Holy fuck Jow Forums

holy fuck Jow Forums

I just told some kids playing rap music from a small speaker, to turn their degenerate music off, and they eventually fucked off.

my heart is pumping so fast and my face is smiling so damn hard, and my hands are shaking from adrenaline.

Is this what it feels like to be alpha?

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based. saving the white race

Don't get in one little fight or your mum will get scared and say

Leaf, you're pathetic. You're having a mini panic attack because you confronted hooligans? Well I'm not totally surprised

I had a feeling like that once, when I forced a group of drunks to leave my house at swordpoint. Then I felt embarrassed.

Two of them were white.

The brown kid literally said to me that I wasnt being nice, and I said,
>so? Im being honest.
and he was like
>but you shouldnt be honest if it isnt nice
and I made fun of him for it.

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There is absolutely no reason for hooligans to exist in my white country, op is in no way at fault, the degenerates are at fault for existing. Im sorry but we do not need to adapt to the hooligans, they need only please leave.

good job user, the first couple of times are a real rush you will soon get more and more desensitized confronting niggers. Start lifting, it helps also.

>Is this what it feels like to be alpha?
No that's what it feel like to be a boomer.
Bottoms up!

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Were you defending the honor of m’lady?

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why are you smearing shit on your face

You're moving in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air

You've achieved alpha user. Be happy and thank Jesus.

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my grandpa calls it nigger noise

feels good man

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>Few months ago
>a handful of white 9-12 year olds
>6 boys
>playing their music really loud in the street
>walk over to tell them to turn it down
>the blonde haired one turns around and says
"Fuck off you mullato boomer and go blow on your didgeridildo before necking yourself"
>I was stunned and just turned around and slowly walked inside
>they laughed and threw peddles at my window for nearly an entire hour
>I just sat there inside, trying to stop crying, hoping they'd just get bored and leave
I'm not even dark or old, I'm a white 25 year old guy. I do have brown eyes though but I think these blue eyed kids have an unrealistic standard of what white is.

>a white 25 year old guy. I do have brown eyes though but I think these blue eyed kids have an unrealistic standard of what white is.

You didnt say what music they were playing

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Yes, leaf.
Yes it is.
Now, remember, men have responsibility given by God.
Manhood is not a toy.

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Good work. When browns are alone they dotn fight unless they are gigga nigga status

"White country"

a fucking leaf

this is the closest to a near death experience you will ever come apart from actually dying leaf , cherish it

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You're gonna get a brick through your window

Top straya post.