How do I cope with the fact I'll forever be an incel and societal outcast?

How do I cope with the fact I'll forever be an incel and societal outcast?

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I'm 18 btw so I really need to learn how to cope since my entire life will be like this.

You accept it. If you don't want to, you try to change it.

Bro you have plenty of time.
I thought I'd be an incel forever then an angel saved me at 23. Now she left and I feel worse than before. You're not missing out on anything.

I know that but how do I accept it?
I tried very hard to change, I got Jow Forums, I really tried to be the person I could be
and still no one wanted to be near me.
I'm completely average in looks, and just a bit autistic, more quiet than anything.

Wtf is wrong with you, you're 18. Grow up & improve yourself.


learn some fucking social skills

I'm 18 too k dude it all gets better with the way your wording this I'd say you've spent too much time focusing on the redpill. Redpill and bluepill are bullshit. Just gets in the way of what you want to do.

I actually have autism been diagnosed with it nd everything it's not a problem ever just means I look way too much into everything in my mind. Might say it in a conversation but it sparks interesting conversations.

Your funni I've seen you post another one of this guys videos before.

Just fake it till you make it. Go out and be social. Girls dig confidence.
You’re only 18 you have plenty of time.
We all go through an awkward phase.
If you wanna get laid go after unstable girls with daddy issues.
After that it’ll be easier to get with a healthy woman.

OP here, bumping because I got no replies I was looking for.
I don't care to change my circumstances anymore, I've tried that enough times.
I just want to know how to move on and live with being outcast.

You'll figure it out eventually.

You stupid fuck, I don't want to hear about "I really tried" when you're 18 years old. You're not even in your 20s yet, if you want a good life you have multiple years to work toward it, either keep trying until it works or kys

wtf m8 don't give up yet or you'll end up like me.

t. 28 year old incel

It's not really possible to fully accept it. Love is considered a human need for a reason.

Best you can do is work a lot, not to >improve yourself, but to simply pass time. I bet you noticed that those feelings are the worst when you have a lot of time on your hands.

Organize your whole day so you have very few unoccupied time
>Get better at what will bring you money in the future
>Read books
>Play video games that don't allow you to play mechanically while thinking about >tfw no gf, such as counter strike
>Learn a new language
>Lifting hard enough to be tired enough so you can fall asleep fast and escape the thoughts

That's what I do and it works.

That's what I'm learning. I have a very ugly face and Asperger's so dating is just something I can't even fathom doing.

I must add: no social media exposure whatsoever. Nothing worse than seeing happy couples when you are alone

If you feel especially bad that day, not even Jow Forums.
Just stay clear of anything that could lead you to think about relationships. That automatically excludes most movies and TV shows. Philosophy is where the shit's at desu.

Sex sells and all forms of entertainment nowadays are meant to pander to couples or make singles miserable so that they participate in consumerism to cope. Think about it: what can you sell that someone already happy would need?

I'd say, stay clear of most modern forms of entertainment, they are literally meant to make you miserable in the long run.

lol, that is by far the worst thing to do. Have some standards m8, don't let a stupid stacy steal your wizard powers from you and then leave you high and dry.

Never admit you have autism, social anxiety or any other social illness. It immediately makes people see you as a child who needs help. Girls never respect someone like that.

Men of this generation have to learn to be alone. There will only be harems for the top 20% of males in the future.

My understanding is that you need help with your social skills. There are ways to improve this; I would recommend reading books about it. How to Win Friends and Influence People would be a good start.

Idk m8, let me know if you figure it out. I'll be 30 in 2 months and I still don't know.

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If history taught me anything it's that when enough men are mad, things usually happen. Maybe not so much the case today because men got feminized, but I don't see this going on forever either.

I'm 18 too, but I'll soon go out to follow my dreams and risk being homeless in another country or something than live this sad life until I'm 30. I'm getting a hooker next week and start working on my plans today.

18 is just the start mate. I was holding a rifle to my head when I was a senior thinking I'll never be able to feel happy about anything or be happy with anyone.

Decided I rather try to become someone than having my mom walk in my room and see a 5.56 through my skull.

Try drugs. Makes being in this world a bit fun sometimes

Thing is, when you have no way of buying them online and no contacts irl it's kind of difficult to obtain good stuff.

read literature and watch anime all day

Youre digging your own hellhole there user

Ya man I thought the same damn thing and weighed 280 lbs when I was 18. None of that’s true though.

user, I personally started with behavioral therapy, not the psychiatry stuff but the psychology stuff - no drugs, just you and your mind.

If you have the money, do it 2-3 times a week, if not, start out with 1 and try to meditate a couple times a week. Take it seriously.

Meditation is pseudoscience.

>I'm 18 btw
Come back when you are 28.
In the meantime, take steps to avoid this future. You are fucking 18

If he's ugly he can't do anything to avoid the future.

Do you want to die homeless, in a back alley, at age 30 or do you want to die in your 80s, in your king size bed, drinking a glass of vintage wine?

He can grow a personality, make money, get a life.
Men WAY uglier than me are out there banging chicks and having a blast. I've seen them.


>I'm 18

18 is actually when I lost my virginity and stopped being a fucking gay loser


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An Hero before it gets any worse.


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How are you guys enjoying the destruction of monogamy?
Isn't it nice having no chance to have a mate in your life?
Isn't this just progressive and great and making us all happy?