The location of the Ethnostate has been revealed !!!
we are going to take over South Georgia island, with 4000 square kilometers initially and another 36,000 easily able to be reclaimed putting it larger than the Netherlands. It as ZERO permanent residents and Britain is quite open to succession. this is the only possible location for the Ethnostate.

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We don't need an ethnostate, we have Europe. The concept of the ethnostate is in relation to the situation of racially aware white americans. I wish more people would understand that.


no more white flight

I'm Australian

Why not both? Establish an ethnostate and also work to reclaim Europa. Having one provides opportunities for the other.

You have Australia. Canadians have Canada, Europeans have Europe. The demographics of our countries may be bad, but due to the small number of weapons in them, the problems can be easily fixed - unlike in the US where the demographics are bad and everyone is armed to the teeth, the ethnostate concept is a way for white america to secure themselves a piece of land without engaging in a long war that would result in tens of millions dying on all sides.

We need a ethnostate to help support all other white countries in their efforts, this can do that, it creates a existing standard and goal for whites everywhere

See, this bong gets it. The Israel model shelters Jews and is the base for a thousand different subversive organizations. There's no way to win if we don't start looking at whatever tactics work and adopting them.

there won't be an ethnostate you retards

Ok, I do agree. We could use these islands as "backups", small communities of whites away from the degeneracy would obviously help our situation overall. In a way, The Falklands already serve this purpose but we could do with more.

ethnic/racial majority areas already exist, as most places in the world were ethnically pure for many years

Exactly! And the morale boost of just showing people that it's possible can't be understated. Orinia is a good example. It's a shining beacon to a lot of people that would otherwise be blackpilled. We need more.

You either die an Aryan, or live long enough to see yourself become a Jew.


Exactly this would white pill the fuck out of whites, they would die trying to achieve what other whites have

Fuck off nigger, fix your continent first. You have the means to send all the brown people back to they countries, and them bomb them for good measure.

Fuck off Argentinian, don't make Britain Falklands you again cunt, ur just mad cuz this would guarantee a strong hold over the falklands and it's respective chunk of Antarctica

Yeah except this would be the thing we need to redpill the white race, we need a white "israel"

there is a reason nobody lives there, dude

No there isn't

My country is my ethnostate, non-europeans are foreigners here.

>Beady eyed Anglo
The average paki is more Aryan than you

You mad Che?

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