How to keep girl hooked?

Hey so story time.

>Be me
>On Reddit
>Meet girl
>Legit 11/10 Blondie from Yurup
>She's 17, I'm 18
>Move to Kik
>Talk for about a month now every day
>Seems she really likes talking and stuff and puts in effort, long walls of texts.

How do I keep this girl? I always fuck it up somehow, but she's gorgeous and nd exactly who I'm looking for. I've made it semi obvious I'm into her with jokes about marrying her or her dad being a father-in-law and she takes it well.

Should I intentionally ignore her? I'm afraid shell get bored of talking... We cant meet in the near future, so it just seems a bit unrealistic but I still wanna try because she's kind of a loner and doesn't have male friends


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Keep doing what you're doing and get a job so you can save money to meet her.

Should I ignore her though? We've been talking non-stop for almost two weeks. There's still a bunch we have to talk about but I want to have her fiddle with her phone wondering when I'll text her.

This has happened before, almost 3 months and randomly she starts being cold and it just fuzzles out. She said there wasn't any "excitement". It's a terribly and dickish thing to do to somehow but I'm not who made women like this.

>>Legit 11/10 Blondie from Yurup
Eurofag here. Shes trying to get you to marry her for a green card. Or just generally to pay for shit. Meeting girls online, especially foreign ones is for desperate incels, you need to grow some balls and meet real girls.

>Should I ignore her though?
>We've been talking non-stop for almost two weeks.
Sounds good. Keep doing whatever you're doing.
> she starts being cold and it just fuzzles out. She said there wasn't any "excitement"
Because there isn't a whole lot to do in a long distance relationship if you don't immediately have a ton of shit in common. But if you get a job, save up money, you both have something to look forward to.

She's using you more emotional gratification. Which is fine if you are also getting something out of it. Don't sink any money into it or lock yourself out of other opportunities in the meantime, however.

I really don't think this is the case, she's from Scandinavia.
Thanks for your concern user.

You're right... I'll get on it.

Possible too. I am, I'm a lonely guy, she's nice to talk to.

>she's from Scandinavia
Is she though. Oh well I guess the chance that you aren't getting tricked is there. Good luck. Anyway, ever thought about doing dirty talk over skype or smth. If you can't meet her in real life thats kinda the only way to get something exciting in this relationship.

>Possible too.
I'd say "Probable" would be far more accurate.
>I am, I'm a lonely guy, she's nice to talk to.
That's fine, user. Just don't tie up resources or yourself in this "relationship" until such a time that you're actually getting something concrete out of it.

Oh that's a good suggestion! The only lewd stuff we've talked about is her consulting with me when she buys bikinis and that the jeans she tries on are too skinny for her butt.

Definitely! Anything IRL is better than online stuff.

>Eurofag here
Lel no you're not. You're an edgy teenager virgin from Burgerland.

I'm 27 and from austria. I've witnessed firsthand how some east europeans living here, encouraged by there mothers, have online relationships with rich americans and bait them over here to marry them. Not my fault america is full of libcucks for strong european women to take advantage off.

I mean, she doesn't use reddit that much and doesn't have much of an online presence. her Instagram doesn't even have any photos, I've asked for two selfies, the second one with her finger on her nose. So she's real at least, and we've voice called.

I really don't think she'd do that, her family is well off and she was recently on vacation. Its possible, but i think it's not the case.

You're a retard. Nobody in western Europe wants a green card. Even in the poor eastern European parts at most they want to move to western Europe. And why would a gold digger be wasting time talking online to someone who is not even an adult?

>be 27
>use words and memes that only Jow Forums teenagers use

Lel, I'm talking about my experience, you don't wanna believe me don't.

I can believe that in Eastern Europe, not the successful Nordic ones

OP said she was scandinavian after I said that.

Just be yourself

So I shouldn't ignore her?

>date girl
>have good time
>at some point say "if we're still about in X months time we should go to Y"
Although it's a bit of a tuffy with your imaginary internet non gf


I'm not memeing you, listen to me, Reddit is NOT a good place. It's the worst of the internet.

I agree, but it's bigger and has more users than Jow Forums. Good place to get factual info and entertainment.