Why does every girl I know claim to have a mental health issue?

Literally every one of them say they have anxiety and/or depression including my gf. Is the opposite sex just drama queens or are they just fucked?

Attached: Confused-man.jpg (500x342, 129K)

What kind of people are you hanging out with? Maybe you're just with the wrong crowd.

Also, it's "trendy" to have problems right now so they could just be making it up

Well, aren't guys on this website saying the same thing?
It's just a sign of immaturity, not the worst thing, but just be aware of that.

If you're finding that you're meeting and interacting with the same kinds of people its because those are the kinds of people you're drawn to. The only common denominator in all of these social patterns is you.

i'd imagine most people that you'll ever come across or meet have depression

probably just fucked, although you should be on alert if they flaunt their illness around or use it to justify excuses time and time again

Women are crazy.you kind of have to be to look at a guy and want him to fuck you.

They're all fucking nuts

I think it's our day and age that's fucking up women. I've had a girl put it to me that way : women naturally want to please everyone : family, society, their bf, etc.
It used to be easy when the only thing that was expected of them was to find a man and marry him, but nowadays everyone has different expectations for them and the endless possibilites that come with being "freed from oppression" make them extremely anxious. Most of them just want to fall in a man's arms and have him take care of everything for them, but that doesn't really happen anymore and society would frown upon them for it so they're just fucked up by the anxiety and uncertainty of what the future holds for them.


If that isn't the awnser you were looking for consider the different negative social traits men display compared to women. Men are more likely to be sociopathic and/or violent when compared to women. Women are more likely to be depressive and neurotic.

Then men in your lives might also be experiencing these things, they just won't talk to you about it because they've been brought up to not talk about their feelings. I have several male friends who talk to me about their mental health, but not their male friends.

You're all living in nice echo chambers if you think it's only women who have mental issue or think they have mental issues

Everyone I know is nuts. The girls, the guys, me, my dog, who has anxiety and I have to mash medication into his food...

it's a badge of honor to them. It's the same with #MeToo, women want to be victims and feel special.
but like said it's only certain crowds. Mostly younger / SJW-type women. Older and non-SJW women aren't as obsessed with telling everybody "I'm a bipolar insominiac who was literally raped when a man told me I had a pretty smile"

Pro tip depressed people will never tell you they’re depressed. It’s not something to be proud of or to brag about, its a serious mental health condition.

Basically the depressed girl is a big stoopid normie.

it's only women who constantly talk about this shit. Every single day on Facebook I see multiple women whining about "how hard it is to live with depression" or some shit. I mean part of that is because sexism against men means even men who actually do have legitimate depression can't just post about it on social media, but part of it is women craving for attention so "I get sad sometimes because Chad wouldn't have my babies" becomes """depression""" and "I worry that I'll have to marry a normal man instead of Chad" becomes """anxiety"""

meanwhile 80% of the people who are so depressed they anhero are male but hey, that's just part of our privilege!

Imagine being this upset that women called out their rapists lmao

>it's only women who constantly talk about this shit. Every single day on Facebook I see multiple women whining about "how hard it is to live with depression" or some shit.

is this literally your first minute on Jow Forums

Because girls want to be trendy and mental health is the thing now

yeah sorry but "a man said I was pretty" or "a man had consensual sex with me but I regretted it a week later" is not "rape" no matter how hard feminists try to define it that way.

Attached: Men can't be raped.jpg (480x853, 57K)

okay, "It's only women who OPENLY talk about this shit WITH THEIR REAL NAME attached"
better? I actually do have very severe depression and while I'll say that as an user I sure as fuck don't post about it on Facebook like women do every time they feel slightly sad.

no you just come here to anonymously complain about women like a... well... like a woman actually

nice strawman and 9gag jpeg, but that has nothing to do with the me too movement

Nice ad-hominem, but that has nothing to do with the argument

>the argument

you mean the giant straw-woman that you built earlier and got mad at

I never said only women have menta issue. I just described why I think most girls have anxiety issues in modern society. Nowhere did I imply men are doing any better.

I'm not even him you raging Tumblroid

how is it a strawman? Did you not even pay attention to MeToo? Aziz Ansari was called a rapist because a woman CONSENSUALLY gave him a blowjob but regretted it later. Women on social media were tagging #MeToo over getting asked out at work or men telling them they were pretty. #MeToo may have started about legitimate sexual abuse but it very quickly got taken over by feminists playing the victim card.
it's not a fucking meme that's an actual college poster from an actual college (though it was before metoo), and it represents the #MeToo mindset that if a college male and college female BOTH get drunk and have a one night stand, that means the man raped the woman. #MeToo.

no you just felt like jumping into our conversation to defend him? that's cool

>Aziz Ansari was called a rapist because a woman CONSENSUALLY gave him a blowjob but regretted it later.

It's way more than just that. Read the actual story. You're just cherry-picking what fits your feminist-hating narrative

>dumb poster

the woman in it got blackout drunk while the guy didn't that's all there is to it, it's something that actually happens quite often since guys are bigger and can handle alcohol better.

>the woman in it got blackout drunk while the guy didn't that's all there is to it, it's something that actually happens quite often since guys are bigger and can handle alcohol better.
KEK you're obviously a b8'er, tell me where that poster says that

>It's way more than just that
it's not
>Read the actual story
you mean the story where she admits that he never forced her or threatened her in any way and that literally all he did was say "are you sure you don't want to suck my cock?" That story?
no, feminism teaches us that women are children who can't be held responsible for their actions. THAT'S what the poster is about. Feminism and #MeToo don't say "If the woman is really fucked up and the man is slightly buzzed that's rape" they say "if both are drunk the man raped the woman because men are rapists and women shouldn't be held responsible for anything."
And remember when Amy Schumer was the speaker at a feminist event? Remember when she bragged about being sober and fucking a man who was so drunk he was literally unconcious? Remember how she still played the victim? Remember how every feminist in attendence applauded her bravery? Fuck off, you're out of your league. Feminism is cancer, go back to your women's studies group if you want to pretend otherwise because nobody else is going to put up with your misandry.

Attached: Amy Schumer Rape.png (389x469, 91K)

That's the implication, kekposter.

Girl got blackout drunk to the point where she couldn't consent

Dude got drunk enough to rape.

It's a story as old as time.

When you're old enough to drink alcohol you'll see that there's several levels to being drunk.

>you mean the story where she admits that he never forced her or threatened her in any way and that literally all he did was say "are you sure you don't want to suck my cock?" That story?

Nope. That's not the whole story actually.

You should probably read it for yourself instead of just being mad at things you made up.

>no, feminism teaches us that women are children who can't be held responsible for their actions. THAT'S what the poster is about.

the poster is not a Rorschach test, that's just your view of women. Something that is very obvious coming from you, and dear to your heart.

>that's just your view of women
thanks user I was wondering how long it would take you to pretend that all women are feminists. How misogynistic of you to claim that all women hate men as much as you do.

Attached: fat neckbeard anti-feminists.jpg (1827x4043, 1005K)

And why don't you try explaining what you think the story is? Since you apparently read it differently than I did. Quote me the part where he forced her to suck him off.
>the poster is not a Rorschach test
you're right, it's feminists claiming that if a man and woman both get drunk and both consent to sex the man is a rapist. Something that you very obviously agree with.

>if a man and woman both get drunk and both consent to sex

What does the poster explicitly say about consent, sweetie :)

>the poster doesn't say they consented, it just says they "hooked up", therefore we can assume that the man raped the woman
Thank you for proving my point that feminists automatically assume men are rapists and women are rape victims.

This thread is about women in general. You're the one who decided to specifically come here to complain about feminists and how mad they make you

also did your retard feminist mind even read the poster it says "women can't consent if they're drunk," implying that HER consent is irrelevant because SHE is drunk, but HIS consent is assumed because drunk MEN can consent. Since feminists like yourself view women as children.
Still waiting on you to quote the part of the Aziz story where he forced her to give him a blowjob btw

did you fail 5th grade or something


or is English not your native language or what

>it's another "misandrist is too retarded to follow a conversation"
I know your sheer hatred of men makes it difficult to follow a thread since you believe my comments are literally raping you, but the conversation had clearly shifted to certain women (specifically, #MeToo feminist women).

>also did your retard feminist mind even read the poster it says "women can't consent if they're drunk,"

the poster doesn't say that at all. who are you quoting?

>his consent ablooblooo

again, men typically handle alcohol better than women.

>Still waiting on you to quote the part of the Aziz story where he forced her to give him a blowjob btw

read the story for yourself, her forced her to do plenty of things

Did you fail fourth grade?
>A woman who is intoxicated cannot give her legal consent
>a woman
The entire point of the poster is that drunk WOMEN cannot give consent but drunk MEN can.
Jesus are you a troll trying to prove the stereotype that feminists are retarded or are you an actual feminist who is actually retarded?

>but the conversation had clearly shifted to certain women

I know, it was derailed by your reverse-SJW rant about how feminists are the devil or whatever

Thread is so full of anti-egalitarian shillposters it's hilarious. What you do on your time, your dime, and your conscious choice is your responsibility and fault.

Drunk male, drunk female consensual sex that gets redacted into rape later is not rape. It's taken years of lobbying and anti-man rhetoric pushed via celebrities and vapid social media programs to put the populace on the fence about this.

Rape is still rape and abhorrent. Unless men and women are on the same level of being capable of sexually abused, crying rape over everything demeans those who actually suffer abuse.

I'm looking forward to seeing you sorry fucks wallowing in self-pity and substance abuse when you hit 30-40 and all of your outspoken social justice friends have grown up, burned their Commie flags and left Marxism behind as the mess of projected victim complexes it is.

Attached: 1530010239649.jpg (1600x1070, 481K)

>A woman who is intoxicated cannot give her legal consent for sex
yeah Idk where the poster says anything like that user.... holy shit you're a fucking retard.
>again, men are adults who can be held responsible for their actions while women are children who are always victims
>read the story for yourself, her forced her to do plenty of things
>you're right but I don't want to admit it so I'll just tell you to educate yourself shitlord
what did he force her to do? Did he force her to stay in his apartment? Suck his dick? How? Did he threaten her? Beat her? Block her from leaving? Stop dodging the question.
Or is it simply because he's a man, and therefore all sexual activity is rape because of the patriarchy?

>The entire point of the poster is that drunk WOMEN cannot give consent but drunk MEN can.

No. This was a specific example about Jodie and Jerry or whatever their names were.

Being drunk and intoxicated are not the same thing. Jenny could not consent because she was intoxicated, Johnny was drunk enough to rape her though.

no it was clear that OP was talking about a certain group of women and LITERALLY THE FIRST COMMENT pointed this out

>A woman who is intoxicated cannot give her legal consent
yeah you're right that's totally a gender neutral statement that doesn't make any claims about one specific gender
>this is what feminists unironically believe

>Block her from leaving?


>But the main thing was that he wouldn’t let her move away from him. She compared the path they cut across his apartment to a football play. “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again. It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.”

are you just mad that there's no man-rape poster at your college? is that what your deal is?

You know what? Fuck it. WIth the misandrist(s) ITT claiming that all men are rapists and feminism is the one true god let's just make this a Feminist Hate Thread.
Fuck misandrists, fuck feminists who say that men and women shouldn't be held to the same standards, fuck feminists who say that a woman consenting to give a man a BJ is rape, fuck feminists who say that women can't be raped by men, fuck feminism in general.

Attached: false accusation brian banks.png (573x563, 262K)

>Is the opposite sex just drama queens


I mean could you imagine if men just spent their time complaining about feminists for any and no reason? haha how crazy would that be

>Girl got blackout drunk to the point where she couldn't consent
How is that a thing? Why is it ok to treat women as 10 year old kids?

are you just mad that the only time you've ever had sex is when you raped a man (according to the anti-feminist definition of rape of course, one that includes F-on-M rape)? That you're too fat to ever have consensual sex so you have to rape men?

Attached: feminism.jpg (300x195, 7K)

you know there's like 15 threads just for that in Jow Forums and /b/, and even reddit. go back.

or you know, go ahead and dump your wom...feminist hate folder and get banned. that works too.

Attached: gender studies worthless.jpg (1440x1007, 170K)

>How is that a thing?

Do you not know how alcohol works?

You know there's like 1500 tumblr blogs where you can rant about how all men are rapists and that it's impossible for women to rape men right?
Or go ahead and continue to prove every stereotype about feminism correct.

Attached: Mary P Koss: rape.png (1153x794, 514K)

I know alcohol can impair men and women. Why only women get a pass? Are they retarded?

...do you? You honestly believe that if a woman has a couple of drinks she loses all ability to function and "can't consent"? You honestly believe that men are immune to alcohol?

Attached: street harassment comic.jpg (838x983, 153K)

>On Jow Forums
>Thinks someone will get banned, somehow, for having differing opinions

>Anons: feminists think that consensual sex is rape, men can't be raped by women, and women are children
>Feminists: that's not true, we just think that consensual sex is rape, men can't be raped by women, and women are children
This thread is gold btw. I hope other anons are lurking here to see a feminist in action, this is a great example of why sane people are not feminists.

all of the men ITT need to check your privilege shitlords

Attached: It was my privilege.jpg (1578x1495, 266K)

>are you just mad that feminists claim that women can't rape men?
is that not a valid reason to be mad user? How do feminists like yourself not understand why egalitarians (ie people who actually do support equality) hate your movement so much?

>Guys are bigger and can hold alcohol better
>Men and women are equal

Pick one.

>since guys are bigger and can handle alcohol better.
So that means that a drunk man is not drunk somehow? The poster just said both are drunk and then says WOMEN (but not men) can't consent when drunk.

does Jow Forums, even a board like Jow Forums, actually have man-hating feminists or is the above user just trolling? I can never figure it out. I know that there are misogynists on Jow Forums obviously, but I always figured that at least the manhaters who think all sex is men raping women stayed away from here.

so are you a woman who hates men or are you pic-related?

Attached: men are sexist.jpg (593x802, 74K)

There are certain issues with the way young men in this generation have been raised and young women have been raised, and they're horrible in their own ways. I don't like either the feminist or the mgtow crowds, because they desire to put up walls between two groups that need to communicate and lean on one another now more than ever.
So for women, most of them will say they have this that or the other because they probably fucking do. The social expectations placed on them, coupled with misconceptions about life that the world seems hell-bent on forcing on the middle/upper-middle class ones especially, are both terrible sources of anxiety and depression. You're supposed to be everything between masculine and feminine at once, while also finding a man who's more ambitious than you are and having the worldliness (which no one ever desired to instill in you) to know when you're being dragged in the wrong direction by useless people. What you do with your twat is always going to upset SOMEONE too, whether it's a prude getting mad at you screwing around, or your friends calling you a prude because you're making them look MORE like sluts by comparison. The world demands all of this education and self-control and lack of self-control from you, and then you wake up in an office, selling insurance at age 35 and...you find out the same thing that men find out when they get there. You never wanted any of it, and it was never about your happiness or well-being. It was just about people telling you what they thought they ought to be telling you. You've been swindled.
And for women, whose social anxieties compound as their youth fades and their friends get married and start families and careers that they "really" wanted, that's an awful realization

Attached: 1524518898339.png (862x1240, 671K)

>man-hating feminists

I don't know where you got that from. I definitely see the feminist-hating man ITT though

He probably got it from the feminist who hates men ITT. I don't know why that's so confusing
>I definitely see the misandrist-hating man
duh? That's like pointing out a black person who hates white supremacists.

I think that answers the question. It is just a troll, some user pretending to be a manhating feminist who then plays dumb
>What manhating feminist? I just see a perfectly reasonable femanon who thinks that consensual sex is rape and men can't be victims because men are evil
There's no way that's real, it has to be a troll. Even feminists are more subtle than that

Who are you quoting?

>I'm a manhating feminist who spent this whole thread promoting misandry but I have no idea what you're talking about

this is what pisses me off more than anything about feminism. At least Jow Forums is honest about their bigotry. Go to pol and ask if they hate black people and they admit that they do. But ITT we have a feminist who obviously hates men and obviously thinks men should be treated as second-class citizens, yet somehow denies.
You're a bigot, at least you could own up to it.

Attached: feminism vs equality.jpg (640x744, 109K)

>There's no way that's real, it has to be a troll. Even feminists are more subtle than that
I really want to say you're right and it's a troll but look on YouTube for any crazy sjw compilations and look how they project their views and see the world from what they say and how they act and you can easily see how some of these people blur the once well defined line between reality and surreal parody.

You seem to be replying to posts, but then what you're replying to isn't what anyone said! How strange!

>we have a feminist who obviously hates men and obviously thinks men should be treated as second-class citizens

There isn't a single post that shows any of that, outside of strawman attacks.

Sort of like how someone would get so mad at a poster that they would go around this thread making strawmen posts at every reply where everyone is a man-hating feminist? That sort of hysterical reality-filtering behavior?

youre either bait or a roastie
either way, kys

there are more. I gave up halfway through this thread but there are a bunch of examples of misandrists who think that men can't be raped and that women are children who can't be held responsible for their actions, therefore if a man and woman BOTH get drunk and BOTH agree to have sex it's rape because drunk men CAN consent but drunk women CAN'T consent because men and women ARE NOT equals.
that is the feminist view. Because feminists hate men and think women are always victims.
No, sort of like how there is a manhating feminist ITT who for some reason insists on denying that they are a manhating feminist...
100% confirmed to be a troll. Only a troll would pretend not to know what paraphrasing is.
Pack it up lads, idk if any of the above posts are actual manhating feminists but the one ITT right now is not, they're just a troll who for some reason pretends to be a manhating feminist. Even manhating feminists know what paraphrasing is.

Attached: false rape teen vogue.jpg (616x998, 121K)

There are literally like 20 posts ITT that show a feminist who hates men. But that's the point: Feminists believe that misandry isn't real, which is why you see misandrist posts and can say "misandry doesn't exist therefore there isn't a single post that shows misandry since my women's studies professor told me misandry isn't real. Checkmate egalitarians!"
There really isn't any point in this conversation. You believe that you can't be sexist against men, therefore there isn't any sexism against men ITT. We believe that it IS possible to be sexist against men in which case it's obvious that there is a lot of sexism against men ITT

Attached: femfreq sexism against men.jpg (1023x610, 55K)

>Help me moderators! Somebody called me out on my bullshit you have to ban him!
between this and thinking that you won't get called out for hating men and your "all men are rapists" attitude, is this actually your first day on Jow Forums?

Attached: stfu.jpg (480x360, 16K)

>what paraphrasing is

Paraphrasing is for when you don't quite recall what someone said a long time ago. Not when you have the exact words right in front of your face.

What you're doing is strawman posting. Not a very good or nuanced job of it either.

The ban would be for dumping off topic an off topic image spam. Too bad he backed off.

>misandry doesn't exist therefore there isn't a single post that shows misandry since my women's studies professor told me misandry isn't real. Checkmate egalitarians!"

Who are you quoting?

>You believe that you can't be sexist against men, therefore there isn't any sexism against men ITT.

I literally never said that and I am also not anita sarkeeaian

>The troll continues to pretend that he doesn't understand what paraphrasing is
The biggest telltale sign that this is a troll is the fact that he acts like he's never seen green texting before. He's pretending that this is the first time on Jow Forums, hence the fake "confusion" when green text is not an exact quote. Anybody who's been here for even a few days knows that paraphrasing like this is common in greentexts.
This is common of trolls, by pretending to not understand how Jow Forums works (such as above asking the mods to ban people who disagree with him) it adds to the overall troll of hating men and supporting the misandrist #MeToo.

It is of course possible that this is *actually* a manhating feminist who only recently discovered Jow Forums and actually believes that her misandry will be well-received here, and it's possible that she really doesn't know how green text works. But this is unlikely.
In my expert opinion this is a troll pretending to be a manhating feminist who is new to Jow Forums. A very good troll, 8/8, but a troll the same.

Attached: 601.jpg (657x527, 27K)

Greentexting is not the same as blatant strawman posting, redditfrog.

yeah I think you're right
congrats user, I can't remember the last time I took the bait this hard. You had me honestly believing that you were an actual feminist who believed all that #MeToo nonsense and actually believed that a man and a woman having consensual sex was rape because women are children who can't consent. You truly are a master of the troll.

Attached: That 4chan Meme We're Supposed To Use.png (225x225, 56K)

I never said I was a feminist either. You see what you want to see.

Okay user I mean you did a good job trolling everybody but learn when to quit. The joke is over, we all had a good laugh, you win. Your successfully baited us into believing you hated men and were new to Jow Forums. Game over

Lol girls over think shit, constantly paranoid. I think being the weaker sex made them this way as they're "easier to kill" as far as a preditor sense goes.

My GF needs constant reasurance of "i love you" and have her fucking hand held to go anywhere public. She hates niggers because all they do is try to gab her ass and is paranoid that they'll rape her (they will, they're niggers) thus the constant need for a public-companion.

My relationship and her life would be easier if niggers would just get sent back to the kongo where they belong.

I wasn't trolling but I'm not a feminist or hate men or anything. You're the one who is perpertually triggered and sees feminazis behind every anonymous post.

>when a new user walks into a thread that was derailed hours ago and actually responds to the OP
Also, relevant to the rest of the thread I want to point out how
>She hates niggers because all they do is try to gab her ass and is paranoid that they'll rape her (they will, they're niggers)
Is considered racist but the feminist view of
>She hates men because all they do is try to gab her ass and is paranoid that they'll rape her (they will, they're men)
Is an acceptable view that the (possibly trolling) feminist ITT will defend.
In case people needed more evidence that Jow Forumstards and feminists are basically the same

Attached: tumblr_inline_nt0vp2nnCZ1spsojg_400.jpg (373x550, 30K)

Its a manipulative tactic in a lot of them.

It allows them to be cunts and make bad decisions and have a scapegoat they can blame and shame you with if you call them out for their bad behavior.

>I'm not a feminist or hate men but I just think that if a woman sucks a man's dick consensually but regrets it later it's basically rape and if a man and a woman have a consensual one-night stand but she regrets it that's totally rape because women should not be responsible for their actions like men
>I'm not a troll I just didn't know what greentexting was and I honestly believed that the mods on Jow Forums would ban people who disagreed with my misandry
it's not funny anymore user

Attached: ok.gif (245x285, 919K)

Who are you quoting?

>who are you quoting?
okay user nevermind, this actually is pretty funny. The whole "I know you're just paraphrasing what I've been saying this whole thread but I'll pretend that I have no idea what you're talking about because you aren't literally quoting my exact words" bit is pretty good trolling.
anyway I'm going to bed. Do you troll other boards too? Desu you're one of the best trolls I've seen in a while, I hope to run into your bait again someday. Good night user.


You were intentionally planting your own anti feminist ideas into every single post just so you could be upset and argue with yourself.