Can it even be done? I'm studying Physics at Uni, and have started constructing a Home Gym, but can I even find the time to learn new languages and stuff? Should I learn how to draw, dance, etc, etc? Maybe try and write a book? I used to do all of that when I was a kid, but I started losing interest as I grew older and life became more hectic. What do I do Jow Forumsisors? I wanna be the Leonardo Da Vinci of this century! Should I just cut down ALL distractions and focus on 24/7 grinding?
How do I become a Homo Universalis?
I also have your aspirations.
They way i started is by learning new shit every day.
Get off social media and imageboards and start working on shit that interests you. Get like 5 new hobbies that you really wanted to do.
Do something every day, do not give yourself time to rest for comfort is the devil.
You're born that way.
if you're not already developed into one by adulthood, you won't.
Being normal is better anyway, polymaths like Newton and Tesla were ostracized and died virgins.
It's kind of a dumb goal but I would strongly recommend picking up an art as a stem person. It's just as important to flex your creative muscles as your intellectual ones.
I'm struggling with leaving this place. I have tons of books to read, but...
Eh, I used to do all that as a kid. I was just pampered too much, and lost my way. I feel I can get back on it again, with effort.
What art? I used to play the Piano, but my folks cancelled my classes and sent me to do GrecoRoman. I used to sketch, but Tutors increased, so I didn't have time.
>What art?
Well really anything I guess. For example I'm an engineering student and I really like 3d graphics and I'm trying to learn painting, both self taught from the Internet.
In my opinion music is uniquely hard because it's a very physical skill and sheets for certain types of music can be really hard to find.
cut all distractions and grind as hard as you can.
If you have trouble with distractions (imageboards, technology) just cut back a bit each day. Let's say an hour, until after a week or so you're done with it. Then use books and hobbies to fill your interest.
Hm, I see. I tried StopMotion Animation a couple of years ago, but it was too much work for one person. So should I go back to sketching and maybe try to write something? I used to do that a lot as a kid, but I tend to want to tackle way too many ideas at once.
I'm trying,but it's hard. I've deleted most of my shows and comics, and I'm trying to stick to two episodes per day (one with lunch, one with dinner), but I keep (re)downloading stuff all the time.
If you truly want to become a Universal Man OP, you should look into mysticism and spiritual cultivation.
You're right that there's only so much time a man has on earth, so knowing how to get the most growth in that time can be extremely helpful. Mysticism and spirituality can help with this, since they help you to cut through much of the emotional illusions you're carrying with you and allow you to really understand how both your own mind and other minds work.
You don't necessarily even have to believe in a god or an afterlife or supernatural powers and so on to get into mysticism either, just get into things like meditation, psychology, archetypes, art, etc. and you'll find yourself growing within your mind.
then quit redownloading stuff, or just download a certain amount then set a certain amount that you will finish reading and then stop at. Replace these, either slowly or all at once, as your reading material at lunch or dinner with chapters of books that you want to read. If you really want to do what you say you want to, then this will be a good thing, not a punishment.
Eh, I feel that I'll be wasting too much time on trivial things. Might as well stick with the true and tried. I mean, Morrison, Moore, Parsons, none of them had any luck with all that stuff.
It's not that I watch or read them, I just hoard them. And then I go on a Purging Spree, then feel guilty, and redownload them.
>So should I go back to sketching and maybe try to write something?
Those seem great. Being able to sketch something clearly and quickly is a huge advantage in most fields, and not being able to express your idea well in writing is the downfall of so many scientists and engineers.
>I used to do that a lot as a kid, but I tend to want to tackle way too many ideas at once.
I really relate to this, but I don't have a solutionthat doesn't boil down to "git gud"
Sure, it might not be for everyone, but you can't know if it's for you or not if you've never tried.
I mean, you mention Da Vinci in your OP, and I can guarantee you Da Vinci was into some sort of cool mystic shit. He didn't just come up with all these ideas and inventions just because he wanted to be famous, he did so out of a genuine desire to understand both himself and the universe better.
And again, you can get as deep or as undeep into it as you like. Even just reading some Zen quotes from time to time can help you re-focus your mind desu.
>Those seem great. Being able to sketch something clearly and quickly is a huge advantage in most fields, and not being able to express your idea well in writing is the downfall of so many scientists and engineers.
Problem is, I've lost my touch now. And as for the writting, well, I have too many stories in me. No fantasy or fanfics, I like Character Study Pieces, in various "sets".
>I really relate to this, but I don't have a solutionthat doesn't boil down to "git gud"
It became a problem at some point, because my teachers told me that I was "thinking too complex". Some times it worked,as me finding solutions to difficult problems, but other times I missed simple things that lead me to overly complex answers.
Discovering the Universe is fine and all, but can't I do that with simple science? I mean, maybe I should understand the actual, material world, before I go further. I downloaded about 500 GBs of Occult Stuff a few years back, and most were rubbish. Some had potential, but the sheer size of everything was too much. I cannot gamble with the metaphysical when I do not have enough time to even get acquainted with the material. I'm not in it purely for discovery, I have certain goals.
>Problem is, I've lost my touch now.
Well you can always learn again, and maybe avoid falling into some bad habits you did the first time. There's nothing wrong with falling off the horse.
>And as for the writting, well, I have too many stories in me. No fantasy or fanfics, I like Character Study Pieces, in various "sets".
That sounds pretty cool. It's probably a good thing that you have a lot of minimalistic ideas, since you can write a bunch of short pieces to practice the more mechanical things like story structure and prose as well as figuring out what your "voice" is.
>It became a problem at some point, because my teachers told me that I was "thinking too complex". Some times it worked,as me finding solutions to difficult problems, but other times I missed simple things that lead me to overly complex answers.
Bruh, let me guess. The phrase "circle the answer that is most correct" is the bane of your existence?
>Well you can always learn again, and maybe avoid falling into some bad habits you did the first time. There's nothing wrong with falling off the horse.
Fair point.
>That sounds pretty cool. It's probably a good thing that you have a lot of minimalistic ideas, since you can write a bunch of short pieces to practice the more mechanical things like story structure and prose as well as figuring out what your "voice" is.
I guess. But I feel that it'll get old quick,as I'm apretty "melancholic" person when alone.
>Bruh, let me guess. The phrase "circle the answer that is most correct" is the bane of your existence?
Not really. I don't have any problemswith particular types of exercises. If something gives me trouble, is because it's tough.
Bumping because it’s an interesting topic. I’ve got nothing to add though.
I personally devote all of my energy and attention to perfecting my body. Once I'm in my final form I'll tackle all that other shit. Health is wealth.
I don't think that's a good plan, user...
I've had some real success with a daily journal. This isn't about feelings but scheduling. I start with listing actions in two categories:
>Read (Currently on 'Stealing Fire', a book on the flow state)
>Meditate (Mindfulness, gratitude, compassion)
>Listen (new artist daily or fiction audio)
>Draw (Both hands hold a pen each, by now I'm 100% ambi)
>Write (Same deal)
>Study (I'm enrolled in courses)
>Piano (scales & arpeggios)
>Exercise (kettlebell, bag work, cardio)
>Listen (lecture/podcast)
>Linguistics (Chinese, German, Tagalog)
>Programming (C#)
>Whatever job needs doing
I'll do my writing for the day on the rest of the paper, and more if I'm feeling it.
This list is not about 100% completion daily; I take a relaxed stance about it and I'm happy to hit 70%. I break the day up into time slots and try to combine things like audio and physical tasks. My writing is a simple reflection on the day to come and the day that has passed, or a small scene of fiction. I draw my cat as a cartoon, or a life subject.
It's all about incremental progress and not being impatient. It's a myth that adults can't learn, I'm still learning and applying lots of skills.
Shoehorning a dead language into your sentences is embarrassing. Next time just say you want to be a polymath, or a renaissance man.
>Can it even be done?
Likely not to the extent of DaVinci, or any other significant renaissance man. Discoveries during that time period were heavily focused on the physical world, and today's science focuses on investigating the non-material world.
>but can I even find the time to learn new languages and stuff?
You don't find the time, you make it. If you actually cared about this, you'd stop asking questions and just do it.
>Should I learn how to draw, dance, etc, etc? Maybe try and write a book?
Not unless you want to, which you clearly don't.
>I used to do all of that when I was a kid, but I started losing interest as I grew older and life became more hectic.
That's because you don't actually care about those things.
>I wanna be the Leonardo Da Vinci of this century!
This is a pathetic goal OP.
The fact that you used a comic book rendition of DaVinci depicting him as a handsome, muscular, individual armored with futuristic weaponry rather than the sodomizing old man he was, along with the fact you're hoping to force yourself to develop interest in subjects you don't actually care about, just demonstrates that you're only concerned with appearances. You don't want to learn or understand, you only want to make others think you're the 21st century DaVinci. Do you think DaVinci himself concerned himself with how he was viewed, and what type of person he wanted to be? Or do you think he was the type of person who simply asked himself, "How does X work? Let me find out." You're chasing an unobtainable and rather delusional ambition. If you want to learn a language, or go to the gym, or study a subject, do it because you want to, not because you want to cultivate an artificial image for yourself. Don't be such a pseud.
Based and Redpilled.
Not Based and Bluepilled. It's an Italian Pasta Sauce Recipe Imageboard user, people exaggerate and spice things up. You need to reign in your autism.