I know, I'll post a video of AOC when she was even hotter and younger. That'll show 'em

>I know, I'll post a video of AOC when she was even hotter and younger. That'll show 'em.

Attached: aoc.jpg (605x568, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wtf I hate dancing and fun now

>implying AOC was ever remotely attractive

Why the FUCK are GOPe faggots like kike shapiro so obsessed with her? They're making her more popular than any of her stupid ideas or livestreams

You are a lunatic.

I can't wait for sex tapes to leak. It's coming.

That goblin is going to be out of a job soon

What a fucking loser. What the hell is she doing on that roof?

>high school
Boobs too big and she’s wearing a shirt of her alma mater. Also this video makes her and her rack look really good

You are a mutt.

LOL dude she is ugly as sin

You should hate commie jews.

Attached: 1544449851815.png (598x602, 317K)

I keep hearing the rumblings of this. If real it will be extreme bantz

And then what? It's not like it's gonna hurt her politically.

I can't wait for the piss tape to leak. It's coming.

Seriously u believe that?

>video is unavailable

"the goyim know! shut it down!"

She's dabbing her way into high office while goblins like Shapiro continue to insist that facts and logic are all that matter.

>thinking that's why he wants the sex tapes to leak

God her tits look amazing in this FUCK

I can't wait for the donkey show tape to leak, it's coming

Trump paid a porn star to have sex with him. What the hell are his supporters gonna go after her for, giving it away for free?

And then I spank it to her getting blacked.

Shapiro et al want the right to just devolve into making fun of lefties again without actually winning. Yawn

Aye, fair enough.

I know a girl just like her.
Ugly in pictures but very attractive in person. Some people's features just don't translate well on to photos.
I'd definitely fuck the younger version of her for sure though. Those titties were lookin real plump and supple.

I'm glad I dont live in burgerland cause South American girls make me rock hard desu

Here is President AOC taking a load across her face while getting a creampie in her asshole. Hopefully she'll choose Hannah Hayes as her VP

Fascinating that shitlibs are just now discovering that this video exists lmao

Hows that glowing working out for you?

Attached: images.jpg (192x204, 5K)

The worst thing Jow Forums ever did was help these stupid boomer fucks meme.

No shit idk why you are against women like this in your country.

she's such a retard that she didn't realize the House's new austerity rules where just a fuck you to the GOP and threatened to vote against it, until someone kind-hearted DNC intern sat her down and explained the game to her

Attached: 1542271319065.gif (340x191, 2.01M)

Anyone going to post the shit or are you all just a bunch of faggots?

>hnn-guhhh, fist my tranny ass

Got to agree with the JIDF agent here.

Same. Saddens me to admit.

Attached: nixon.jpg (384x454, 72K)

Shitpiro is jealous. All he does is read prepackaged talking points and could never win an election even if he ran in a 100% kike precinct.

Kikepiro jellymad that an uneducated spic pretty much affirmative action'd herself into the house, when an """educated jew""" could not.

these feel like controlled op to make her opponents look stupid. That video is from when she was in college. Details matter. If she's going to be criticized, facts need to be straight.

Attached: AlexandriaOcasioCortez (1).webm (640x360, 2.95M)

the level of obsession with her from some conservatives is hilarious
I don't think she would be as huge/omnipresent were she not living rent free in so many conservative minds raging about her.
>a sex tape is going to hurt someone in 2018
and this coming from the side whose head honcho admitted to fucking a porn star while his wife was preggo, and the controversy has been whether the hush money to her was illegal or not?

Attached: sniff.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

She promised to take my virginity if I memed for her

high school? she looks 30

>mutts thinking a 4/10 is attractive
You burgers would fuck anything with a pulse

She's so fucking hideous it's unbelievable.

She looks like a demon from the deepest pits of hell.

Attached: aoc.jpg (664x2272, 296K)

College, dunno why the qlarp guy said it was high school.

>>implying that these double standards don’t exist
Also wheres the tape of trump?
Gas yourself

What is with the right using people's old nicknames in scare quotes like it makes them sound evil and ominous. They did the same thing with Barack """Barry""" Obama. Like "omg, his friends used to call him Barry, he's clearly the anti-christ. Barry is the type of nickname only the anti-christ would have!"

She's a butter face, nothing wrong with those tits. You should be used to that Moishe, tits are the only thing Jewish women have to offer. Ugliest women in the world by far
>inb4 Israeli propaganda pictures

>> implying these double standards don’t exist
>>no tape of trump
Gas yourself pls

>implying that these double standards don’t exist
what double standards?
if you think the average joe would give a shit about a porn tape being criticized from the right after all the moral relativism related to trump and his sexual antics you're out of your mind.
>Also wheres the tape of trump?
we aren't talking about that? (which doesn't exist anyway)
and I'm not sure how admitting you fucked a pornstar cheating on your wife is somehow better there, yet we all are kosher with it really

stop picking on this boomer. he's trying his hardest.

She's creepy as fuck.
And what's the story with that stupid fucking video? Why was someone filming her freaking out like a god damn spaz?

Attached: elaine.gif (245x182, 1.81M)

I’d bang her, I wouldn’t even feel bad

It's more the fact that he was legally Barry Soetoro (or however the fuck you spell it), drawing attention to his sealed and questionable past. For example, he attended a madras - which are only open to practicing muslims.

she convinced me that a brown america might not be a bad thing.

Attached: alexandria 232.jpg (623x796, 47K)

This jew is somewhat trustworthy.

Is that what they're doing? I assumed it was a random Grease reference.

That’s me, I’m not photogenic

Tits do not compensate horse face, since you see horse face more often. I'm Shlomo. Moishe is in a different thread.

I thought Chimpala Harris was the sex tape star?


So you really thing its a good look when she gets a load shot into her mouth for the world to see? You would huh, i guess its wahmenz rights eh? And what we are talking about is a tape specifically, not comparing it to something trump did, I literally never brought up support for him u fucking npc

Mommy thread?

Attached: 1546470387698.jpg (1072x902, 491K)

Attached: 1546392548035.jpg (640x640, 92K)

Do you prefer her with or without a moustache?

Attached: Jeeny from the block.jpg (250x353, 18K)

>hush money
It's dead obvious Trump paid Daniels and McDougal for sex. These aren't "affairs," it's Trump hiring high end escorts because women won't fuck him. The media's just too chicken shit to connect the dots because they don't want to lose Daniels and McDougal as sources (because implying these aren't affairs implicates them as prostitutes as well).

Most porn stars take "escort" gigs on the side, this isn't anything new.

famous last words

I honestly don't see the resemblance at all. This is a massive stretch. Nice "burn."

Attached: cort.jpg (677x551, 201K)

>So you really thing its a good look when she gets a load shot into her mouth for the world to see?
I'm pretty sure no one would give a shit beyond a bunch of degenerates fapping to her/going mommy mode
>And what we are talking about is a tape specifically, not comparing it to something trump did,
but I literally did that in my original post you replied to? absolute retard
>I literally never brought up support for him u fucking npc
again literally talked about it in my original post you illiterate dumbass
I'm now 99% sure you didn't actually read my post correctly

He went by his step father's name Soetoro while he was going to school in Indonesia. Just like the Korean guy down the street probably goes by the name "David Park" even though that's not quite the legal name he goes by back in Korea. It's all pretty normal.

I can't wait for the tape of her getting gang banged by 20 niggers to leak. It's coming


Name my band?

I like the part where you posted the link to the original source
I also like the part where you archived the original source and posted a link to the archived source. You lazy faggot. Sage.

She is such a vapid creature. You KNOW there are sex tapes out there. Somebody has these.

That's an obvious sockpuppet account, user. They're making bad arguments so Twitter shills can swoop in and make some "witty" scathing comment, which will later be shared on Facebook by more sockpuppet accounts.
You're living in the age of industrial level propaganda. All sides are represented by the same factory. The off brand "alt right" is just the name brand standard in a different package. And people buy into it because they're fucking cheap.
It's a self lubricating circle jerk of morons who sold out true ideals for moral outrage and internet good-boy points.

a shekel for a good kike

>Doesn't know its been out for months

Attached: cortez2.jpg (1200x630, 94K)

Go change your tampon, stupidass.

Attached: tshirt16.jpg (640x480, 93K)

a brown sweden will be great too

She’s still a clueless nitwit though. But now that she’s been inaugurated to congress she can start signing bills

Of course they are. Her people shill her on here daily. They’re obsessed with us. The best thing to do with someone like her is to ignore her.

Porn star who now has to pay $300k in legal fees and cost her marriage. The bitch was branded by NXIVM, don't be so naive.

>a donkey show

>implying the most salient thing about AOC is her appearance

Well, yeah, she is a woman, so...

Attached: 1545087702905.png (705x717, 633K)

She’s the modern Vito Marcantonio. Nothing new under the sun.

that old tart is so fuckable

>Vito Marcantonio
quick rundown?


Attached: 1507072595885.jpg (207x244, 12K)

You know there's something fishy about the thread when the kike is right.

>Wtf I hate dancing and fun now

That picture/headline is awesome; not only did they put a turtle on the fencepost, they can't resist bragging about it!

>She's dabbing her way into high office while goblins like Shapiro continue to insist that facts and logic are all that matter.
I wonder -- when will Goblin Slayer be regarded as a commentary on the average US citizen's view of invaders?

Attached: Dance-x1.gif (340x191, 1.72M)

>>The worst thing Jow Forums ever did was help these stupid boomer fucks meme.
Let your rage out; there's a Boomer hate thread here: .



You forgot this pic: .

>College, dunno why the qlarp guy said it was high school.
Maybe there's a HS sexting archive? I dunno, I pay Q minimal attention.

>She's creepy as fuck.
I lost the meme -- but there was an excellent one with Crazy-Eyes and the text "Have you accepted the State as your Lord and Savior?".

>Do you prefer her with or without a moustache?
LOL - Thanks for that laugh.

Period Piece.