He Lives!

Send this to Molymeme if you have a twitter pls

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Why is Ryan Faulk intent on picking a fight with everyone in the movement to promote his own brand of not-white nationalism?

What did Curt "my property" Doolittle do to him?

I guess Doolittle is going on Molyneux to talk about Talebs freakout on IQ, and Doolittle is not an expert. It's going to be high profile with a lot of people tuning in, so it really needs to be someone that knows their shit like Sean Last. I agree with Faulk.

On that much I'll agree. Doolittle doesnt really talk about the race/IQ shit hes more of a "cultural theory" guy who thinks women should have their own parliament but still be property and that lying should be a capital offence. weird guy, gotta love him

I've never really watched his shit

he doesnt really use youtube he just has a blog and writes books. hes got interesting takes if youre into hoppe and other deontological libertarians that arent liberals

>don't bring on the bullshit artist
Alt-Hype is a pussy. This shit reads exactly like those faggots who cried for deplatforming Nazis because they couldn't beat them in an argument.

Where this retard been all this time?

he thinks that hes the only one who should present the race iq arguments because he did all the research to prove a lot of those arguments. hes just being an autiste

idk he dissapeared after he released that video where he encouraged his viewers to commit voter fraud so i figured he was vanned

He's not crying to deplatform shit, he's crying to have Sean Last go on instead because he's a fucking machine

Or Sean, because he knows Sean is a better communicator, has credentials, and is more knowledgeable

He was right in that video, you'll never win a fight against cheats by playing by the rules

>Ryan Faulk calling someone a pseudo intellectual
2019 is gonna be dope

How do people know about Curt Doolittle? I used to talk to him in fringe libertarian Facebook groups. Has he become an e-celeb?

Never heard of any of these ecelebs except nolynex because he gets spammed here

Molymeme just retweeted some of Ryan Faulks work. I promise you he knows who he is.

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yea hes right but its still a dumb thing to do on the internet.

hes kind of a meme but yea. he was on the daily shoah a few times so that boosted his popularity

Steve Sailer should be the guest to talk about NNT

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I've been reading more of his stuff but he doesn't strike me as an expert, or even more knowledgeable than Faulk. What do you think? Also, Emil Kirkegaard, that guy might be the smartest guy in the HBD scene right now.

Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams. Who office was hit at the pentagon?

Sean Last is a pseudointellectual as well. HIS breakdown of the Putnam study while completely ignoring the other more recent and more comprehensive studies with far more succesful replications.

I try not to be too paranoid, but the way Faulk and Last 360'd on race in a period of 2 days has made me think they have been civnat trash since day one.

>Sean Last is a pseudointellectual as well
He's not and is post doc in the relevant field to my knowledge, and his refutation was specifically about Putnam's work. You have no idea what you're talking about to even suggest that they've been "civnat trash" for over a decade, when 50 viewers were what you could expect on youtube. You are out of your element here faggit

he probably got spooked with everyone being deplatformed and rationalized himself into a more kosher position

People should just listen to him and anyone with a three digit IQ will understand what's happening.


Whose twitter replies are full of more high school educated pseudo intellectuals Jordan Peterson or Stefan Molymeme?

Who's an example of a real intellectual in your opinion?

> For the sake of the "First World"

He just can't bring himself to say "The White race".

Dave Rubin

Who is Taleb and does anyone have links to the freakout?
Please gibs me a quick rundown

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first world=white race+this really nice negro that ryan met at the library once
