Why did the brits viciously/violently resist the roman invasion but have happily embraced the modern Islamic invasion?

Why did the brits viciously/violently resist the roman invasion but have happily embraced the modern Islamic invasion?

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Their leaders weren't a bunch of jews and freemasons

the romans did not genocide the brits on large scale to replace them

actualy that is what the anglosaxons did with the celts livin in now england.

Yes exactly. But now I'm getting told that I should hail woden and that christianity is foreign. So is woden.

the muslims are worse than the romans and theyre still happily embraced in uk

Ever notice how brits all look like the have varying degrees of downs? Yeah. That's why.

youre saying meds are superior?

Do you even have to ask? Of course, always have been, just look at history. Anglos, German ics, Norse, etc, have only been relevant for a very brief, fleeting period in comparison.

Yes they are, you fuel sniffing hobo

Because prior to the romans you didn't have a complete culling of every alpha male worth his salt two generations in a row

The romans had weapons on them.

why dont brits go tribal again obviously unification isnt working anymore

Because they weren't cucked by a sand religion the first time. But they are now.

Happily embraced? What have you that idea? Outside of the television and media, EVERYONE hates it and is sick of it.
I'm not joking when I say this, anyone telling you that they are in favour of it and claiming they are British is a shill or a larper.

Because they are lions led by donkeys.

But soon they will remember theur proud heritage as a nation of shopkeepers and football hooligans and chimp out on a massive scale. Surely no people, least of all the proud Germanic Anglo, can take this kind of shit for too long?


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The only moment in history when Nords Germans and Anglos have done anything was for capitalism, liberalism, enlightenment and faux corrossive modernist philosophy.

if by resisted you mean to get rekt, cuck out and then wait for them to leave to proclaim your independence again, while the northern part of the island laughs at you... then yes, they "resisted viciously"

Because brit men along with the other europoors are emasculated.

If that's true, why dontcha do something?

Becuase the romans didnt bring us kebeb and other things we enjoy in out wonderful multicultral society

Cuz kebab is tasty, mate

ever notice how canadians all look like they have various degrees of starvation?

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i thought the Romans taught you savages how to be human

Just because we aren't as obese as you guys (ever notice downies tend to be fat) don't mean we're starving. We're just healthier and more active.

Heh. Yeah, and the same goes for most of Europe.

There are so many different theories and conflicting stories about what the Romans did in Britain, and what the Angles Saxons and forgotten Jutes did or may have done, that any argument can be made concerning Roman intentions.
Currently what seems to be known.
The area were the Anglian kingdoms were located in Britain seems to have distinctly different DNA from other areas of Britain. No one knows if this is because the Angles wiped out and genocided the local populace, or the local populace fled, or was this area already settled by the Angles before the Romans even arrived.
The Saxon areas seemed to gave mixed Genetics, so either the Saxons didn’t wipe out the local populaces, or there weren’t that many of them, or the Saxons were the Anglo-Saxon group that was related to the local inhabitants as has been suggested.
The Scots, Franks, and Saxons all claim decent from the Scythians of Central Asia. In this case the Saxons would therefore have been related to the Scots.
It was in the past theorized that the Cymry(Welsh/native Britons) might be somehow related to the Cymerians of Central Asia, although this is now dismissed. Although, if the Saxons and Scots were decended from the Scythians, who incidentaly were at one time at war with the Cymerians, then it’s possible the Scythians followed the Cymerians to the British Isles, similar to the way Morth America was settled by nations at war with each other.
Who were the Druids, and were they related in some way to people from Central Asia.
Who were the Picts, and were they actually extorting tons of silver FROM the Romans, in exchange for not attacking the Roman settlements in Britain.
How effective were the Roman military excursions into Northern Britain, and did they succeed in destroying the agriculture of the Picts, and starve them to death.

it's called fetal alcohol syndrome, thank our high culture, single motherhood and gibs for those parasites
It's not diagnosed when it's not severe but more common then you think
Yes, average working/lower class brit is literally retarded

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The wrath of the angered monarch towards the Rothschilds.

Thank the meds right now

That'd explain it then. Frightening.

>The Meds in around 1AD
>The Meds now

Thanks Romans.

especially kebab made of white girl

Yep this ones going in my Anglo folder

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The current British haven't been the same as the ancient British in a more than a thousand years. Too much German, Slav, and Latin.

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>rent free

daily reminder that the dna of the ancient romans and that of the modern north italians overlap, unfortunately with a very slight shift towards nordic admixtures (due to barbarian invasions).

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>happily embraced in uk

Do you happily embrace the chinks, no were forced by our political elite just like you to accept it or lose everything we have. We are slowly trying to fight back.

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I haven't seen a chink in years

Shame no north Italians post on this board.

And I don't see niggers or pakis outside big cities
And ones I see are trained professionals
Outside of diversity centres like londonistan, birmingham caliphate and bradford we don't have them all that much
still too much

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you don't have to hail woden if your ancestors did not, retard

Because brits are a masochistic bunch who will oppose anything that would help them technology and culture wise both, and will strongly support bloodthirsty pakis who are out for some young pussy

>Because brits are a masochistic bunch who will oppose anything that would help them technology and culture wise both, and will strongly support bloodthirsty kikes who are out for destruction of every white nation

Yeah, so let’s ignore the shitskins who rape and stab anything that moves and blame it on the jews.
Show flag ahmed.

I mostly see abos no Asians where I live maybe one or less a year passes through

Because the "invaders" are still minorities and they refuse to adopt your perverted ideology.

The rural constituency of Richmondshire in North Yorkshire is one of the safest tory seats in the country. It is virtually all white. They have a paki MP that the tories parachuted in because they want to look diverse.

Its a problem.

How can Anglos be led by shitskins?

tories are labour commies with sane economic policies
only difference between those parties is that tories know math and labour has diane abbot as second in command
We would need to vote UKIP in but masses are retarded and system is set for two party politics, you can't get independents in

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>hehe why dont you only focus on the shitskins we kikes made you take in to shield us from our destructive influence on your society
This is why i love anti-semitism; because its a european perspective where muslims and jews are included in. I got room in my heart to hate all of you. And i can even expand it to be against all cultures that mutilate their men.