Just came across this, pretty heavy stuff
Copulins — How Women Are Drugging You
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Big if true
Wow good thing I haven’t gotten laid in decades
I mean this info has been out there for awhile so nothing new but it is good to see others finally see this stuff... not going to lie though, when I first read about copulins I was pretty shocked by the implications
pretty sure this is true... and slightly fucked up
See The Manipulated Man by Esther Villar.
fake amd arguably hetero
That last part about rotating females to balance one's mind is fucking awesome justification for forming my own harem. I can just date an empathetic sciency girl, show her this, make her feel bad for ruining my brain, and then rinse and repeat with next girl and so on. I will make lots of beautiful half whites with superior specimens of all the noble peoples.
As a molecular biologist this hurts me desu
It kinda explains why my highschool relationship completely derailed me for life.
fucking disgusting
This reads like some retarded wiccan power fantasy, what a load of shit
I've never been inside of a womans vagina except the time when I was being born
Does it mean I am not affected by this drugging thing? I still masturbate 4 times a day at 25 and desperately want a girl to fuck (though I will accept nothing less but a much younger virgin girl, but thats not the point)
Go be a pussy somewhere else
Women also store dna from every guy in their bodies
yeah, its kinda why I think that today's "relationships" are really just a one sided emotional risk... there isn't even truly real emotion anymore it seems
they are putting vaginal fluid in your water
That's not true for roasties, since all roasties produce is disgust chemicals.
from my understanding, you can be next to a female who is ovulating ( or pleasuring herself in some way shape or form) and you can be affected just not to the fullest extent... as for masturbation, its a dopamine addiction which has little to do with female pheromones ( though female pheromones can increase your want of a specific girl)
C-section virgins are the true master race
So what you’re saying is professional athletes who want to take testosterone supplements should just resort to sniffing vaginas to get their boosts?
if this is true then why doesnt it affect gays?
Incels will hang next to kikes on dotr
What's the TL;DR? Woman secrete chemicals through the vagina that guys can smell and react accordingly, in a biological level?
Don't worry user, half Jow Forums is virgin
>15 minutes after coitus
This is why you have to be a sadist during sex.
If she isn't tied up nude in a rubber sack hanging from the middle of the living room ceiling with two gallons of milk and honey in her anus and a 1:1 rubber mold of your dick in her gash then you have failed as a lover and a man.
Ladies hmu.
look at the dumb swede
There was some batshit feminist that had latched onto this as well a while back.
>"scientific" thread
>no source
Gays are often around female friends. The friendzone is truly the Cope-ulin zone.
Now I actually have a reason to have sex with women. I want to see if I can resist the mind control.
Well i at least can admit to doing some really dumb shit just for my drug in the past. Never actually knew i was high on pussy this whole time.
>people should become literally mind controlled slaves for a minimal increase in testosterone compared to injecting it
Just start being gay.
Odds are you'll find a surprise pussy nowadays.
gib copulins
You misunderstood me. Now that I know the mind control drug exists I believe I have a higher chance of resisting it so I want to challenge it. Going through hundreds of hairy asses hoping to find a disguised vagina is not as efficient as trying to find one attached to a woman.
>miss alice
>forest nymph
>tash wolf
fuck off you got enough qts
And it also mentally weakens them and makes them a lot more likely to do what females want them to
ayyy o7
>when the good-natured ribbing is obliterated by Finnish autism and practicality
I still love youuuuuu~
I love you too
Not gonna lie, I cracked a semi reading that
Oxytocin redpills
i am so intensely horrified, sickened, disgusted, disappointed, and repulsed that it transcends words. i am reminded of one of those bugs that burrows into the brain of another bug to force it to behave in such a way as to be eaten by a larger animal. this is tremendously fucked up. i don't think i can have a relationship now. not even trolling. not even joking. if you have a female partner, you are a literal mind controlled slave. and worse, the female, wants it that way. why does it have to be like this? can't we just fuck/have a relationship without being so fundamentally altered? fuck everything. just when life was starting to get good for the first time, ever, i find this shit out which totally fucks up my desire to have a relationship... fuck every thing...
Lol what the fuck that can't be real, I work in an environment that is 80% females and they are all riding the fuck out of the imaginary dicks of the few guys that are here, even as far as begging to go out and get outright rejected. And some of those females are married and attractive as succubis. If anything we males are the ones that secrete sex chemicals for them to get like wild bees ready to barf some honey.
We'll need a link to a science article on that, bucko...
lots of gays despise women
Can confirm. I'm suddenly not an unfuckable autismo when I'm at my 95% female job
Post source you stupid cunt.
Maybe the males that reject them already have a bunch of another females copulins in their brain which prevents other females copulins from taking over
It's horse shit, mate. Calm ya tits.
If any of this was real I’d be so smug right now. You have all called me degenerate st one time or another for trying to bag at least one new chick every week.
Had 3 hours sleep over two nights. Second day back at work. Sweet little zoomer grill with a crush on me has just visited. I’m such a wreck. Dog pissed on the floor. I’m tripping on exhaustion. Covered in mud and fur.
I could be banging this afternoon instead of hating myself for being such a fail cuck. I could be sledging on sweet sweet pussy juice taken intra-cockularly.
I needs muh pussy fix.
In my case I have no such thing unless that shit carries over for years, more sketchy and doubtful than the article itself. And that also raises the question, what if you had contact with more than one vagina? Does that mean you are being mentally manipulated by multiple persons, even if they are thousands of miles away? FAKE AND GAY
I really hope this isn’t true
Let me clarify, being mentally manipulated by those particular females you had vaginal contact with, I know we're being manipulated 24/7 by shit, but certainly females are not one of those perpetuators.
Is there any other source besides a wordpress article?
It happened to me but then she died
>Women Need Constant Supervision
This is clearly an unbiased source with no ulterior motives.
>not OP
Gee, if only there was a way to distinguish all the posters in any given thread...
Maybe there’s a chance that copulins from multiple females are able to reside in your brain at the same time.
>Does that mean you are being mentally manipulated by multiple persons, even if they are thousands of miles away?
Maybe you subconsciously remember their, “smell” or what their, “drug” feels like if you see a picture of them or some shit
What the flying fuck.
I'm in the wrong fucking business.
>A mixture of five volatile fatty acids secreted vaginally, identified and named “copulins,” significantly increase in concentration during the follicular phase and decrease in concentration during the luteal phase in nonpill using women. Men exposed to copulins exhibit an increase in testosterone, are inhibited in discriminating the attractiveness of women’s faces, and behave less cooperatively.
>In the current study, we attempted a replication of Jütte and Grammer’s finding indicating copulins inhibit the ability of men to discriminate attractiveness of women’s faces, and we examined the role of copulins in self-reported mate-guarding behaviors and self-perceived sexual desirability. We utilized a randomized placebo-controlled design and as predicted, results indicated men exposed to copulins were more likely to rate themselves as sexually desirable to women and, on average, the copulin group rated women’s faces as more attractive than controls. There were no significant findings with mate guarding.
Source or gtfo
>the vagina injects up to 100ml
What a load of bullshit. This article isn't backed by any kind of research.
Also, dont stick you dick in crazy just to change her mind. Just don't.
It’s 100% marketing bullshit
I can agree to an extent but my willpower is definitely stronger than their bullshit drug, in every case the female has always contacted me first just to get ignored a few hours laters by me, could be willpower plays a huge part, ASSUMING this is true, but again I say it all sounds like some fanfic with no basis in reality. And if it's real then it sure as hell won't affect me as it hasn't for the couple years.
If I splash this on my benis while reciting death to kikes will I literally turn into Ben Garrison?
American education, holy shit let that absolute crap die
Isn't it easier to just type I'm a virgin?
Theres an epiglottis in your cock that activates during erection. I dont believe vaginal snail trail can navigate its way into your ballsack
>bitch (or doughy faggot) crying baaawwwww suiciiiiiide
>call them out on it
>set up the "bathtub crystal"
Do your part.
Dr’s still don’t know what aspirin does.... but I’m supposed to believe in voodoo pussy juice
kek. post a summary of what you got up to in brit pol please, after you land, ofcourse.
but the placebo effect is real
Amish have been practicing this for hundreds of years they call it "soaking" while supervised by a community elder. There might be something to it
Are you a bot? You type weird.
Just do a quick search online and most of the things said in OP's article seem to be true:
>Copulins are chemicals secreted by a female's vagina. Chemically copulins are volatile C 2-C 5 aliphatic acids [40]. Huggins and Preti et al. 1976 [41] studied the chemical composition of copulins in 12 patients for 44 ovulatory cycles by means of gas chromatography tandem with mass spectroscopy to identify organic volatile components. These vaginal secretions contain mixture of aliphatic acids, alcohol, hydroxy ketones and aromatic compounds. Research since the mid to late 90 s has proven that copulins can affect and even control a male's brain. They have been shown to increase testosterone levels in men by 150% (Astrid Jutte study). This increase in testosterone may cause feelings of arousal in men if a woman is present. It is said that once a man smells copulins on a woman she is deemed to be more attractive.
Here is the whole study with sources:
>while supervised by a community elder.
What the fuck is with religi-fags and meat gazing?
are you?
Nah, just wrapped up a double shift and FUCK SLEEP/
That’s some cult tier shit
Wow . So this fucking stupid are you . This is the bar . cool .
How can we weaponize copulins to defeat the jew?
i looked into this ages ago
it's a fucking fetish article based on nothing
>Research since the mid to late 90 s has proven that copulins can affect and even control a male's brain.
Fuck. Is there any way to counter this? Are copulin inhibiting drugs a thing? Just think about how many men have made certain choices because they were under the influence of this.
>when a man gets a whiff of copulins, his testosterone levels rise
wait so instead of huffing braps we are now supposed to smell pussy all day to raise testosterone?
>actually believing stuff you read in some femdom hypnosis doujin to be real
there's no real research on anything of the scale you're describing. if you find any post it.
Don't worry OP, I got this covered.
God dammit, Rule One of internet facts.... SOURCE IT, FAGGOT.
Now get out there and stop being a good goy.
Nice try
im assuming ladybois cant do this because its a gland in the vagina, correct?
The source is in the post made by the guy I replied to
>after 15 minutes of coupling.
whew im safe, i can barely make it a minute without blowing my load. sometimes on the first couple strokes depending on how horny i am.