Answer me this, Christians

Ok, I agree with the majority of Christ's teachings (still having trouble with "turn the other cheek", though for what I've read, even St. Thomas Aquinas struggled with it), but there's something that everytime I'm reading the Bible puts me off: the Jewish component. Jesus? Jewish. Joseph? Jewish. Mary? Jewish. The apostles? Jewish. Jews, jews, jews. Why should the answer come from (((them)))?

So, my question to you, Christians, is: how do you cope with the fact that your whole religion traces back to Jews and was directed to Jews (>inb4 muh Galatians 3:28)? Don't you think it is odd?

I don't know what to think about this. I try to ignore it, but deep inside I can't.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_view_of_Jesus Peter 5:13&version=NLT–Roman_War

whites picked up where the jews left off, basically. it’s been in open beta test phase ever since.

Do you think zen Buddhists care about poos?

"Jews" are just the people who have the secret knowledge which Jesus died to give you, you nigger.

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we stole america from the savages and created the greatest country in the world

we just deal with it.

Turning the other cheek is the stupidest crap taken out of context. The Bible teaches to love your neighbour, but neighbour is written is Greek or hebrew from the root word which means your flock, your brethren.

The bible teaches that reprobates should be killed. The Bible says to hate those who hate God with perfect hatred. Loving your neighbour in Christ and hating those who hate God.

there's more to that "turn the other cheek" stuff like maybe it's someting to do with wiping your arse with your left hand or somehting.

It's about de-escalation. Its purpose is to break feedback loops of retaliatory war.

Also jewish in the Bible refers to the people of Judea, not the jews of today. Judea and Israel were two different territories and the "Jewish" religion you know of today is a verbal passing on of the ancient pharasees heathen cult. They worship molech and are the children of Satan.

It's like saying Jesus was a Texan therefore he was the same as a mestizo

also the original bible was only the new testament. the old testament was added later to tie jews in with christianinty so they could hitch their coat tails and parasitise another successful society. the only testament worth anything is the new testament.

according to RAW
worshiping christ correctly makes you spiritually a jew. your genetic lineage is inserted into the family tree of Abraham and thus you receive salvation among gods chosen people.

Along with the infinity of gods blood sacrifice ritual targeting his own alignment, this allows outsiders to both worship Christ and receive the benefits of a full member of the judaeochristian religion's god's favor.

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>trying this hard to come off as a "genuine"
>thinks we're this stupid to fall for JIDF "jesus was a jew guyz, im a Jow Forums nazi, how do i contemplate both???"

cringe & bluepilled Saged for old times sake.


Jews made up an entirety new book, and consist of almost an entirely different bloodline 2,000 years ago. Jews here and Jews then share the name and a bastardized old testament only.

It’s also about forcing people to treat you as an equal, it has to do with backhanded v. fronthanded slaps to the face. The former of which was how one hits a slave versus how he hits a fellow freeman

There is no ancient Hebrew translations of the OT, those are all relatively modern 900AD and on. If it isn’t Greek, it’s bullshit.

Abraham wasn’t a Jew you fucking retard.

Modern judaism is what happens when Christ comes to you and you reject Him.

I don't think you really agree with the majority of Christ's teachings, though. His central teaching is that He is God incarnate, come to redeem us from sin and death. He didn't come to teach a bunch of new commandments that people didn't already know.

The incarnation and the atonement are the center of Christianity, and they answer the problem of original sin. The story of the Old Testament is the story of God progressively revealing more about how and where He would become incarnate. He chose Abraham and his descendants (including Judah) to be the family line in which He would be incarnate.

If that offends you you are offended by the center of Christianity, the same thing the Jews were offended by. That and the cross.

maybe it was a different name. It has been a while. either way it stands up and is covered under the dual definition of israel

Considering Jesus a Jew is like considering Martin Luther a Catholic.

Yes there is even the new testament was originally written in Hebrew and still has Hebrew words in the KJV version you retard

Redpilled post


This very script is imported from the Middle East, our numbers from India. I see nothing wrong with our religion coming from ancient Jews (which are not the same as today's Jews).
>Why should the answer come from ancient Jews, some of which became (((them)))?
God works in mysterious ways.

the only reasons christianity ever took off in europe were a) the prestige of rome made it attractive, and b) the fact that it was filtered through native priesthoods and syncretised with native custom. most european 'christians' back in the day never actually read the bible. it's no coincidence that the reformation, which stipulated that everybody should be able to actually read the bible for themselves, resulted in half of europe becoming secular and eventually atheistic.

The point is that judaism, christianity and islam all share the same origin. it's the old testament and we and the muslims added bonus prophets and books. sects do it too they mostly just add a new age jesus.

Imagine replacing your folklaw and culture with that of a foreign people. Imagine teaching your white children jewish stories.

I don't have a problem with the old covenant. Most jews of today aren't even genetically connected with those of Christ's time. There are very few jews who can directly trace their lineage back to Judea or Israel who haven't been absorbed into some other population or faith at this point.

If you've read Aquinas, you'd realize that those of the old covenant should nominally not be persecuted on account of their faith.

Easy, modern Jews are not the Jews of the Bible, emphasis mine:

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, WHICH SAY THEY ARE JEWS, AND ARE NOT, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

God's chosen people are the ones that follow Jesus, not just because they *might* be related to Abraham.

"And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham."

The ZOG of today has nothing to do with the people of Judea who brought us Christianity, they just claim they are so they can try and guilt the goys.

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Yes, I read about it. And I know it is about stopping a never ending cycle of violence:

>The scholar Walter Wink, in his book Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination, interprets the passage as ways to subvert the power structures of the time.[2]

>At the time of Jesus, says Wink, striking with the back of the hand a person, who was deemed to be of a lower socioeconomic class, was used as a means to assert authority and dominance. If the persecuted person "turned the other cheek," the discipliner was faced with a dilemma: The left hand was used for unclean purposes, so a back-hand strike on the opposite cheek would not be performed. An alternative would be a slap with the open hand as a challenge or to punch the person, but this was seen as a statement of equality. Thus, by turning the other cheek, the persecuted was demanding equality.

>Wink continues with an interpretation of handing over one's cloak in addition to one's tunic. The debtor has given the shirt off his back, a situation forbidden by Hebrew law as stated in Deuteronomy (24:10–13). By giving the lender the cloak as well, the debtor was reduced to nakedness. Wink notes, that public nudity was viewed as bringing shame on the viewer, and not just the naked, as seen in Noah's case (Genesis 9:20–23).

>Wink interprets the succeeding verse from the Sermon on the Mount as a method for making the oppressor break the law. The commonly invoked Roman law of Angaria allowed the Roman authorities to demand that inhabitants of occupied territories carry messages and equipment the distance of one mile post, but prohibited forcing an individual to go further than a single mile, at the risk of suffering disciplinary actions.[3] In this example, the nonviolent interpretation sees Jesus as placing criticism on an unjust and hated Roman law, as well as clarifying the teaching to extend beyond Jewish law.[4]

Focus on my main question.

What is it with these random posts? Bots?

You are retarded.

Turn the other cheek doesn't mean never defend yourself. It means be humble enough to wait and reflect when struck and consider that maybe what you did to instigate it requires amending

Do you people have any single source to back that up (that Jews of today are not the Jews of back then)?

read: For fucks sake, can you faggots stop getting distracted by that. Focus on the main question.

If Jesus was a nigger it wouldn't change anything. It's just that the descendents of Hebrews were the only ones who already believed in him. What's God gonna do? Go to China and say "ik you've never heard of me but I'm the son of God, whom you also have never heard of."

All religions are nothing more than concatenations of previous religions as shows the history of religion. Man is unknowing of who God really is or his ways. Religions are nothing more than cultural theories and lore that grounds people in an ideological framework of existence.

The jews are historical known as a series of desert hill tribes that roamed from empire to empire extracting resources for survival. They came up with a cultural story that attempted to tie people to a more stable piece of land in order to build what they saw around them (empires). They used the ideology of being 'God's special creation' among all other men to psychological infuse a sense of empowerment and superiority in their people. They believe that earth is a crucible/refining engine of trial and tribulation. They wrote stories of a messiah to ground their people in the idea of a central leader of their tribe (necessary for any efficient empire).

Monotheism wasn't forged by Abrahamic religions. It was already present in prior civilizations (ofc). There's nothing authentic about Judiasm and it sure as shit doesn't trace back to an origin story as there were tons of documented religions that preceded it. The Judaic religion is a careful infusion of the religions popular in Mesopotamia/Egypt/Babylon/etc.

Christianity and Muslim religions are nothing more than the same model.. Adaptations of a prior religion that being Judiasm w/ their own slant (cultural messiahs and doctorine of rule over the people). The funny thing about this is the timing and direct connection. Rome was in tatters and a group who later became known as Christians did all of the charity work and were popular/beloved. Rome conspired with this group to forge a religion now known as Christianity in order to hold together their crumbling empire. It later became the corner stone of other empires which is why it survives today.

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>yes goyim, i figured out that question. Now answer how the white man can worship a jew.

Can we stop responding to this faggot? This retard is obviously shilling. JIDF knows that the white man is finally returning to GOD, and faggots like this one are put here to plant seeds of doubt.

>whats this guy who can do anything because he is all knowing, everywhere, and omni potent going to do? go somewhere and get worshipers?
he is fully capable of it.

Says the memeflaggot.

Except it was never a question, you retard. I said I am having trouble with it, but I also implied that I am reading St. Thomas Aquinas. Fuck off.

God chooses the most humble, jews were a pitiful forsaken people so He revealed Himself to them, then incarnates to a humble family and is born in a corral. Also many of the saints were first heavy sinners, some even satanic.

This could be seen as a curse to jews since it filled them with pride thinking they were special and even rejected God when he returned due to their pride, even God wasnt enough for them, they know better how a God should be.
We must pray so they return to the light.

Pic related is about hte cheek turning, dunno if it is right or not though.

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Mein Kampf is the true bible for European man.

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We, being children of light, have a duty to reprove these people and preach the truth. That which is done in the dark will be brought to the light. He may well be a shill, but even then, many people reading this aren't. If we can trump a shill with aound arguments, we might even save a few souls in the process.

Muslims created their own cultural Messiahs
Christians created Jesus and other prophets
and basically completed the jewish Harry Potter series with their own final books.

Jews copied and owe their ideology to prior religions and so on and so forth is the history of religion. The funny thing centers on themes like revelations/end of the world/heaven/hell/satan... The jews weren't stupid enough to believe in this shit and thus have a far more red-pilled religious doctrine. They maintain that things are cyclical. Revelations is nothing more than an end of a cycle. A new one comes after and the ride keeps going. Their 'messiah' is a placeholder for a leader that comes when a cycle is ending and people look for a doctrine to proceed into the next cycle. Christians seemingly mistranslated this along w/ satan/lucifer and thus live their lives in fear of the boogy man/hell/end of the world. Meanwhile, the jews work eagerly to refine and improve themselves over cycles of rises/falls of empires ... booms/bust.. calamity/etc.

This is why Christians are known as Christcucks.. They copy/pasta'd kike religion and made a giant mistake that cucks the shit out of them. That and Rome also desired this and had a hand in the cuck theology in order to strengthen their kingdom... Ofc Rome fell some time after. So, there's your red-pill. Feel free to ask questions or ask for specific supports/references/information.

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Good post. I agree with it, though it is unrelated to my target question.

I am not a shill, though. I've defended Christianity before against LARPagan shills. Can you faggots comprehend that not everyone that disagrees with your worldview is a shill?

Feel free to try and refute a single thing I said.
Here's something to get you started :
> (jews)
and pic :
Truth hurts

Attached: shekel_niggers.jpg (1280x1571, 298K)

he was born a shemite by god because god
knew the shemites would kill him, by doing
so cut themselves off from god and out of
all rulership positions in the kingdom come
that is eternal.

by the shemites killing Zeus, they transferred
all the sins they provoked him to do back on
to them and he also took with him, the torah
joseph, issac, solomon and david out of the
bloodline of shem, that's why david hasn't
come back in his old body in his tomb to
save the fake jew kike amalekite from their

:-) Glory to Zeus forever.

Zeus whom you all know as jesus was a
carpenter. he was thor in his life before
that, hammer is a big symbol here of turning
the other cheek.

the side of a hammer is a cheek, hammers
when slung make a compression wave ie
a bang. your voice does the same thing to
transfer sound by compression waves.

while relations are good, you use your
voice to build relations and keep them
strong, when the relations go sour turn
the other cheek and use the claw to
destroy relations. this is the meaning of
turn the other cheek.

now you know the true meaning of
turn the other cheek satan and lilith
took away the meaning to so you will
just take endless abuse hahahahaha.

Attached: side of a hammer is called a cheek.jpg (980x600, 825K)

>So, my question to you, Christians, is: how do you cope with the fact that your whole religion traces back to Jews and was directed to Jews (>inb4 muh Galatians 3:28)? Don't you think it is odd?

It's only odd if you're a pagan, wignat faggot. There's your answer. Do jews follow jesus? Did st peter not go to rome to build the church of god? Common sense stuff man. You seriously cannot be asking this question because the answer is so obvious & your question "dont you think it's odd" is retarded. No, we don't think its "odd"

>hy should the answer come from (((them)))?
>So, my question to you, Christians, is: how do you cope with the fact that your whole religion traces back to Jews and was directed to Jews (>inb4 muh Galatians 3:28)? Don't you think it is odd?
>I don't know what to think about this. I try to ignore it, but deep inside I can't.
It is directly related. Do you seek shallow or deep truth?
Here's your questions :
> why should the answer come from (((them)))?
Because it's a shitty copy/pasta of their religion and theological framework

> So, my question to you, Christians, is: how do you cope with the fact that your whole religion traces back to Jews and was directed to Jews (>inb4 muh Galatians 3:28)?
I'm not a Christian. However, it's clear that people ignore this blaring and obvious detail... Especially that Judiasm is not an original religion that has ties back to origin (Adam/Eve).

> Don't you think it is odd?
Ignorance is bliss for most people. Religion feeds into this.

> I don't know what to think about this. I try to ignore it, but deep inside I can't.
Yet when I give you a red-pill you say :
> it is unrelated to my target question.

So which is it, you want the deeper truth or just enough truth to make you comfortable? Christians obviously choose just a small portion which is why jews cuck the shit out of them... As they should

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>Do jews follow jesus?

All original Christians including Jesus disciples were Jewish so yeah they did

> Did st peter not go to rome to build the church of god?

Where does the bible say that? Sounds like Roman propaganda

Attached: Richard Dawkins & Peter Joseph sex slave.jpg (540x427, 16K)

read the bible retard. the whole thing point of the OT is Jesus.

If you actually read the story AND revelations it would be very clear to everyone on pol, Being a Jew in itself is not evil or bad. The Jews everyone hates today is the synagogue of satan. Jesus literally calls them out, names them and tells them that their religion served its purpose. ((THEY)) did not want to give up their made up rules and traditions. Tons of Jews became Christians. Satan hates God so much he will organize nations of the world in any manner that suits him. This includes killing off Gods people, Mocking and making religions that Mock Christianity. Its literally everywhere in these times. Jesus called all this shit out and and still a bunch of people fall in to the trap.

How is this random?
Christianity has been heavily influenced by European philosophers and European folklore over centuries. One could argue that Protestantism is a step back because of their disrespect for the saints and the church fathers but that's another question.
So, no, the comparison with Hinduism VS Zen is not that far fetched.

And I won't even develop about how Jews have changed their ways in the last 2000 years or how Christianity is a negation of Jewish exceptionalism (which is the keystone of their religion).

To Christians worship and image of Zeus being nailed to a cross.

Zeus being the ultimate symbol of masculinity. No wonder they relish being cucks because their religion is based on masculinity being a sin and Zeus being crucified is the atonement for this.

The new wave feminists who preach masculinity being evil is just a more extreme version of this.

It's no wonder so many Western empires have turned to ruins under the Christcuck religion.

Jesus wasn't Jewish as we know Jews. The Jews rejected God's true teachings for their own. The apostles were only Jewish until accepting Christ as the Messiah they became of Christ and were no longer Jewish by blood or religion. The only Jewish apostle was Judas Iscariot, and he committed suicide after betraying the Lord for a few sheckles. Once Christ came anyone who believed on him was now a follower of Jesus and not Jewish tradition. Its not that hard to understand.


Except for the nose, he looks like he is from Cornwall.

Yes, Jews during Jesus' time didn't have the Talmud, which was written in 200 AD. The Jews today now follow that book of Pharisee traditions(Jesus called the Pharisee's sons of satan)

It was a cultural thing. Romans slapped the subjected peoples using only the left hand because they didn't think barbarians were worthy using the right hand. So by turning the other cheek, you basically offering passive resistance and challenging the person. ,

>How does one slap the right cheek of somebody? With the back of your right hand. Slapping with the back of your hand was the slap for a slave, for a servant. So when you then turn the the other, the left cheek, how would the other one have to strike you? With the palm of his hand, which was the way of slapping between equal men. So turning the other cheek is not a sign of weakness, but of defiance, a sign of moral strength, of passive resistance.

jews were chosen by jewish god to lord over all goyim
christians believe all of this, except that one special jew changed that.

the real question, is why believe in the first premise at all?
retarded fanfiction, it means exactly what it says

It is clearly related. But it is not an answer coming from a Christian theological perspective. In other words, I want an answer from a practising Christian (the target of my question).

you can't be ethnically catholic you complete idiot

I'm not saying you are, I'm saying regardless of whether you are or not, that shouldn't stop us from preaching.

>turn the other cheek
>St. Thomas Aquinas
mentally retarded

This is why the USA need a wall.

> We fixed it after release with a series of hotfixes.

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> relevant to cuck.tianity

Christfags will defend this.

>St. Thomas Aquinas
>mentally retarded
This is why Sweden needs a wall.

>so yeah they did

Say the above aloud a few times. Then think about jews now . Stop being retarded.'s_view_of_Jesus

If you followed jesus, you were not(and still not) a jew...Even by today's standards, if you are a racial jew, and you follow jesus, JIDF will disown you.

>Where does the bible say that? Sounds like Roman propaganda Peter 5:13&version=NLT

>Footnotes: 5:13 Greek The elect one in Babylon. Babylon was probably symbolic for Rome

Try harder fellas

‘Jews’ of today aren’t the same as Jews of those days. For some reason these anti-Christian JIDF shills find these people to be synonymous. Hebrews, Israelites, judanites, judeans, Israelites, and Pharisees are all from the same region, but are also completely different peoples. Regardless, those of the synagogue of satan will all soon share the same fate.

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The turn the other cheek teaching is a way to defeat your enemies without fighting them. Jesus didn't want you to just bend over and let people do as they pleased. If you could diffuse conflict with such a resolve then do it that way and save blood. Jesus was very much a hater of all things evil, seen when he kicked the Jews out of the temple for using it for their own devices, he didn't give them another temple.

Pic related

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Well, history, actually. Many jews were forced to convert to the big two of the day; Islam or Christianity. Back then the state's legitimacy was directly attached to the faith. A seperate, highly exclusive faith (which judaism was) was seen as a subversive fifth column.

Now there is a Khazar hypothesis of the link between modern rabbinical judaism with many ashkenazi jews and the Khazarians of the black sea. However, this highly disputed.

But there has been a shit ton of interbreeding between diaspora jews and the local populaces of the nations that they inhabited, for a variety of reasons. Forced conversion, softening of exclusivity between jew and gentile, royal and noble ordinances which protected their ghettoes... It varies from nation to nation.

But make no mistake, there are very few jews that have retained their faith and are ethnographically true judeans as a result of the destruction of the second temple and barring of the jews from Jerusalem after the Third Roman Jewish War/Bar Kokhba revolt.

Jesus came for the lost tribes of isreal who had been dispersed around the world except for the tribe of Judah, a few Levites and a small portion of the tribe of Benjamin.

In old translations of the Bible the people in the Tribe of Judah are called Judahites.
The people that lived in Judea at the time of christ were Edomites who had overtaken Judea in the Macabees wars and installed themselves as rulers and adopted the religon of the Hebrews who they displaced.
Look up King herod on Wikipedia. he was the King of judea when Jesus was born and during his whole life.
He was a King of the Edomites. Wikipedia will tell you that.

So jesus was saying to the "Jews" in the bible, You who say you are Judahites but are not, who are the synagogue of Satan.

Jews are Edomites
Judahites and Isreal were white men.

except the jews stopped being the chosen when they rejected Christ, Christians are the chosen.

Thank you

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You seem to be comparing B.C. Jews (waiting for Christ) with AD Jews who killed, betrayed and defiled Jesus and lied to his followers.

The Jews were merely a vessel to introduce Christ. That's it.

No the "Jews" where never chosen people.
The Hebrews (the tribes of Isreal) were and still are.

Being a Jew is a racial thing just because you believe in something different than other Jews doesn't make you not a Jew also according to the bible Jesus is the Jewish messiah who fulfills Judaism so how are the Jews who orginally believed that Jesus was the Jewsih messiah prophicized from the Jewish torah not jews? Makes no sense

> Peter 5:13&version=NLT
>Your sister church here in Babylon sends you greetings, and so does my son Mark.

Where does this quote say anything about building the church of god? It simply says that a sister church from Babylon (which you cant even prove is rome) sends their greetings, this literally says nothing about Paul going to rome to build the church of god you liar

> I want a brain cuck to give me an enlightened answer as to why they subscribe to christ cuck ideology beyond all logic/reasoning/history/facts/truth and why they're so subservient to jewish ideology when I already know that Christianity is nothing more than a 3rd installment of Judiasm

Enjoy the

Judea and Galilee were two separate states and political entities, as illustrated on the map of Palestine in the time of Jesus in your Bible. Jesus Himself was not a Jew (Edomite) or resident of Judea (Judean), He was a Galilean or resident of Galilee (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41), and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah. The Judeans of prominence were not of the Tribe of Judah, but of Edom. Pilate was being ironic when he wrote the sign "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Judeans" for the Cross (John 19:19). That is, "the Galilean who was King of the Judeans(Edomites)," as in "Queen Victoria of England, Empress of India."

Jesus grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. His disciples were fishermen from the Sea of Galilee. And although He visited Jerusalem, he spent most of His life in his home country of Galilee. John 7:1, "After this Jesus stayed in Galilee; for He could not walk in Judea, because the Jews (Edomites) sought to kill him." His followers were constrained "for fear of the Jews (Edomites)" (John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19).

So who lived there in Judea in Jesus's time ?
The Edomites which you people call Jews today.

Attached: Edom.png (720x855, 105K)

I will happily answer your question 100% to your satisfaction if you will but answer this simple question of mine.

Was Jesus a Judean?

King Herod was the King of the Jews and an Edomite. That is FACT 100% The Entire House of Herod was Edomite (Idumaean in Greek)

Now look there and see that the Governor of Judea was also an Edomite appointed by Herod.

The Bible tells us that king Saul waged war against the Edomites and that King David gained supremacy over the Edomites.
Remember that Jesus was of the House of David. David was from the house of Judah. Judah was one of the 12 houses of Isreal.
Saul and David were Judahites (Hebrews from the house of Judah)
Edomites were never Hebrew and were over taken in 8oo bc by the Assyrians and basically ever since then they were Assyrian/Edomite mixture.

So Jesus was a Judhite. A descendant of the House of Judah.
Judeans (Citizens of Judea) were Edomites that took over the land from the Judahites (Hebrews from the House of Judah) during the Maccabee Wars.

2 Kings 16:6
"At that time the king of Edom (Jews) recovered Elath for Edom, and drove the Judahites (Hebrews) from Elath,(Judea) ; and the Edomites came to Elath,(Judea), where they live to this day."(and are called Judeans which is translated after 1750 as JEW)

Edom [Esau is called Edom in Genesis 36:8]. "Edom is in Modern Jewry"
(The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, vol. 5, p. 41)

Charles A. Weisman had the following to say regarding the Edomites and the term “Jew.”“Historically the Edomites became known as ‘Jews,’ a term derived from ‘Judea,’ which was derived from the name ‘Judah,’ being the royal line of Israel, though they were never of Judah or Israel”
(Charles A. Weisman, Who Is Esau-Edom? p. 8).

Attached: King Herod.jpg (220x202, 24K)

Jesus was actually a lot darker than that picture and he had that weird Jewish pubic looking hair on his head.

Attached: 8cXA8wkU.jpg (240x240, 12K)

So whereever you see Judah or (house of) in the Bible change it to Judahite and whenever you see Jew change it to Judean or Edomite and know that Judea was Ruled by Edomites (Jews) who were NEVER Hebrews.

Jew is a term that came about in the Middle ages. It means the Edomites that started to worship the Talmud after the fall of the Second Temple.
"In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and deported the Israelites to Assyria. He settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in the towns of the Medes.” 2 Kings 17:6

Hence, all 10 tribes of Israel were scattered throughout the nations of the Assyrian Empire which didn’t include the Caucasus region, as many in our time are peddling in order to make converted Jews of today, who originate from there, appear Hebrews when they’re not.
Judah was divinely protected in the midst of the nations of the Assyrian Empire.
Out of the 12 tribes only Judah pulled through as a tribal entity with land, the tribe of the Levites sheltered therein.

“There was none left but the tribe of Judah only.” 2 Kings 17:18

However, the great majority of the tribe of Benjamin escaped the Assyrian scattering, and took refuge between the shoulders of God’s anointed tribe, Judah.
“This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Judahite by the hem of his robe and say, “Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you”.’ ” Zechariah 8:23

The Judahites were the only Hebrews left. Jesus was a Judahite. The Jews of today are Edomites. Edomites were NEVER Hebrew. So yes, Jesus was not a Jew (Edomite) like King Herod and all the Jews (Edomites that followed after him). Jesus was one of the last Judahites (Hebrews)

Attached: Judahite.jpg (638x479, 118K)

Buddhism comes from Hinduism, it's not random.

And how do Ashkenazi genetics fit into this little story of yours?

OP is after this salient truth. He just wants a pacifier as most who end up brain cucked.
He admits that here :

>Judahites and Isreal were white men.

Europeans spoke indo european languages not Semitic languages Hebrew is a Semitic language not releated to European languages so thats impossible

>Hebrew is a Northwest SEMITIC LANGUAGE native to Israel,

do not confuse Judeans with today's (((Ashkenazis)))

Read again the main question (OP): "how DO YOU COPE..." - I want to know how Christians here get around this. But I got it from this thread already: "Jews of today are not the Jews of back then." That's their cope.

you know what I mean, dickhead
>the Hebrews still are
ah so people who no longer exist are the chosen, got it

We know that Saul was the first king of Israel and that John was the first man called Baptist, but who was the first Jew? Neither Adam, Seth or Noah are called Jew. Nor were Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. Moses was not called a Jew and neither were Saul, David or Solomon called Jew. In fact you will not find the word Jew in the first eleven books of the Bible. The first 5 books are the Torah. The first time Jews are mentioned in the Bible, is in II Kings 16:6 (and then only in translations revised in the eighteenth century) where we find Israel was at war with the Jews (Edomites)! and the Jews (Edomites) drove the Hebrews (tribe of Judah) from Elath! The Edomites then stayed in Judea every since and were/are called Jews.
Isn't it interesting that we can read over five hundred pages of the Bible before we find a Jew anywhere, yet those who call themselves Jew today claim the first five books of the bible and call it their Torah. Do you not find it rather strange that those who claim to have written the first five books of the Bible and call themselves Jew, can't find the word Jew written anywhere in the book they call their own bible, and claim to have written?

Jesus Christ tells John in Revelation 2:9 "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN". We know that God changed the name of Abram to Abraham in Genesis 17:5, and that He changed the name of Jacob to Israel in Genesis 32:28, but nowhere in the Bible do we find where God changed the name of Israel to Jew! There is therefore no authority by which those who say they are Jews can claim to be Israel!

Attached: hebrews.jpg (1680x1010, 595K)

Really ? So what language did Abraham speak ?

By the time of Jesus the word Edom or Edomite had been translated by Greek and Latin into Ioudaios, Idumaean and Iudaeus meaning a Judean or person living in Judea. The original KJV of the Bible, 1611, translated Idumaean-Judean into Iewes. It wasn't until the revised editions of the King James Bible, that the word Jew appeared. The word Jew does not mean Israel, Hebrew or Israelite! We must conclude therefore that the first "Jews" were Edomites. It is certain, according to the Bible, that Jews(Edomites) are not Hebrews

Judaism is actually Pharisaism, and therefore it is a misnomer since it is neither the doctrine of the Tribe of Judah nor the doctrine that Christ the Judahite practiced.
“Pharisaism shaped the character of 'Judaism' and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future,” explains the Jewish Encyclopedia.

In fact, Pharisaism is the doctrine of the Pharisees of old, a doctrine they brought back from their Babylonian captivity.
It does not follow the truth of the Bible, neither of the Old Testament nor of the New. Its central tenets are found in a book called the Talmud, a book full of worldly traditions and superstitions.
“The Babylonian Talmud is based on the mystical religious practices of the Babylonians which were assimilated by the Edomite Rabbis during their Babylonian captivity around 600 B.C. The Rabbis then used these occult traditions in place of the word of God.

And that is why Jesus was constantly rebuking the Pharisee. Because they weren't Old Testement Judahites.
The other 10 Tribes of Israel had vanished to time.

Attached: Scofield Bible.jpg (220x308, 18K)

They still exist...

>The Jews were merely a vessel to introduce Christ. That's it.
Yeah because the history of religion clearly shows that the whole point was to arrive at Christianity :
The mental gymnastics people go through to arrive at their stupid beliefs. I'm starting to believe with the open exchanges that I've had with Jews that they really are based and Christians are fucking idiots who deserve being subjected by them.

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It's simple once you get the terms correct.
The problem is everything is grouped as Jews today because of bad translations.

In Jesus' time:
Israelite (Anyone of ANY religion living in the Kingdom of Herod Archelaus)(The land of Israel was no longer Hebrew, it was mostly Samarian and Edomite)
Samaria occupied the centre of Iudaea (John 4:4)

Israel (The 10 lost tribes of Israel, Never returned from Assyria, lost to the Ages)(Hebrews)

Judahite (The 11th Tribe of Isreal)(The House of Judah)(Hebrew)

Benjamite (The 12th Tribe of Isreal)(The House of Benjamin)(Hebrew)

Judean (Anyone of any religon living in the Kingdom of Judah)(Samarian. Edomite, Gentile, Pharassie, Sadducce, Essene, Karaite)

Edomite (The Rulers of the Kingdom of Judah)(Originally from Assyria)(Pharassies, Sadducces, Karaites)

Jew (An Edomite that survived the Roman slaughter of Jerusalem after the falling of the Second Temple in 72 AD)(They never followed the Torah, they followed the Phariasses (Rabbinic Judaism) and the Talmud and Talmudic interpretation of the Torah, which they co-opted)–Roman_War

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So what was a Hebrew ? A Hebrew was from the line of Moses. Descendants of Moses.
12 Tribes. 10 were lost to time. 2 Survived; The tribe of Judah and Benjamin.
Jesus was of the Tribe of Judah. David was from the tribe of Judah. Jesus came as the Messiah for the Tribe of Judah. Jesus was a Direct descendant of David. So do we know anything about them ?
Well King David is described thusly in the Bible.

1Sam. 16:12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.
1Sam. 17:42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.
Song 5:10 My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
Lam. 4:7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

They were Fair and Ruddy, whiter than milk. Fair as in Fair Haired, skinned. What's ruddy ? Ruddy means that red shows through their skin.
So they were white, unless any other race shows red through their skin and is fair.

Attached: Adam was white.gif (450x518, 48K)

Parable of the Good Samaritan puts the lie to this interpretation.