Ireland criminalizes emotional abuse

UNCONSTITUTIONALLY VAGUE first of all but, Ireland criminalizes emotional abuse with new domestic violence law FUCKING WHAT? EXPLAIN YOURSELVES POTATOES. Now you can't criticize or say anything negative to an out of control whore, or it's ILLEGAL????? A stupidslut who needs her ass beat for being a whore is ILLEGAL? but just the fact of telling her she's s whore is ILLEGAL?

potatoes, i had more respect for you. this is BULLSHIT. you will now have waves of stupid WHORE women saying "hurr durr... i fealt threatened... and boo hoo... i was EMOTIONALLY ABUSED despite the fact that i cheated and everyone called me a whore!!"


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its literally a law to let girls put people in jail because of HOW THEY FEEL.


why is nobody talking about this


This board is run by mossad.


the fuck is wrong with you mother fuckers. How, why, AGHHHHH

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I am so drunk right now I keep trying to shoot myself.

>almost a third of Irish women (31%) said they had experienced psychological abuse by a partner.
Step it up lads, that should be at least 50%

Literally just about to go to bed lol. Someone else can weigh in. Important thread tho thanks OP. Night.

Ireland is a feminist, cultural Marxist shit hole now, too.

women can be emotionally abusive too. faggot.

>women can be emotionally abusive too. faggot
Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.

sober up and try again in the morning.

It is a fucking dangerous situation for a man to be in.

I have had this done to me whilst living abroad by a woman and it´s caused me untold problems and always will now because i´ve got a criminal record now.

I am very skeptical about becoming emotionally involved with another woman now.

When a woman can just ring the police and say I´m feel anxious and they will come arrest you, charge you and want to put you in prison for 6 months and it´s all done with no physical evidence.

How can i disprove a feeling? How can i disprove anything? I can´t. It´s her word against mine and her word has value and mine has none.

It´s the same as these Hate Crimes now. I can steal something from you, but if you decide that my stealing was an act of religious intolerance or whatever then i´m even more in the shit. Even though I just wanted to steal your bike cos i liked it.

We are gonna end up living in a society where no one talks to each other because they are scared of being reported to the "feelings police"

The absolute state of potato nigeria

Based bongbro.


fuck off loser

Ireland might get so fucked they actually might be under water like the prophecy says.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing, being Based?

>whore cheat on you
>go cry to police
>whore got jailed
i see no problem

Man, what the fuck? Would not have expected this from Ireland. Isn't spousal abuse a beloved national pastime there?

don't you potatoes have a great tradition of throwing off government abuse and bullshit laws? shake the dust off the IRA and get out there and put these idiots in the sinn fein or whoever's responsible for this in their place. or just go to jail for smirking at women; i guess that's fine too. fuckin pathetic cucks.

all user need to complete a batterer’s intervention prevention program

>"lel, man up you, faggot! It's your fault she cheated on you! Now get the fuck off before we arrest you for being such a loser!"
This kind of laws are obviously meant to be used (abused) only by women.

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They need it believe me. Paddies are niggers.

They still have to prove it.

If they slander you, you can sue them.

The Irish invented domestic violence.

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Ah. See. Now I recognize her.

Her black bf beat her up, fyi.

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Just more Jew hijinks... trying every which way to make as difficult as possible for white people to couple and make babies.

Yes, she burned the coal and paid the toll

Women are turning western civilization so dysfunctional eventually white sharia or new Christian dark ages are going to come.
Root cause of the problem, women's political rights, can not unfortunately be canceled without major crisis.

Bring it on, 90% of the country have forgotten their history and people, the high ground is where the most traditional minded people are.

The "prophecy of the popes" and the "prophecy of the black pig" have happened in the last 2 years.

7 years before the end we are saved from horror with a quick death.

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Its really fucked up when you try to reject a woman and she involves the police stating that your rejecting her was "emotional abuse" and the dipshit white knights proceed to intervene as aggressively as possible on her behalf.

irish women are fucked now. crying is emotional abuse. look it up. as soon as they start crying, it fucks up your argument and you have to retreat. so, now with the new law, as soon as she starts crying, call the fucking cops on her.

The Gardaí are usually reasonable here, if you put up a good case you can ask them to bring her to a women's shelter if she feels abused

>He is surprised
Marriage rates are dropping for a reason OP.

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Then you are naive of court bias towards women.

Well in theory you're absolutely right. Women are masters of emotional abuse. However, that's not the way its going to play out. Just look at how in this day of "women are strong enough to do any job and be leaders" coupled with "equality" and "gender neutral" the EVERY push has been for men to cater to women's every need and still assume that any interaction between a man and a woman is sexual harassment on the part of the man.

Yeah? But think of how confusing it is when the police are harassing you about some messed up woman and its "Yes, I know who she is, I never dated her, never had sexual relations with her, considered her maybe some sort of friend at best or just an acquaintance.... but now she's upset because I didn't respond to some sort of bewildering come on on her part so you police are here to harass me into giving her something so she isn't emotionally distressed."

But on the flip side, no matter what happens she is out of your life, if she rings or crawls back you can get a barring order. It's a nuclear option for women.

And the law is mainly for travellers and nogs btw, women here are usually half decent and wouldn't involve the guards over a spat, usually due to the shame, if the Gardaí turn up to your house around here people start talking and both sides of the story are told.

Its so u dont yell threaten browbeat gaslight n manipulate n threaten.
Basically bully without hittin...u can literally brwak em down mentally

This is exactly what you deserve you filthy atheists

You don't get how courts work.
Nor who's paying for the lawyers in such a case.

It's not being slid. It's 5 in the morning and only Australians are awake

Who cares? The Irish are dogs.

Well I guess potato niggers may as well escelate their emotional abuse into physical and scare them into keeping their traps shut.

After legalizing abortion, it only makes sense to criminalize making sluts feel bad.

They're changing the law so you have to opt out of organ donation now too.

Unironically so they can sell the babies body after it's killed

You have this kind of shit in the West, but with Islam, if you have her she can either marry you or die stoned. Guess who'll "win" in the end?

>being emotionnally abused by a woman
If your diet consists of s o y milk maybe, in which case you deserve it.

Women are emotional abusers, they should not get away with this, why is it only men's physical abuse that it outlawed?

>how can I disprove a feeling

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Because men are “supposed to take it”. If you complain you’re a baby. Which is true - but not with all of this legal structure handicapping men. The game is lopsided now.

RIP Potatoland
Women are alpha now, until the Irish government gets taken over by Ahmed.

They are reasonable, now. However now that the lefties are getting their legislation it's only a matter of time before they use their weapons against their enemy. Argue with your girlfriend or wife? Oh you're a bad white man, off to the gaol with you.

I have both US and Irish nationality, so do my children, luckily I can get out... and that's what I am doing. the US is significantly less cucked. I am working 2 jobs, saving up to buy a 3 bedroom off grid cabin the wilderness in the USA. I know in my heart Ireland won't stop the socialists until it is too late.

Someone needs to look out for the men

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If your Jew please do. But if your shit posting don't. The world needs you to shit post.

youve never had to deal with a beangarda obviously
women with authority abuse it

We should abuse this to get thots in jail

Ireland is swirling the drain, it's time to get out.

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There's nowhere to go, you fool. you have to make a stand. You can't just desert Ireland and leave for America like our treacherous deserters did in years gone by.

Women's agenda must be stopped.


I know 3 bean Gardaí 2 are literally Hitler and the others a qt who follows orders and never asks questions.

I think its a representative sample.
But the Gardaí in general are npcs, an appeal to emotion is just as effective with them, they are humans and its their 1 saving grace

I’ve lost all respect for potatoe niggas

>she cheats on you
>destroys your life
>"Fucking slut"
>she goes to police and says, "he called me a slut and it HURT ME"

There is no way to avoid a Blade Runner future, women have paved the way to be replaced by replicants.

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haha oh man... now Jow Forums roastie worshippers will have your fill of "incel" imprisonment.
say goodnight to all real men. put to death by the white girls you beta orbit.

oh well, you destroyed the west faggots, and now we all die.
im tired anyway, i dont even care

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Come to America.
>there's nowhere to go

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No offense mate but your country is hardly in a better situation. I mean apart from the fact that you can get guns easily enough.