Ok guys so to use some of my useless time I will dedicate to study the Hebrew bible (includes the Old Testament, the Torah and the Talmud) in the best most literal word-to-word translation possible. Read it and study it to understand everything about Judaism and the history of the Jews so I can formulate and correlate what is actually going on with all the nepotism and survival of this ethnic group for more than three thousand years. I promise I will put whatever I find and conclude in here, but I fear this might take more than a year.
Getting things done
We should team up.
the more you learn the more jewish it will make you
what you learn will mold you into what you are yearning to understand
You will see their logic and plan and responses
When it clicks you will be clamoring for the third temple to be built just to bring about the end of the world and the purification of the human race
Also, rather than just reading a bunch of obscure translated texts (like the Talmud) get the real deal and go to chabad.org and do the daily learning videos and lectures. They cover Chumash (the Torah reading) and Talmud and everything else. and it's free
False. There's nothing wrong with getting to know your enemy.
>go to our website, goy
>give us click shekels
>in return we'll pilpul any of your grievances away
OP, get yourself a hard copy of the Talmud. Soncino 1960's is based. Mine is Soncino 1980's - still based but clearly sanitized. Do not allow anyone to (((interpret))) it for you. Read it yourself and draw your own conclusions.
>hebrew bible
they are not related
baybylonian or jerusalem talmud?
and how many? there are many books of the talmud
there's nothing wrong with the talmud
Actually read the quotes instead of the memes, and you'll learn there is a thing called context and false quotes.
What is the context for penetrating a 3 year old, rabbi?
>there's nothing wrong with the talmud
everything about the talmud is wrong.
Well not all, some things in the talmud are just discussions or reports/history and letters, where there is nothing bad about that.
But the talmud religious and legal system is a clear violation of biblical standarts and laws. Karites "jews" as well as messianic christian "jews" criticized the tamud since its beginning. Jesus is also known for criticizing the religious order and system by tamudic jews (talmud in written form did not exist at that time)
And there is not much to get out of context there, the book is vile, had to read parts of it for theological research
Or I can just read my old catholic English bible and learn all I need to know about those who are of their father the devil
>everything about the talmud is wrong
Every poltard myth can be found here
Bumped the post button
You cannot become Jewish, so for someone without Jewish blood, it will never be desirable.
Im what context are you supposed to interprit the passages that says Jesus is boiling in piss and shit in hell? Lol get out of here with your babylonian demon worship cultish shit.
It says Yeshu, not Yeshua. Yeshu is a title. Yeshu in the Talmud has different disciples than Jesus.
I am not talking about lies about talmud.
There is enough stuff in the book that is vile. No need for fiction to exaggerate
explain to me what the title Yeshu stands for?
And why are they calling Jesus Yeshu?
>The Hebrew phrase yimakh shemo יִמַּח שְׁמוֹ "May his name be obliterated" is a curse placed after the name of particular enemies of the Jewish people
> In Hebrew the abbreviation is (יש"ו) y-sh"u[11][12] The curse connects with examples of erasure of names in other cultures (damnatio memoriae).[13] It has been called "the classic Jewish curse."
Good luck.
But remember...
There were 1 million Jews scattered around the middle east at the time of jesus.
With normal growth rates By today they should be numbering hundreds of millions of people, but instead they are barely 10 million.
Its a fullfillment of Gods prophecy to scatter them around the world and make their numbers small before he sends the Messiah.
Christianity and islam are a way to prepare gentiles for the messiah- now the whole world knows God and the torah
So read on OP, what you find may spook you
You are a fucking lying piece of shit Jew. We have the book, the Talmud in front of our faces, and read what it says.
Yet you say it means something entirely different than what the words read at face value, um no, you are a piece of lying dog shit.