What are some of the less obvious things to be aware of and look for in men?
I have just gotten out of a long term relationship and realised that I haven't had to consider these things in a very long time.
What are some of the less obvious things to be aware of and look for in men?
I have just gotten out of a long term relationship and realised that I haven't had to consider these things in a very long time.
green flag
Red flag
>not me
Working on getting fit and making money though. And learning that instrument.
We had a couple of threads on this stuff a few days ago. Go and look in the archives.
How do you buy an instrument that you don't know how to play?
I think the meaning of the picture is the person who buys an instrument - gives up on learning it and then just leaves it there
what counts as manlet and what counts as lanklet
Manlet is
Manlet - any dude under 6 foot
Lanklet - Guys who are over 6foot but with very low muscle tone.
i hope that chart wasnt made by a girl
5'10 is manlet status?
Yes. That's why it's a meme you should disregard and not something you should take seriously.
With that logic you would always have to tick the box unless sou are exactly 6 feet
It's a dumb bingo card. What do you want?
>plays video games over 25
>owns graphic tees
>Can't drive manual
What is wrong with any of this.
Can you stop being such a judgemental cunt, some of the folk on here are genuinely unwell and you're just fucking kicking them while they're down about shit that doesn't eve mayter.
Don't get offended brajene.
When was I complaining about the bingo card?
>bizarre fetishes
>wears graphic tees
>can’t drive manual (19, never had the chance to learn)
>will probably play video games occasionally even after 25
how fucked am i?
and how many of these things actually matter?
>find the flaws in yourself
>try to improve on them or don't expect to be with someone who doesn't have some issues too
>don't date someone whose flaws you can't handle, and vice-versa don't force yourself on someone who can't handle you
Virginity is not an issue to me like it is with some, I'd actually like to lose my v-card to another virgin but I'm slowly getting older and the chances of finding that in a guy my age are decreasing rapidly. Even if that doesn't happen I just want my first time to be with someone who cares about me and will stay with me.
>I'm slowly getting older and the chances of finding that in a guy my age are decreasing rapidly
Nah. There is plenty of 30+ guys who are still virgins.
Shit i got a bingo 4th row. Have drivers' license but parallel reverse is a no go. My ex and I aren't on good terms.
haha...nothing like a good pride moment
>uses drugs other than caffeine or alcohol
fuck off alcoholics
Lel at that one
Your list is shit and so are you. Only shit tier guys would go for you.
Literally only monolingual and my dad is probably a little bit stronger than me FOR NOW
ive been seriously dropping weight recently which is the only thing on here im actually concerned with. the only reason my dad is stronger than me is because he spent 10 years of his life doing kickboxing when he was younger and could put me in the fucking ground
Red flags
>plays too much videogames or has gamur lifestyle
>watches K-ON and enjoys moe or too much harem anime with no classics
>doesn't know about internet or geeky culture
>doesn't like to do Jow Forums (this has nothing to do with being fat or chubby or permabulk)
>doesn't make jokes
>makes too much jokes out of you
>shames you
>is a manchild who doesn't wash his clothes and expects you to cook for him and clean the house
>wants you to pay the bill when he was the one who invited you over
>doesn't give you gifts for special ocassions at least once a year
>is overly jealous
>doesn't like gay people
>is Jow Forums tier
>doesn't like kids, isn't gentle
>hates women/used to be incel
>doesn't have career drive/passion
>looks down on people too much
Green flags
>makes jokes about his deffects in a comfy way.
>is there for you when you feel insecure without being a pushover
>is open with your feelings and cries in front of you
>takes care of you when sick and spoils u
>shares housework
>doesn't think you are his mom
>likes to play videogames with you
>likes to watch series/anime that aren't moe shit/harem shit
>has hobbies of his own
>confident (specially confident chubby)
>It's a good person. Wouldn't hurt someone unless it is for protection
>is a little jealous and a little protective
>trusts you and tells you his insecurities
>is chill as fuck
I'm exact opposite.
What do I win?
You win me ;_;
A loyal benevolent female who would never ever hurt you or cheat on you and would love you with all her top tier taste in animus and mango
>3 hours A WEEK playing video games
Low quality
>wants a boyfriend
>wants a boyfriend that doesn't like cute girls
>wants a boyfriend who likes gays
Are you a faggot by any chance?
funny how the majority roasties here would tick most of those boxes too
okay this was supposed to be a joke, but now im actually concerned.
i know its a meme chart but still...how many of these things are negatives? and how bad are they?
It's fucking over for me. 22 year old autistic hikki/NEET with no education, barely graduated high school, no friends ever, lived the past two decades thru a screen and within four dark walls, surrounded by trash and dirt, with declining mental illness, and many other problems.
It's impossible to get out of where I'm at unless someone else would save me but as we all know there is no savior.
Only thing I just don't like about my bingo card is to be born as a 5'7" 130lbs manlet. About driving I don't care since I live in a big city, so moving in bus is comfier than driving.
>Also ugly, but not in the card.
No matter how many of these boxes any of you leave blank,
you're here because, at some point in your lives, you have been extremely unhappy,
and the fact that you still hang around is because you're still experiencing some fallout of that.
Sometimes it's better to revel in your solitude and find a way to make your lives worthwhile without your happiness hinging on how people see you.
Do away with the principle instead of trying to adhere to it.
There has to be a way.
Damn it, there has to be a way.
This bingo image is ridiculous. Why is not being able to drive a manual considered a red flag? Can't grow facial hair? That's not even in their control. Can't parallel park? What if you live somewhere that you don't even need to drive? Who the fuck made these retarded requirements?
Bad if over 20
>bizarre fetishes
Bad, but that doesn't matter if you keep it under wraps
>wears graphic tees
Sign of being a manchild/not caring about your appearance
This is fine
>can’t drive manual (19, never had the chance to learn)
Doesn't matter
>will probably play video games occasionally even after 25
As long as it's not your number one passion
>Guys who can reverse parallel park easily are sexy.
>Bad if over 20
God I wish I hadn't listened to my parents in high school.
They're ridiculous because they're things you can't do or control?
I do not have bingo thank God.
But I am overweight
Not quite virgin (although 11 years celibate is just as bad)
Manley (5'11")
Bad sleep pattern (I never get 8 hours sleep)
And I have no female friends.
And I suppose I am weaker than my father as he is pretty fit and I sit in an office all day.
How is no female friends a red flag?
I don't think I have ever found a woman to talk to that seems genuinely interested in arts (music, literature and film) beyond that which is popular with their peers. Or in the reverse attempting to find obscure forms of art to seem snobbish and superior.
Am I wrong here?
to be fair tho, this generation is pathetic as a whole.
>has anxiety
had it sense I was 18. I moved 14xs in 1 year. It fucked me up cause I didn't know where I was going to land. I was homeless for a short time
>weaker than your dad
I honestly don't care.
>living with my mom
sure, whatever. I mean you try to get a job at 12 an hour, live on your own. It's near to impossible. I just got a job at 9.50
You act like I can fix being 5'7
>wears graphic t's
>Hey everyone! Look at me! I'm so cool! I wear a polo all the time!
fuck you, I love my super hero shirts
>cannot drive a manual
Never had the chance. But I'd be willing to learn it
>bad sleep
This only happened cause I had nothing better to do
>plays video games
So? 90% of this site does. Why is that a bad thing?
>jerking off
Yeah, I have a high sex drive. When I have a gf we have sex, a lot. I've been single for almost 8 months now.
You know what I find funny?
After seeing how many fuckers in this thread have ticked "manlet/lanket" you have no justification into being a dick online when most people could kick your ass.
Has several spelling mistakes. Not just the usual typos.
>"Haha I could beat you up"
Wow epic so cool uoi make these claims online
I'm only saying that if someone is going to talk shit, they should be capable of backing their shit up
kinda have anxiety
can drive but get worried about parallel parking
I am weaker than my dad but he is smaller and goes to gym everyday for 50+ years
19 still play vidya
Who cares if monolingual lol
Graphic tees are better than a £100, fuck me
Politics can tell you a lot about a person
Drug free
cant grow facial hail
bad skin but on antibiotics
no female friends, but in UK is hard to get female friends as 80% of girls here are dyed orange and only care about love island the rest are a combination of roasties and nittys
Masturbate like once ever 3 days
am actually not underweight but not build up
Got dumped, femanons hit me up ;)
man I was so close to bingo :/
Red flags
>exclusively dates significantly younger women
>prissy/remarkably sqeamish about the female body and your presentation (e.g. making a face when periods are mentioned, never wanting to see you doing make up or other grooming)
>"all my exes are crazy", "you're not like the other girls"
>if he tells you about conflicts with other people, whether professionally or with friends, he's always 100% the victim and other people were being mean/retarded for no reason
>needs you to have arguments for your preferences that make sense on his own terms, vs being able to respect that you have different preferences
>you find yourself not telling other people about disagreements you had because they won't see his side and you can't explain how he works/sees the world
Green flags
>good family relationships, long standing healthy friendships
>sometimes spontaneously mentions flaws or stuff he used to be bad at
>open about what he expects/wants out of a relationship, can tell you stuff you do/traits bother him without being disrespectful or tearing you down
>rather than being sure he knows you early on, he is wanting to learn about you and excited to discover new things
>he is a generally respected and well-liked person among neighbors, colleagues and so on
No doubt more but here's some.
Secret from a guy in a serious relationship:
No one thing matters. No five things in a row matter. The one thing that is closest to mattering is confidence so that you can take the lead and break the ice, but after that it's so much more subtle than that.
Well, real people don't find lasting love at bars and dance clubs at 2am. They find it in hobby clubs, libraries, churches, and through their friends.
Whew that was a close one lads. I almost got red flag bingo using some bullshit qualifications. Monolingual? Can't parallel park? What the fuck kind of dumb nigger decided this shit