/novaera/ - Ernesto - The Anti Globalist Knight Templar edition

/novaera/ is the place to discuss Brazilian politics during Jair Bolsonaro's presidency.

Official transition website.
Jair Messias Bolsonaro is a Brazilian congressman and former military officer. He has served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing the state of Rio de Janeiro, since 1991. In an unprecedented presidential run, spending significantly less than his adversaries, under constant fire from the mainstream media, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro was elected by the popular vote to the presidency of Brazil. He will take office as the 38th president in January 1st 2019.

Bolsonaro is a pro-gun, pro-life, conservative Catholic. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and Bolivarian socialism. He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.
MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g

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nova era na tv



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Bolsonaro x Maduro in a fistfight,who wins?

Is it possible to a viewer to translate it? i remember that there was a option for it some time ago

posse do Sergio Moro


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Helicopter rides soon bros.

posse paulo guedes


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Oh shit it's over boys, we got Ugandan gods against us.

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Somebody inform the dumb bitch that our own black macumba fags have been trying to get rid of him for years, to no avail.

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Someone looking for views will do it eventually, although i didnt feel like his speech was well delievered. It felt a bit cuckish. I like the guy though, and considering that he was an Olavo student, i bet he lurks here occasionally.

Fuck this nigger
This land is blessed by the Holy Cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


west african - not that it makes any difference
twitter troll Tariq Nasheed does the same sorts of invocations to the black pagan gods in many of his tweets
all this shit is annoying as hell to someone like me who loves Cuban music, which embeds lots of these names and their associated rhythms into the older styles of that music


>they think their puny african sorcery can harm Bolsonaro

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African gods already battled over power in Brazil,and they lost to the only true God.

A bus driver vs an army captain, really made me think


holy fucking BASED


winning so hard



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That stab almost killed Bolso, luckly there was a good hospital with qualified people close so Bolsonaro lived, no way they would plan for all that, the guy with the knife even turned it, he really wanted to kill Bolso.

>huge anti-semite

aaah se esse povo soubesse como Xango e os Exu tudim tão só esperando eles. não iriam usar o nome deles assim ta deturpadamente!

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random question for the Hues: Did Lula actually have high approval ratings of 80% or whatever, or is that the equivalent of brazilian fake news propaganda?

Every single opnion research instute is heavily funded by the gov... so its kinda when China say they have 145 points of medium IQ

i know nothing about Brazil but was just reading some stuff about Bolsonaro kicking out any govt employee who Tweeted shit about him (not sure if true) and the jist seemed to be they were all from PT. Briefly looked into that and I couldn't find much, but what I did find all immediately pointed out this 80+% approval rating. I thought that was suspicious. First off its really high and second of all the (((usual suspects))) of mainstream media were all quick to shove this statistic down their Western audience's throat.

I immediately don't believe it. 80+% of your country apparently loves the old-guy and is just letting him get locked up in prison and letting his opponents assume government and the streets aren't filled to the brim with rioters? How could 80+% support the dude and then just let the complete-opposite dude takeover and then imprison buddy for taking bribes.

thats like saying 80+% of people support Trump/Trudeau/Obama and would just be cool if they got thrown in jail and not raise too much fuss

oh an btw enjoy a little "regime change" coming soon to cuba/venezuala/nicaruaga


Lula had two terms, on his first mandate he enjoyed an economic boom because commoditie prices were at historical high... thus the high approval.
On the mid of his second term he could barely mantain a 50% (which is already ok by global standarts, but remember my first post..)

Nowadays you could easely make a opinion research pointing that 80% of the population wants him to rot in prison, all the myth sorrounding him vanished with the sucessive scandals and etc, only brainless mutts still follow him. and most of them are paid to do so.

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>Nowadays you could easely make a opinion research pointing that 80% of the population wants him to rot in prison,

I guess that is what I was asking about. Granted I wasn't looking particularly hard, but it seems like lefty MSM-news for dumb Canadians/Americans is "this Bolsonaro guy is a nazi! He's going to arrest all the people from last government that had 80+% approval rating!"

Mainly just found it odd as a person who knows zero about Brazilian politics why I found myself reading articles and thinking why is Bolsonaro being contrasted as the Devil to Lula's Angel and using pre-scandal approval ratings as some sort of proof.

the cleansing has begun

same (((media))) everywhere. dats the reason

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Media is distorting everything as usual, last government from PT was Dilma, not Lula, and the bitch left with something less than 30% of approval

we should definitely include those speechs on the pasta after someone makes the subtitles.

To clarify:
It wasn't one particular article I read. It was more of a feeling I had after a 3 or 4 articles and a couple Wikis. I left with the impression that as the assumed reader (English, clueless North American) my takeaway was supposed to be that Bolsonaro is bad and PT (and therefore Lula due to his cult-of-personality within PT) were good.

But it just seems like a narrative failure. If 80+% of a country likes and supports a certain group then how are they being overtaken and even imprisoned by the presumed ~15-20%?

Classic propaganda to present simultaneously as the strong-majority but yet also in danger of being attacked by outside forces

You're not wrong. Any Canadian or British news article about Bolsonaro has the "far-right" qualifier in the title. He's literally just a normal guy if you grew up in the 80s or before.

The media is absolutely out of touch with the average Joe.

Im still in a state of disbelief.

This man is like a manifestation from all based Jow Forums posts in one. Im not familiar with this feeling yet. Im not familiar with this winning thing.

Creio que o Lorenzoni e o Araújo sejam os únicos ministros com real noção do quão grande e vital foi a figura do Bolsonaro para a direita que hoje toma o poder.

Para quem não viu o discurso do Lorenzoni, vale a pena ver.

guys, it's already been 3 days and i don't have a gun yet, why is it taking so long?

Have to get foreign companies to sell them here, unless you want a Taurus hand grenade

we already have favela craftsmen making beautiful gun like pic related, why won't Pocket let me buy it already? i'm tired of waiting

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and he really harmed his health, it'll definitely make Mourao more important than normies think. Not a bad thing for us, ofc, he's based

another fun fact, they always say he brought a bajilion people out of poverty - thing is, what point is it in bringing a few niggers out of poverty, while driving the majority of middle class to non-poverty low class?

Besides, we all know "poverty" is a made up word probably invented by the torah, noone here has ever starved in the new world's biggest food producer, only mentally disabled hobos (duh), or people isolated in a very few gang controlled favelas (gangs that PT supported)

(They say Lula did i mean, just to avoid confusion)

that guy could've invented a car model, yet here we be. At least it's aesthetic af

Don't worry, bois.
We're covered in that front.

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>Don't think Bolsonaro is alone, I'm in high magic protecting him and his family. There are demon legions ready to attack if needed. Hail Lucifer!
Our dark magicians are far more powerful than theirs,

I can help translating if anyone comes up with portuguese subtitles.

Decent speech, very political with little of actual importance being said. But then, Onyx IS a politician, and his talking skills are exactly why he got his ministry. A cooler video is this interview shortly after the ceremony: youtube.com/watch?v=lGwhNXn0OBo
>they're firing every PT and leftist politician
Communists on suicide watch.


>e até mesmo um barão monarquista que se tornou o grande ídolo da república
Who is he talking about?

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This is the ideal weapon. You may not like it, but this is what peak engineering looks like

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Rio Branco?