
Why is the right full of idiots who think wasting tens of thousands of dollars """prepping""" for some impossible event a good idea?

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Imagine how fucked they would have been in an actual nuclear war

This is the average American prepper

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Because they want to avoid responsibility by any means.
Note how they paint their enemies as industrious constantly toiling.
All as they rest on their laurels

It's a sickness.

If shit really hit the fan your tiny man cave is the first place roving packs of niggers will come looking for food and supplies.

Real conservatives have the money. This isn't an issue.

Full-blown trust in the government, however, is.

Magatards are the worst
Trust trump
Beleive the chess

Why do you care how a private citizen spends his money, user?

Trump cares deeply and wants to keep you from buying pants.

I prep. Let's say me or my wife lose our jobs. My family could eat for a year and sleep like babies at night. It's not about some worst case scenario. It's all understanding that the status quo can change very abruptly.

Oh, and kys /threader.

Planning for future possibilities. It's a white thing, you wouldn't understand.

Explain how buying food is wasting money? You eat it, you dont let it sit around and expire. It's really very simple, it's called "rotation". Can you say "rotation", user? You stupid bitch. Just because you're an idiot who thinks supply chain disruptions are impossible because you've not experienced one, doesn't mean everyone else is. Kill yourself. You're fucking useless, and stupid.

>wearing pants

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so that when you guys die off we will still be alive and kicking

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BOOM! Logic bomb went off. user wins.

>f shit really hit the fan your tiny man cave is the first place roving packs of niggers will come looking for food and supplies.
True. But not if you live outside of the cities. And these people do not live in the cities.

>first place roving packs of niggers will come looking for food and supplies.
We will feed the birds with the corpses of men in our front lawns. We still have our guns faggot.

>Planning for future possibilities. It's a white thing, you wouldn't understand.
Low time preference. It's largely a White / Asian attribute. Planning ahead to survive that long, cold winter.

Buy ammo like a mother fucker, too.

But if preparing for something bad is a waste, how about you throw out your first aid kit, band aids and any kind of medicine you happen to not be using at this very moment.
While you're at it why don't you call up the insurance company and tell them that you're tired of wasting money when nothing bad is happening right this fucking second you fucking inbred muzzy rat rape babu hellspawn!

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Because many of us are just kinda waiting to start killing.
Just waiting on a signal essentially.
You joke, but its just a matter of time for alot of us.

Because its better to have and not need, than to need and not have.

This fucker gets it
>11/10 would kill niggers and have a beer with

Can anyone think of an example where this has been useful?

Only thing I can think of is Venezuela. But that’s about it.


get a load of this baka

do you even understand how shit works retard? of course you don't

you let your land be sold to foreign pigs, what do you know about self-preservation?

Why do retarded nigger democrats rob stores every time there is a disaster? Shouldn't they have some amount of food put away, especially if they know a disaster is coming, like a hurricane?

dude that's enough holy shit

it can strike anywhere, check the fucking stock market for more on that

Incels preparing a civil war just because his mother was mean with them and they closed themselves in their basement/room doesnt mean that anyone besides them wants a war.

get the fuck out of my thread faggot

stop saying incel you idiot that is an insult barked at others by profound retards ONLY

>he thinks people have to want a war for a war to start
The fewer white people the US has, the more they'll realize just how much niggers and spics are stealing from them.

If you spend more than $10k on prepping then you're insane. I've spent a good $1k on emergency food that lasts at least a decade. It's a very small insurance policy if shit hits the fan.

No, i won't be as comfortable as the nutjobs who throw over $10k into prepping. And honestly that's a stupid addiction that has a less than 2% chance of even happening, but even at 2% we should all still prepare in some way for disaster because it always happens throughout history.

Have food supplies ever been interrupted? Even in the Great Depression we had food, but dipshits with too many kids suffered.

I think a year of supplies would suffice, by then you should be growing and producing your own food or going somewhere else, say 500 gallons of gasoline on hand. I would buy production equipment, tiller, insecticides and seed. If you had a large amount of supplies and you live walking distance to the nearest nigger or liberal, you would need the guns, see Hurricane Florence or Katrina in 2005 and you get the idea, doesn't have to be nuclear or civil war Plenty of other stuff happens, manmade and natural.

>nothing bad will ever happen
>don't stockpile goods in preparation for disasters
>wait until disaster strikes and buy everything you need at obscene markups, goy


>get the fuck out of my thread faggot

you are so young hahaha KIDDO

Just in the U.S.-

Great depression.
Dust bowl.
New York power outage that affected 9 million people, along with a shit load of other power outages.

everyone laugh at this young faggot hahahahahahahha hahahaha you are so stupid you might as well just shut up forever i.e jump off the nearest tall building hahahahah you are so DUMB ahaha stupid fucking moron

All that food took up your ammo space moron. They'll just keep on coming

Theyll come sooner or later theyll come and in numbers.

Who knows what would happen. But sure run for the hills is the best option but your survival rate is probably better if you keep moving until the numbers thin out.

>buying things you want is waste

Your a poorfag, haha!

>Dont call me incel im virgin because i want also i hate black/mexicans because they can get laid
Dude im worried about you dont call me faggot i fucked only women i like men sometimes but wouldnt do

it ain't like you are incapable of eating your stored grub even if absolutely nothing happens, quality of life continues to maintain and even increase at completely unsustainable levels. just consider it like going grocery shopping a good bit in advance.

stocking up on liquor? you can always drink that shit. having medical supplies and basic knowhow? damn, if someone at the house gets fucked up doing something you can tend to that better.

of course having some sort of silly 3-ft below ground shelter thinking you're gonna ride out a total nuclear exchange is fucking retarded.

Most preppers fully admit that the chances of them making it through, even with all their prepping is very low, but they prepare for the worst because they are responsible adults, not the children that make up the left. Whilst the bitches on the left that worship mother government and suckle at her teet just sit around watching Netflix and believing that their wokeness will save them from a potential mob, the mature right love their family so take out insurance to try and ensure their safety, even if the odds may be against them.
If you ever grow up and ever take on responsibility, you'll understand. You'll also start voting Republican.

This post is fucking cancer.

> t. A fucking leaf

You obviously never saw that documentary "Blast from the Past" with Brendan Fraisure.

>war and economic collapse are impossible events
Please do tell you sound like a really smart guy...

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Stop shilling my point you stupid leaf

I'm having a hard time understanding why you are so convinced that niggers with they gats are somehow going to defeat white men with ARs.

A paradox no leftie can even broach without a short circuit

Why won't you mention the billions of dollars the gov't and wealthy have spent on private deep underground bunkers?

That shelving is rad

Checked and redpilled.

>im only a faggot in my imagination

>Why is the right full of idiots who think wasting tens of thousands of dollars """prepping""" for some impossible event a good idea?

Because the leftists who relay on the government to survive are all going to die from neglect.

You were never attracted to a man? I doubt this

Checked and not a retard like OP.
based bongs are best bongs.

was mummy late with her tendies today, user?
you stupid fat americans

I like how mad his post made you. It obviously struck a nerve -- deep down you probably realize how stupid being a prepper is and how much of a waste of time and money it is. Cognitive dissonance won't allow you to admit it, though.

>wasting tens of thousands of dollars
>on food that they can eat whenever they want
Yeah, that's so idiotic. Nobody ever experiences food shortages.

Notice, he has kids
That’s why (((you))) hate him

Having food and water stocked up for emergency isn't wasting unless you let it expire and toss it.

I'd love to prep if i could

Why not have atleast a month or more food at hand?

Imagine this leaf starving and helpless waiting for the indistinct brown masses Trudeau has imported to kick in his door. Meanwhile I will become a smug groyper in my comfy prepper homebase.

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>wars famines and catastrophes will never happen
how retarded are you ?
Me and my father are the first Generation in human history who never had a Major disaster happen, the other 200 Gernerations ? well,,,,

>6 kids
That man is a hero

somehow i get the Impression that you used the prepping Money for a Dragon dildo

>being responsible for you and your family's wellbeing and survival is avoiding responsibility
Troll or legit insecure lefty retard?

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Besides the fact this will never happen.

The walls of a castle, do they keep the niggers out or do they lock you in? Youve removed all of your survival options living in your larpcave.

>10's of thousands of dollars
>shows cans of soup
oh, man. it's so hard to pick up an extra can of soup on shopping trips.
and, soooooo expensive too.
how shall i ever retire?

>6 Kids
Good man!

Definitively stating that something like a food supply shortage will NEVER happen is just blatantly intellectual dishonesty and makes you look retarded.

>all that food took up your ammo space

Sorry we’re not landlets like you; I can stockpile years of food and decades of ammunition in my home and on my property.

>being prepared is a bad thing


My question is, as always, if serious SHTF as in nuke/bio/foreign takeover and enslavement, WHY THE FUCK would you even want to survive?

So once it cools down you can head back to work and watch the Pats this weekend?

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Failure to plan for unlikely events is a sign of low intelligence.

I'm not a "prepper" but I have supplies and a plan in place for social collapse. Not because I think it's likely, but because I think it's possible.

They'll only find ammo

>y-you're gay too, right sempai?

Doubt all you want, homo.

Im glad we agree. They're called sieges for a reason.

I bought some land in the mountains to do this. Although I think in an actual event. I would be able to make it out of the city.

Yeah it's so cool man.
Too bad it costs more than everything it holds by 10x.
But hey if you got the coin for it..

Prepping is a meme that wealthy suburbanites do. If you really want to survive what's comming you need to learn primitive survival skills. How to hunt. How to fish. Knowledge of edible plants. How to make your own clothes. How to make your own tools. How to make your own shelter. If your relying on manmade products to save your ass you will be fucked when they finally run out.


You sound like a pretty cool guy user

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>be near oregon coast
>actually Portland, Oregon to be precise
>understand what lurks 6 million inches off the coast and beneath the waves
>prep my asshole
>also prep to survive a seismic holocaust
>also Trump is literally hitler
>drink a craft beer
>buy weed legally
>play sacktap with the guys in Pioneer square
>rent a bicycle
>let some minority use it instead
>walk home because the weather is so nice
>Its too far
>decide to get an uber
>super duper uber scooper
>my favorite tranny picks me up
>tell her I like her mustache car
>she tells me she likes my penis
>realize I called lyft
>notice the craft beer I drank was like 73% ABV
>go see my girlfriend and her boyfriend
>also prep to survive a seismic holocaust
>also Trump is literally hitler
>also you will feel the bern soon
>gear up to smash the fash
>guys causing trouble in my neighborhood
>get in one little fight
>mom gets scared
>now I'm moving with my auntie and my uncle in bel-air

So what,you're just going to give up?
You are seriously going to let them win?

So i can find like minded individuals, form a group and rebuild society in our image, and reproduce and possibly go down in history

Y'all can say what you want. I don't go hardcore into the prepping. But I'm Alaskan, and never know how hard winters Going to be. And about every five years the only pass out of town has a rockslide and it haults everything. Most importantly all the food coming in to the only grocery store.
But it's never been a issue. I usually have a month store of non perishables, and half an elk in the freezers. Hell most of the trappers up hear won't leave their stead till spring.
Longest we've been cut off is a month, I've never seen anybody starve, or even go hungry. worst I've seen is my neighbors came over because they only stored up on pasta and oats. And just wanted to trade so they can have a bit of verity. After a week everyone goes hunting, and sell what ever surplus they have, and fruits especially citrus fetches a high price, anytime of the year under any condition, and most people with greenhouses will take a dog sled out, or a snow machine around a mountain just to sell a fifteen dollar orange.
I'm confident if things got bad enough the folks that couldn't hack it, would get out, or the people that could would bring in enough for them to live.
I don't know stuffs different out here, I don't see the issue in having a fallback as long as you're not spend so much to sacrifice you're future. Y'all seem to forget you're living in the comfyest times in history. I wouldn't put my money on it lasting forever.

Trump is an outsider to politics. It's not unwise to trust some one like that.
Nice try though.

The simple answer is it's better to have it, and not need it than it is to need it, and not have it.

Be prepared.

That's why every prepper should have a large stock of fire arms, ammo, and a family large enough to defend it.

>he thinks 10K is a waste

Bro, if you aren't already 500K into your bunker, you're just larping

>My question is, as always, if serious SHTF as in nuke/bio/foreign takeover and enslavement, WHY THE FUCK would you even want to survive?
why are you such a defeatist faggot?
We're living in better times than anybody before us ever has. Times will get harder so be mentally prepared ad don't just an hero yourself because you have to shit outside now.

>People don't want war so there will be no war

Tell that to Iraq and Syria, dumbass

Dude, I know right?! Like, why didn't he just buy weed instead???? lmao

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At the start, if this fantasy were to happen.

Any fool who places themselves in a situation where they could be potentially be besieged will be amongst the first to die.

2%? In your mind maybe

Honestly I think the odds of civil war breaking out WITHIN 5 YEARS is around 85%, within 10 years 90% and within 20 years 100%

Just look at what's happening with society, no matter how much the media is convincing you, not everyone is gonna sit back and accept the destruction of their race and country.

>impossible event
>has recently happened in MULTIPLE other countries in just the last DECADE
I'm gonna say something really controversial: OP is a major fagget

It's more or less a "what if" kinda thing. It's not as if we are sitting and waiting for a major catastrophic event.

Also i love going on long trips in the mountains alone. So most of my "survival gear" is mostly just the usual shit i pack. I also store food and i know where my nearest fallout shelter is so i'm golden for at least 7 months if nukes come flying.

I haven't even spent that much either. Most of my gear has been handed down to me

If it were me id be stashing shelf stable water, food and ammo in random spots in the wilderness. Having a larp cave is the fastest way to die.

Sure, I didn't argue against that either, this guy was just convinced that there is only a 1/50 chance of any HAPPENING, even though we're like 20 years overdue for war lmfao.