Year 2018+1

>year 2018+1
>people still believe in religion
>inb4 tips fedora fag

when will you realise that believing in a deity is slavery but believing in yourself is power

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what the fuck is wrong with is eyes?

Don't let the Christposters ruffle your feathers.

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>One post by this ID

Anyway get saved because the end is nigh. Smarmy religious hatred has never done you any good in your life and you'll live way more fulfilled and purpose driven with Jesus.

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>believe in Jew created religion designed to enslave Europeans
You retards are sad

I don't understand people that actually worship a personified god type character like it's some kind of father figure and is in any way interested in what you get up to. I don't get it, have never got it and will never get it.
t. catholic

Attached: when the bbc was honest about islam.png (615x638, 67K)

hes Israeli. no joke

>religious zealot
Enjoy your brainwashing you psychotic idiot

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>he doesn’t know post ids aren’t permanent
we don’t have usernames here, newfriend

Shroud of Turin

always remember that infant genital mutilation makes a boy more susceptible to religious indoctrination

fake and gay

Attached: Soy it could happen to you.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

>in the beginning there was nothing(/quantum singularity), which exploded
still sounds dumb.

Get in here and let's discuss what we can do to save our people:

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Is that the hetero gamer?

I see a lot of guys who look like this nowadays. Is it a trend or just a byproduct of reading too much capeshit and caring about Marvel movies?

why? WHY?????

he's jewish, ie, suffering from centuries of inbreeding with an already low quality population

What a profoundly ugly human being.

like dawkins i'm not into desecration/profanity since there's usually a mean spirited jew behind it

imagine believing anyone but yourself is real

>Worshiping god

>worshiping your race to the point of making shrines and symbols and a church but for your race
>nut.exe is already open. To open nut.exe, please close your current session

Found the solipsist.

>t. Retard

You can believe in yourself and in your deity. Theyre not mutually exlusive fedoralord.

Again and again, the atheist embarrasses itself because that's all it is capable of.

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Always remember that disabling parts of the brain makes one more likely to be an athiest and a leftist.


Isn't this Jeremy from The Quartering? I like his stuff, but he has this exact look.

I honestly think its a lack of physical exercise and high sugar diets during childhood that is causing this. Also estrogen from women on the pill is being pissed out into the water supply and being recycled bringing estrogen levels in men in cities that recycle their water up causing, manboobs, submissive behavior, that face, more emotional behavior, non-decisive behavior, and that general "men aren't men anymore" feel. I agree but don't have the data to support, the sugar and physical exercise during childhood causing low T, failed puberty (didn't finish), and low muscle mass can be though. I grew up in the country and this kinda of man just doesn't really exist, moved to the city and every city folk who grew up here is pretty much like that or some frail skeleton, unless they workout. Women are maturing faster and faster, and their features are getting more feminine, whatever is causing that is also happening to men but it's causing this instead obv because the bodies are different.

>baby's first Jow Forums post
Id's don't carry over from other threads brainlet.