The Moon is artificial

The moon is artificial
>people astral travel and remote view humans working in facilities inside the moon
>ancient authors like Ovidius wrote about pre selene people, ie people that lived before the moon.
>the moon is too big to be a natural satellite to the earth, it's unique in the solar system and probably in the universe
>It shows always the same face to earth perfectly, which is impossible especially with its dimensions
>when there is an eclipse it covers the sun almost perfectly, from a terran perspective the sun and the moon are of the same dimension, the odds are infinitesimal.
>Neil Armstrong and NASA said that on landing and/or take off the moon rang like a bell.

Attached: FullMoon2010.jpg (2580x2452, 2.14M)

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Sources for all of that, and I would like even more if you can provide evidence for it.

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>It shows always the same face to earth perfectly, which is impossible especially with its dimension
Only in a big bang universe with globe Earth.

Explain tides than

There are various articles online.

Then provide links to the articles.

t. lost redditor

>The moon was ringing like a bell," Neal says
Plus soul guidance

>what is perspective?
>he's never flown in an airplane at night

>hurr moon fake
>Hurf hur earth is flat
What’s with all the completely insane conspiracy theories that are being pushed these days? This is even worse than shit like chemtrails, since that one at least comes with a motive to make it sounds at least somewhat plausible. Not like
>hurr earth is flat and the truth is being obscured for no reason at all hurrhur

Kikes trying to make us retarded

>Hey, everyone, look how retarded I have made myself
t. you

>how does light work?


oh you were quoting op, nvm

All solid objects do this, doofus.

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Conspiracy theories make elite conspirators feel scared.

The moon is flipping, And yes Masons have lied about our cosmos and given us "dumb goyim history/science" when they have the hidden history. Mythology has more truth to it than our "official history" we were taught in our education system (owned by (((them))) ). And NASA are lying, They've never been to the moon. All footage are Stanley Kubric and bad CGI with perfectly stationary clouds which never move no matter how many hours you look at it. Nasa's first Rocket scientist Jack Parson was a BLACK MAGICK OCCULTIST who hung out with Aleister Crowley who was close friends with Walt Disney. Disney + Nasa +Masons = Lies
We never went back to the moon because we were never there.
Original moon footage no stars, Earth is "moon sized" in the background, should be 4x larger

Dumb people like you can't figure the truth out if it slapped you in the face. You probably believe what our Freemasonic (((education system))) taught us.


t. schizophrenia
>Chemtrails are fake

The government released papers on Aerosol injection spraying with metals like barium and aluminum and saying it's "geo engineering"
I know what Con trails are but there is endless proof "Chemtrails" are infact 100% real. Sorry you're the retarded one here.

Only Adhd pal


to say that creation and globe earth contradict each other like many fe's do, is very, very much retarded and suggests that this whole fe topic is brought to you by evil spirits. Ofc it is also retarded in every other way

You forgot one thing: the Moon is made of cheese

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great thread, but all this just leads to more questions...
if this is really going on, whichever group orchestrating it is sufficiently advanced and has a much clearer understanding of earth n such.
they must have good reasons for setting all this up...what is it?

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