Want to be american

>Want to be american
>move to USA in this year
>I have weird accent and not white
> American people will laugh at me and discrimate me
>I will never be American

is there more depressing than this???

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Being a nig.

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At least they are american

I am not and will never be

Being a small Japanese man.

teeny weeny japanini hehehehe

Insects do not belong here. You stay the fuck in your shit hole inbred tiny island and just go extinct already.

why so mean I am hurted

Hang out with the Japanese community in America. Stay away from whites. They are cancer.

whites no want yellow sausage, stay on yellow sausage island eat more nukes

I rather have a Japanese people here than niggers here, nigger.

Welcome japanon. I’d be your friend. Read the constitution and the founding fathers and you can become American.

Ignore the niggers. You'll be fine here.

I am pretty sure that these americans hate me and inslut me on being born in non-US

I just want my dream come true....

Do u like big fukn anime tiddies?

Americans think Japs are cute.

They'll tolerate the broken English and accent 'cause they think it's charming.

But be an Indian or Mexican with an accent? Fuck off.

Move to Memphis.
The white people will just be happy to see you aren't a nigger.

Buy a gun first, almost forgot that.
And get right with Jesus.
Memphis is a tad dangerous.

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Why on earth would you move to America?
High crime, loads of hobos, Jews ruining everything.
Blacks and Hispanics target your kind for theft

Neckbeard otaku LARPER detected

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Kill yourself

Just wear a cowboy hat and youll fit right in.

People love japs here.

One of you bug type cunts threatened to behead my penis

>Major in STEM,
>do literally nothing the whole class
>get 95% on the tests
Just summed up 99% of what chinks do when they show up

no they aren't

Americans make fun of every1, ur not special; stop with the 'wahh wahh water-works game'

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move to new jersey, no one gives a shit about accents. nearly everyone has one.

what state?
my dad always told me the japs cool traditions, and the people I know who got stationed / visited there always said positive things

Here's a US travel guide! Just stay in the red zones and you'll be perfectly fine!

Attached: election-2016-county-map.png (600x386, 67K)

nah we wont , and even if you do were only like 60 percent whiite we have plenty of japs for you to talk to, thats why america is great

All you got to do is buy and gun, go to a school and show everyone how it works!


Fuck off Asians vote Dem more than Hispanics

Hishiro you're alright in my book.

How does hiroshima and nagasaki make you feel? You know, the US always takes other countries "toys" away from them, yet the United States is the only country in the history of our planet to use atomic weapons.

People will come whether they have a travel guide or not
That's also not true of japanese. In all americans statistics, they get lumped in as 'Asian.' Because Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese all get lumped together in this statistic, it can be a little misleading due to the fact that those other 3 races all vote overwhelmingly democratic.
I used to live in a very diverse town in WA and took racial statistics down in my head during the 2016 elections when asking people how they would vote.

I'll take 100 Japanese for every single nigger deported. Fuck niggers.

I don't care.
I am not nuked after all.

there is an asian community in cali but oooof
I spent some time during the service their but I was able to avoid some of the more annoying laws they have. the state itself is beautiful
if you end up hating it just dont blame the rest of america
I've lived in many different parts and East / west / north are practically different countries

real Americans are not born in the US man, read the constitution and follow white men morals.

we should trade blacks for japs.

Fuck off we're full

>Want to be japanese
>moved to Japan 2 years ago
>I can speak the language ok and not yellow/asian looking
> Japanese people will evade, ignore and discrimate me
>I will never be Japanese

is there more depressing than this???
only the daily strongs make this hell livable.

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Why would they laugh at you for not being white? Half the country is not white.

You make a nipple time?? Lmfao all over the world, the fancy nips, the teen undies in the vending machines, ai woman's and the orcavier! Nippin all over the wor-orld! Nips or GTFO.

I can't green text either cbf looking into how due to drugs and/or definitely alcohol + sheep, Joe mean?


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Solid chub, cheers pal.

Seriously. I'd take that ratio too. Niggers are the absolute worst.

People will love you, you'll be fine. Americans love accents nowadays. We find them endearing. Plus you're not a subhuman animal. You'll belong here better than all the useful idiots and traitors at least.

non-japanese here might give you shit for being the wrong kind of asian, but white people in cali won't care about your race at all, as long as you speak english well enough that they can understand you.
just don't be like in public and don't go around talking shit about things in american culture while you're a guest here.
basically don't be a fucking tourist and you'll be fine

That's totally going to be me in a few years.

> literally prefers to be an american nog rather than be jap
ffs user, no doubt why you degenerates are hentaiing yourselves into extinction

>Not a subhuman animal

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I have a serious question: what is with Americans and penis size? My American friends make penis size jokes almost everyday, American porn is dominated by penis size fetishes, American men always talk about different penis sizes and their penises. What the hell is wrong with you guys?

Just make sure you're the fun to drink with at a bar Jap and not the buy used panties (in public) ones. What you do in private nobody will care.

I have no idea why people want to move here, this country isn’t what it use to be.

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I thought Japs were white.

Americans and alike put our penesis first, haven't you seen the news? Get with the program.


Sounds like you got off lucky... Japanese chopping off their junk for jollies is the same as Brazilians fucking donkeys and us trying to fuck sheep but realising it's a meme cause it's to tight for our big kiwi cocks.


Fucking gooks killed kek

Deez nuts


too bad

Man, I fucking hated this show. Although that skater chick was pretty hot.

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What is so bad about being Japanese? They gave us Anime and Rice-Rockets.

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>real Americans are not born in the US

>>Want to be american
Do not worry, you're retarded, so you'll become a real american in no time.

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I actually live in Baltimore City, and there’s a nice Asian area in the city that is like half Asian and half white, it’s very nice and vibrant. You only see about 1 or 2 niggers in the area at any given time, and they’re always wondering aimlessly in the street for some reason.

The absolute worst thing is not to be Graced by True Americans and Their God... This is entirely upon and encompassing to the individual... Americans decide who the Americans are, As we've been blessed and cursed from the Four Corners of the Earth since the modern founding... In America their is room for all Americans at heart... With truly no place for subversion...Viva la America!