ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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Would you date a 27 year old guy who moved back in with his mother temporarily because he is changing careers and going through some uni courses?

If I was into him, yes

I'm pretty shit at the whole 'asking girls out' thing.

Assuming I already know a girl and we talk pretty frequently, would it be best to lead off with asking her out or should I bring it up mid conversation?

Guys if you were moving away, would you want to know that your crush liked you?

you wouldn’t think he’s a loser for moving back home? Also, how old are you?

I fucked up with my bf.
It's the second day i'm begging for forgiveness but he still ignores me. He is the man i want to be with and I don't want to let him go.
Has anyone ever been in a situation like mine? How did it go?

What did you do?

Give him space. Either he will forgive you or he won't. Up to him now

I've been really rude to him and said really bad things, i broke his trust showing him that i didnt really trust him and had a bad opinion of him. I was in a shitty place at that moment, i got angry for something and said a lot of shit without thinking.

why does my girlfriend keep alternating between calling me 'daddy' and 'good boy'

Honestly, what you did was messed up and he shouldn’t forgive you. If you broke his trust once you could do it again.

Different user here. No, not at all. And I'm 28.


Do you think older guys (late twenties early 30s) are losers if they have very little experience with girls and sex?

I've done similar, but he did the same exact to me (once spending over 2 hours insulting me over text) if he really loves/wants/cares about You, he'll forgive you. If not, you'll just have to move on.

I know, I did really mess up. We've been together for 2 years, and we had some troubles. Sometimes it was my fault, others his fault.
I think that the main reason i reacted that way we because of past troubles we had.
I feel utterly shitty and want to make up, i do know myself and i'm the kind of person who learns the lesson

How would dating work if both of us happened to be living at home?

No. 28 year old F virgin here.

Same. People make mistakes, it's only human.

Did he forgive you? Are you still together?

Just because you learn a lesson doesn't mean you get to stay with him. This may very well be a lesson you have to carry into your future relationships.

Dating? You can hang out/go anywhere. It's sex you have to worry about it if there's lack of privacy. You could ask or wait for family to leave. Do it in a car. Or even get a hotel room lol.

What do other girls you know think about it

We're different because we were LDR never-mets for roughly 8 months until he met a local girl and broke up with me for her. He would still forgive me, or I, him. I would always throw fits and block & delete him but he always found ways to get in contact with me again, even while dating her. But he was really mean and would brag about their relationship or rub it in my face. He was too proud to block and delete me (except once but we added each other back again). The final straw was last month where he tried to brag to me about their relationship and telling me to move on, so I did just that. Blocked and deleted, haven't looked back since.

I don’t really care about sex that much. But what about if the girl wants to cuddle and watch TV together. Isn’t that what most couples do anyways?

Idk probably the same, me and my friends are pretty similar.

Haha I guess. True, that would cause problems if family was around. Idk.

somtimes you have to eat your shit. it sucks, but you shouldn't be too forceful or you're gonna look crazy. Take what you learned and move on is the best advice I can give.

i'm sensitive about my physical appearance cause I honestly think i'm ugly because I've been bullied over it on numerous occasions by various people who've never met. I've been with my first girlfriend for 1 1/2 years and shes never really told me i'm 'hansome' or complimented my physical appearance in anyway. However she has been extremely sweet towards me but i'm worried she thinks i'm ugly but puts that aside (beauty and the beast? hah). Am I being shallow for being worried about this?

Does anyone (boy or girl) think it's ok to use terms like fragile/toxic masculinity to talk about male suicide?

what the fuck. That's not okay at all.

It's never okay to use Tumblrspeak off of Tumblr.

>use terms like fragile/toxic masculinity
They shouldn't be used at all, but especially not in relation to men killing themselves. Do you have autism?

Think of it this way: if you say nothing you'll always wonder if you should've. If you choose to say something you'll have closure. You decide which of those appeals to you more.

Perhaps she's a switch.

You're being insecure if nothing else, if she's with you she obviously likes you.

Is it OK to use phrases like "She was asking for it." and "She's a slut anyway." when talking about a woman who got raped?

That's the equivalent of telling someone they are depressed because they are fragile and toxic. In other words, just don't.

You can use those terms but don't expect anyone outside of tumblr or a university gender studies course to take you seriously or think you're making a valid argument.
I'm not really sure on the context you'd use it in or why when talking about the issues some men face in regards to their mental health but those terms always are used in negative contexts by left wing zealots basically brushing a man's problems and issues off as not important and telling them that their own reluctance to accept something out of their control somehow makes them personally responsible for their own suffering and the suffering of others.

Later this week I'm going on a date with a guy I like. We're spending the entire day together I want to speed up the process and am hoping to get a kiss at least and some pda. Any tips to get him to want to kiss me?

"Hey I kinda wanna kiss you"
Or just kiss him, in fact. Guys are simple and direct.

Put your lips against his.

A girl once did something like that. I ended up just pinching her until she cried. Don't be an idiot.

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Just kiss him goodbye don't be weird about it this isn't the 1500s

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I'm not 100% sure he feels the same way about me although everyone I've asked said he does.

Should I ask him if he likes me first before going in for a kiss? Or should I tell him I like him and wait for his response?

Go for the kiss. The "I like you, do you like me?" somehow puts way more pressure on the other person than going for a kiss does. Don't ask me how.

I'm just concerned on whether or not he rejects the gesture.. But I guess since we are on a date I hope he's kinda expecting it?

How do I stop rejecting girls every time they show interest?


Why are y'all so cruel? Why do.yall show all this attention then play hot and cold with our minds? Flirt with other guys in front of us? Shame us in front of said us. When only a matter of time before you gave us a glimpse of yourself. To shut us off and hurt us?

Not all girls are like that

yo so is having big tits really that bad on the back as i've been told?
serious question.

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I'd say that's touch and go, situation dictating
Depends really on who an hero'd and if he did it cause he was a soiboi, alcoholic, autistic, MKULTRA'd etc

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Girl here.

I made a thread about this the other day. So, I'm madly in love with "Frank". However, "Zed" (whom I've known only as a friend for the past two years) is trying to sabotage our relationship, because he obviously has the hots for me (yet never had the balls to tell me until I told him I was dating Frank the other day). Zed, who has never spoken to Frank, is telling me he thinks Frank is an awful person, that our relationship will never last because it's currently long-distance (even though I've invited Frank over to my place and am currently making arrangements for the two of us, and the fact that Zed is pretty far from me too), and is virtually trying to gaslight me into being with him instead. Earlier tonight Zed invited me to a trip with him to the Caribbean in a few months. I told him no I don't want to go, but he's still pestering me about it. He's known me for two years yet it's only now that he demands I be with him, or indicates he likes me as anything more than just a friend (i.e. he has never been romantic with me before, not even giving me smiley emojis or anything to indicate affection). What do?

Tell "zed" to fuck off and that you'll sue his ass if he keeps pestering you. Don't worry about hurting his fee fees.

2 weeks ago i asked my coworker out and gave her my #, so she could text me when im free. 4 days later she hasn't messaged me, so i ask her if a specific day is good. She says she's busy atm because she is house hunting and will let me know when she's free (week and a half ago). She is still friendly with me at work and smiles when we make eye contact. I'm not sure what I should do. I was thinking I could ask her to get a coffee with me during lunch, but at the same time, my ego is getting hurt asking a 3rd time. She's a foreign student from India.

Why do I get swiped left

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Come on Brandon, are we really doing this again?

If she says she's busy but doesn't offer an alternate time, she's not interested but us too much of a coward to say no.
>inb4 men get violent when you say no.
Fuck you and fuck whatever you plan on having for dinner tomorrow night.

How big is your dick?

You can just see that there is something off with you.

The question.isnt their all like that, but why are the ones that are do it in the first place.

about three fiddy

Are you trying to reply to a specific thread or something?

your eyes are too intense. get shades or glasses to smooth them out

To any sex, having a fat girlfriend will make me seem like I have low self-esteem? I got rejected by a cutie so I started dating a long time friend. I've been enjoying her company, we are both Catholic and her face is nice. However I'm afraid to look like the loser who has to lower his standards after being rejected.

Wym? :(
What do you mean by too intense?

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Zed is a fucking weirdo. He's in his late 20s, has a grad school degree, and behaves like a typical /b/ troll. I think I might just tell him off.

Do you think I should be upfront with him and ask him if he's angry for me wanting to be with Frank? Should I ask him if he wants to bang me? Or should I just cut him off? What would the consequences of the former be?

>inb4 nobody believes me.

could just be bone structure, but it looks like you're staring through me

Maybe I need to kms... in 25 never attracted a potential mate... it’s too fucking weird.

2.1 cm,
save me

Fragile, no. Toxic, in certain contexts. The phrase 'toxic masculinity' isn't supposed to be accusatory, as in "your masculinity makes you toxic." It's supposed to be empathetic, as in "many men suffering depression don't seek help due to toxic masculinity standards in society." In the latter context, it can be pretty pertinent to discussion of male suicide, just as for example internalised misogyny is pertinent to discussion of female anorexia. Just like toxic masculinity, the phrase was never intended to accuse women of being misogynists or of being complicit in their own oppression, it's just observing the harmful concequenes gender expectations can have on one's psyche. But just as the phrase toxic masculinity is often weaponised against men, many retarded internet feminists do the same with internalised misogyny and simply accuse any woman who disagrees with them of having internalised misogyny as if women are incapable of thinking for themselves.

I mean don't just walk up to her and ask her out cold but basically start with a "hi how are you" and yeah ask her out. And don't half ass it, none of the "maybe we can hang out sometime." You need to ask her "Do you want to go out on a date with me this weekend?" or something like that.

are you the one from the last thread? Honestly no. I cope with my crushes by convincing myself that she would have rejected me anyway. I would hate to know that she actually liked me and we could have ended up together.
Unless there's any realistic chance of a long distance relationship or something, I would not want to know that I blew a chance with a woman I liked.

That's a really shitty way to think about your girlfriend. There's nothing wrong with being with a fatty, male or female, if you're into that person, but you sound really fucking pathetic.

Guys don't understand logic. Cut him out. Don't have to give a reason. In fact, if you give a reason he will dispute it.


>caring about what others think

no. The ironic part is :toxic masculinity" was actually started by MRAs, but it's obviously been coopted by feminists at this point and they just use it to bash men. When a misandrist movement that thinks nobody should talk about male suicide is using those terms, then you should probably stop.


How much fear will you feel when men take your rights away in the next 5 years?

>implying Dems won't win the midterms
>implying Dems won't get a feminist elected in 2020
>implying the 53% female majority electorate won't take away men's rights
it's current year user, misogynist won't win. Feminism will triumph. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts, being a male will be illegal in a couple of years.

Dear god no.

Even if your intentions are good and legit, those terms have been used to bash men for so long that no one will take you seriously, it may even have the opposite effect to what you want.

To girls: Is anal sex actually pleasurable, or is it all pretend?

What I mean is, is it arousing because it is taboo/kinky/a mental thing or is it actually physically stimulating

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Learn to lower your expectations/settle

What makes you think that'll actually happen?

I do enjoy anal because my fiance can go raw and I can be certain I won't get pregnant. Besides he has a good technique. But I guess it can depend on the girl and her partner.

You shouldn't be dating anyone if you're not whole-heartedly happy to date them.

No, I would think highly of them if they didn’t sleep/date around. Although I’d wonder why they haven’t found a partner yet and worry they might start running out of time.

Go with Zed to the Caribbean and break his heart while you're there. Then catch a stand-by plane back home without him.

That's what I'd do.


More for fellow guys

Recently I started talking to a girl online, she's super cool. Speaks 3 languages, has traveled the world, plays countless instruments, I mean the whole package. I haven't met up with her in person, but I can't tell if she's fat or not in her photos. Like, should I try and find out, go on a date and decide? I'm just really conscious about weight and I don't like chubby or above, it's just not attractive.

What's the best way of going about this?

None. Repeal the 19th.

You can go meet them and then never pursue if they're unattractive IRL, that's what I've done in the past

Fair enough. Just like, she seems really cool, and her face is cute, but I legitimately can't figure out which of her photos are recent. Some of them she looks thinner, other ones she has a gut. She says she likes hiking and swimming so maybe she has gotten in shape and the fat pics are just older?

you can basically never tell

Dont put too much stock in it or develop a braphog fetish

Yeah I can't. I used to be fat and I can't settle for chubby or fatter, it's just not possible.



Damn son.

Girls. I had a friend in high school that I was quite fond of, and after high school, we kept up, but only talked on occasion. She messaged me two weeks ago for the first time in a while, and we talked for hours before ending the conversation. I think I'm interested in her after talking so much, and I'd like to ask her out, but I worry since we don't talk that much than any invitation would be immediately obvious and out of place. Asking her outright doesn't seem like an option, since she flusters easy. My time to do so is almost up, since she goes back to college soon. What do you think?


This isn't for the opposite gender but it is specifically for women, if you are reading a story or watching a show or whatever... what makes a male character unlikable or makes you not want him to end up with the female lead?

Out of anxiety? If so, I also have rejected girls just because the fear of intimacy. I think all of these rejections were subconscious, and most of these girls were amazing.

I guess just learn to embrace it. I still don't know how to deal with girls that show interest but we have to take a moment to relax, and go with the flow.

Post her picture here.