What advice would you give an incoming college freshman?
What advice would you give an incoming college freshman?
Learn to study properly if you haven't already. You'll need to know.
You only get what you put into college
Don't assume that your degree alone with get you a job; get a part time job, do extracurriculars, and have hobbies.
Don't sit on your ass and expect to make friends by doing nothing, friendships take effort so make an effort to talk to people in your classes. It's college, there is always going to be someone you can connect with, so don't be one of those morons who claims that there's no one you'd want to hang out with.
Go. To. Class. And. Pay. Attention. This is the single most important thing you can do if you want to do well. It doesn't matter if lecture recordings are posted or if you can stream classes online, fucking go to class. If you find you're getting distracted on your laptop, put it away and take notes using pen and paper.
what the best way besides reviewing course notes?
Depends on what you're studying. I did a double degree and my study techniques were different depending on what class I was studying for. It also depends on how you personally study best.
Well my first year i got a some math and social science courses. How would it differ from high school?
Literally go to your career counselor and work out a path right away. Take only what you need and don't waste any time.
If you got any mental issues, seek free school counseling. It's free. That shit is super expensive elsewhere.
Literally, stay away from marxists and work with businesses that approach students in order to get experience before graduating.
Don't go for meaningless degrees.
don't use a laptop for notes, writing helps you remember better and despite what you think you'll be distracted by something online.
it's really not that bad after first year. first year is kinda intense especially if this the first time you're living away from your parents. second year and on you start to get a handle on things and it's way more chill for lectures.
University is a lot more self-driven. Your teachers will have spoonfed you and held your hand throughout high school, your professors are very hands-off at university.
All you need to bring to class is a notebook and a pen plus any book they make you get. dont overthink it. college classes can be easy as long as you organize in a planner or calendar. At least try to go to every class scheduled, you're paying for it. Sign up for a club or two, colleges have any club you can think of; mine had everything from a Chinese Witcher 2 club to mountain climbing club. Get to know your professors right away; go to office hours at least once, they will appreciate it, trust me they will like you after. get involved in class work. If there is a side project the professor is telling the class about; volunteer for it. You will never get the chance again. Work on personal career-based side projects outside of class work. Build a portfolio of things you accomplished in college, employers want to see that in students. Last of all, have fun, go to parties get drunk and create stories but be responsible.The first weeks will be filled with party invites; go to them! Leave your door open whenever you are there!
Study like its your job, because it is.
Quarter system fucking sucks.
What is it that you want out of life?
Crempie lots of girls
Get a lightweight laptop; portability is more vital that horsepower even for animation major.
Bring dark colored clothing; less washing required.
You can entirely skip the orientation week and the first week of class without repercussion if you're lazy as fuck.
DO NOT let yourself get distracted by girls. I have many friends who’ve lost sight of their goals because of women. Your friends and peers will tell you to fuck tons of women, but it will hold you back.
You’re going to college to get a degree. Not to party. Focus on your studies, girls can wait.
>You’re going to college to get a degree. Not to party. Focus on your studies, girls can wait.
I did this and now I'm a grown man with zero relationship experience and the only women I'll ever get are desperate roasties looking for betabux
now what
Don't do this shit op. Learn to pull out.
It's only half true. You'll need to focus on finding a gf on the first year or maybe some of your second, and the focus rest of your college years on studies. Finding girls in college is a freakin race.
>now what
You were successful and built yourself. That is the most important thing you could possibly do. Now if you want to find a woman that’s fine. But women can be dangerous before one is established in their own life.
>Proverbs 7:25-26 V
>25. Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths.
>26. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng.
These are real truths. Think about it. You focused on yourself and became succesful. What if you would have become distracted by pussy, let your grades slip, get a girl pregnant? You’d have been fucked.
I have a friend right now who is not accomplishing anything in his life because he’s addicted to pussy. He spends his whole paychecks taking girls out. He has the potential for a very high paying tech job, but the pussy has him.
>Finding girls in college is a freakin race
This is all great.
ok so I have a very high paying tech job and zero pussy
>Now if you want to find a woman that’s fine.
and now women want me because I have a very high paying tech job, except now they aren't college age anymore and are used up trash bags
Read the book and make notes. If that's not enough, transcribe those pen and paper notes into a word doc. Then practice recalling the information, which is the same thing you'll be doing on the exam. Take notes with pen and paper, always, it encodes the information much better than typing. Notes are to do just that, encode, looking back on them is a secondary benefit.
>ok so I have a very high paying tech job and zero pussy
Don’t fool yourself. Having yourself established is FAR better than having pussy.