Affirmative action related appointments ? Celebrate nogs being put into positions of power ? Black women are the worst candidates for any sort of decision making. Now we have 17 more of them in power in Houston . God help us .
Why should we celebrate black women becoming judges?
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This is horrendous. Imagine you have an important case and one of these sheboons has to make an important call.
Fuck nig bitches
Imagine all the criminal nogs they will let off the hook for their crimes
Becuase were supposed to judge people by the color of their skin,
t. Martin Luther Coon
>Sitting up on top of the bench like that
This republic has become a zoo.
Texas elects judges they don't appoint them. This is probably a Houston county where all the blacks ran to from Katrina back in 2006.
oh lawd
Fuck White People
Fuck White Nationalists
Fuck White Supremacists
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Fuck Trump Loyalists
Fuck Donald Trump
Nigger bitches: not even nigger males want them around. Ugly, stupid and bitchy is no way to go through life. Someone should tell Judge Niggershequa that.
I wonder how many feral nogs they will release back into the wild to commit more coonery
you forgot to fuck yourself kikeanon
Houston has long been a lost cause, and Dallas is quickly becoming one
>A jury of your peers
>Judge is a sheboon and the jury is faggots, niggers, and women.
How hasn't this been successfully challenged?
Incoming NFL head coach standards. Theyll ALL be total failures and rather than resign they'll be fired and forcegu3lly removed. Because the lowest form of life on the planet is Black Women. Just ask any red pilled Black guy. (Tommy Soto)
WTF, Texas?
Better delete your meme folder...
stop it user. it's almost like you believe niggers are inherently violent and it isn't a lack of privilege that is the root cause of their violence.
>Democracy (Greek: δημοkρατία dēmokratía, literally "rule by people"),
Not elected by people, so not democracy.
Can we please stop destroying the country for the sake of adding new footnotes in textbooks?
I think black women are attractive. I love them
praise kek ... I had a nigger judge in my divorce case ... my wife had my meme folder. I was getting fucked anyway ... I stood proudly by my beliefs. That judge may have fucked me, but I redpilled the fuck out of a lot of people in the courtroom (lawyers, guards, policemen all came up to me afterward and loved my attitude). When the judge tried to make me look like a fool and I dropped knowledge bombs on him ... he looked like the crooked nigger asshole he really was. Stand by your meme folder and never hide.
The minute I saw Texas, I knew it was Huston, or Little New Orleans.
I can see it now Judge Booniequa Dindu gets what is a good looking thug, and says I cannot believe Niggarius did this, released, and here is my number.
oy vey
Beto is to blame.
Shitskins and self-loathing whites voted for him in droves in Harris County- now there are no repiblicans left in county-wide office there.
... and the kike in this thread just outed himself.
After all of these things are fucked, who is going to maintain your gibs machine? You stupid fucking monkey.
I have my preferences
Figures that it's Houston, one of the most corrupt cities in Texas, next to Austin.
If you live in a city where you have to take a toll road to go to work, you know the politicians there suck.
houston was ghetto pre 911. was the armpit of texas when i lived there, asshole now
and people that aren't kike larpers have their preferences too
Man, I would try but there are a LOT of Hitler pics in there. Hard to explain to normies.
I love it when I run my fingers through that coarse nigger hair and my fingers get stuck
Was Houston nog free before Katrina?
>Texas being this kiked
bye bye USA
Those were in there too ... when he tried to guilt me about Anne Frank I just answered that she died of disease after two years in the "death camps" and that fact should debunk the Schindler's List narrative that children were immediately gassed and then pointed out that even the Anne Frank Foundation has admitted her book was co-authored by her father and if he had a problem with my opinions he also should have a problem with the Anne Frank Foundation. Like I said ... I was getting fucked one way or another, may as well get fucked standing up for yourself.
Nigger it is Houston Proper it’s Harris fucking county. I’m tired of non whites and liberals doing something to themselves and idiot right wingers on here being like
>oh man all of America is finished now
Affirmative Actions Monkeys!! I would ask for a change in venue if I had a nigger bitch judge.
Truly, based and redpilled.
A true hero. I was fired for giving my opinion on Facebook regarding the caravans ... same words the president used. Labeled a racist and fired . I called them shit skin lovers and never looked back. Married my based rich gf and do small construction jobs for extra spending money on the side .
Matronly > any of the other lengths desu
Those non-whites and liberals are all over the nation, not just Harris County. Just look at congress. Texas is typically thought of as a conservative stronghold and people consider it bad news when even the great Texas can't hold back the dark tide.
This. They wont even contemplate judging poor black kids who didnt mean to rob and kill that white family.
why should we hide our flags?
Theres no where to move to anymore
Every door shut is a door opened. Express yourself and never look back. They are going to fuck you anyway. They are already openly calling for the end of white men ... if you go quietly, you will definitely be gone. If you put up a fight, you have a chance.
it depends, nigger bitches can be pretty based if they dont like nigger culture (its more common than you think). But if you get nigger bitches like up in Baltimore that just want gibs and dont do shit, then its a problem