Trans-Strasserist thread

Welcoming all trans social nationalists! No transphobia please!

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thats a qt female if ever i saw one

No, that is a mentally ill subhuman boy. Anyone who thinks otherwise is also mentally ill.


The word tranny summons me. If Jow Forums brings up the concept of transgender, I appear. And I might not even be the same as the other transgender girl you speak of.

You can play your Christian game all you want, but at the end of the day, either you accept that you kicked out your shamanic class of Aryans, or you realize the truth, and accept us as we appear. The bog is no place for your shaman either.

We were never meant to be warrior class or worker class. We dress how we desire. Do you even question the concept of modern beauty or clothing? We do. We are shamanic, and if you deny this more, we won't be here anymore. And then you will be alone in the darkness.

The Aryan tribe requires its shaman class, and if you deny this, you will play into the hands of a certain cult. A bad end for you, I'm sure.

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ok this is epci

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>Dressing up as a girl and masturbating on cam makes me a shaman
And I thought leftist trannies were delusional.


imagine being this igonrant

Kill yourself freak

Sex is your penis and vagina
Gender is your, for example vagina, ovaries, womb and uterus. Female is used to encompass all those things into one. That's what gender is, a definition of all the things that go on within you. Physical appearance and personality=\=gender

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>Tranny posts Crowley demon sign

Every time

Gender is all about the perception of what is female and male, and you dont go checking peoples pants to make sure you're calling them the right thing, right? You look at how they present themselves,

Gender has meant the same thing as sex for ages. Only when some doctor forced a boy into doing fucked up shit which led him to kill himself did gender get subverted. We also have drugs which remove suicidal urges in Gender Identity Disorder but globohomos don't like it because it also removes the desire to be the opposite sex. Transgenderism is a meme fetish and isn't a lifestyle anyone should pursue.

Shit, I remember this person. What was their name again?

Ah, this is the greatest board in this site

no, that experiment only proved us right. Gender is something that is both on the inside and out, it encompasses feelings and identity. That person was given everything they needed to be a female and yet they still yearned to be a male. That is how transgenderism works. I was given a penis and testicles yet i yearn to be a female.

That boy who had a vagina and female hormones was on all of these medications that you say get rid of dysphoria, yet he still killed himself. Really boggles your noggles.

They were born male and wanted to be a male. That reinforces my point. You have a brain Disorder but instead of us treating you people are telling you to take dangerous and permanent treatments which increases your risk of suicide.


We aren't afraid OF you.
We are afraid FOR you.

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They were practically born female. They were designed at birth to be a female. What you're suggesting is some sort of metaphysical gender that is magically assigned when someone is born.

christfags get the bullet

And there are no statistics suggesting that hrt or surgery INCREASES the risk of suicide. The suicide rates stay the same. I'm not claiming that transitioning is a cure. It works for most people and doesn't work for a small minority. Issues that carry over even after transitioning are probably the cause of the suicide rates staying the same.

I, for one, welcome all trans-natsocs. In fact, we have a special camp for you guys

traps are gay
you're a deluded mental patient
altering yourself with surgery and hormones only proves you're crazy
there's no way you can argue against these facts
trannies are mental patients that have been allowed to be exploited by modern medicine for profit.
you people are like the new cancer, hopefully there's a cure soon, or suicide would work too
hopefully people just start the time honored tradition of beating you types half to death then leaving you tied to a fence post to die.

You're an absolute retard
Show your flag, only someone from Asia could be this delusional

imagine being this angry because i wear different clothes

Except they obviously weren't. They were a male being forced into accepting something they were not biologically.
HRT has increased suicide attempts as it destabilizes your hormonal balance. Part of this is due to GID individuals self medicating or ignoring instructions of doctors.

>You're an absolute retard
Where's the argument

What made them male? What about being born a certain gender makes you one way or another?

Also source?

A mentally ill attention seeking sissy wearing make up is not a women.

This is perfect proof of online politics being catnip for unstable, stupid, porn addicted, attention seeking weirdos.


They present themselves in a FEMININE OR MASCULINE WAY. That's why we have terms like "masculine and feminine" that's what defines someone's personality and or outward appearance. Female, and feminine are not synonymous either. Now show your flag you perverted retard!

Should only be allowed to continue to be a tranny if you pass like this one. I want to punish him in the bedroom.

aww thanks

scratch your gf's butt for james mason

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im with you

How do you differentiate between the female with a vagina and "female" with a penis!? It's almost like words like MALE AND FEMALE were used to help us differentiate between those two and words like FEMININE AND MASCULINE To help us cope with our feelings of being soft or hard. You're an absolute retarded south east Asian

Fuck off b00t, stop trying to engage in dialogue. you're a camp hole and you always will be, nothing more

kill yourself
both your ideology and mental illness should die

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Chromosomes made them male. 99%+ humans are gender binary with a scant few having mutations or brain disorders. Also half assed source but here's an article which gets at what Im talking about. We can cure GID with pills by fixing the brain. We shouldn't be messing with hormones or mutilating people when we can make the desires to become the opposite sex go away.

Chromosomes made them male. 99%+ humans are gender binary with a scant few having mutations or brain disorders. Also half assed source but here's an article which gets at what Im talking about. We can cure GID with pills by fixing the brain. We shouldn't be messing with hormones or mutilating people when we can make the desires to become the opposite sex go away.

That's that "Anarcho-De Leonist" guy, isn't it?

Busted to webms of him on infinitychan before.

are you part of that Jow Forums sissy gay ops? anyone have the screencaps of that btw?

Huh, gay.

stay mad libtard

let me tell you about neurological hermaphrodism

What do chromosomes do? If someone is given female genitals and hormones at birth, then they're male because of chromosomes? Did you know that a lot of female models have XY chromosomes?

It's easy for you to sass online but it wouldn't take much to slap your sissy ass around irl. We both know that's what you want anyways so stop fighting it. Be a good woman and be silent.

I see you can't refute, so you must be execute.. d. Rither way refute this faggot or stop posting already

Based finn

Imagine thinking that you are a girl when you have y chromosomes

oh fuck i came


Nazis and commies are all fucking weirdo retards whos ideology is just a vehicle for the drama they crave

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I saw you on Twitter, you got blasted by TradTwitter faggot

You wear feminine clothing, that doesn't make you female


Like Ling Anderson. A 1488 er trans nat soc who love white peepo

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And they say trans aren't mentally ill

>Naz-Bol flag
I smell bait

This. Intelligent people don't present themselves as nazis or commies because it doesn't redial norms, which is the ultimate goal. only retards do that


Refute these posts degenerate scum

sometimes i honestly find trannies so disgusting and unpleasant to be around as people that i'm honestly fine with the thought of them all being unironically gassed even though i'm one too
as long as they all went with me i don't even think i'd mind
this isn't even an ideological thing they're all just individually horrible

Chromosomes are building instructions for the organism and sex matters quite a bit in regards to them. You can make a man look like a woman but it doesn't change that its a man. Also female models cant be XY, so that claim is self destroying.

and it attracts primarily dysfunctional people.

All these alt-right and antifa retards are constantly backstabbing and metooing each other.

If you wouldn't date that girl, you are a fag.

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why not be a normal fucking person instead of throwing a pitty party. Go to the gym got to church and get a real hobby.

>cboosting to be a degenerate
Glad you'll die alone

don't be delusional fag, if the governemnt was national-socialist you would be dead, and that's a good thing

>1/80,000 people.
I don't give a shit.
if you have this, maybe you can talk about it. If not, fuck off

>traps are gay
americans are white

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Refute my posts scum!

I know.

0.3 percent of people are trans so...

b00t goes under a new name now.

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>im gonna post my biased articles
> I win because it conforms to my world view
Degenerate retard

idk what you were even trying to say tbqh

what's that?

seeA. You don't have slyer syndrome
B. they are dudes actually, just with naturally deformed genetalia instead of artificially deformed genetalia