Existing in Europe and not living in Switzerland.
How does it feel to be europoor and invaded by shitskins.
Existing in Europe and not living in Switzerland
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Aren't prices in Switzerland inflated af?
Only if you're poor
Poland is based and redpilled
Do you guys really have direct democracy? Was talking with a zoomer about it and watched a video about it but it just made it seem like it was a state voting on its laws like in America
Oh yes, I am so envious of a country which is home of 60% of Albanians and every criminal element ex-yu diasporas have ever produced. So envious.
I have no desire to be a mountain jew
>day of the tschäggättä
youre invaded by shitskins, plus your entire nation is a jew bank posing as a state, fuck off goy
How does it feel to be invaded by a miliion or more Balkanoids and for your women to be our slaves
I went to Switzerland 2 years ago and all I saw was g*rmans, Arabs, African and poo workers. I legitimately saw only a handful of Swiss and this was in the country.
I live at the border with Switzerland and visit often enough to know you are flooded as well
shut the fuck up Moshe. You are speaking as if you lived in Czech republic. Stay mad in your Switzeristan
The last place I'd want to be desu, right at the door step of Africa and the Middle East
Like Sweden is any better lmao. We have literal no-go zones here that are filled with somalis and afghans.
How does it feel having 25% of population being foreign born? ( most of these are probably Serbs or Albanians)
How does it feel being an albanian shitskin colony?
albanians and serbians are white
>tfw you live in in South Tyrol
>next to Switzerland but not Switzerland
>instead muslims and italoshits
Switzerland is a cosmopolitan Marxist utopia. Don't come here.
Feels pretty good
But maybe that's just because I'm touching myself
Switzerland nooooo!
I wouldnt know I'm (((Italian)))
Nobody goes there unless they're an Arab though lol. Switzerland is so small they can't even have segregated zones for shitskins.
Im europoor but i dont see blacks and muslims anywhere. A few in the big cities that i can count on my fingers and the capital is a shithole i guess never been there, but capitals are usually diversity centers
>Anyone can emigrate to his shit country
Absolute state of you goyim. Call me when you have an ethnostate by LAW
whiter than you, Mohammed
Where should i store my stolen gibs then swissbro?!
Feels bad....there I said it. You feel better now? I thoght we were frens
This is my favorite video on the internet
what exactly is the difference between Norway and Sweden? Youre both so cucked might aswell be one nation with one people
Comfy plus no shitskin invasion
We have given to the (((Amerimutt))) pressure and stopped our sacred banking secrecy, so that the (((Amerimutt))) can have their blacksite money storing monopoly with Panama and that the (((Asians))) can have their blacksite
moneystoring monopoly in Shangai.
>plus no shitskin invasion
pretentious swiss posters on suicide watch
We got 75% immigrants. Every single village has at least 10 nigger families. If you have a sister she has to marry at least one nigger once in her life. It's a federal law.
DO NOT come here. It's horrible. Albanians everywhere. Sri lankans running every single store. Universities filled with chinks. Swiss farmers fucking dogs.
Truly a horrible and disgusting country.
Switzerland is basicly just an expensive large version of london
kidades fuck offy ou pathetic loser
And yet you die out like bitches in silence.50% of your country are Balkanoniggers
>Big KEK
I think the joke is on you mountainjew.
no fucking way switserland isnt more BLACKED than the checkem republic
The diffrence is one is better than czechia and so is the other one
you realize i just said not to come here? are all yugos so fucking retarded? lmfao
firendly reminder your flag is just a swiss flag with bleach poured on it and slowly dissolving cross
I stated the fact that you are invaded by Yugoslavs you faggot beta motherfucker .I also never said that i want to come to your country
The prison of Geneva is 50% muslims (mainly balkan muslimshit) and they have an Imam coming in the prison to preach and they don't serve any more pork in the prison anymore for all prisoners.
wann endlich Schweizer Bürgerrecht und sich dann über deutsche lustig machen?
i think you need to go and attend some womens rights convention Göran
nobody cares about your subhuman opinion. go tend to your goats and masturbate on yugo folk songs
montenegro means mountain nigger, btw
Why are you so butthurt Stefan?Go and exspress that anger outside your house.Im sure that within 50 metars you can find some Balknoid to fight .But you are to big of a pussy ,and the only thing you have left is rage .Also muslims are into goat sex.Im not a muslim
would you kindly confirm that your country's name is indeed, mountain of niggers?
It means Black Mountin .But eye lad whatever rocks your boat
Jokes on you, i'm only poor!
>It means Blacked Mountin
It’s the same angry Swiss that spergs in whatever few Slavic general threads we get
I blame Protestants for ruining what was once Noble and Proud Geneva.
Doesn't matter because wages keep up. The CHF is so strong they can buy stuff in all surrounding countries at a discount.
Larp as much as you want m8.It does not change the fact that you cant walk the street in the night without thinking that some refugee will split your wig
What is great is that taxes on products are usually low, especially concerning hardware. For example, France has something like 21% taxes on hardware while Switzerland has a 7% taxes on hardware. The numbers are approximate. So if you want to build a High PC, do it in Switzerland.
Based Montenegro telling how it really is
Freiheit für Südtirol.
Is this a troll? Because it feels like it.
Sadly no I don't think it is.
friendly reminder our flag outdates yours
try harder pls
Switzerland is on the same road to Hell as the rest of Western Civilisation and for the same reasons—it just isn’t so far along yet or going so fast.
4.9% of Swiss population are Muslim. eda.admin.ch
Switzerland Yes! 2011: Muslim group objects to cross on Swiss flag, demands replacement. aargauerzeitung.ch
Schweiz Ja! Almost a quarter of Swiss residents are foreign: ‘The high share of foreigners (23.3%) has helped to make Switzerland a multicultural nation.’ (quote from „Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten“ (Federal Dept. of Foreign Affairs); note pic—Diversity is our strength!). eda.admin.ch
Suisse Oui! 2012: Swiss Muslims demand parallel legal system and parliament so that they can live under Sharia in their own private Umma Schweiz. bazonline.ch
Svizzera Sì! 2010: ‘Some young Swiss converts to Islam are a potential threat to the country’s security, according to the head of the Migration Office’. swissinfo.ch
Svizra Gea! 2017: ‘Switzerland doing little about radical preachers, says progressive critic’; the critic, Saïda Keller-Messahli, is the author of „Islamistische Drehscheibe Schweiz: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Moscheen“—‘Islamist Hub in Switzerland: A Look Behind the Scenes of the Mosques’ (2017). swissinfo.ch
Complacency will see Switzerland die too. Wake up and have the decency to show some solidarity with fellow Europeans.
how does it feel to have no national identity
BTW, Muslims can serve in the Swiss army, can have their meals gather to their Hallal/no pork garbage and they also have access to the koran if they wish.
We are extremely cucked.
And we aren't even a nation. What made us one was our common rejection of strangers, strangers authority and European diktat garbage, and our civilian army. But even that is being extremely weaken, this country will not last like that. We don't have a common tongue, what made us one was the rejection of the outside and our army.
Got here recently and there’s a surprising amount of niggers and arabs here, they’re more docile than in other places I’ve seen but still quite shocking. I’d say they’re getting close to the tipping point where they get the confidence to chimp out.
Friendly reminder we don't sound like we have a potato stuck in our mouth, Klaus.
I was at the Landesmuseum in Zürich a few months back and a lot of the exhibits were about how Switzerland is, and has always been, a multicultural country for refugees and immigrants. Disgusting.
Switzerland—the last Western European country to enfranchise women—missed a trick by not amending their constitution[1] to explicitly tie the franchise to their constitutionally mandated military service (Art. 59.1) and restrict the vote to people serving or who had completed the full term (at First Cold War’s height this entailed Reserve obligations until age 50 (currently down to 30 I believe)); i.e. so men would still be conscripted and any woman that keen to vote could volunteer. Good chance you’d have got away with that (‘Us, discriminate? Certainly not! But we do expect military service.’). Instead, women got a free ride, being subject to neither conscription nor the tax that Swiss men who do not perform military service must pay (Art. 59.3). It’s not just that in the event of war, able-bodied Swiss males are expected to fight and die for Switzerland while the females kick back and wait to see who wins; but Swiss men have their lives disrupted every year until age 30, having to attend annual reserve training (that sometimes proves fatal[2]). The free ride—rights without concomitant responsibilities—also applies to Swiss males insufficiently fit for military service who now, as a result of an ECHR decision[3], are exempted from the tax specified in Art. 59.3.
Maybe campaign to amend Swiss constitution to tie franchise to military service?
[1] admin.ch
[2] swissinfo.ch
[3] escr-net.org
>serb turko gypsy mongrel in slovenia
When we take white flight because we've been overrun with shit skins, where do you think we'll come? Make room for us, oh and the Jews that are sure to follow too.
Then its your turn to have shit skins forced on you.
I live in Switzerland.
Currently visiting my relatives.
Ask me anything.
>Currently visiting my relatives.
Geneva or Lausanne
I live in near Baden.
>teh nazis were ebil
>it's ok when we do it hehe