BASED Ireland just criminalized "emotional abuse"

This will do wonders for reigning in white women! It's a good thing white men all flooded into the trades so they could hand control over their countries to women, bankers, and non-whites!

Pic related: the future wives of Irish "men"

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So now saying "no" to a woman or calling a guy with a beard a "man" makes you a criminal in Ireland. How tolerant.

There was a woman on the radio yesterday saying that she went on a date and when she went to pour the man some wine, he told her to put the bottle down as it wasn't her place to pour the wine. This "coercive control" will now be a criminal offence.

The dumb bitch went onto marry him and have children. The relationship obviously didn't work out.

Think of the Muslims! How will they handle this?

Ted predicted this

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I don't care anymore guys.Just fuck it.

But emotional abuse is the domain of women. Can we expect to see more women charged under this new law than men?

Why am I even asking that, of course they won't.

nope, all the coverage around it has been about boo-hoo wimmins.
"economic violence" will not be a crime.
That means if you tell your wife that she can't have your credit card to buy some bullshit, you will have committed violence on her.
psychological abuse is now called "psychological violence".
All this "everything is violence" is straight out of feminist literature.

"economic violence" will *now be a crime

How long before same race relationships are criminalized? Slippery slope

> I'm ignoring the law weaponising

But I would not be suprised if this gets worse for anyone in a relationship who fears state intervention.

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seriously....i will go to my shed in the wood and wait for the end

who cares.

this. beta basedboys will have some external power for the first time

>based white knight beta orbitors worship white roasties
>thinks hes against the establishment, and anons who call him a cuck are just shills and JIDF
*fast forward to current date*
>schlomo now makes it law to worship white roasties
>based cuck, confused and bewildered, now understands he was schlomos puppet the whole time
>baste "white nationalist" cuckold soon finds himself marching with male feminists

white knights have destroyed the west, and i do not pity the hell you are bringing upon all of us.
i embrace the fire.

nope. this law will only apply to women.
arbitrary shit like what defines "hate speech" for example could be twisted to mean anything.
so its discriminatly applied by the kikes to forwars their agenda.


I expected something like this from Sweden but not you...

you dont know irish girls user. they are loud, masculine, and aggressive, drunkards, hyper emotional, and even the classiest among them is still white trash.

>Ireland is one of only a few countries that have criminalized psychological or emotional abuse.
>In 2010, the French government criminalized psychological violence in intimate relationships, with the punishable offense carrying a maximum sentence of three years in prison and a €45,000 fine (approximately US $51,345).
>In England and Wales, coercive control in intimate relationships became a criminal offense in 2015.
>Last year, Scotland also adopted a similar measure.


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There’s no way this won’t be exploited by overemotial culturally cathoolic women

>white knights have destroyed the west, and i do not pity the hell you are bringing upon all of us.

Even chad will be targeted.
>Be chad top 10%
>Fuck roastie A.
>Later, fuck roastie B
>Roastie A get jelous and calls the police on chad.
>Chad becomes Jamal`s wife in prison.

Such is life under the gynocracy.

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>reigning in

it's rein in, you fucking idiot. like checking the reins on a horse. you fucking double idiot. stop embarrassing my flag.

Thats right, just keep giving more power to wahmen, guys. What could possibly go wrong?

these laws exist in America. Even southern states have them in place. It'd be funny if they applied to women. You can argue only men can be rapists. You can't argue women don't emotionally abuse their partner.

Imagine my psycho of an ex being able to say I emotionally abused her without any sort of meat to the claim. Hard pass from me dog, never trust a woman's word over a man.
thats my jam, pump and run. I'd be a criminal
society condones women abusing men as being stronk, woke etc. Henpecking, nagging, listening to some dumb bitch who has an opinion formed entirely on how she feels at the moment- all abuse leveled and designed to break down men and bring them to a woman's level.

>thinking this will apply to womerns
"Abuse" requires power and privilege...

>You can argue only men can be rapists. You can't argue women don't emotionally abuse their partner
Bullshit, we all know damn well they can & do twist logic however they like to mean whatever they want.

>all forms of mgtow or Male celibacy are outlawed as "misogynist"
>you will be assigned a roastie by the government
>in the event of not enough females, males will be reassigned to female
>the government supports open relationships (for women) and any "extramarital" activity on her part is her right under law
>you will be required to sexually please her as well as financially support her.
>any unauthorized spending is misogyny and will result in castration
>at any point, for any reason, your roastie can call the fempolice, who will castrate you can take you to rape jail where you will be fucked by the local diversity bull.

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As a neet I'm glad cause my parents can't lecture me and force me to do stuff now

I mean they seem pretty based. One of the few in Europe with tight immigration and sustainable birthrate. But shit like this make men not wanna interact with women.

Ha the Irish have always been trash

Next step is neglect rape.

Only chads will be distributed this way, all other men will be taxed extra for "male privilege"

user, forth wave feminist intersecionalism says some wiminz have benises
use their own ideology against them and turncoat to far left, advocate to make courts and laws gender neutral
wind the spiral until it breaks

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>emotional abuse
Isn't this exactly what women do to their husbands tho?

yes. miserable women do this and in the presence of weak men, try to bring every man down to their emotionally compromised level.

For the people who are worried about "socialism" and "communism" on Jow Forums, we've had a left wing party running our country for like 6 months in our entire history. The retarded shit going on in our country over the last few years is entirely the product of the centre-right who just gives a fuck about economics, and completely cedes moral authority on social questions to the left. Liberalism is the enemy, not communism or socialism. The latter two could be dangerous in future but right now they're fucking irrelevant.

Wow the Kremlin is really shilling women-hate today. 20 threads, all from shittyslavic VPNs.

Yet another in a stream of national embarrassments.

Is that sex doll wearing an Apple Watch ? Fuck it has a better life than me

Your comment literally made me face palm. Do you not think Fianna Fáil is left wing? You don't think Fine Gael is passing socialist legislation? How can you be this ignorant?

Guys read the article, its only about the women
>in 2017 there were 15,833 disclosures of domestic abuse, including 10,281 reports of emotional abuse.
>Male intimate partners accounted for 83% of those abusers, Women's Aid reported.

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Wait, so what metric are they using to determine this?
Wouldn't a person being subject to non-violent abuse have the choice to simply remove themselves from the situation?

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Fianna Fáil is a centre-right liberal party. And the crux of my comment was that these parties cede moral authority to the left on social questions so I guess they do pass "socialist" legislation sometimes. But economically both of these parties are right wing and they ostensibly hold the whip hand. If you're an ancap who thinks everyone who isn't an Austrian is a socialist don't even respond to me.

Friendly reminder, men choose freedom and women choose the state. Literally being cucked by our governments in every which way. Posters up for the 'epidemic' of family violence, while all I hear at uni (from teachers) is racism and sexism is wrong, but 'fucking white males!'.. Meanwhile lets import millions of Africans, Islamists and sell our national infrastructure to the Chinese.. Somehow this is good for 'me' when I argue it isn't. I get told well it's good for them and it isn't at my expense. When I refuse they take it anyway. Literally being the future of my country and now being denigrated to public enemy no 1. That isn't charity, or sharing, or brotherhood. It is malevolent theft, and borderline genocidal. I live with discrimination everyday. I will never forget it.

as it stand it's only for women you're married to. When men continue to opt out of marriage it will be for all men and women.

>buy me these shoes!
>No. I don't even know you

Wouldnt she be the one commiting the economic violence by putting the man in debt?
And the story before that wouldnt the woman be coercing the man by pouring the bottle of booze?