Atheists HATE this!

Premise 1: everything that begins to exist has a cause
Premise 2: the universe began to exist
Therefore, the universe has a cause.

That cause must be outside the universe, eternal, and have creative power.

That cause is God.

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Stop posting this shit every day, faggot. Either everything requires a cause or nothing does. Your kike god doesn't get a free pass.

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Therefore watch where you stick your pee pee.

Yeah, maybe. Anyone who thinks the universe just popped into existence doesn't understand the laws of conservation. Anyone who thinks a magic sky daddy sent his Jew son to be stuck to a stick is just as stupid as the people who don't understand the laws of conservation.

Fuck you! he's MY kike god. you're the kike.

Pascal's wager

Who made the laws

A God? Take you fight elsewhere, bitchboi, I'm not an atheist, you illiterate fuck.

Now prove it.

I did. It’s in my argument.

No u

The assumption that everything That begins to exist has a cause hasn't been proven you dip.

I reject both your premises. Now fuck off back to your stick copy of “Philosophy for Dummies”.

You didn't.
You made a claim without justification.

To know that the cause if the universe existed outside it you must be able to demonstrate it.

Saying "what else could it be?" Is an argument from ignorance.

I can’t agree with Premise 1, I don’t know if everything that begins has a cause.

But I support your views and wish you the very best.

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I did. science has proven the universe began to exist

Your move, readlet

It has. We know this from experiential evidence, handlet

I do. Through experience, hand/read/man/brain-let

No. We can see to the beginning of the big bang, but we can't estimate further back in "time" than that because our physical theories break down.


I disagree with premise 2

Oh so things just pop into being uncaused out of nothing? Where have we witnessed thay

Then you disagree with science

Actually science is unable to look before the Big Bang because it is outside of the material universe, but we know from experience that things don’t just pop into being uncaused, readlet

That's a hypothesis unproven. We don't know what was before the big bang it's all speculation. Could just be a big crunch and then expansion.

We know from experience that life is only found on earth. In the entire universe. No where else, everything we have experienced has proven that no other life exists.

Science has proven that the universe began, even if there was a contraction

Sorry you’re dumb

That's incorrect. Post proofs that aren't some undergrad wet dream fantasy.

>everything that begins to exist has a cause
Bad premise.

Again we have deceitful rhetoric at work. Admitting ignorance where we are ignorant does not mean holding "faith" in something. Of that which we do not know, thereof we must not speak; anything else is delusion.

Furthermore, the sleight of hand at work in this post is the conception that if science doesn't have a perfect explanation for how the universe began, then that must mean God is real and religion (which one are we discussing right now?) is true.

This is just a false symmetry which comes from the mind of the theist. His own religion offers explanations for creation and much more, so his conception is that science must offer one as well or be a weak system of beliefs.

Of course this is all beside the point. Science is a practice, not a belief system, that is based around trying to create reliable, objective knowledge out of the shared experience of subjective humans. That the method has not yet reached beyond a certain point in the past has nothing to do with whether the methodology is reliable. Scientific knowledge is not reliant on knowing how the universe began the same way most religions are reliant on the claim that their God having created the entire universe and everything in it as a basis for the rest of their beliefs.

Furthermore, this is classic "God of the Gaps" reasoning. That we don't know what happened (if anything) before the Big Bang makes the theist fill like he can slip God into that space, but there's no evidence to support God as an alternative explanation either. Again, if we're being honest, we just have to say we don't know.

The deceitful theist demands that the intellectually honest scientist admit that his knowledge is not perfect, and then uses this as leverage to pretend that his own completely unsupported religion is at least an equivalent alternative just because it is willing to make claims it cannot defend.

This is perfect. OP demolished, Christ Cucks in shambles.

That’s correct. Alexander Valenkin you fucking idiot

Wrong and wrong.

Science can’t know what happened before the beginning of the universe because science is restricted to the material universe, readlet/megatard

You wish. This is just classic faith In science. Sad!

Who the fuck cares, our brains aren’t wired for this shit


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Based nog

>the universe began to exist
No evidence of this. The big bang, if it happened (evidence it didnt like quantises red shift is pretty convincing), was merely the changing of one state into another, not non existence becoming existence.

>if god, an incredibly complex mind and being able to invent entire realities can "always exist", with no cause, then certainly a random, ever changing but always existing universe can, far more easily.

You must understand, atheists are retarded brainlets with double digit IQs. They aren't smart enough to understand this.

You are fucking retarded. Science has proven any universe in a state of expansion had a beginning.

Get help

Not to mention that the scientific method falls under the weight of it's own premise. Example: "The scientific method is the only way to find truth."

Based burger

I love destroying these redditor edgetards

Neither Premise 1 or 2 have been demonstrated to be true.


I don't believe this, nor do I believe you can prove it. Which universal studies have we done on this? And has it been proven to be repeatable and verifiable on other Universes as well? That's kinda, sorta, the entirety of the scientific method.

>I don’t believe science

Premise 2 has been proven.

Premise 1 is the basis for all science ever


Began to exist

It is funny huh? One day the retardex scientists were saying "there ain't no God because.... well... THE BIG BANG." Now. Many of them have changed theur stories. Uh... the universe was always here... it never had a beginning." Oh, so now you all of sudden admit that things can be "eternal." Well, now what? Are you going to say an eternal God cannot exist? Interesting how these brainlets keep changing their stories and ideas.

Everyone here realized this is just a shill thread, and OP is just being willfully ignorant, right? He doesn't actually believe this shit, he's just saying it to make Christians seem retarded.


What's the cause


That wasn't a source.

You're a little baby

Wait till you find out not only is earth fixed (and probably flat) but sunlight and daylight are two different things

Dont see any causal link there big boi.

It's possible that "before the big bang" is not even a sensible statement, what we do know about physics is that time and space are not independent but both properties of one entity we call spacetime. Just as the big bang created the space from the singularity it also created time.

We do actually have evidence that things pop into existence uncaused, quantum mechanics tells us that pairs of oppositely charged particles pop into existence and then collide back together to annihilate themselves. It's what is responsible for hawking radiation that is given off at the event horizons of black holes.

Lawrence Krauss has an entire book on the universe from nothing and how the current understanding of physics allows for the creation of a universe from nothing by essentially a similar process in quantum mechanics that allows pairs of particles to spontaneously appear from nothing.

I don't think you know the first thing about modern physics.

What's funny is people were killed for saying the earth is round. It took years of irrefutable work, and grave risk to prove that. And now faggots shitpost about it on the internet, possibly believing it.

1. False. Many things begin to exist with absolutely no cause at all.
2. Also false. The universe is infinitely old.
Therefore atheism.

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How do you know that?

Why couldn't so called "medieval history" be a fake Jews hero story to suit their agenda just like Obama's bio?


Quantum mechanics is based on things which began to exist, retard Lawrence Krause jr.

Wow u are dumb


What's funny is scientists initially thought that the Earth was flat. I think most of us know the Earth is round outside of a few retards. So, does this somehow disprove a creator? I think not. You can only ad hom your way through for so long. I mean "some Christians are stupid, therefore God does not exist" is not a sound logical argument. I've met some really retarded atheists as well.

Jesus Christ be praised.

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>Pascal's Roulette Wheel
Whoops, you picked the wrong god out of hundreds of choices. Off the hell you go!

You need to determine what causes quantum mechanics.

>muh stuff from nothing

Ya except quantum fields exist so a proper definition of nothing would be the absence of anything including quantum fields.

"The absence of everything including quantum fields" may not be a statement that makes sense to begin with. An empty vacuum still has quantum particles randomly appearing and disappearing with no cause.

But the quantum fields still exist

You believe in an imaginary god because you are afraid of death.

Nice refutation, europoor

Premise 1: everything belongs to the same original thought
Premise 2: this original thought in its more overarching form may be considered as the creator or the mind of god
Premise 3: you are a part of this thought but can become more like the creator by embodying the ideals which are more general, central, universal, or compassionate that take into account the connections which all things share as existing in one infinite creation

Thank you americuck