I read Turner Diaries then SIEGE

What next? Does anyone have that pic of suggested literature, with divulging paths depending on preferred ideologies?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Also, any other suggested revolutionary literature.

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How about you read about history and notable literature from Europe pre 20th century instead of reading dumb meme books designed to turn you into cannon fodder

Or any other suggestions for fiction adventure books.

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Sounds good. Any suggestions? Someone mentioned 'Atlas Shrugged' a while back. Not sure what it is about

I am not trying to shit on you but reading fiction is just entertainment, you're already red pilled. "Entertainment" is just watching other people's stories and procrastinating on your own life. (As is shit posting on Jow Forums Jow Forums for that matter). You should use media to educate yourself. I will take me as an example... I come here for the /SIG/. threads... I shouldn't even be replying to this. Although I am stuck at work I should be using this time improving myself... learning something. Honestly I am on day 6 of my water fast and I am trying to distract myself from eating and I probably couldn't concentrate on learning something right now if I tried...

/sperg end.

In short, entrainment is just escapism and we don't have time for that any longer brother.

Atlas Shrugged was written by a butthurt Kike who got chased out of Russia by the commies
Read The Prince, Crime and Punishment, War and Peace, Meditation by Marcus Aurelius and Communist Manifest (yes really, you have to know what's in it in order to critique it otherwise you're just parroting)

Read Evola, as Siege and Turner Diaries are both inarticulate Amerifat sperg fests. They're basically yelps of anger from the gutter with no end-goal other than catharsis. Evola has end-goals.

Well I am self improving. I just have 15 hours a day while at work that I can use to listen to audio books in solitude so I figured instead of listening to the stupid radio announcers talk NPC to the sheep, I would see what these books that I keep seeing on Jow Forums were all about

Is culture of critique worth reading or will it be a rehash of Jow Forums threads?

Jow Forums threads are very poor on specific information, you find out it's da joos but you don't find out how and why it's tha joos (usually anyway)
So yeah, read up on anything you can
But always take information with grains of salt, look up the authors
Christopher Hitchens warmongering seem contradictory to his philosophy until you find out he is a Trotskyist

It's essential to understand the full depth of Jewish treason, perfidy, and subversion. For example: Jews want to subvert the country and it's norms. They can't just say those things, so instead they infiltrate academia and spread the subversion, then use allied Jewish media to amplify that subversion as fact, creating an echo chamber which makes something terrible seem like something normal and "fact-based".

A good real life example: The plaque on the Statue of Liberty. Jews pretend the poem is American law. It's just a plaque. A plaque with a poem by a communist Jew who entered into a contest owned and operated by other communist Jews. Jews basically defiled the Statue of Liberty and are now pretending their sedition is our reality.

I know how that is. I would suggest listening to an audio book that is going to improve your knowledge base. I think Dale Carnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is super valuable. Regardless of his incorrect opinion on "collectivism" (White collectivism is GOOD, JP, Communism Jew collectivism isn't.) Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life", lectures, and pod cast appearances are excellent. The problem with the above is unless your work is incredibly dull and repetitive these (and any other content that is intellectually stimulating) will distract you from work. That could lead to you being demoted or losing your job, something to keep in mind if it applies to you.

Don’t give the enemy a way to ruin your life by breaking the law and realize your freedom are more valuable than some like faggot. Start a career, find a meek wife, and have lots of white babies.

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William Pierce wrote those books for normies and less intelligent followers, trying to redpill them while entertaining with action, story, etc. Basically they're children books, working like a sugar-coated pill.

I suggest you, OP, to look at the other books by James Mason, his newer writings on siegeculture.biz, podcasts "American dissident voices" by W. Pierce, books by H. Himmler (for example "The SS-man and the Blood Question") and other German NS authors - Rosenberg, for example.
Personally I wouldn't go deep into philosophy and spirituality — read only short and clearly structured books, which you can understand by yourself without digging into previous 1000 tomes written by pretentious fags. The Prince, Nietzsche (Not "Thus spoke Zarathustra", I recommend "On the genealogy of Morality") are good examples of self-sufficient works.
Read Edda and commentary.
What if I told you that infamous satanic pedophilic baby-eating nazi James Mason wrote exactly that last month?

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This is true, like SIEGE mentioned. You are no good to anyone if you are locked up. Don't talk because talk is just a reason to get locked up.

This is the author of Siege.

Siege = satanic bullshit

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Poor brainlet, he didn't even get through the introduction to the book...

Yeah, he also Isn't a good author but it isnt all bad.

read Evola, not these childish novels

Most important book I have read this decade.

This. SIEGE is still worth a read, it's an opinion editorial so it should be read with that in mind.

>War and Peace
Kreutzer Sonata is the real redpilled Tolstoy's book

I read fiction right before going to sleep every day. It really helps to take your mind off of shit to sleep well. I am currently switching between Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, great stuff.

I will tell you

I have kids, am exhausted at bed time every day ;-)

I'd recommend most of Tolstoy and Dostoyevski really
Really good books to cure manchild syndrome

>t-t-the book isnt that bad goyim
you glowing niggers are so bad at shilling for this piece of satanic filth

>pointing guns at the the faggot in the middle with the finger on the trigger of his fucking lorcin raven piece of shit

Very very disgraceful.

Have you even read it?

Me too, two of them. It helps me unwind to be able to fall asleep.


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yes, it's gay and worthless. And mason is a fucking old neet fart.




>What next?
Convert to islam and kill some of your friends
You can't get more SIEGEpilled than that

Stop with Tolstoyposting, he was a left-leaning anti-hunting, anti-gun sectarian (excommunicated from the Church) and opposed wars for liberation of Balkan slavs from turkroaches. And his style sucks.
Nice list

>Turner Diaries then SIEGE
Both honestly suck ass

Good for making cannon fodder, creates perfect insect mentality

what app is this?

do you have anything to suggest that promotes white consciousness without being overly collectivist?

Why are you guys so scared of that book? Everytime it comes up I see retards like you trying to persuade people NOT to read it by saying stuff about it that has nothing to do with what is contained in the book.
Which is actually why I was interested in seeing what it was about.
Why are people scared of that book?

I am not telling you how to live, just gonna share some advice... I find it helpful to use any quiet time to meditate, or focus on what's going on in my life... for example at bed time I'll take a deep breath and think about the next day, what needs to be done and how it will be accomplished, the steps I will take to get things done. I find it programs you and sets out your agenda when you wake up. It also helps you sleep because you've done what you can to "deal" with it. Again, not telling you what to do, I couldn't care less if you drink a bottle of whiskey and cry wank yourself to sleep, just telling you what works for me.



>What next?
You report back to your Mossad handler and tell them you are ready for the next step

why are you hellbent at people reading nihilistic bullshit?

Redneck manifesto by Goad is awesome, makes normies reflect (sometimes).

Everything by Jack London, but mostly his short stories. That guy was very proud to be white.

>What next?
Report back to your FBI handler and tell him
>screw your optics
>I'm going in

I'd recommned learning what made European people have the mentality which led to their success, and learning why Iberian and Italian penninsula performed so better then the Balkan one
The behaviour that has been paved into our minds (and which is being destroyed by modern society) is the greatest gift that nature gave us, through merciless trial and error

So start with History

>I'd recommned learning what made European people have the mentality which led to their success
literally genes

Im not, would not have read it if people explained it to be what it was. But no, you fags have to twist it and lie about what it is.
Simply put it is revolutionary/accelerationist literature that is written poorly with an abundance of assumptions that were misguided. Its NOT satanic, its not telling people to do illegal stuff. It's not saying much of anything besides what one could maybe expect as a response from the system.

i think after prison, he became christian and last few books are about misinterpreting the Bible

You should read about the lost concentration camp responsible for more deaths than all of the others combined. Every time it’s mentioned, the jews ignore the post and slide the thread. They can’t even see the name mentioned without hissing like vampires, retreating to their money closets to bury themselves in lose cash and change, their only know means of regeneration that doesn’t involve baby dicks.

I’m talking, of course, about Ballschwitz.

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Read Hunter

Christianity is gayer. There's a thing called freedom of religion. AT LEAST HE DOESN'T WORSHIP A HOOK NOSED KIKE LIKE YOU

Total Resistance
by Hans von Dach

didn't read, but are did those books change your lfie?

Because sensitive kids with low self esteem and poor social skills may take it too seriously and go to a killing spree against their family or friends. It may look ridiculus to us but every person is not the same. Read something more useful if you like revolutionary stuff. Like army survival guides, historical guerilla warfare manuals or the Bible.

I found that extremely boring and badly written.

>what else can I do to become a better terrorist?
How about reading this book for when you inevitably fuck up with the feds. Don't drop the soap!

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Harold Covington's Northwest novels

congratulations you have been fucked by psyops OP, have fun

Satanism is based.

dont fall for these fed tricks you absolute brainlet
become a valueble member of society and get involved in politics

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Laveyan edgelors satanism is for pussies

>What next?
>Also, any other suggested revolutionary literature.
Read The Brigade.

It's like the Turner Diaries, but better, more realistic and the book has a purpose other than escapism.

No shit faggot. At least you know.

Thanks for the pdf, I saw this title before, googled it and was very confused someone would recommend it. Looks like there's another more mainstream book called like this, basically a Jewish post-war revenge story like "Inglorious Bastards".


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This one?

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>Thanks for the pdf, I saw this title before, googled it and was very confused someone would recommend it.
You gotta add the author's name because it was self published.
There's 4 other books in the series as well but the Brigade is the first one you should read.


>Looks like there's another more mainstream book called like this, basically a Jewish post-war revenge story like "Inglorious Bastards".
I've never heard of that on until now, lol.

muh Seeej

Also I absolutely recommend reading's Limónov's biography by E. Carrère. For those who don't know, Limónov is the founder and leader of the Nazbol movement (National Bolshevists). Regardless of what you think about his ideas, his persona and his past life are really stimulating to read about.


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Also known as "the plant"

What do you mean by "the plant"?
Do you mean he's controlled opposition?

This is obvious, he's gay and decribed his interracial experience in US in one of his books.
Don't you think having such a figure as an enemy can be useful for any political force?

I don't know if that's enough argument to conclude he's "planted" by anyone, although it's certainly a factor that probably scares away a part of his potential right-wing base. Thanks for your input though, Russki friend.

Also he's not gay (by looking at his biography), bisexual at most.

If you read even one of those books you are in trouble

Technically it's possible he's just an old useful idiot, but knowing post-soviet reality, unlikely.

No, the author (Kevin MacDonald) recanted 90% of his claims after trying to debate his points on the book on a livestream and getting BTFO.

>What if I told you that infamous satanic pedophilic baby-eating nazi James Mason wrote exactly that last month?

I'd believe he wrote that, but I don't think he intends it to be followed. It's an attempt at image control.

If you want adventure fiction:
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Venus books
Norman Spinrad: The Iron Dream.
Robert A. Heinlein: Revolt in 2100.

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National Destiny by Marshal Ironsides

That never happened

Yeah those.

> reading a book makes you a terrorist
Anabaptists in 1450's were called terrorists because they read the bible and found out Catholics to be heritics.