Has anyone else noticed the rise of unironic schizophrenics posting over the past couple years? Where the fuck are these lunatics coming from? So many posts feel completely disjointed from the thread like the people posting are staring off into space.
Sometimes I feel like Jow Forums is turning into godlikeproductions.
there are no forums anymore only social media, this is why people seem crazier to you. you must be a newfag because people have always been autistic on Jow Forums, long before that word even came into popularly
Lucas Ward
Noah Murphy
Been here since 2007 you cunt.
Back in 2012 barely anyone was seriously arguing that the Earth was fucking flat.
Noah Thompson
It's just boomers who came here because of Qanon. They post like completely insane people, which they probably are. I don't think they're literal schizophrenics, they're just very stupid old people who somehow made it to their old age and are suffering from years of drug abuse and early Alzheimer's.
Christian Young
I see what you're trying to do. You've been working against me for a long time.
Nathan Gonzalez
Fuck off Bulgarian Mossad kike
Cameron Gomez
Everyone who says the earth is flat is a troll or a paid shill. I called it out the second this shit started getting shilled, they were going to associate flat Earth with other conspiracy theories and associate it with Trump, and that's exactly what they did.
Jack Butler
flat earthers? thats called a troll dude........ lmao
Jason Jackson
You could say they are goung sick o mode hehhehehehehdhdhdhdhdhdh
Angel Robinson
Poes law in full effect. So many people pretending to be retards attracts them. Its why the Boomer stormfags and Qtard magapedes are here
Julian Peterson
That's likely for some reason Boomers have their own unique special brand of retardation and insanity.
Juan Wood
Lucas Gomez
You type like a faggot.
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.
Caleb Wilson
They are not real posters. They are bots modeled after legacy GodLikeProductions, which is a spook controlled honeypot to corral real schizophrenics and funnel them to areas they can be monitored. Same topics too. Use the wayback machine to 2012-2014 if you dont believe me.
Gavin Cox
I hope so. These people are the kind that watch YouTube videos named "The top 10 conspiracies that the Government doesn't want you to see" unironiclly.
Robert Lopez
The problem with them is that they are far more naive and sheltered than any zoomer. These are people who don't really know much about the world, these are the first people in all of history to experience a completely sterile environment and no suffering, endless food and freedom that people wouldn't even dream of 100 years ago, but they didn't have social media full of gore, porn and online trolls. The zoomers are pretty bad, but they deal with online trolls all the time and see fucked up shit online. The boomers never saw any of that, they believed they lived in a utopia. Everything from their point of view was perfect.
Connor Phillips
>eastern european country calls country far richer than his country a shithole you literally are a faggot so im glad you beat me
Thomas Roberts
Eli Gutierrez
People who watch YouTube videos that are that retarded are to stupid to live.
Matthew Reyes
It is an attempt to lead people away from here and the prevailing ideas and send them to the previously minotred nonsense portions of the web, like AboveTopSecret and GodLikeProductions. You will see them talking about gangstalking and GATE, all kinds of actual total horseshit, anything but the actual perps destroying society.
Jason Parker
I meant whatever shitty internet community you came from you room temperature IQ retard.
I'm so fucking sick of these posts the detached retardation is insufferable.
Hudson Howard
That is what im taking about. That is called a shill. Ignore what they say. Or if you want to defend yourself. Just call out their bullshit.
Levi King
Also most of them are bots running off scripts, to make this place worse.
Daniel James
They used to be quarantined on x but with pol going mainstream after trump every mentally unstable boomer showed up here thinking their horseshit would be tolerated
Levi Smith
Remember that this retard resoped to your thread. That is a good sign yoj are winning/ making a good point.
Luke Morales
If we're going to get spammed by bots anyways why do we even have Captcha?
Samuel Morales
So (((They))) can make sure we are not using bots. The jdif bots are white listed.