Sending your daughter to college

>sending your daughter to college
ISHYDDT Jow Forums....

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lol, bitch is going to work. i'm not paying for her jewish indoctrination camp.

I’ve never understood why colleges turns woman into kikes nowadays.

My ex gf went from conservative girl of average-to-good looks to a bleeding heart, refugee loving landwhale who dies her hair green after just a year and a half of college. I don't get this shit, I've finished college and didn't really change at all.

Since the 50s

What did she study?

Higher education isn't for women. Neither is politics.

Because women are easily manipulated and brainwashed. Men either remains the same or act as if they are manipulated to avoid condemnation.

She went into biology from what I remember.

Imagine never having a job & in your development years you're told you're stupid and a pariah by everyone around you if you're Conservative. It's prolonged adolescence and brainwashing. And it happens to weak minded type men, too.

I never got the fat in college thing. I was too poor and busy to get fat those early years.

At least she is learning what sexual experiences she's open to.

It was probably peer pressure, to be honest. Somehow, she ended up falling in with a group of SJWs, and changed to fit in with them. This (or worse) is what happens when young women aren't taught to value their morals over the opinions of their peers.

The right one looks unironically less bitchy than the left one

this. i would dick her pussy

All of the frat boys at her school probably beat you to it.

Fuck off kike. 4th Reich incoming to destroy your degeneracy once and for all.


shut up and pay your debts, slave

You can make women do or believe anything you want them to. Jews are well aware of this

I would bet my left nut all her professors were jewish. Or at least 2 out of 3.

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>lookin' like the racist shitlord's ideal of a pure wife

>men are pure and incorruptible
>women are degenerate pigs
see that's the kind of view that makes you the jester of the world

check your flag shitposting privilege kike

Women are more likely to want social acceptance and follow trends, whereas men are more likely to just do what they want. The majority of women wouldn't be degenerate if society didn't tell them that "degeneracy = good".

that's plain bullshit, men and women alike have the same tendencies to follow the masses' trends. the fact that relationships between males are different than those between females is irrelevant. just go in a school and you'll see that the vast majority, males and females alike, will choose defined patterns of behaviour and dentencies.


There are numerous studies showing that women are more likely to conform to their peer group. From a psychological perspective, women score significantly higher on agreeableness than men.
>Men are, on average, more concerned about appearing to have high status and may be able to demonstrate this status by acting independently from the opinions of others. On the other hand, and again although there are substantial individual differences among them, women are, on average, more concerned with connecting to others and maintaining group harmony. Taken together, this means that, at least when they are being observed by others, men are likely to hold their ground, act independently, and refuse to conform, whereas women are more likely to conform to the opinions of others in order to prevent social disagreement.

I’d say there’s a lot more men in the outlier group. This is just as easily observable in a school setting though, the “weird” kids are overwhelmingly men especially when it comes to niche interests and beliefs.

The worst part is the gayged ears. Hair can be cut or re-dyed, can change glasses frames or wear contacts, can change clothes. But the faggoty ear holes are permanent. I feel bad for this whore's father but he's probably a soft ass bitch to let her turn out like that so fuck him.

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turns into a scene kid from 11 years ago?

1. Your picture isn't even the same person
2. My wife became more conservative in college
>tfw non-jewish white women know how to assess what makes them valuable

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Jews are only able to corrupt things.
Inferior animals with bad traits like greed, envy etc.
Through breeding with Europeans they also aquired some +IQ, but not much.

Their culture (Talmud) allows them to do anything to goyims.
But our culture doesn't allow us to harm other people based only on their religion/origin.

If we would fight without rules like the animals do then jews wouldn't have an advantage over us anymore. But we are civilized.

That is what true superiority means.

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>tfw you are weak, but you control enitre nations anyways, like a parasite
makes one think

Imagine being this ignorant
This goes beyond American levels
>writing all that yet posting the pic of a jew
therefore the host is weak

this has been well-known since antiquity.

Femin virus.

I wouldn't disagree- but saying men can't be manipulated on Jow Forums is pretty ironic don't you think?



literally what is the difference nigger

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Adolf Hitler was not a jew.
The name "Schicklgruber" is german.
Jews used german sounding names to fit in the german society and to hide in it. That doesn't mean that every single Oppenheimer is a jew.

Adolf Hitler opposed the New World Order.
He opposed, named and fought the international finance system and the people behind it (Rothschilds).
Before that he tried the peaceful way, but "jews declared war on Germany".

You can't fool me with your Antifa JIDF bullshit.
Adolf Hitler also looks very german/european. The profile of his face and skull structure.

Now you are free to fuck off, Shlomo.

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id bang them both until the bed frame came apart

anybody have her feet pics?

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Where else am I supposed to find a gf though?

>Hitler was not a jew
For orthodox jews, being defined one is based on your mother's line
So yes, he was

you have to be 18 to post here

The name dates back INSIDE the Hitler family to Johannes Schicklgruber (29 May 1764 – 12 November 1847) who was a simple farmer.

Now are jews simple farmer? Tell me!
No, jews are parasite city dwellers, merchants, currency changers, but not hard working common people.

You trying to blackpill me is just pathetic.

Whites only Pedro

ok rabbi

Aryan here sorry Jorge but you have to go back and stop being a gusano

she's way cuter after though tbqh

>At least she is learning what sexual experiences she's open to.


i-i-m w-white! I promise!

i had almost the same case.she made a training as a mechanic and didnt like feminism and the whole sjw shit in general.

and then she visited a college and becomes the exact opposite.

what the fuck

Linksliberale Gehirnwäsche und außerdem sind an deutschen Unis etwa 90% Antifa-Aktivisten.
Die meisten Professoren sind Juden und viele der Studenten ebenso.

Ashkenazi have a. higher IQ than any other race, Adolf. It's why we are so successful, since IQ correlates to how successful you will be in life

nepotism and lack of morality, they have no engineering aptitude or spatial reasoning


Wrong, it is their culture which is superior to our current culture. They are actively dumbing down Europeans to achieve slightly worse IQ results than Ashkenazi jews while they teach their own children to be just like predators and to exploit everything and everyone.

IQ is not a static number. Sure, every race has a maximum potential, but it highly depends on education if you can achieve that maximum potential.

Also Ashkenazi jews are basically Europeans with a jewish (talmudic) culture.
They have nothing in common with real jews who are ethnical arabs.

hitler was the anti jew

I could never understand as to how someone could allow themselves to be manipulated in this way. You'd think people would look at multiple sides of a particular subject instead of blindly follow like a peasant in a crusade.

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Who knows, perhaps the Muslims have the right idea, but to allow them into your own home is proven to be a problem.

>men are pure and incorruptible
When did i typed that?
All i said that they are not easily manipulated, but they can hold both negative and positive ideology. I am not denouncing women i just expressed my observation.

Jews are exactly like a parasite or cancer. One could say cancer or a fat bloody tick under your arm is smart, successful and high IQ. Things like that aren't intelligent...they are devious and evil to get where they are.

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My daughter went to college and ended up just like this. She was drugged and raped at a frat party. She fucking deserved it. I told her if she continues down this leftist faggot road it will continue to happen.

I hope she’s raped again and again until she sees the error of her ways.

Dumbass OP doesn't know college is a Femin Virus breeding ground

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i'd stop sending them to that college, and if they want to raise a stink about it, enjoy paying your own expenses, cunt

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still pretty cute tho

>paying for infection

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communist subversion user
its always subversion, and the best part is, these idiots think they are super bright, when they are the ones so weak they are brainwashed and give up complete control of their being. absolutely pathetic. uni anymore is to standardize and crush free thought into these meme tier molds of 'alt' chicks and dudes who think being bi is cool but will no doubt defend billions of genders

>know 3 people who studied outside of Czech Rep
>one of them is a single mother living in London with a niglet
>other unironically posts pro-refugee propaganda and claims she is and always was lesbian, even though I know she's lying because she dated my friend
>and the best one, know a guy that went to study in Canada, was quite normal, and he's now a tranny
I don't know what the fuck happens in the west but it's fucking scary. Stalin pls bring back the iron curtain.

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Reminder that Jews hate Christianity so much that they don't even use a plus sign for teaching math in Israel because it looks to similar to a cross.
A reminder that these globalist bastard Jews are the same type of Jews that begged and BEGGED the Romans to crucify him.
A reminder that Christianity saus to discipline your wife and keep her in check. It is only modern influenced societies that say otherwise,not christianity
A reminder that the globalist secular baby dick sucking jews are different than the average Israeli civilian. Israelis in Israel actually hate George Soros and all the liberal Judges in their Supreme Court.
The evil Synagogue of Satan is different than other Jews. These are the same bloodline as the pharisees which other Jews hated and siuffered from.

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Wow the Kremlin is really shilling women-hate today. 20 threads, all from shittyslavic VPNs.

lmao the only people who listen to the beastie boys are white people most blacks think their lame

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This .A loot of jews that i've talked to in Belgrade hate Soros and Nwo as much as we do.They understand that they are being used for the benefit of the satan.That does not mean that they should get the rope.As theu should

>Adolf Hitler also looks very german/european.
Actually he looks British, just admit your Addy was a spy.

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Based and factual

Please explain how college is good for women and how it helps improve their role in society?

Women are conformist, they're literally biologically designed to be subservient. Lack of strong males means they now conform to social pressures instead.

because we live in it

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My wife went to college and dropped redpills on classmates. She regularly trounced them in "arguments" that really went like this:
>stupid leftist opinion
>actually here are the facts
>"uh that's wrong and offensive"
>"here are my sources" *pulls up facts*
>"I still think you're wrong" *walks away, avoids contact*
My wife had a few right wing friends (usually country girls) and eventually the leftists would stop piping up with their stupidity because they knew she would outsmart them. The teachers continued to be leftist loudmouths though because my wife was afraid to contradict them.

Its really a pattern. A girl i knew went to law school and I met her with a buzzcut 3 months later.

IQ is inheritable.

Malnutrition is capable of causing up to -15 IQ. With this in consideration, Africans are still borderline retarded even if we assume they are achieving 15 IQ below their potential. Even wealthy blacks in America (with white admixture) are less intelligent than low income whites (on average).

Studies done on Ashkenazi jews are often done BY Ashkenazi jews and show signs of sample bias (taking IQ tests from people in highly trained and competitive fields like medicine or law).

The IQ of Israel's jewish population is actually below average.

Also, jews do not have a superior culture. They were the only class of citizens for hundreds of years in Europe who were allowed by church law to practice usury and lend at interest. This turned them into a privileged caste who dominated the finance sectors of all of Europe.

>"wrong and offensive"
Denying reality works really well until someone physically imposes their reality on them, and if they are lucky they get to survive.
And probably go on thinking they deserved it anyway.
Well, now I feel sad.

Leftism is ingrained in these peoples' identities. They adopt the "punk rebel" look (while ironically, being a total conformist) and hang out with other leftists. Many of them are gay or have had gay experience, are avowedly anti-Christian and so on. They would rather just ignore someone who outargues them than take it to heart and radically change their entire life.

It's easy enough to get them to shut up though. They will usually just parrot some left wing talking point they saw on the media recently or heard from a leftist professor. To people interrested in politics, you realize they really have a limited number of canned arguments which are passed around ad nauseum, and are easy enough to dispel. They are trying to sound intelligent in front of their peers, but in actuality their knowledge of the topic is extremely shallow (usually limited to the canned assertion itself, with minimal supporting knowledge). Prove them wrong with a counterargument and some sources, and they will eventually learn to stay quiet to avoid embarassing themselves.

Leftist professors are even more moronic. They don't just repeat media talking points; they are deep in the Marxist cult and often espouse utterly batshit insane ideas like (this is a real example): "in ancient societies, men and women were equal and women often ruled, and there were no wars, until the patriarchy took over mankind and subjugated women and started enslaving other tribes". However, they will and do use grades as a weapon. My wife was an A student (when politics weren't involved in the classrooms or she didn't challenge leftist professors), but would get Ds and Cs from communist professors she challenged while the teacher's moronic class pets would get As despite failing all their other classes.

When people with power fantasies get power the result is inevitable.
Unfortunately the waves of shit they generate will never subside no matter how far the pendulum of reality swings.

Dragon Dildos and cat litter.

Dyed hair feminists are actually quite prudish. She probably has a skinny cuck hipster boyfriend she occasionally cheats on with random brown foreign students

Leftist women are actually massive hypocrites and rarely sleep with nonwhite men.

You're right about the cuck hipster thing though. They like to wear the pants and adopt a beta to push around.