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She puts the lotion on her skin or else she gets the hose again

The transvestite they posted on 4-chan earlier today trying to sell shit encrusted butt plugs grossed me out.

Don't forget that we should let these things in swimming pool locker rooms where they and their violently mentally ill, raging testosterone boners can get naked with little girls, you goys.

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from another thread


>Hello this is GameStop Customer Service, how can i help you?
>Okay. Please wait while i forward your call, Sir.

They're all mentally ill and should never be around children.

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fast forward to 1:12

When's god going to smite these people in mass?
Is it wrong to only believe in god because these people should be smited?




The village people look less masculine than this hulking troon.

>tranny gets sand in xir hatchet wound
>at gamestop
Why do these retards always pull this shit at gamestop? I stopped going there for fear of being associated with this kind of faggotry

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taking cognitive dissonance to a whole new level

Don’t you dare call my schlong a dong ever again .

What a confusing confused boy

God's failure to fire and brimstone these degenerates seriously makes me question my faith

ok sir. I shall in the future you shall be remembered as the Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage

How far have we strayed from God's light...

My sides. I've keked.

Has anyone found the FB or twatter of this magestic creature?

Have some respect for this woman! You bigots are why this world is fucked.

Can you imagine becoming a meme of this importance?

Pretty sure it's Terry Davis.

Sir please calm down.
Relax guy....dude just chill....
Can we resolve this man to man?
Can we resolve this like gentlemen?
I clearly understood your just mansplaining now.

Ohh no KEK placed this creature in front of your eyes so you see what a real tranny is.

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You'd expect this kind of behavior from a child but this is a grown ma'am we're talking about

It’s a man. It only says it’s a woman because it’s mind isn’t right

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i can see his moustache

"Macho Macho MA'Am" x2

It acts this way around kids............. Yet they want to be influencing children.

Official thread music.

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It is Demon possessed, cleanse it with fire.

It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again


Your children need to know about inside out dick vaginas and leg skin pussy dicks lest they succumb to the evils of bigotry and transphobia
>grown ma'am
>Macho MA'Am
top kek
>kicks ps4 stack

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I would think a Canadian like you would understand. How dare you insult her like that! I hope you end up in jail for going along with this misgenderization.

Just wait and see what 2019 will bring to the table.

y-y-yes s-s-sir

This makes my head hurt.

Thread theme

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I said it in an old thread and I'll say it again. A tranny is likely doomed to unhappiness because their worth and how well they're treated depend heavily on how attractive they are and how much they pass. That's not even counting the hormone-induced depression and rotting genital wounds from SRS if they got it. There's a reason why they fucking kill themselves. One day a part of them snaps back to reality and they see a middle-aged man with hrt tits and makeup. They see a freak.

Show bob and vagene

Betting dollars to dildos that thing has a dong.

so this is the power of yos

kill it already

My man died today. Mean Gene If only you could have promo shot this one.

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How dare you! This bigoted attitude will not be tolerated in 2019! If children want to take hormones and adult dicks up their anus it is none of your business shitlord!

You are on the wrong side of history!

she's a mtf lesbian. are you retarded?

you people need to seriously educate yourselves

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My favorite part was when the 6'3" woman with shoulders like an NFL player threatened to beat the shit out of a person for implying she was male. So dainty and ladylike.

would any of you date a trans girl whos quiet and submissive and doesnt want to cause scene?

Anybody find it extremely ironic that the kinds of people who protest GMO's and excessive use of hormones in our food are probably the exact same people who are ok with biologically female women taking male hormones while carrying a child or breastfeeding?

Fuck no. They either still have a cock, or have a festering surgical wound. Either way, transpeople are batshit. I had to live with one last year, and it was fucking awful. Tried to be tolerant and give their kind a chance, but it turns out that they all have some kind of comorbid mental illness. Being on sex hormones and indulging their delusions just makes things worse.

I’m sorry you had that experience. I wish you wouldnt just generalize but I wont judge you for that. I think you should just do what makes you happy.

Can confirm. Every tranny I know is fucked in the head.

>I wish you wouldnt just generalize but I wont judge you for that
Show me a sane trans person then. Every trans person I've met has had some other severe mental illness to go along with it. Schizophrenia, severe depression, suicidal tendancies. And yet to fix them we're supposed to encourage their dilusions to the point they hack their own bodies up. This isn't helping them. They're more excepted today then they've ever been, and yet they have a 40% rate of attempting suicide.

I'm not just generalizing. Literally every transperson I've met had some sort of preexisting mental illness or history of abuse. Even if there wasn't already research that confirms that the vast majority of them are mentally ill, it doesn't take a PhD to see that and understand that they're obviously using this increasingly popular social movement and status as a protected class to get whatever they want, avoid dealing with their actual problem(s), and stop anybody from criticizing them for their, often horrible, behavior. Whether they admit that or not.

I’m sure there are they just wouldnt post on the internet so much and irl most people probably wouldnt know they were trans.
i guess im not really sane but i try to be a good person.

i think a lot have problems but i dont think its as simple as that. I just think its the mental illness that makes you do dumb things and adopt bad habits.

Legit lol

The whole "lesbians must take my feminine penis" thing is endlessly amusing to me. If I didn't know better, I'd swear it was a Jow Forums prank that got out of hand or something. It's just so bizarre.

You just described a surgical zombie. Fags aren't much better. Completely delusional and capable of an array of dark shit. God help us. America is fucked. Thanks Liberal lying sacks of shit. You fucking Rep fags aren't off the hook either. Niggers.

Trans faggot here, ama if you want

>I just think its the mental illness that makes you do dumb things and adopt bad habits.

Yeah, but for some retarded reason, we are letting people we know are mentally ill dictate how we should treat their illness. We don't let people with schizophrenia tell us how to deal with all the people they think are stalking them. I was suicidally depressed last year, in part because the fucking dude in a dress and heels that insisted we refer to him as a her kept pissing all over and leaving dirty needles in common areas, I got thrown into a looney bin for 3 fucking days. Meanwhile, it's anti-PC at best and a fucking hate crime at worst to say that he's the one with the mental illness.

I'm sick of transpeople. I'm sick of them pretending people dislike them for no reason and insisting that every facet of my life needs to have rainbow flags, obnoxious acronyms, and text-book communist rhetoric inserted into it. They are not "just like us", and if they were people wouldn't have a problem with them.




im so sorry you had to go through that, no one deserves that. I understand why you dislike trans people and its fine that you feel that way. Youre not a bad person for it you’ve just been through a lot.
I don’t think anyone should be forced to call anyone anything but transition is the only treatment for gender dysphoria that works. It does improve things a lot but some people have problems no matter what.

Well, it's one way to sterilize the gays I guess.

>tfw everyone hates us because of these ugly hons mad at the world

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>vape shop
>30yo boomer dressed head to toe in trump shit
>screaming manchild is a business owner
everything about this video is wrong

No one knows what genitals you have or what gender you are, because of false narrative How many/which meds are you on and how many professionals do you see regularly? How does it feel to be used by a political group that only pretends to care instead of being a non-victim?

So soulful joke

>Mental illness, paper bag can't fix that degeneracy. Even if there is no god, whew lad. You're fucked in the head.


en masse*

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Wait what?

>transition is the only treatment for gender dysphoria that works.

Because special interest groups get anybody doing research on other methods that might work declared bigotry. How much does it actually work anyway? How much does that ridiculous suicide rate decrease when people are surgically mangled into what are, at best, parodies of something that it is impossible to actually make them. The episode of South Park where Mr. Garrison transitions said it better than anybody on Jow Forums ever could. No amount of artificial hormones and surgery is going to give a transperson actual functioning sex organs. FtMs can't produce sperm and MtFs will never have eggs or a uterus.

Case in point:It doesn't matter how well anybody can successfully mimic secondary sexual characteristics, when the primary characteristics are by definition what makes somebody their sex. What this shit comes down to is fetishism at best, and narcissistic delusion at worst.

>Take it outside!
Well.. that isnt really feminine of you..

>but transition is the only treatment for gender dysphoria that works
Calling bullshit

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I don’t think so. They just experimented on us a lot longer than theyve done this. and its effective. also most never get surgery.

>in mass

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I'm mtf, figured it was obvious since I'm on Jow Forums but sorry for not elaborating. I'm on a testosterone blocker (Spironolactone) and estrogen pills. I don't see a therapist or anything (not since getting the nessesary letters of approval from one) and I see my doctor every 3-6 months for blood tests and prescription refills. I hate the left as a whole since they stand against pretty much everything I support, and only pander to fags for a vote.

we are fucked in the head, but most of us don't bother you. It's the rabis leftists who put on a dress with a beard and this hon who make all the trouble.

Yes but we want to become women. I think they tried many other forms of psychology throughout the years. Watch 'The Danish Girl' as it has some history on the first recorded trans girl getting srs.

It's not fetishism. We are happy as women and miserable as men. People who have a fetish to fuck a trans girl are chasers. Most of us are happy being trans women. But sadly there are a lot of childish trans girls who dress up like a caricature of what they think a women should be.

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rabid not rabis*

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Poor guy

You will never be a woman.

Tranny in the game stop store
All tucked up, its balls are sore
A voice calls out, the genders wrong!
'I am a girl despite my dong!'
Adams apple, scratchy stubble
Tranny man begins to rumble
Lock on target: gamestop wagie
Hormone pill fueled tranny ragies
'Dont call me sir, you call me maam'
The low voice tranny does demand
Outside the shop, ill show you sir
Screamed the he-she linebacker
Its tantrum thrown, its wig askew
The shemale rage is born anew
Ill call upon your wagie lord
And loose my pozzed up faggot horde
With consoles kicked, the chimpouts done
Its social justice cause is won
The store has learned, the world has seen
These freaks are are just like you and me

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never be a cis woman

I am a trans woman though

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I feel bad for him

If you’re anorexic, the doc doesn’t starve you to make you happy. If you have Body Integrity Identity Disorder, the doctor doesn’t cut off your leg to make you feel happier with your body. Being trans is a psychological problem. It requires a psychological solution, not chopping up body parts.

my teeth belong on that ass

>Comedian(ish) • You can support me at • Buy nude pics for $10 at • Trans woman + lesbian (she/her).
>nude pics

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