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I hope Syria and Iran and Russia kill ALL those jew baby dick suckers
why don't they just call it what it is:
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
everyone knows it's the kikes creation and puppet organization for mossad to go on killing sprees with
kikes on suicide watch today, lads
Fake and gay
bump for great justice against israeli war criminals
Fake news unfortunately. S300 is not operational yet and even if it was, the article says it was used to shoot down Israeli missiles on the 25th. Nobody would use an S300 to shoot down a Delilah, the weapon is almost similar in characteristics to the THAAD.
LMAO air superiority was literally ALL the jews had, we all know their IOF "soldiers" wear diapers, and now Russia cucked them in the air? BYE BYE PISSRAEL LOL
Why do I feel like dailycrusader is 99.9% larp?
checked, kek'ed, and wrecked
holy fuck lad, this is beautiful shit. I hope it continues
ITT: kikels who need to cope way harder
Bumping dis. God bless Russia and the SAA
Shut up faggot I wish half the dumb ass shit it posted was true especially the WW3 shit but it’s a larp site making happening porn. Probably makes shekels on the side keeping faggots like you occupied on that site.
Also consider the fact that dailycrusader is all over the place on joogle so you know for a fact it’s making shills for shekels
>S300 is not operational yet
Their ground troops would get btfo hard even when they had air superiority, imagine now.
Literally fake news
>lets leave ISIS
>lets leave an enemy who is adept at close combat fighting in built up urban areas for our enemies to grow battle hardened and experienced against.
The biggest threat to a military is a lack of work, by leaving ISIS you're just improving arab soldiers and their ability to work with close air support.
Pure coincidence
Lol kikes getting btfo so hard they got to come in here and try to control the narrative
Of course, since ISIS is Israel.
its not for implementation of "greater" Israel and the destruction of Europe .. its for cultural "enrichment" by sharia "diversity" ..
Its time
How about something from a more reputable source
witch source do you want ?!
>a more reputable source
like what?
..such as? Have you not realized that media is by design not reliable? Daily crusader is basically Jow Forums in media format. Which is utterly useless here but good when you want to show someone a concept without fulling revealing your power level.
Something that isn't the daily glownigger
This would be like an act of war. What about a Russian source? Or Syrian? It’s hard to lie about an event. If this isn’t true then it confirms these threads for crap
a proxyfag on Jow Forums saying "Trust me" is the only non-kiked source.
Propaganda SyrianGirl hasn’t mentioned this. Would this be something that many would suddenly witness? Something that would force someone to acknowledge it.
That ain't Falco...!
fucking hell are you retards nauseating
>As of 2015 more than twenty emergencies under the IEEPA remain active regarding various subjects, the oldest of which was declared in 1979 with regard to the government of Iran. Another ongoing national emergency, declared after the September 11 attacks, authorizes the president to retain or reactivate military personnel beyond their normal term of service.
>The Constitution explicitly provides some emergency powers:
>Congress may authorize the government to call forth the militia to execute the laws, suppress an insurrection or repel an invasion.
>Congress may authorize the government to suspend consideration of writs of habeas corpus "when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."
>Felony charges may be brought without presentment or grand jury indictment in cases arising "in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger."
>A state government may engage in war without Congress's approval if "actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."
>Aside from these, many provisions of law exist in various jurisdictions, which take effect only upon an executive declaration of emergency; some 500 federal laws take effect upon a presidential declaration of emergency. The National Emergencies Act regulates this process at the federal level. It requires the President to specifically identify the provisions activated and to renew the declaration annually so as to prevent an arbitrarily broad or open-ended emergency.
>Habeas corpus
>is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.
Arab fantasies. This is fake and gay of course.
Dailycrusader=anal penis gay and fake
damn I love seeing jews get mad
tsk tsk tsk. when will ze jew can you beat based hezbollah when you can't even defeat our fatoush?
> t leb
Israel must open its borders to diversity, after all the food is great, think of the falafels, kibbeh, and fatoush
What Israeli "think tank" said we should protect Isis?
I want specific names of the kikes who said the USA should protect terrorists.
Nevermind. I just looked it up myself.
BESA: "Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies"
>Prof. Efraim Inbar is professor emeritus of political studies at Bar-Ilan University and a fellow at the Middle East Forum.
How is a single professor a "think tank?" When you say there's a "think tank" it sounds like there's a committee of Jews who want to protect terrorists.
that article is the opinion of the entire Begin-Sadat Center For Strategic Studies
Inbar is the director of the BESA center
Honest question... how are the F35's working out? Are they any good?
clearly not, if Syria is knocking them out with S300 lol
I ain't even clickin on that shit nigga
He didn't fly so good!
daily crusader is unreliable, and only they are reporting on it. despite wanting the sky to rain with dead kikes reading fake news annoys me
checked, kek'ed, and wrecked
People would take you seriously if you took the flag off. Everything you wrote is complete bullshit otherwise
> your pic
Why not? He kisses muslims' feet.
I'm no expert, nor do I understand the technical details behind the f-35 and it's variants, I only used to hold Lockheed Martin stock but I don't think Israel has been given the "fully loaded" version of the f-35. Also, I remember seeing Lockheed surge on news that the f-35 got rave reviews in Europe. I don't really know though. I bought Lockheed Martin for space exploration, not warfare.
actually, from what I have read israel's f-35's are highly customized compared to the flying bathtubs everyone else is stuck with.
Bump for crying kikes lolololol
w-why would they be crying?
it's costing your tax money.
>footpope is running the show
Yeah nah. Use your brain. It’s a ruse. There’s a reason why most people aren’t aware that Rome never really fell, and the Vatican hasn’t survived for thousands of years and/or become the wealthiest entity on Earth by luck.
Footpope is a ropeadope. He’s meant to make the church appear to be something it isn’t to the different groups observing its behavior. Real power doesn’t show itself for what it is. It makes you think it doesn’t even exist.
Ahahaha death to Israel
bump lmao
What invalidated the report for me is: "Two Pantisar missiles were launched, using guidance provided by the S300 systems"
These systems aren't interoperable in that way. The most a Pantsir would get from any S-300 system is cueing data from air surveillance/target acquisition indirectly via an IADS. Target tracking/missile guidance doesn't work that way.
wrong, this also isn't the first time Pantisar was used with S300 guidance data
Nigger, you obviously have no idea how these things work. The S-300V is so old to begin with, but the guidance for a Pantsir (not a fucking pantisar) is completely different.
my dude I'm sorry you're so mad, but this isn't the first time S300 have been used to guide Pantisar missiles. This is the second confirmed kill of an IDF plane using Pantisar missiles with S300 targeting data.
The S300s in Syria have been heavily augmented by the Russians. You must be super mad, VPN kike.
Our sources can now reveal the nature of that presence and the process afoot for the gradual US withdrawal. In the last few days, Egyptian and UAE military officers visited the contested north Syrian town of Manbij. They toured the town and its outskirts, checked out the locations of US and Kurdish YPG militia positions, and took notes on how to deploy their own troops as replacements. On the diplomatic side, the White House is in continuous conversation with the UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Muhammed Bin Ziyad (MbZ) and Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi. The deal Trump is offering, is that they take over US positions in Manbij, where the Kurds have sought protection against a Turkish invasion, and American air cover will be assured against Russian, Syrian or Turkish attack.
As DEBKAfile has noted, the Egyptian president, during his four years in power, was the only Arab leader to consistently side with Bashar Assad against the insurgency against his regime. Assad may therefore accept the posting of Egyptian forces in Manbij so long as Syrian officers are attached to their units. The Syrian president would likely also favor a UAE military presence. Not only was the emirate the first Arab nation to reopen its embassy in Damascus after long years of Arab boycott, but unlike most of its Arab League colleagues, the UAE can well afford to contribute funding for the colossal reconstruction task needed for getting the war-devastated country on its feet.
Approval of the Egyptian-UAE forces to Manbij would kick off the stationing of mixed Arab forces in other parts of Syria, including the border with Iraq. If the Trump administration’s plans mature, then countries like Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Algeria would send troops to push the Iranian military presence out of key areas where they have taken hold.
(Sisi and Egypt are in the Jew's pocket. They need to ASSASSINATE this bastard zionist loving INFIDEL ass-kisser of the jew just like thy did Sadat!!)
Based Assad
bump fpbp
And the greatest ally giving up technology to the hands of assad and putin.
Real Americans Stand With Israel
DEBKAfile (Hebrew: תיק דבקה ) is an Israeli military intelligence website based in Jerusalem
>nice memeflag, jew
I'm not mad, I'm just annoyed at how completely clueless you are, but more so that you're pushing false information as fact. I want Israel (and all Jews) shoah'd at least as much as the next guy, but lying about this shit isn't helping. That's Jew-level niggerdom. Stop trying to subvert everyone on here.
>boomerposting retards
Go and take your shit site with you
neocon boomer i'm twice the american you ever could be. Eat shit go die in a corner of the desert for the tax collectors
eat a cock kike i'm no boomer
dont forget to add think tank to the beginning of the article, makes it look cool
Shalom and happy hannuka.
Can someone post the video or would that be considered porn?
F-35s can't be shot down.
>trusting an OP with all caps and newsite with no sources or proof
Yep you are boomers or just idiots
lmao its so true
you can keep trying to discredit the daily crusader like the jews do
When I think of legitimate modern journalism, Daily Crusader is literally the only outlet that comes to my mind, no sarcasm. They name the jew every day in a classy, non sperg way
Mass replying faggots get the rope too
Wait... what is this pic user..