Name a generation that is more entitled, cucked, useless, and liberal?

Name a generation that is more entitled, cucked, useless, and liberal?

Attached: Millennials.jpg (500x250, 27K)

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They may have been more so back during their younger years, but millennials are doubtlessly worse now.

nah. boomers are filthy. they don't know how to pick up their shit, so, the first three. but boomers aren't as liberal as millenials

Which one you belong to because your spend your free time bitching at things rather than doing something about it. Maybe this is your fault? Of course not your generation was perfect and totally did not make this generation a thing.

nah. boomers are a close second, but they are at least on their way out. there's another 50 years of snowflakes to go.


Spotted the children

>50 years
I know it sounds like a meme, but I can't help, but think they'll grow out of it.

Gen X

this is mild. you can find plenty of jew hating, special ops member gen zyklons. i have hope, i have hope that we may rise out of our pit of darkness

Attached: 7f5f91f176a235102a337ba2dd7cbc35c012f8fb1e27aa04e82206bc59adf107.jpg (1179x664, 100K)

you know, it's not fair to put all millenials in the same bag

its the late millenials the ones who should be exterminated, but us who were born in the late 80's and lived teenage 90's still hold the values of nationalism, capitalism and right wing ideals. its the post 2000 homos the ones who ruined everything thanks to the internet and social media.

Just don't worry about them. They'll be spending all their time tweeting AI's soon enough.

Spotted the faggot gen X who feels guilty for throwing his parents into a home. Eat shit nigger the boomers wrote the death warrent for this country and your generation signed it with glee.

Millennials seem to embrace a bourgeois type of liberalism. It pushes for radical change in a few token issues like transgender rights and "political correctness" but does little to solve the large problems.

Lmao, millennial work longer hours and take less vacations than boomers.

The truth is when you take the "red pill" boomers feed you, and become a workaholic martyr, you're suddenly seen as being extremely lazy, whereas the actual lazy whiners are seen as hard workers. That's the punishment for believing in someone else's lies, getting cucked. The only truth you've stated is that we've been cucked by boomers.

Attached: Boomer delusional work ethic expectations.jpg (1024x768, 121K)

boomers and post 911 millennials are absolute shit, collectively they've done insane amounts of damage and determent to our world.

This, I was born in 91 and there never saw any SJWs among my peers, but when I see people entering college now, it's nothing but rainbow haired pansexuals and shit, it's crazy.

millennials are in their 30s now, user. They're pretty much set in their ways and they lack the self-awareness to even have a chance to change.

No shit Sherlock. Millennials are poorfags.

They borrowed 100k to get drunk and study gender studies.

I was born in 2000

being a boss is fucking hard
trust me

Yeah that's my analysis too, and it's crazy when it happens in countries like Chile when there's still so much poverty and shitty education.


That's still pretty young. I'm soon to be 29 myself, but most of the ones I run into still seem pretty kidish to me.

i'm a millenial, never knew any SJW NPC until i moved to a big city
in my experience, libtardism only grows in big urban centers, due to the easy life


You must agree with me that when we didn't have internet, we stayed focused on shit that was real.
After the global retardation that is facegoy and normie memes, everything went to shit

>Name a generation that is more entitled, cucked, useless, and liberal?

Well lets see there's uhh....well....hmmm....maybe....uhhh....

Damn...can't do it



this fag is right

boomers... hands down.

>Name a generation that is more entitled, cucked, useless, and liberal?


Attached: boomer beanz.png (380x349, 64K)

Only the oldest millennials are in their 30s. Half of the people who claim to be zoomers are millennials in denial.


Attached: fpbp.jpg (800x850, 74K)

thank you my amerindian friend