My girlfriend is cheating on me and doesn't know that I know

>started as LDR, she's from LA and I'm from London
>she has dual citizenship as her father's English
>were "together" online for 2 years, visited a lot
>she moved her as she was a NEET and had nothing there
>together for 4 years, she has a basic job and I provide for most things including the rent
>spends all her time playing MMOs and talking to her orbitters on discord
>turns out one of them is local and they fucked (found a condom under the bed as well as whatsapp messages)
>she deleted the messages on her phone but they're still on the backup file
>has apparently been happening for a few months
>Took her out to dinner and had great sex so she wouldn't suspect anything

A part of me wants to fuck with her but then the more mature part of me wants to just walk away. The tenancy agreement is up in September, shall I just not renew it and find somewhere for myself to live and then move out and ghost her completely? Before I came along she was a complete NEET and I'm heart broken that she's done this to me. She was 6 years older, had no degree and lived with her mother. She frequently told me that if she reached 30 she'd kill herself if she was still alone.

Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 13K)

Dump the bitch. She cheated on you, she doesn't want you, she doesn't deserve you.

Just drop her ass

I'd kick her out especially if you've got proof

>shall I just not renew it and find somewhere for myself to live and then move out and ghost her completely?
Do this.

I'm sorry this happened, OP.

I am dumping her, I just don't know whether to sit her down and tell her or just walk away

You could easily take revenge, but you should follow your mature part. Be honest with her, tell her that she broke your heart and should be ashamed of herself. Then tell her you want her to move and assume her shit.

The thing is, take a decision, be honest and firm with her and hold on your decision.

She will feel like shit, and realize she just lost you. On the other side, you will feel better to deal with this as a mature person. You win. She lose.

don't wait a month you cuck, how could you even look at someone without disgust who betrayed you like that?

Girls in relationships shouldn't have orbiters. That should have tipped you off from the beginning. Arguably, even male friends they spend a lot of time with are a red flag, unless they've known them longer than you.

I have been "that guy", and one time we ran into her boyfriend in town and she made up a story about how we knew each other for ten years. I felt bad.

Cheat on her, a lot
She is a whore and deserves to suffer

Seconding this.

Ghost her. Let her stew.

Just stop talking to her. Why is this so difficult?

They live together, m8.
This. Be upfront.

>her orbitters on discord
>they fucked

When will you guys stop dismissing other men in your gf's life as an orbiter? There is a reason women keep men around under the nose of their bf. TO FUCK

Just dump that bitch like garbage. And when the new guy shes with get bored of her and she comes crawling back to you, tell her to fuk off.

>she's from LA
Huge red flag right off the bat.

Tell her if she likes her orbiters so much you'll be happy to upgrade to Ass 10 from her Ass 8. And not Ass 8.1 either.

Never, ever trust girls who play MMORPGs unless they're that super ultrabitter kind of bitch. They're always on it for attention.

Does/did she play final fantasy xi? 'Cus this sound suspiciously like a person I knew and she's pulled this exact stunt a few times with guys. You'd be better of ditching her.

Setup something very romantic for her and in the middle of it, drop her ass showing you knew this entire time.



Thirding the ghosting idea it's harsh but she deserves it

one day when she is at work, pack up all her shit and change to locks. you must be english if you found a condom in your house that wasnt yours and didnt throw her out immediately

>WhatsApp backup files

What?? How do you find this?

Also, ghost her