/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Go With The Flow Edition

Well, it seems /sig/ is no longer welcome on Jow Forums. Ya'll can keep makin g these threads there if you want, but it seems they will be straight up deleted instead of moved to Jow Forums. So, I'm going to propose that we move /sig/ to Jow Forums, as lame as that is, some other user suggested it and it seems like that's one board these might be able to stay a while in. Tell me what you think about it. I'd hate to see /fitsig/ go but I can't be arsed to OP a new thread thrice a day because it gets deleted.

sticky: 4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky

What are you doing next week to self improve? What are some obstacles you need to overcome. How can you help out your fellow anons?

You got this bro! We all gonna make it!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why shouldn't I kill myself?
>multiple mental illnesses
>no friends
>hate family and family hates me
>too scared to see a therapist

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Eat clean, lift.
Check your test, take vitamin D and fish oil supplements (yes that can make a difference)
And go see a fucking therapist. The things you are scared of the most, mostly help you a lot (see social interaction, asking a girl out, see a therapist. Its their fucking job)

it'd be cool to have a thread that sticks around, especially a nice one like this.
I'm working on weight loss primarily, overweight and have tried to not care for too long, but i've had enough of my bullshit and things are going well so far.

What’s the point in lifting if it doesn’t guarantee me a gf?

Coming from a guy who has three sisters, all of which are different in their own have explained why a guy who is "fit" is more likely to get attraction than the one who's not boils down to the fact that you can take care of yourself.
Lifting and exercising is on the outset proves to people that you are able to take care of your body and maintain it. Although the crush or the girl you're attracted to like is into muscular guys is another point all together. Being fit is the first step into being a better self, you shouldn't stop there though, just lifting won't magically get you a girlfriend.

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Great Jow Forums, we all gonna make it!

Also, I eating a lot of snacks just for anxiety
Any tips to overcome this problem?

How the fuck do I love myself
Why would I love the person who ruined my life?

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I'm too embarrassed to ask Jow Forums but I recently bought myself those pull up bars, the one that sticks on your doorway from side to side.
I was going to drill the wooden frames of the door (you know the sides, pic related) with the screw but I'm suddenly having second thoughts. If I did it, would it ruin the wooden frame? Please help.

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Have fruits? Apples, Strawberries, Nuts?

1: you dont, you use the selfhate to fuel your achievements
2: you dont have to love them but forgiving them would grant you redemption

How do learn to deal with wasting ten years of my life as a NEET?

The "person who ruined my life" is me
That's why it's hard
And that DUMB FUCKER (who is me) is still continuing to be a fuckup

I have already tried all of that meme garbage.
Nothing helps.

I'm going to see my ex in a couple months sounds I've been using her as motivation to pull my shit togetherfor awhile. Going to the gym, eating better, sleeping more, working on my social skills. I'm going to try and win her back, and I'm prepared to be rejected, but at least I'll be decently fit, I'll just have to keep the habit up

don't waste any more years
get fit
get lit
improve hygiene
improve sleep
improve your brain
get /out/
get a job

You don't just try to maintain a healthier lifestyle. It builds a base to operate on.

And thats coming from a 5'7" manlet currently in a divorce.
If you want, you can make it

How do I improve my sleep, sleep schedule etc?

i need to keep improving my german so i can make friends in this god-forsaken city where everyone seems so uninterested

you probably want one you can remove
in any case, later on you can use putty and paint to cover it up

Kinda interested, I want to see a show of hands: Who's here migrating from Jow Forums and who here is an Jow Forums native?

Doesn't really help me get over the feeling of the waste though.

>set alarm for same time everyday
>go to bed same time everyday
>use a site like sleep calculator
as soon as your alarm goes off your goals should be in order
>standing up
>drinking a lot of water
>fresh air and sunlight (even on cloudy days go outside within 5 minutes of waking up)
also change your bedding once per week

Like, in Germany?

because you can't, a feeling of wasted time isn't something you can get over, wasting more time makes the feeling worse whereas spending time in productive and beneficial ways can make the feeling fade but it'll never go away

Jow Forums, but chances are just very few noticed the last thread, that already has been deleted

I don't have fruits but nuts, anyway the problem is eating without hungry

I used to post on fit but the body dysmorphia is too much. Everyone who isn't on juice gets insulted and asked DYEL

>try following healthier lifestyle
>fail once
>feel like shit for failing
>repeat 8x
>feel like extra shit because you never succeed at anything
>want to kill self

I'm gonna post referral threads there to here over the next week or so, hopefully I don't get banned.

Stop beating yourself up for minor slipups, it's completely natural to need a break every once in a while. Just get back on the horse, and never give up. You got this bro.

I feel like there is a certain point of no return. I'm miserable all the time but don't know what to change, or how to even change at this point. The cruel part is, to an outsider, it might look like I have my life together. I am nothing.

>stable career in tech
>own a home
>not much debt
>stressed out from work all the time, working 10 hour days
>2.5 total hours commute each day
>health declining
>unreasonable fear of driving despite hundreds of hours of practice
>no friends
>have never been intimate or romantically involved with anyone ever
>interest in hobbies unpopular / not socially favorable (nerd hobbies that nobody in a 20 mile radius participates in, and are often the subject of ridicule in the workplace)
>honestly if I were to drop dead the only people that would care are my employer, my bank, and my parents
>fast approaching wizardry

what are your hobbies?

many different things at once, but mostly collecting, building, and painting miniatures. There exist traditional games to go with these miniatures, but I haven't played any of them since I was a teenager. All the local stores that sold this kind of thing closed from a lack of business, and every time I've made the mistake of mentioning it in the workplace it's ended up working out very badly for me, as those sorts of hobbies are severely looked down upon for reasons I don't really understand. If everyone looks down on them though, there must be a good reason for it.

then stop.

Do you like your career choice? I know the idea of going back to school is hard but leaving IT and going into health care did wonders for my well being. Being a network systems analyst kept me working 10-12 hours a day, working weekends, and never seeing my family. Now I make a bit more working 3 days a week as a registered nurse.

Sounds like a lot of your problems stem from your job. If you don't feel supported or are being actively ridiculed get out.

Have you ever thought maybe your place of work isn't for you if you a) don't get along with your coworkers/they aren't accepting of your hobbies b)work 10 hour days and c) have an almost 3 hour daily commute?

What do you do?

>5 7
Not a manlet, just insecure.

Anything 5'10" below and below is a manlet

I already tried changing jobs (within the same career, software) to another place where the demographics were different, but it was even worse, and the office has its own flavor of dysfunctional politics. I used to enjoy writing software, to where I would even do it for fun on the evenings and weekends, but that was years ago. Now I get home from work, feeling like I've achieved nothing, and I am exhausted. Every job I've worked I get treated like a machine, and I end up feeling like one too.

I want to be more creative, but I've never been educated or trained on any art form or music, and software has been the only thing in my life I've ever been able to focus on enough to become decent at it. I feel like I've traded away my entire life for a number in an account. I hardly even buy anything anymore, and my home is already full of 'fun' things I don't have the time or energy to use.

I want to start dieting tomorrow.
I'm heavily overweight, I've been for years. I snapped out of depression, I went back to school, I need to get in the habit of eating healthy and exercising.

Sounds like you explained it yourself in the second paragraph and are "waking up" to the fact that material based life is a false god. The only thing is, your life isn't over. Here's my advice:

Find a cushier job, with less hours, less commute, is actually halfway fun or interesting to you. You sound like you have the funds to be able to afford a change like this. After you find and land a job that gives you more free time, sincerely devote your newfound free time to developing a creative outlet. Who knows, if you get gud enough you could make this new practice a job or career someday.

Hell, if you are realizing material goods don;t make you happy, get a smaller house or just live in an apartment. Hell, fuckin travel the country in a decked out van or something.

yes, cologne

>get a smaller house
that'd be hard to do. My home is less than 700 sqft. Though for what it cost, I could have bought a mansion elsewhere...

Maybe you should think about moving. If you have no friends, maybe this is a chance to start anew. And you can get help from /sig/ all the way there.

where would I go? would it even make a difference?

If you haven't noticed yet, our planet is covered in areas called "cultures". Depending on your disposition, some places will be easier to get by in than others.

Are you looking to live more rurally, or more in a city/urban environment? Could you homestead if you bought some land and built your own house, made a sustainable living, grew your own food and stuff? I'm just giving you options. Also, you don't have to stay in your home country, mind you. You can travel wherever, if you have the funds. And, some places in the non-anglosphere would be incredibly easy to get by in financially if you come from middle-upper class america, for example.

Nobody outside of /fit cared about this

Women aren't attracted to short men.

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To Generalize is to be an Idiot

Been working on myself for a while now. A lot of crazy shit has happened to me since last year. Broke up first relationship and it nearly destroyed me.

anyway, been getting Jow Forums and learning a lot about inner peace. Started meditating and it does help you way more than you guys could imagine. Even read a pretty good book called "10% happier". Pretty good.

This week is gonna have some troubles:
>Classes are coming back tomorrow, not sure if I am crazy about going back to my routine.
>the idea that I will be back to seeing my ex on a daily basis is horrible, even tho I have been learning to forgive

These are the troubles of the week. There is also a thinthat is not only this week: I just can't learn to eat clean. As much as I try, I can't resist a pizza or a dessert. I have been looking pretty fit, but I know I have potential to be way better, but I can't seem to resist certain snacks.
Any tips on my troubles?

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I do have the one where u can remove and reuse again. Its putting that placeholder for the said pull up bar that worries me. So I'm thinking, should I just go for it?

Punishes the junk food, for example if you ates pizza then do 5 minutes of pushups

Gonna start taking dancing lessons this Tuesday.

I should have started last Thursday, but I flaked, and will try to correct that.

Dancing is incredibly important in my country; I'm really sensitive about criticism, and it fills me with dread and anxiety whenever I hear girls making fun of other guys who are bad dancers, and those kind of gossips are what make me be glued to my seat during parties, which is also counter-intuitive.
So I really want to break free from this anxiety.

I fee like my current job is making me depressed and demotivated from being able to live my life the way I used to.

In short span of time last year I broke up with my fiancé and had my job both ruined and then bought out by a different owner and was forced to make a lateral move in my job to stay employed and I hate it. I feel like I haven't had a chance to rest because even though I've had months of no radical changes I have no energy, no motivation, no drive, no will to live.

What can I do to change this? I want to get better but i have no idea or guide or what to take my first step.

Oh and another thing, I tried dating again and I had a regular on and off fling but one time she wanted to hang out me, I told her no and she ran off with another dude and get herpes and she's been trying to text me and call me for days and I don't even respond. I somehow got disappointed over a fling that was never going to anywhere and that has messed me up and turned me off from dating again.

How do I convince myself that my life isn't worthless when I know I will be single forever?

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being in a relationship isn't going to make you happier.

it's like buying a new car.

you're excited for the first 1-2 months, and then the reality kicks in. it costs too much to maintain, problems start arising, and you have buyers remorse

t. person whos been in 3

So you have no idea then. You can leave a relationship at any time, you know.

>Meeting your ex let alone trying to win her back
A recipe for disaster honestly, but I doubt you'd listen, its just somethings you gotta experience.

If you've been sleeping late and or sleeping during the day, try not to sleep or even nap before the assigned time you wish to sleep in. Another thing, until you get the hang of sleeping on time, wake up an hour or so early before the time you want to wake up and stay awake till the time you want to sleep. You'll be more tired when you wanna sleep and then increase the sleep time as you get more used to it.
So for example
>Try to sleep at 11
>Wake up at 5 if you wanna wake up at 6
>Go through the entire day without sleeping
>Go to sleep at 11
>Wake up again this time at 5:15 and then 5:30 the next day and so on till you get used to 6

I was an overweight alcoholic that lost everything including my home. I’ve lost 30lbs, and will finally have a new home in about 7 months. I’m reinventing myself, and couldn’t of done it without anger/hatred. If you lack motivation just use anger to keep one foot moving in front of the other.

>virgin telling me what it’s like to be in a relationship

it’s not something you can just chose to do in a moments notice, especially if you really care about them

also, here’s a tip: working on issues instead of running away from your problems is an important skill to have :^)

>Implying you wouldn't run like fuck if your gf turned into a zombie

She knows where the best parts are at, man.

>neurotypical trying to tell me he understands what it's like to be alone for 25 years

I'll never understand how people just move to other countries without speaking the language

You’re contemplating suicide because no woman has ever loved you while simultaneously attacking people who are genuinely trying to help you.

Completely disregard the fact that you should be grateful that you live in a country where you have internet (and clean water ?)

“I stay up past midnight to shitpost on Jow Forums, why am I a loser?”

Would you want to date someone who is considering suicide because no one would date them? Take a honest look at yourself. Would you want to date yourself?????

Your personality is shit. The only thing stopping you from reaching your dreams is the fact that you’re the one having them.

>im a suicidal depressed fembot with no life and also a NEET
>6 responses
"pls b my gf"

Guess I ask it here too.

Who here penis pump? Curious if anyone saw decent results in regard to girth.

what the fuck are you talking about you genuine retard

what im saying is none of this shit matters if you're a girl

you can be a suicidal NEET retard and dudes fucking love that shit. seeing how easy it is for the other side is demoralizing enough to make it less motivating to become the opposite of what was described because it's so much effort compared to them

>a few days ago, red stool
>today, black tar-like stool that smelled of death
>both signs of internal bleeding caused by any number of GI problems ranging from as harmless as bleeding ulcers or hemorrhoids, all the way up to cancer
half wonder if maybe I should just ignore it. I'm miserable all the time, and if it is serious it'd be easier on everyone else than suicide anyway.

That only works if the guy is equally retarded. No sane guy would possibly go after a girl who's useless and retarded. Jesus how screwed up is your perception of reality is right now? Even if it is a lot of effort, you do it for yourself then for others.

How can I self improve when I overthink everything when communicating with people. How the fuck am I supposed to become friends with anyone when I can't approach them. My mind goes crazy: What will they think when they know I'm a quiet little shit? What will they think when they know that I have no other friends? What will they think when they suspect that I'm kinda weird. There is no hope for me

Go to the doctor mang.

Fellow user, is it really necessary to cut out people who's toxic to you, even if they are family? I do understand their presence bring nothing but pain to me, but in a twisted way I feel I can't just walk away, or tell them to fuck off.
You know, shit like obligation, not wanting to look like a bad guy/black sheep, etc.

If you were in that kind of situation what would you do, anons?

>while simultaneously attacking people who are genuinely trying to help you.
>trying to help you
>"you don't need a relationship bro they're actually pretty sucky anyways"
>"I wish I was single like you :)"
Literally kill yourself.

I cut contact with my family because fuck them.

Also posted in the Jow Forums thread but:

Any younger user want to be my /SIG/ buddy? Like someone to share advice with and to hold each other accountable?

Shoot me a message on discord if you're interested: Berry Fruit#9244

Wouldn't the others show contempt at you for doing that and start talking/spreading rumors, or slander on your back? Isn't that bad for your life in long run and you should instead try to diplomatically settle the problem within the family?

Mine chipped the paint in my doorframe but who gives a fuck, i'm gonna repaint my room when i move out anyway

I ain't worried about the paint, I can deal with that. I was just wondering whether the wood would be ruined or not.

They spread rumors behind my back and when I confronted them they completely denied it. After that they started mocking me for my mental issues when they knew I could hear them.

As far as I'm concerned, fuck them. If my 3 sisters were all shitty enough to believe everything my toxic mother says, then fuck them. I also hope the 1-2 punch of my father losing his father and then losing contact with me destroys him.

1. i have basic knowledge of the language, enough to ask for directions and go to the market etc.
2. it doesn't even matter if u know the language because making friends in germany is not as easy as you may think

How do I stop ruminating over bad thoughts? I'm a NEET working on getting better. Eating right, working out, studying things at home, making friends, etc. I want to get my act together before I get a job. But no matter how busy I keep myself my mind keeps wandering back to bad things that happened to be in the past, or anxieties about the future. It really zaps my energy to do anything. How do I stop being my worst enemy?

I started reading a couple therapy workbooks but it all seems like hogwash.

>Swimming in summers
>Gym in winters
How does that sound? I can't deal the heat right now, and its humid too to go along with it.

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It's not permanent but over time your girth does increase. I use a Bathmate but I suck with doing it consistently. Having roommates doesn't help, and I hate being in the shower for 20 minutes, so I just use it right before I have sex. Just like with working out, there is a "pump" effect that lasts for a few hours after immediate use. My girl reacts noticeably differently when I fuck her right after using the pump.

Any specific adv on:

Have to write thesis. Got an outline and read a bunch. Even some proper sentences and passages alread yformed in mind. But ughhhh, cant describe it any better. Cant focus for even half an hour and constantly panicing because of fear of not making it in time and other problems.

Ususal ex gf bullshit. Almost over it even had a nice polite but short convo with her in presence of what I assume is her new bf. Hurt a bit but to ignore each other was getting ridiculous standing 5 steps apart from each other. Imagined hugging and kissing her at some point. Felt repelling even a bit disgusting. Good sign? Also cant get rid of the general sadness of failure and disappointment in itself.

It's just passed 3pm and all I've had today was some juice, coffee and now a sandwich with some water. I think I'm doing well for my calorie intake today so far.

Cut coffein and juice out. Less sugar and less fucking with brain chemistry.

Brain chemistry?

yes. hormones n shit? All drugs affect brain chemistry. Yes coffein is a drug. So is nicotine. And in some sense sugar.

get MAD. You wasted part of your life faggot. YOU PIECE OF SHIT GET UP. You yourself are your best friend and worst enemy at the same time.

Time for punishment

Join a Verein. That's where me make friends incase we didn't keep in touch with our school friends. Pick something less dependant on language skills, like a some sort of sport or whatever.

...whoever added that blue goat lifting to the top of that image completely missed the point of the original comic

I think it's a joke, I only didn't post the sunrise image because it was already posted on Jow Forums recently.

Maybe you could add in the OP the things we did add in previous edition when the thread in Jow Forums was still not full of degenerate coming from Jow Forumstardland ?

I believe it could help the /sig/ state of mind develop as we love it. Here is a copy of last thread, befor it has been doomed :
Gonna Make It Edition

It's almost the weekend lads, push through with all your strength and reap the rewards of a relaxing weekend. We all got this bros.

- Sticky, feel free to contribute: 4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky

- Another great guide covering lots of fields, including the Spirit, the Body, the Mind, the Social Being, Money/work/Jobs, and General Skills

> We don't want it to turn into a 'roll thread' only, so you have to make an actual useful comment with your roll, either on someone else's post or at least by answering the OP questions.

> Rather than rolling in this thread, you can find a random number generator just right there: mathgoodies.com/calculators/random_no_custom

Previous : →

> What are you planning in order to kill it next week ?
> What is your ultimate dream ?
> What are your study materials at the moment ?
> Which one would you recommend that could help another user out there ?

You GOT THIS lads ! You can BE ANYTHING ! We're ALL gonna MAKE IT !
The cocnerned thread can be found just right there :

We had mostly two OPs, one posting the image in the thread linked above, another (a more recent one I guess) with a pic coming from spongebob squarepants.

It was a great thread, and I don't like it being invaded by Jow Forumsitizen, so may the soul of this glorious thread live right there, in Jow Forums.

Does she know about it?

I have been through so much and I'm finally happy. I'm with the person I love for over a year. I got my life straightened out and I'm still improving myself everyday. Things are looking up.

And then my crazy ex starts messaging me with hateful messages I never respond. I'm scared about how she can sabotage my new life.