
Attached: DwAMy22U0AIT_Dy.jpg (1200x398, 50K)

it's over cheeto benito can NOT recover from this hard hitting resistance meme


The left can’t mem-

Yes we can! (meme)

Hahha dats drumpf

>1 post by this id

Left can only copy meme, proven once again.

rent free forever in their heads. I give you yet again another stolen redesigned shitty lefty meme.

Attached: bullypepe.png (540x540, 230K)

idk what individual means why 1/2019???
we dont even vote to impeach someone let alone advertise it

>one post by this id

Jesus Christ. The left's memes are downright embarrassing.

orange man bad

The left still can't meme for shit. One would think they would learn from being sufficiently clobbered with them. Do you ever sit back and wonder why you didn't think of it? Ever?

lmao the left really can't meme
that's not a meme

pic related is what a real meme looks like

Attached: 1546032759847.jpg (600x452, 44K)

So do the dems get an unlimited amount of "goal pushing" cards or something? I can't tell you how many times I've seen these dates change

Why is every single leftist meme just a right-wing meme photoshopped into a "no u!"?

Fuck, I was just going to ignore this bait thread too.

that warren tweet really got to them. they still dont get it

>trying to copy a meme
>referencing a meme they don't like in the process
>giving it more exposure
>same take on the same argument that hasn't gone anywhere for years (plural, thanks 2019!)
>format is mutilated so much it would fall flat regardless

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-03 at 12.23.40 PM.png (101x22, 8K)

That fucking dude was based as shit. His fucking sonichu, great times.

Left truly can't meme.

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Attached: download.jpg (300x57, 2K)