Is he right? I'm scared

Is he right? I'm scared...

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I'm not some sort of terrorist, user.


Bump for the love of Christ!!!

Last attempt

it's true you're next

Why, God, WHY?

he's right but they do the same everywhere, if your people are on heroin someone wants their land

Seems accurate

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time to dust off the old gear lad

We are all in there, all of the white world is beeing part of that experiment.
And i don't think the proud sons of Eire want to return to the Pirate Empire, because this empire slave them and forced them to breed with niggers.
U anglos have so much to learn to make empires...

The entire world is like that.

The IRA should make a comeback

well, its true, you are EU butt lickers. enjoy being bred out of existence and having le 56% faces

Of course he’s right, do you actually fucking live here?

why are you scared when fear itself just got it's ass fucked unto oblivion?

if they push, you push back, if they push harder, you push harder, if they swing, you swing harder and don't you dare fall to your fucking knees

you are right, this is your home, fight for it

We're just the most susceptible after our nationalists were shot dead like dogs for the last century while the British backed government used "hearts and minds" against the others to create a "Universe 25" mentality.

The Irish government/Dáil are no more Irish than Brussels.

the anti-smoking ban started in ireland

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Ireland 2040.

I mean the parliament has already appointed a poo as your leader even though ireland is like 97 percent white.

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True if yuge

bump for scared jews

If you look into why the IRA existed post 1922 it all makes sense.

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Oy Are Ayyy Awll thuh Wai..

What has it turned into a progressive globalist cabal bent on replacing the people they fought to defend in 1922?

ireland keeps getting shilled here as a place to move but all i see is useless junkies moving out, while people with atleast some capability stay, i guess thats the rule for all replacement plans, if you're a doctor in syria why would you even go to germany

The fire rises.

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Of course he's right

The IRA fought for the Irish, things got desperate after 1950's, the Irish Government were always anti-irish.

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I had a discussion about this a few days ago.
the main points were:
>The Govt is pseudo leftist, using leftist tactics to bring about a rightwing set up.
>Depopulation of the rural areas is ackshually a way of keeping shit skins in cities as cheap labour.

it was an interesting post, considering the only people who have emigrated to Oz and England are completely useless bastards.

Lads it's gotten to the point where I'm afraid to post here.
They keep turning our water off, its full of crap.
Our infrastructure is crumbling, new schools were rushed and are fire hazards. NO houses at all
Nama Sitting on Assets that are owned by us,
AIB is 98% owned by the public so it can't fail,
Transport is so out dated that 100 years ago we had a tram line on O'Connell street that was removed 50 years ago and now rebuilt.
Over 50% of the residential accommodation in the city center are used for tourism
>'You're not going to turn the Irish into Germans overnight." That's what Cairn Homes CEO Michael Stanley

A corrupt police force that the politicians/media won't touch
Flooding small villages overnight with refugees 2x the local population over night.
House them in failing hotels so you can keep those state owned Assets afloat
Breaking the rules of the Geneva Convention by changing the laws on refugees working
A working class of state owned welfare babies
A country of weak disloyal BMW chasing middle class basedboys
A ruling elite of pedos and two-faced do-gooders
An underfunded Army that is being purposely dismantled so an EU Army looks like the sensible thing

EU's whipping boy

No more traditional families, homes, towns, or culture.

At least we get to pat ourselves on the back because we make people "feel" good.

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Just say fuck to the government and move out to the sticks.

>No Gardaí
>Low density
>Great communities
It's grand, the Irish Republic lost to the Republic of Ireland
There's 500 people on the entire Island willing to revolt so
they'd be crushed in minutes. We lost, welcome to the new reality.

It's true. We'll send you lads guns if you go 1488 Eire edition, but if everyone is too dumb, come here so your grandkids can Alamo it up with mine.

I'm so blackpilled rn

>Just say fuck to the government and move out to the sticks.
It's a small island so I don't think anywhere is safe from the eyes of the state.

I want to find a way to remove an island like Achhill from all records, set up an EMP field and create a Tir Na Nog

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Achill is flooded with foreigners ever summer, the whole west is, your best bet is some shithole where you can find a qt local and have a bit of farming going on, works for me.

put a massive fucking fence around the property

Ireland has the nicest people in Europe. Been to most countries, France being the absolute worst, and they were mostly okay. Italy was a close second. Ireland was like exclusively white and they all couldnt be niceest happiest people. And I only was in the city for the couple days I was there. Idk why everyone hates on the Irish.

So what's stopping you from saving up and moving or helping the right movements? this is why you deserve your fate.

I was born in Ireland, user. I lived there until I was old enough to study and travel all over Europe. I finally went to visit my 2nd and 3rd cousins in America when I was 22. They ride horses, shoot guns, have Caterpillar machines, and hate everyone else. They treated me like a long lost brother. I immigrated here legally and I'm now married to a blonde/blue 10. The land is beautiful and our life is beautiful. Europe is a meme full of metrosexual faggots, sand people, and Africans, unless you're a legit ruralist villager. Ireland will either get our help and go natsoc or be lost. We're next.

>implying there hasn't been one right-wing candidate who wasn't Israel's candidate

Go on twitter to @campaignforleo
Thats the poo in loo
Look at his likes. Dubliners are legit retarded.

Did I word that wrong? I dunno. But the point is simple: right-wing populism is supported by Israel for a reason. Figure out why.

Pretty sure he’s right.
Save yourself and your beautiful island before it’s too late, Paddy. I’ve been there, it’s worth saving. Please don’t pussy out.

>Idk why everyone hates on the Irish.
I think it’s mostly a stupid meme.

Israel supports right wing populism because the international Jew uses it to frame an enemy and destroy nations. They support both sides, always. The goal remains the same.

God fucking dammit

someone got triggered anyway

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This has been written about in tavistock papers for decades, op

Just shut the fuck up and take what the Jews give you, potato nigger. You've been cowards since Good Friday, no one thinks that's going to change.

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Ireland has the most NPCs per capita out of any place I've ever lived. I feel like every person I meet here is a clone. Outside of the handful of people who post here, every Irish person I have met has been painfully left leaning. It is also well on its way to being a UK tier nanny state.
>Mandatory breath sample check points
>Mandatory drug test check points (have to submit DNA to government)
>40% income tax once you make any kind of decent money (this doesn't include line items charges like PRSI and USC)
>Carbon tax on fuel
>Infrastructure is terrible
>Atrocious public transportation
>Corrupt political class that gets away with anything (Ireland had a finance minister at one point who claimed he didn't have a bank account)
>More benefits to being on the dole than working

Ireland flies under the radar but is UK light. It'll resemble the UK within a decade, easily.

When will y'all learn? Reading this story made me want to scream. Point: the asshole who owned the hotel who said he wouldn’t sign but did should have been brutally lynched. His hotel should have mysteriously burned to the ground. Voting doesn’t work. 93% of the village voted no but the EU pushed it on them anyway. Voting. Doesn’t. Work. You have to fight.

>It's time to legalize abortion! My body my choice!
>Our birth rates are too low, we need to bring in migrants to replace the ageing population!

digits confirm

>Full of metrosexual faggots
European men dress and act like North American homos.

not even human

good fuck them, anyone that stayed in europe after 1900 is a fucking retard that deserves to suffer.

sadly your nationalist groups alive today are completely pozzed.

there is an old legend supposedly spoken by saint patrick that ireland will sink into the ocean before the age of the antichrist, so that it will remain somewhat unsullied.

hope its true

What if Ireland is the home of the Antichrist?