Why should we celebrate black women becoming judges?

Affirmative action related appointments ? Celebrate nogs being put into positions of power ? Black women are the worst candidates for any sort of decision making. Now we have 17 more of them in power in Houston . God help us .

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This is horrendous. Imagine you have an important case and one of these sheboons has to make an important call.

Fuck nig bitches

Imagine all the criminal nogs they will let off the hook for their crimes

Becuase were supposed to judge people by the color of their skin,
t. Martin Luther Coon

>Sitting up on top of the bench like that
This republic has become a zoo.

Texas elects judges they don't appoint them. This is probably a Houston county where all the blacks ran to from Katrina back in 2006.

oh lawd

Fuck White People
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Nigger bitches: not even nigger males want them around. Ugly, stupid and bitchy is no way to go through life. Someone should tell Judge Niggershequa that.

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