kind of endeavor. It's probably pretty obvious whether you're a mushroom enthusiast or just growing shrooms. But either way you already went a step to far if anybody comes to have a closer look at it.

You can rent that mouth for about $15 and do whatever you want to it for about 10 minutes lol