>qt works at local 24 hour convenient store >she acts shy around me, doesn't give a shit about other men blatantly hitting on her >we have a lot in common >want to ask her out but don't know how >if she rejects me then I lose out on a super convenient 24 hour chill spot
During lunch or coffe break compliment her random feature (hair, dress, boots, smile, favorite pokemon) and then ask for her number. Then wait 18 hours and chat her up via text. Ideal question is >what are you up to at weekend? I was thinking ice cream and park, wanna go with me?
Dont forget condoms.
Aiden Kelly
>If she rejects me I can't go there no more
Not necessarily. She probably won't care that much or it would be a little awkward at most. Go for it, no pussy.
"I find you attractive, let's get coffee sometime." If she says yes get the number.
Benjamin Turner
He still risks sexual harassment claims by doing that, which can ruin you.
>I've had to fire and blacklist people over accusations, even when they were proven false.
Jayden Murphy
>"I find you attractive, let's get coffee sometime." that's coming on way too strong, dude. :/
Lincoln Allen
she's got a bf or husband and kids and didn't finish high school. can't you shoot higher
David Price
yeah i wouldnt want to go back if she rejects me specifically because of possible harassment charges
James Sanders
Eh I got a date by doing something similar, it's all about how you sell it. I'd recommend conversing a bit first.