Blinking may be the "Turing test" for NPCs

According to scientist, our brains don't see darkness when blinking due to the brain filling in the darkness with prior visual information.

Here's the problem. Not only do I see darkness when I blink... I have a continuous internal monologue.

Do any of you non-monologues see darkness when you blink?

>Why Doesn't It Get Dark When You Blink?

Attached: blink-eyes-to-prevent-dry-eyes.png (654x438, 387K)

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using the NPC meme unironically is essentially the same cringe tier as fedora wearing and proclaiming yourself an *enlightened atheist* was back in 2012.

I know your first instinct will be to react super defensively to this good-natured advice but I hope you will heed some of it. If we all do our bit the quality of this site might improve somewhat

Briefly. Now fuck off.

Attached: 1545347333171_0.png (351x351, 153K)

>inb4 people start calling you an NPC en masse

Bullshit. Disregard.

This is an attempt to subvert the legitimate NPC discussion with a spurious and ludicrous physical test. What do the fucking optic nerves have to do with verbality, neuroplasticity and inner monologue?

Fuck off shill.

Peter Paul and Mary wrote a song about it.

Yeah, my vision goes dark when I blink.

That Blade Runner eye test could work, unironically.

scientistS* having a continuous internal monologue not normal?

yes I'm sure in the fraction of a second when you blink you're seeing all kinds of wonderful darkness.

Now fuck off.

Combined with problematic questions that go against the mainstream.

The larger the effect, the more brainwashed the person would be.

The only people that vocalize their thoughts are people with mental illness, or ones who are victimized by the American government's directed energy weapon human experimentation projects.

Idk what the fuck im seeing everything is blurry i cant focus as i focus in reality or dreams

It was kind of funny how they needed an hour long interview with eye reactions to test people - even though the replicants could reach into liquid nitrogen unscathed.

Of course I see darkness when I blink whoever wrote that is a faggot

So, in essence, it's all a psy-op to convince crazy and victimized people that they are "normal". An "internal monologue" has nothing to do with rational thought.

It appears that most people don't have it.

Kinda like how most people are extroverts.

When intentionally blinking after reading this I see momentary darkness, in sports or video games though I don’t I’m sure it has to do with what you are focusing on.

Not at all.

Schizophrenics here "other" voices externally. They don't hear their internal voice in their own voice.

True, this is the one right?


or how long blinking takes, it's complete nonsense.

Wtf are you talking about not only i vocalise my thoughts but some thoughts arent completely mine some thoughts come from different perspectives within my brain and I'm completely fine

>using the NPC meme unironically is essentially the same cringe tier as fedora wearing and proclaiming yourself an *enlightened atheist* was back in 2012.
Prove it.


Like the kid in school who mouths out the words in order to read.

You can’t defend a rational thought without vocalizing it. You can have it, and enjoy the conclusion, but you can’t validate that it is actually rational.

Rboto faces still look creepy as fuck and I'm sure it's the blinking but the shitty motors they use for facial muscle movement.

you cant see darkness dumbass

Every time I blink I see Jewel Staite shoving a dildo up her ass

Yep, one of the firsts questions when diagnosing is if they hear the voice in one or both ears.
Deaf schizophrenics see floating hands instead of voices.

Yeah i wish i was low iq so i would be getting pussy instead of wasting my mortal short life in this place filled with retards but here i am

It depends on how/when it is used.

A lot of people have changed it to a general insult (akin to calling someone a "liberal"). So from that standpoint I agree with you.

However... even though the original study that the NPC conversation was based on was flawed in many ways, there has been enough evidence volunteered on social media to suggest that there really IS a large segment of the population lacking inner monologues.

And from that standpoint, the NPC meme is real in terms of the limitations of higher thought using non-language-based techniques.

Attached: 1539716888268.png (1184x640, 219K)

Share your brainwaves, pls.

Anyone have more of these? Silly leftists admitting that they aren't sentient is good fun.

>Prove it.
>heh, unlike the masses blinded by ideological fables of religion, addicted to what Marx referred to as *opium for the masses*, I can truly see. for I am enlightened by my own intelligence... *tips fedora while sheathing my nodachi*

>heh, unlike the libtards blinded by ideological fables of msm and colleges, addicted to what Molyneux refers to as *statist propaganda*, I can truly see. for I am enlightened by my own independent thought... *rehashes reddit memes while shitting up the board*

You are now manually blinking.

You are now manually breathing.

You are now manually keeping your jaw up.