Maybe you could add in the OP the things we did add in previous edition when the thread in Jow Forums was still not full of degenerate coming from Jow Forumstardland ?
I believe it could help the /sig/ state of mind develop as we love it. Here is a copy of last thread, befor it has been doomed :
Gonna Make It Edition
It's almost the weekend lads, push through with all your strength and reap the rewards of a relaxing weekend. We all got this bros.
- Sticky, feel free to contribute:
- Another great guide covering lots of fields, including the Spirit, the Body, the Mind, the Social Being, Money/work/Jobs, and General Skills
> We don't want it to turn into a 'roll thread' only, so you have to make an actual useful comment with your roll, either on someone else's post or at least by answering the OP questions.
> Rather than rolling in this thread, you can find a random number generator just right there:
Previous : →
> What are you planning in order to kill it next week ?
> What is your ultimate dream ?
> What are your study materials at the moment ?
> Which one would you recommend that could help another user out there ?
You GOT THIS lads ! You can BE ANYTHING ! We're ALL gonna MAKE IT !
The cocnerned thread can be found just right there :
We had mostly two OPs, one posting the image in the thread linked above, another (a more recent one I guess) with a pic coming from spongebob squarepants.
It was a great thread, and I don't like it being invaded by Jow Forumsitizen, so may the soul of this glorious thread live right there, in Jow Forums.