Some thoughts on neo-pagans

I've seen this new religious movement cringing it's way all across the internet, on Jow Forums, YouTube, Twitter; these retards are everywhere. In my interactions with these people, watching or reading their content, I can only come to the conclusion that for 90% of this burgeoning paganism is just anti-religious garbage.

And by anti-religious, I mean that they exist solely as a negative force that attacks and subverts authentic spirituality. Whether through it's more overt and plain means, namely attacking Christianity and Christians; Or by it's more covert means by taking neophytes who are interested in religion and are disillusioned with atheism and trapping them in a stunted, shrill, incoherent and subversive cult.

Their arguments for their religion are not so much arguments for their religion, but arguments against Christianity, bad ones at that. Their chief argument is that Christianity has Semitic origins, as if this has any bearing on it's efficacy as a religion, or that religion is somehow limited to the ethnic group that spawned it, as if the truth changes depending on what race you are. Or they go the route of presenting absurd caricatures of Christian belief as what Christians historically believed, or ought to believe, because as we all know heathen's know the true message of Jesus better than Christianity's greatest theologians.

And this counter-Christianity is 80% of the neo-pagan message, the rest consists of a ridiculous theology, which frankly the use of the word "theology" to describe it would be a misnomer.

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Want to talk? pls respond

The neo-pagan shit is by definition a larp. No continuous unbroken line of religious belief or practice.
Neo-paganism is a reaction to redpilled protestants realizing that their faith was cucked by jews at its very founding. The Catholic faith, in its current form, is repulsive to them (understandably) so they are reverting to a historic period before Christianity was introduced.
In other words, a fucking larp.

>Neo-pagans Believe in this jewish propaganda

It's not counter-Christianity, it's Christianity. It's more true to the doctrines and ideals of the Christianity that spread the white man to all corners of the earth

ok talk

Neo-paganism is true Christianity?

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I know it's off-topic but are either of you familiar with EMJ and his most recent videos? Particularly the one where "EMJ visits the gas station"
I felt that they asked him very important questions (as to what concerns Jow Forums) and he really didn't give a satisfying answer. It has been three days and I half-slept through it but I'll try my best. The questions aren't word for word but the meaning is still there
>Do you support catholics or would you support someone of your race?
>EMJ dodges the question
>Do you think that the catholic church endorses immigration by making it easier for refugees in Europe to recieve assistance
>EMJ dodges the question on whether this is helpful or not for immigration, claiming that immigrants are getting in through other people's influence and that the catholic church is simply being Christian
and lastly
>What should an american that has Irish, Italian, German, English and Polish ancestry assume his identity/culture to be if not white identity
>question dodged but a half-answer given was that it was supposed to be his religion
IMO 2bh for someone that is outspoken as much about jews as EMJ is I feel that he was hardpressed to not alienate his none-white catholic readers. I'd really wish he was just more upfront, on the first one I'm 100% certain he would have said that someone of your race is superior than someone of your own religion.

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>gay flag in an OP with an EMJ
get out


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not pagan.

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Race is a deeply taboo subject these days, you can hardly blame someone for not wanting to be upfront about it.

Speaking about EMJ more directly, all of his work is great from what I've seen, but I do find that he has a tendency to avoid or dismiss the race angle entirely.

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>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2
>Synagogue of Satan debunked

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Pastor Arnold B. Murray
To say that I teach racism or practice racism is another outright lie. We have people of all races that attend and study with the Shepherd's Chapel. It is very simple to prove this statement. We televise our annual Passover meetings including video interviews of many of the thousands who attend. Order a video tape of any of these interviews and you will see people of all races which effectively documents the falseness of any charges that I teach racism (a sample of Passover Interviews is also offered at the end of this document). God's Word directly teaches that our Heavenly Father created all the races and that it was good, (Genesis 1:27-28, 31). People of all nations and races shall be in the Temple of the Lord throughout eternity (Revelation 21:22-27).

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Communism's Christian Roots

The Seed of Communism was Christian

Friedrich Engels and Early Christianity

Karl Kautsky - Foundations of Christianity

Friedrich Engels - On the History of Early Christianity

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what type of reply is this?
God created the nations, and?

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Which is why Engels compared Christianity to Marxism

The history of early Christianity has notable points of resemblance with the modern working-class movement. Like the latter, Christianity was originally a movement of oppressed people: it first appeared as the religion of slaves and emancipated slaves, of poor people deprived of all rights, of peoples subjugated or dispersed by Rome. Both Christianity and the workers' socialism preach forthcoming salvation from bondage and misery; Christianity places this salvation in a life beyond, after death, in heaven; socialism places it in this world, in a transformation of society. Both are persecuted and baited, their adherents are despised and made the objects of exclusive laws, the former as enemies of the human race, the latter as enemies of the state, enemies of religion, the family, social order. And in spite of all persecution, nay, even spurred on by it, they forge victoriously, irresistibly ahead. Three hundred years after its appearance Christianity was the recognized state religion in the Roman World Empire, and in barely sixty years socialism has won itself a position which makes its victory absolutely certain.

- Friedrich Engels, On The History Of Early Christianity, Die Neue Zeit, Vol. 1, 1894-95'

Even more taboo than the JQ?


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Whatever you say, kike worshiper.

pope John Paul II on Jews, April 1986

>With Judaism, therefore, we have a relationship which we do not have with any other religion. You are our dearly beloved brothers, and in a certain way, it could be said that you are our elder brothers.

Pope Paul VI on Anti-Semitism, October 1965

>True, the Jewish authorities and those who followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ; still, what happened in His passion cannot be charged against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today. Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures. All should see to it, then, that in catechetical work or in the preaching of the word of God they do not teach anything that does not conform to the truth of the Gospel and the spirit of Christ. Furthermore [...] the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.

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Catholic charities takes these illegals into their custody from immigration control, then ships them across the USA to their churches. They've done this for decades. Under Obama with "ethnic" anti colonialist Jesuit support this became an official practice supported by the US government. 'Just let the NGOs take over, costs the tax payer less.' was the attitude under Bush and Obama added an anti-white aspect.

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you fucking braindead morons always ignore when we fucking prove that Jesus wasnt a jew, Christianity is against race mixing, pro nation state ect
i dont care, your larp is being co opted by browns
now you will have to settle for nigger semen

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>e michael jones
>"jesus is logos"
>"bible says so"
>wut that doesn't prove anything
>"says it right there"

Ah yes Frederich Engels the great Christian theologian and authority.

daily remainder that africans are invited to europe by christians in 1996
when french governament told them to get the fuck out based crusaders defenders of european civilization offerd them assylum

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>Op mentions the neo-pagans only argument is attacking Christianity
>Prove Op wrong by attacking Christianity
Wew lad, you shills are shit

ok retard

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Swedish churches are AIDING migrants hiding from authorities amid asylum crack down

Ontario church offers prayer space to Muslim community

Virginia church to remove memorials to Robert E. Lee, George Washington

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Similarly taboo I'd say.

Christcuck goes to Central America on a missionary trip. Gets kidnapped and murdered.

Retired priest: ΓÇÿHellΓÇÖ was invented by the (((church))) to control people with fear

The Nazi War against Christianity - Christian Research Institute

Orrazz: Pastor eaten by crocodiles while trying to walk on water like (((Jesus)))

Why US Christians Risk Their Lives to Teach in North Korea | Gleanings |

German Evangelist figure calls racially pure Germans disgusting nazis - News - Daily Stormer BBS

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The gas station interview was brutal. No way around it. But the current pope has done defenders of Catholicism no favors in his statements, as the hosts questions highlighted. Pope Francis has pushed apologetics into the political realm, where we cannot win. Jesus warned against exactly this tendency ("Render unto Ceaser...")

The hosts have valid points and concerns regarding race and immigration, and the popes statements on migration have placed defenders like EMJ in an impossible situation. That said, EMJs position on IQ realism is incredibly weak. I think EMJ has to be careful too about what he says. His seminal work is The Jewish Revolutionary Spririt.
Not a good look if he openly rebels against the current pope and vatican no matter how fucked up things are.

Christians Promote White Genocide:
Should We Encourage Interracial Marriage? | Desiring God

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Paganism teaches ancestor veneration, ethnic preservation, and the spiritual health of it's people.
I guess you are allowed to attack Paganism and pagans can't attack Christianity?

Heal the Racial Divide (Foot Washing Clip)

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who would have fucking thought that (((they))) would corrupt the church before all things
are you going to just fucking give up on every white nation because the elites fucked everything up? No? Why do the same with Christianity, the scripture and everything is solid

Jeremiah 13:23
Moses married an Cushite (Ethiopian) negress. look at numbers 12. heres a link if your illiterate 12&version=NRSV

>But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
Titus 3:9
>The baptism of Cornelius is an important event in the history of the early Christian church, along with the conversion and baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch. The Christian church was first formed around the original disciples and followers of Jesus, all of whom were Jewish. All males in that community were circumcised and observed the Law of Moses. The reception of Cornelius sparked a conversation among the Jewish leaders of the new Christian church, culminating in the decision to allow Gentiles to become Christians without conforming to Jewish requirements for circumcision, as recounted in Acts 15(Acts 15).

Jesus disciple literally baptized a black in the bible
> And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.
>And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of ETHIOPIA, an eunuch
>Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.
>And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
Acts 8: 27 - 39

>The Ethiopians were white as well
Not according to the bible or DNA so wheres your proof?
>Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? (Jeremiah 13:23)
Notice it says a Ethiopian cant change his skin, White people can change thier skin when they go out into the sun their skin changes from sun burn to red then to brown, When black people go out into the sun their skin stays black IT DOES NOT CHANGE The Ethiopian cant change his skin so they have to be black to fit that definition

Also according to DNA tests their is no white admixture among the Ethiopian population

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>Or they go the route of presenting absurd caricatures of Christian belief as what Christians historically believed, or ought to believe, because as we all know heathen's know the true message of Jesus better than Christianity's greatest theologians.

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see ahem
Judges 2:2-3
And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?

Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out from before you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.

Deuteronomy 23:2

A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

Nehemiah 13:1-3

On that day they read in the book of Moses in the audience of the people; and therein was found written, that the Ammonite and the Moabite should not come into the congregation of God for ever;

Because they met not the children of Israel with bread and with water, but hired Balaam against them, that he should curse them: howbeit our God turned the curse into a blessing.

Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.

Nehemiah 13:25-27

And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.

Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel:
nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin.

Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?

>heres a link if your illiterate
that makes no fucking sense you retard

Pro-Semitism in the New Testament

In the Gospels:
Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 emphasize that Jesus was Jewish and a descendent of David.
Matthew 10:5-6 - Jesus instructs the disciples to take the Gospel to the Jews first, not the Gentiles.
Matthew 15:21-28 - Jesus tells a Gentile woman that he was sent to save the Jews first.
The Jews are far from being the only ones involved in Christ's persecution and crucifixion. Pilate let Jesus be crucified despite realizing his innocence (Mk 15:9-15) and the Roman soldiers mocked and persecuted Jesus, as well as doing the actual crucifying (Mt 27:27-31, Lk 23:11, 35-37).
John 4:22 - "Salvation is from the Jews" (i.e. from Jesus, David's descendant).

In Acts:
4:27 - Herod, Pilate and the Gentiles in Jerusalem (not just the Jews) conspired against Jesus.
11:1-18 - In the account of Peter and Cornelius, the Jews are amazed that God is merciful enough to save "even the (unclean) Gentiles."
14:1, 17:10-12 - Paul follows Jesus' model of going to the Jews first, and many Jews accept Jesus as the Messiah.

In the Pauline Epistles:
Romans 1:16 - Salvation is "first for the Jew, then for the Gentile".
Romans 9:1-5 - Paul (who is Jewish) describes his desire for the Israelites to receive Christ and the honors the Israelites have received, including that Jesus' human ancestry was through them.
Romans 11:1-24 - Paul warns the Gentiles against boasting, comparing them to wild olive branches and the Jews to cultivated olive branches.
Romans 11:28 - Even those Jews who reject Christ are to be "loved on account of the patriarchs."
Romans 15:27 - "For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings."
Galatians 2:7-9 - At least three of the apostles had a specific ministry to the Jews.
Galatians 2:11-13 - Rather than an anti-Semitic prejudice, the early church had if anything a pro-Semitic prejudice.

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Exodus 12:49
One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.
Ezekiel 22:7
In thee have they set light by father and mother: in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger: in thee have they vexed the fatherless and the widow.
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Genesis 12:10
And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land.
Hebrews 13:2
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Malachi 3:5
And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts.
Philippians 3:20
20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,

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>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.
His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
Samaritans aka Gentiles.

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reminder that the first Pope declared that nonwhites arent people
who fucking knew that people have differing opinions in one of the worlds largest religions


In the meantime His talmidim (“students, disciples”) urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”
>John 4:31
This man came to Yeshua (“Jesus”) by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”
>John 3:1-2
And when they found Him on the other side of the lake, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You come here?”
>John 6:25
Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”…
>John 4:9
>Both his parents were Jews because they were observing the Torah.
Luke 2:39 – So when they had done everything according to the Torah of the Lord, they returned to the Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth
>His parents observed the Passover :
Luke 2:41 – His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.

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I actually want to go to bed now, sorry for this. I'll just ask one more question: why doesn't EMJ just call the current pope out for being full of shit. I actually haven't seen his video on the new pope but just incase he doesn't call him out for being full of shit why doesn't he do it? anyway I'll check the archive in case someone answers, good night.

You mean that your neo-paganism is just your political ideology thinly veiled with say Norse mythology?

Pagan Worship\Rituals
Indo-European Prayer and Ritual
Sacred Water Places for Pagans
Pagan Worship at a Holy Well in Devon
Swedish Pagan Vårblot (Ostara/Eostre) at Gamla Uppsala
Lithuania's Happy Paganism
May Day and Easter Goddess of Dawn
Lithuanian Song Festival 2018

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reminder that white people are jews
The white race, the caucasoids are the actual chosen people, the Israeli people. This gets clear already when you see that Mount Aratat, where Noah landed with his arc is the same place where the white people, caucasusoids, come frome from, the Caucasus
It is also known that the blue eyed people all have a common anchestor
Which most likely was Noah

Furthermore the blue eyed white people are known across the world to come around and bring technology and knowledge and rule them for some time.
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki (even though i came to believe that the blue eyed possibly are other people during the sumerians, they at least have the blue eyed people and swastika as well).
The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own.
The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
And Europeans were the first in the Americas as well

Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out the actual israelis are the whites with the jews being the blue eyed people, who are said that they will spread across the earth and rule everywhere. Same they did during colonisations. Hitler found out the (((jews))) of today arent the jews of the bible who are just
>those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead.

you fail to see the context in these quotes
read the surrounding lines you retard
see above

Hakon Jarl

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I'm not a pagan honestly, so don't ask me. I think we'd need a rediscovery period where shit like this came back to light, like what happened during the Renaissance. Too bad the monks wouldn't want to preserve "heresy" though.

Interesting that you quote the old testament extensively after saying my comment about protestants being judaizers was "cringe".

>All of his disciples were Jews, he was a Jew, they even called him a Rabbi:
John 4:31 – In the meantime His talmidim (“students, disciples”) urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”
John 3:1-2 – This man came to Yeshua (“Jesus”) by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”
John 6:25 – And when they found Him on the other side of the lake, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You come here?”
John 4:9 – Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”…

>He didn’t come to destroy the Law (Torah) or End it :
Matthew 5:17 – Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

>He went to synagogues :
Luke 4:16 – So he came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
Luke 21:37 – And in the daytime He was teaching in the Temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet.

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>He wore the Jewish tassle (The Hebrew noun tzitzit is the name for specially knotted ritual fringes, or tassels, worn in antiquity by Israelites and today by observant Jews and Samaritans) :
Matthew 14:36 – (They) begged Him that they might only touch the tassle of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.

>He observed the Passover (The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses) :
John 2:13 – Now the Jewish Passover was at hand, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) went up to Jerusalem.

>He observed the Succot (in traditional Ashkenazi pronunciation Sukkos or Succos, literally Feast of Booths, is commonly translated to English as Feast of Tabernacles, sometimes also as Feast of the Ingathering) and taught in the temple again :
John 7:2,10,14 – Now the Jewish Feast of Succot (“Tabernacles”) was at hand. But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the Feast… Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.

>He observed the Hanukah (a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. It is also known as the Festival of Lights and the Feast of Dedication) :
John 10:22,23 – Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem and it was winter, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) walked in the temple…

He was a god damn Jew, alright. There is also one other, crucial point here – the supposed Messiah has to come from the bloodline of David and Solomon – yet another bunch of Jews.

see also
I have seen enough Christ hate here that I feel compelled the drop the end all be all of red pills for you. This is for white men and women that are able to see and hear the truth clearly.

1. What if Jesus were descended from the Israelite tribe of Judah, as the Scripture says that He is? Well, of course He is, because the Scriptures do not lie. But what if the people known as Jews today were NOT of the tribe of Judah? Nor even of Benjamin or Levi? Then how could Jesus possibly be a Jew? The answer is easy, Jesus is not a Jew because the people known as Jews today are not of Judah. The Bible itself tells us this. For this reason Jesus Himself told the church at Smyrna, in Revelation 2:9: "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."(simply read my picture, or visit source # 2 for the audio version) (source #4 covers this topic very broadly)
2. The “Jews” of today are the literal children of Satan and have been a burden and a curse on us since the garden of eden. It would take too long to explain here, but I have attached source material detailing what they are (source # 3) (source #4 covers this topic very broadly)
3. The Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred people are the true descendants of the ancient Israelites. Our true history is more glorious than you can imagine. (see source # 5 for a very detailed series covering the true origin of the white race) (source #4 covers this topic very broadly)
4. True Christianity IS Nationalism. (see source # 6)
5. Bonus redpill: meme flaggers are always either kike shills or non whites larping as something they aren't to subvert and confuse white people. Where you are from and what your goals are have HUGE implications, Ignore all memeflaggery. (source: self evident)

Greater Israel occasionally refers to the Promised Land (defined in Genesis 15:18-21) or to the Land of Israel, also called Complete Land of Israel or Entire Land of Israel (Hebrew: É¿Ñ Ö¿É£ ö£₧ö, Eretz Yisrael Hashlemah). This is a more accurate translation than ΓÇ£Greater IsraelΓÇ¥, which is used in English but has no real counterpart in Hebrew.

"No one in Israel should ever be poor. The Lord your God is giving you this land, and he has promised to make you very successful, if you obey his laws and teachings that IΓÇÖm giving you today."

"You will lend money to many nations, but you wonΓÇÖt have to borrow. You will rule many nations, but they wonΓÇÖt rule you."

The bible is quite pro jew. (((Yahweh))) promises the jews GREATER ISRAEL FFS

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i dont see a contradiction
see my previous posts

I know this sounds extreme to you. That is because you have been brainwashed since childhood to see Jews as the “chosen people” (or at least that's what they call themselves right?) and to see Jesus as a Jew. This is the largest con job in history and is in large part why the Jews always have and always will try to destroy us. They are jealous of our true lineage and stole it from us long ago. Your heritage and true origin has been taken by Satan and his progeny as their own, and then twisted and perverted into something that is not even a pale reflection of its once glorious nature.
Do not listen to the Kike shills that will no doubt be spamming this thread with baseless claims and debunked and refuted sources. If you are a 100% pure white person then you are part of a grand battle that has been waged since the garden of Eden. You are a descendant of God’s chosen race, all others are beasts of the field, Or literal satanic seed unworthy to enter the kingdom of heaven. The other races do not share in the promise, they have never been part of our lineage and despite their lies and best efforts they never will be.
You have been lied to and I do not fault you for your unbelief. It is only natural for an intelligent child of god to reject outright lies and falsehoods, especially when they are presented by satanic vipers, which is sadly all we get from todays crop of “judeo christian” kike bootlickers. The enemy is cunning and wise in their own perverse way, and One has to marvel at how thoroughly they have perverted the true meanings in scripture. So no. I cannot fault you for not believing, I do not think god could even find you at fault for that. But I do think that god will find fault in you for your stubborn arrogance if you do not at least think on these things for just a moment and hear them out. You are so close to the final “redpill”. Just give it a chance?

If this information interests you and you wish to know more I have some resources for you:

1. A very good introduction to Christian Identity and these concepts in general:

2. Why Jesus was not a “Jew”

3. Who and what the “Jews” are and where they came from:

4. A short book detailing these same ideas:

5. Who the true Adamites and Israelites of the bible are, and the true origin of the white race

6. Christianity IS Nationalism

God bless those of you able to receive and accept this message.

As long as you are a Christian ΓÇô you need the Jews. Because your ΓÇ£MessiahΓÇ¥ can only come as a Jew ΓÇô you need Judaism and the Jews. You are keeping Judaism and Jews alive. Without Christianity and Islam, Judaism and Jews are again just and only tribal idiots of a tribal religion with absolutely no impact on anything. The moment you are not a Christian anymore ΓÇô you need neither ΓÇô you donΓÇÖt need Jews or Judaism. I donΓÇÖt need a single god damn Jew telling me what to do, what to believe in or what to say. I am free from his shackles. That is the difference, my Christians.

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Jesus wasn't white and Christianity is not exclusive to white people.
> Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.
> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.
> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.
> Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece
daily reminder that the orthodox patriarchs are exactly the same shit , and they have repeatly condemned right wing movements like Golden Dawn
But why would it be otherwise?
Christianity rejects all wordly concerns altogether


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>or that religion is somehow limited to the ethnic group that spawned it

This is their central belief. "Christianity is foreign, we should worship the gods of our ancestors" thus Greeks should worship the Greek pantheon, Germans should worship the norse, English and French the Celtic, and Palestinians should be Christian, i guess.

Of course this is wholly incomparable with true polytheism. The spread of cults from foreign lands and syncretistic union of native and foreign deities were universal constants in the pagan world. From Mithras spreading into Rome, to Apollo spreading into Greece from Anatolia, the Greek pantheon being essentially renamed and appropriated by the Romans (themselves largely influence by the Etruscans), the spread of Greek gods into the middle east in the successor kingdoms that replaced Alexander's Empire, on and on. Polytheists don't doubt the existence of any god, and any deity who can prove his power to them (by whatever means as the case may be) also proves himself worthy of worship. Rejecting foreign cults runs contrary to the nature of polytheism, which of course is why it has a tendency to be wiped out by monotheistic religions.

>the rest consists of a ridiculous theology, which frankly the use of the word "theology" to describe it would be a misnomer.
well, there really is no such thing as christian THEOLOGY because they just copied it from the PAGAN Platonists and Aristotelians.

alright faggots i have an actual fucking job so i have to go to sleep
>inb4 kike shill is leaving!!11!! another flawless aryan victory hahaha
every meme response i will get after i leave can probably be answered by literally just reading my fucking posts

"Thanks to the generosity of Polish Catholics it has been possible to help refugees from Sudan, Nigeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Polish bishops, from 2009, have organised collections in their dioceses in aid of refugees, which are available not only to Christians. Gratitude is owed to Catholics in Poland for having raised, in 2014 alone, more than 5 million zloty (1.2 million Euros) for refugees. Caritas in Poland currently assists more than 3000 people annually, from Africa, Eastern Europe and elsewhere."

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>15 posts
All of them bullshit. You can accept your Lord and Savior or burn for eternity, but whatever you choose, you'll still be an autist.

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On Christianity: The Censored Section of the National Alliance Membership Handbook | National Vanguard

On Christianity | National Vanguard

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>1 post
>11 posts

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Oh and I forgot some great christcucks

France: Evangelical Pastor was Running a Network of 50 Nigerian Prostitutes ΓÇô Daily Stormer

Inviting Richard Spencer to Church (Jason Micheli Christ-Cuck)

Christcuck goes to Central America on a missionary trip. Gets kidnapped and murdered.

Retired priest: ΓÇÿHellΓÇÖ was invented by the (((church))) to control people with fear

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I have never encountered a Neo-Pagan who espoused Platonism or Aristotelianism; it's all political ideology+ the likes of Jung, Nietzsche, or Ragnar Red beard and atheism.

Reminder to 12yo larpagans: Hitler mocked neopaganism.

kike shill is leaving!!11!! another flawless aryan victory hahaha

Hitler was not a christian. Hitlers Christa Schroeder personal secretary, Albert Speer Chief Architect, and Otto Dietrich Chief press secretary all said in there memoirs that Hitler was staunchly anti-christian. David Irving even writes about Walther Hewel a German diplomat and Hitlers personal FRIEND said "over dinner this evening, a wonderful talk on the roman empire and its displacement by christianity christianity has been one long act of deceit and contradiction Christianity is the revenge of the wandering Jew"
From David Irving The War Path 1933-1939 If you do not trust Irving you are not searching for the truth but the fill your mind with mental fucking gymnastics for your god damn shit Jewish religion.

Christians have a reason to shoe horn Hitler as a christian but the reality is Hitler was against christianity.

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Excellent point

The neo-pagans are not only in their own right ridiculous, but not even authentic to real paganism.

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Three in his inner circle speeking in detail about anti-christian sentiments.

Dinner conversation between Hitler and Walther Hewel German diplamate and personal friend.
"over dinner this evening, a wonderful talk on the roman empire and its displacement by christianity christianity has been one long act of deceit and contradiction Christianity is the revenge of the wandering Jew"
From David Irving The War Path 1933-1939

Goebbels Mastermind of the third reich - David Irving
Hitler hates Christianity because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity

The original table talks were signed by Martin Bromann and witnessed by David Irving proof they are not lies. Bormann was extremely close and held in extremely high regard of Hitler.

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Wash the semen from your eyes, brother, and embrace the truth. Or keep being a virgin larper. Up to you.

>Believe or else!

Inside The Third Reich Memoirs by Albert Speer Chief Architect
"You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us, then Christianity. Why did it hav eto be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness"

Christa Schroeder Adolf Hitler's Secretary 1933-45
"The church was always a favorite topic. Hitler had no affiliation He considered the Christian religion to be a hypocritical trap which had outlived it's time. His religion was the law of nature"

Otto Dietrich Chief press secretary - The Hitler I knew Memoirs of the Third Reich's Press Chief
He was sharply hostile to christianity and the churches. Primitive Christianity he declared, was the 'first jewish-communistic cell' Hitler was convinced that christianity was out-molded and dying. He thought he could speed its death by systematic education of German youth"

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I actually agree with the larger point you make, and I agree with your assessment of the jews and their false claim to "chosen" status, although we might quibble on the details as to why. God bless.

married with two kids. keep trying virgin.

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Maybe you should spend less time around L.A.R.Ping f-gots and more time around actual polytheists.

What is real christianity?

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Hitler youth attacked Christianity The first half of chapter 1 of the Hitler youth-leader handbook was explicit attacking Christianity and lumping Christianity in with Free Masonry and Jews.

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I misread, I thought you were talking about dissidents like E Michael Jones

Christ’s Church: Catholicism

See Why do you believe Jewish lies?

ΓÇ£Christianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, privilege: it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence. ChristianityΓÇöthe revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor and base, the general revolt of all the downtrodden, the wretched, the failures, the less favored, against ΓÇÿrace:ΓÇÖ the undying chandala hatred is disguised as a religion of love.ΓÇ¥ -Friedrich Nietzsche ΓÇô Twilight of the Idols (Chap. 6)

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There are only two pagans I know of that aren't complete retards, Survive the Jive and Aaron Jacob.

Roman Catholicism.

Your wife's kids don't count.

got her pregnant myself both times m8 keep projecting your fantasies on other people

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