I'm fucking obsessed with my male friend (I'm a gril) but he's not into me, what do
I'm fucking obsessed with my male friend (I'm a gril) but he's not into me, what do
Move on. He is not into you so nothing to do here
Ask him to hang out sometimes, he may change his mind at some point
Bust those things out in his face and do a few jumping jacks, he’ll be head over boner for you
But I'm way too into him
toastie roastie
show bobs and vagene
Tits or gtfo
Also- just send him nudes or grab his dick. Come on really strong. If he says no then nothing you can do
I doubt it'll work, I tried to stroke his hair once and that didn't go over too well
What happened
Yeah he's giving you bad advice. Grabbing a guy's crotch and unsolicited nudes are hot, but they don't signal that you want a relationship.
if he's not into you just move on.
>unless the pic in the op is you, in which case you should just smother him and see what happens.
I met up with him for coffee and at the end I thought it would be a good idea to stroke his hair for some reason. He didn't really like it
Set up a date (bowling or something), preferably in the evening, hang out and make it easy to get intimate. If rejected, take it as it is and forget it.
You have to understand attraction is not dependent on you but on him and you cannot change that.
You ever been way too into someone before? You HAVE to have them. You can't just accept that they don't want you and move on.
Or maybe I'm just fucking crazy
That's not how this works hahahahah
If you're in that space then you need to cut this guy out of your life. It's only going to lead to you doing something stupid.
Lose weight.
If he isn't interested in you, you can't force him. It sucks but you have to accept rejection and move on. Save yourself the pain and save him the discomfort of constantly having to put you down gently. You will lose him as a friend otherwise.
Try meeting new people
That would mean quitting my hobby which is the only good thing in my life, so no.
My entire area is full of raging political Tumblroids. They'd all hate me for not believing like they do.
Show him ur tits
>You ever been way too into someone before? You HAVE to have them. You can't just accept that they don't want you and move on.
Are women really this disconnected from the concept of rejection?
Wait some time, you'll get over it
Also, meet other people
How old are you?
lose weight
Idk, I was like that when I had crushes as a teen, guess OP needs to grow up
>Are women really this disconnected from the concept of rejection?
What in the fuck are you talking about? This board is 75% comprised of dudes sperging over their oneitis they've been obsessing about for years.
If you’re way gross or dope addict or super fat or have kids, go work on yourself. Otherwise, just be around him a lot and look feminine. Wear a dress, put a ribbon in your hair. Don’t gross around in sweats acting like one of the guys.
Move on woman!
This. If he finds you unattractive, there isn’t anything you can do or say that will change things. Whether it be bad habits (smoking, drugs), bad hygiene, or bad physical shape, there are some things that will make guys ‘nope out’ and not even consider you as a potential romantic partner. There are other things that will make a guy keep his distance, but the bottom line is the same.
If you don’t know why (and I’d be surprised if you didn’t have your suspicions), you could ask a neutral third party, preferably someone older than you with life experience and good head in their shoulders. Warning: what they say will be hard to hear.
Yeah, but there are also times when it just doesn’t occur to a dude to pursue a particular girl. Not “noped out” but just not tuned in yet. A guy can’t help but look at a girl in a dress but that means not noticing a lot of really good girls.
I AM please contact me.
Are you cute?
Another thing, multiple anons itt have suggested just showing him your tits and you just ignore all of those suggestions. Why?
Its also possible that he's just unsure how to respond to any advances by you.
If he's a chad probably not, but if he's more awkward then he probably is unsure about what do.
Assuming this is the case maybe just developing a more open friendship would be the place to start, and start talking about muh feelings a bit later
what the fuck do I know though im just an incel
Then don't accept rejection and go full speed against the brick wall.
You aren't looking for advice, but for an echo chamber.
Ah, to be fifteen again.
no means no
Boring larp. 0/10
I took rejection harshly as a teen, now it's just kind of whatever.
Move on, enough dicks out there and enough fishes like him