Eating out women

Is it safe to eat out a woman who's had multiple (many) sexual partners? I love to do it but I'm wondering when it starts to become risky

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thanks bro

What if you get throat-gonorrhea? Or herpes breakouts all over your face? Personally I don't think it's worth it to run the risk of becoming a walking pathogen.

If you want throat cancer yeah it's safe. She likely has at least one strain of hpv

Getting throat cancer from too much pussy seems like a baller thing to get

If you like the taste of cunt to forever be on the tip of your tongue

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Use the information you got in 7th grade health class and practice safe sex, dummy.

No. I would only do it with someone I trust in a long term relationship who has been tested, and this is coming from an ass eating fanatic.

Fucked an escort the other day and I was tempted to, but nah. That would probably have been a bad move.

an escort of course lol. i'm getting early 20's shy girl on tinder who want serious and eat their ass out.

Don't be a faggot. Seriously. Just eat that ass. Chances of getting an STI are still fairly low.

Does she have an STI?
Don't go down on her

Number of partners is meaningless if she doesn't have disease.


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Dude really? A good 90% of female tinder users are hoes, but the ass is much cleaner than the vag.

But that’s between y’all, I can’t tell you whether or not to from a million miles away.

you can get throat-cancer due to HPV. They started vaccinating girls against it years ago but decided that we didn't need it because of our male privilege. They finally have started vaccinating younger boys but yeah you can get throat cancer.
I mean I still eat pussy though.

>eating out in general

If with safe you mean there's no risk, then no. But that applies to sex as well, with or without a condom. If you want 0% at STDs, be celibate. If you are going to fuck someone bareback you might as well eat them out as the transmission rate is lower. If you use a condom, eh, just evaluate by case. Don't bother with the whole "oh she isn't too experienced", though. If you fuck someone who doesn't get tested technically you fuck all their partner's sex partners. If she slept with a single guy beforehand but he's a manwhore who never wraps it up then it's meaningless that she hasn't personally been intimate with many people. The idea that you can just tell whether or not someone has an STD is part of why they're so prevalent.


There's many strains of HPV (over forty that are sexually transmitted) and one of them is associated with throat cancer. Throat cancer is also one of the rarer types of cancer, affecting 1.1% of adults, and that's counting all cases not just related to HPV.

I mean it's a real risk but the horror scenario isn't that likely, and women can get tested for HPV just fine. Oral sex is just ickier for people to think about than PiV, which is more risky in terms of diseases.

>Use the information you got in 7th grade health class
thanks teach

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>all this info about HPVs
Guess it's the celibate life for me.

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