Question for Women

If you met a guy who was 25 and never been on a date, how would you feel about that?
What if you were his first date?

How would you feel about being a guy's first gf at 25?
Asking for a friend of course.

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Would not give the time of day.

Wouldn't care or give a fuck


not a woman, but uh don't fucking tell them any of that like HI THIS IS MY FIRST DATE EVER AND YOU'RE GONNA BE MY FIIIIIIIIIIRST GIRLFRIEND OH BOY I CAN'T WAIT you're gonna scare them off dude

Don't say anything, but if they do ask, then yeah you can be honest but only if they ask.

Everyone has issues and baggage but usually you have to get to know them to find out what they are. Yours are obvious enough that I know I'm not interested right away. Also odds are much higher that you will develop resentment that you never had anyone else and either cheat or sabotage the relationship over it so why waste my time.

I'm a guy, don't listen to female advice.

It doesn't matter if you're 25, virgin and no date. You fuckin don't give that information up under ANY circumstances. If it's brought up early on, just lie.

After a while dating her and you're certain she's in to you, you can tell her. If she's down to fuck early, I wouldn't even say a word at all. Maybe after.

Do not willingly give up "first date" or "virgin" on any early dates with any woman.

It's a gigantic red flag

>Telling a woman you're inexperienced at dating or sex


They will fuck you over for it everytime.

I'm not asking whether to tell or not, but rather what they think about it

>Also odds are much higher that you will develop resentment that you never had anyone else and either cheat or sabotage the relationship over it so why waste my time.
Do you have a source to back that up?


Wouldn't really give half of a shit unless he is fucking ridiculous about it.

I lost mine close to my 24th birthday, don't listen to R9K so much, most women won't really care that much about it so long as they like you, just try not to act awkward.

If you get asked about it just tell the truth, but play yourself up, just say you we're working on school, travel, work, or just didn't have much interest up until now.

You'll do fine man, just take pride in yourself and the rest kind of works out.

Also having a girlfriend is super overrated so be prepared for that.

>Do you have a source to back that up?
Honestly, nothing but personal experience. As someone who has dated two "inexperienced virgin boys" and was cheated on by both, I'm not messing with them.

Don't ask women for advice. Why do you think women would tell you the truth? Why would they help someone score with someone of their own gender? Why would they lower their value and open up to you?
Ask men for advice, men are the ones who actually get women. Women are just hypocrites when asked for this kind of advice, They are too afraid of looking "unsexy" if they tell the truth.
The reality is that it doesn't matter because it varies from person to person. Some women will be okay, some won't. It depends on each woman. You will hear stories of men who are in your situation and managed to get a relationship. If that one woman hears of your situation and doesn't like it, she wasn't "the one" anyway so you dodged a bullet.

>I lost mine
lost your what?

>If you get asked about it just tell the truth
I agree with you but I honestly don't recommend telling the truth. I've had more succes rate when lying than telling the truth (not about this specific issue but similar ones). The truth is no relationship functions built on 100% honesty. You just can't be honest all the time, especially with people you have recently met.
Some anons will say that if you are not honest from the start the relationship won't work and "will be built on a lie" but it's better to lie about something as small as people claim to be as virginity and not having dated, than to just set up a red flag with someone who barely knows you. Don't ruin the chance to get to know someone just because you prefer to be 100% honest. Some red flags are only red flags when you barely know the person, not afterwards.

Virginity and first date status.

Women are status whores. Don't tell her you've never been on a date or had a gf, that makes you look low status. Fake it til you make it, because if there is one thing women hate in a relationship it's honesty

Why would you not care?

>I'm not asking whether to tell or not, but rather what they think about it

Right, but read again what I said. I said don't tell them the first few dates. Most will not care after they get to know you. Once you have a girl that really likes you and is interested in you, you can't do much wrong to change that unless you're a complete ass or do something bad to them. If they're in to you then they won't care. Giving up that information too early will turn them off.

>because if there is one thing women hate in a relationship it's honesty
Absolutely correct.

"the (((real))) girlfriend"

So you have nothing but anecdotes for your claim? You sound pretty shallow and stupid to me.

Literally wasn't even asking men about it you dingus.

I agree with you, I just told the truth because I don't really care what people think about me, I always thought that if they don't want to be with me for something stupid like that, then I rather not be with that person anyways.

It's more about you carry yourself, if you tell them in a way that makes you look like you're defective in some way, then it's not a good thing, but in my case it was more tied into my company transfering me to different places in North America and never having a chance, so I had no shame about it

I'm not the girl who replied to you at first.
But from the little experience I have, dating virgins is odd. They resent you, they have a huge fear of missing out. The only two times a guy cheated on me, he was a virgin.

I don't know, I don't think all virgins are like that. I'm sure they're not. But from my experience it wasn't the best.

Right, but asking women is very stupid. Even women don't know how to answer.

Keep asking for female advice, keep getting shit advice and remain a virgin.

If you are very inexperienced at age 25, you don't tell a women that when you are on a date.

If she asks you if you ever had a girlfriend before, you simply tell her: ''No i have not, i haven't found anyone yet who i wanted to commit myself to''.

Problem solved.

I guess it's good to know that women have a clear and hypocritical prejudice against this kind of man.

I mean, I dated guys who I knew were virgins and had no problem with it till they both proved to be shit human beings who cheated on me and treated me like their training girlfriend.

Where is the hypocrisy?

First you say it's one guy who cheated twice, now you say it was two different guys. Are you even telling the truth?

The more partners a woman has the more likely she is to be unfaithful. That coupled with the fact that any woman can get laid easily makes your judgements an extreme form of hypocrisy, and you don't even have any stats to back it up.

There's nothing hypocritical about that. For there to be hypocrisy I would have to be claiming some kind of moral judgement or high ground or something but I'm not. I'm just saying I don't fuck with virgins.

No, she said the 2 times she got cheated on, the guy was a virgin. Not that one guy did it twice.

I worded it badly the first time, english isn't my first language.
Two different occasions, both guys were virgins. I don't know how many times they cheated on me.

>it's not hypocritical to hold people to standards that apply more to myself than to them!

I second this. I've also dated 2 virgins in the past and they both had the 'fear of missing out' mentality thing in common. Both have also cheated on me. I never dated a virgin after that and I would never go back.

Were those 2 guys in their early twenties? I have heard of guys who get this 'fear of missing out' when they are still in the party/clubbing age.

What standards I hold them to that I don't hold myself to?

My only standard is that I don't want my partner to cheat on me, which is a standard I hold myself to as well.
From my limited experience, virgin guys tend to have a "fear of missing out" mentality that makes it hard for me to trust them. I'm not saying they're all like that, or that I wouldn't date a guy who is virgin under any circumstances. It's a red flag, from the experience I had.

Let me help you.
What would be hypocritical is if I said
>I don't waste time with virgins however I'm a virgin and I expect no one to judge me for that.

But I didn't. You don't understand what hypocrisy is. What you've stated is just some kind of complaint about it not being fair that you can't get laid as easily as a girl or something. You can perceive that as being unfair if you want, but it has nothing to do with me and doesn't make me a hypocrite.

I think a virgin guy would be so happy to finally have found someone that he would apply himself to the max to avoid ruining the relationship. Why would someone who never had a chance before suddenly assume he can cheat? A guy who's a virgin assumes he can't get girls. A guy who cheats does so because he knows he can get more than one.

I thought the same, but it wasn't the case.
They gained self confidence thanks to our relationship, they knew they could get girls since they had one, and started looking for an upgrade. They were scared of committing because "they didn't experience anything", so they kept looking for new girls so they could have a normal experience and sleep with many girls.

Guys with experience sometimes just want to settle down.

Why is it dating experience is such a big deal for girls?
Dating is a lot harder for men and I don't think it is right to be shamed for enjoying life and getting a career and prioritizing that over girlfriends.

How the fuck do you get past the filters when you are judged on all these meaningless statistics?

The guys who weren't virgins probably still cheated on you but were better about not getting caught.

I can confirm that the 'fear of missing out' is true. When i was 19 y/o i got my first girlfriend, she took my virginity.

When our relationship got into the 2 year mark, i also started getting feelings of regret almost. I was tied down to a single girl and a part of me wanted to go out and experience the things my friends were experiencing. Going out, meeting new girls and partying.

We broke up not too long after that for unrelated reasons. But the thought of only having had sex with a single woman my entire life was definitely something that bothered me when our relationship got in to the 'long term' phase.

Damnit. I'm a virgin and I can't imagine myself becoming that. I just want to settle down with someone, cheating would be the last thing that would cross my mind, from my current perspective.

I can see how that can be a problem if the girl has already had more partners before the guy.

Honestly, I dated just one guy with experience (my current boyfriend) and he's as faithful as it gets.
No contact with females beside me and relatives, spends literally all his time with me, has eyes just for me, no social media, no "going out with the guys" bullshit.

If you took the above advice and kept your mouth shut for like 5 or 6 dates you will have nothing to worry about. Once a woman is in to you, minor details like that won't sway her. Just don't give this information up on the first few dates and you're golden.

I'd be a million bucks if this girl who got cheated on by a virgin met some guy she really liked, then found out he's a virgin she'd forget all about her stupid anecdotal evidence.

Oh for sure. As I've said - it's a red flag, not a deal breaker.
It's one thing that makes me say "this could be an issue, pay attention to this" not something that makes me say "I wouldn't touch this guy with a ten foot pole.

Male sexlessness increases because of factors out of their control.

Best thing to do is lie.

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Bisexual female here
I would, if he had common ground with me and a likeable personality.
People can come out of their shell at any point in their lives.

Also lol, thanks for posting that drawing of my ex gf

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Makes sense.
I really don't see myself as the kind of person who could ever cheat on someone.
I have problems finding time to search for a single relationship and if I get one, I would spend time making that work, not spending time finding another.
That chart is depressing.
Are women really cheating that much?
Guess we solved the whole cheating husband thing and still gets shit for it.

>So you have nothing but anecdotes for your claim? You sound pretty shallow and stupid to me.
Its strange because in your effort to insist that you are worth the time of day you've only proven with your attitude that you aren't. People are entitled to their personal experiences, user. Someone doesn't need to find a scientific source to be justified in making personal decisions based on their personal experiences. Someone having a negative experience with someone similar to you is not a personal attack. You know that fear and insecurity we were talking about? You're kind of blatantly proving everyone correct about you.

Its okay that some people aren't interested in you. Everyone has their preferences. Stop picking fights with every woman that doesn't want you and sort your shit out, mate. Acting like a socially inept, insecure virgin is 100 times more unappealing than simply being a virgin.

The graph doesn't really imply anything about cheating.

It's hypocritical to say "I don't date virgins because they're more likely to cheat" when in reality the more partners someone has the more likely it is to cheat.
Look; there's nothing wrong with being worried about cheating but pretending like virgins do it more is just plain prejudice.

>you've only proven with your attitude that you aren't
I'm not that user but come on, we all know that people act different on the Internet than in real life, especially when they are anonymous. Any "healthy" person with a "healthy" relationship would probably post even worse things here if they found this site.

>ITT: another Jow Forums circle jerk in which we all discuss the dozens of ways in which being an unlikable chode isn't our fault.

I'd like it... maybe I can be his first and last.

>it's another "woman uses her sexual privilege as an excuse to perform character studies on people she knows nothing about" episode

>It's hypocritical to say "I don't date virgins because they're more likely to cheat" when in reality the more partners someone has the more likely it is to cheat.
No, it isn't. I didn't say I would date a guy with a ton of partners either.

You really don't understand what hypocrisy means.

Listen, there is really no point in coming here and asking people for their insight or opinions if you're just going to dismiss it as internet tomfoolery. OP probably doesn't go around calling women shallow and stupid to their faces. Chances are he smiles and grits his teeth in public but we all know that these toxic attitudes he's spewing on the internet are closer to his actual feelings than the ones he portrays in real life. Taking things at their face value is the only reliable tool for sussing out any of the bullshit that's posted on this site. If he really has some kind of deranged split internet personality disorder then he needs some therapy, not an echo chamber.

>there is really no point in coming here and asking people for their insight or opinions
That, period.


Lie. If you can't, then fucking learn to lie.

Are you so incredibly offended by someone not wanting to date you that you have to pick a fight with literally every woman that doesn't find you attractive? I know this is the internet but do you have any idea how incredibly weak and insecure that makes you look? Why would anyone, man or woman, be attracted to someone with such incredibly thin skin?

Some girls don't want to date virgins. I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept to grasp, especially when all of the anger, insecurity and raw toxic rage in this thread perfectly embodies why what they're saying about you is correct. You people are incapable of taking anything in stride. Everything is a personal attack to you. Everyone who isn't interested in you is like your enemy. Its pretty pathetic, user.

Lastly, lets break down the premise of this thread. It isn't the virginity that turns women off; its the underlying reason why you're still a virgin. A 25 year old man who hasn't been on a date has failed to meet standard developmental milestones. Why would a woman not be suspect of that? Not one single other woman has been interested in you in nearly 25 years on that earth and somehow a woman is at fault for completely ignoring a gigantic red flag? You're an untested machine, user. You know that whole "You need experience to get a job but how am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me?" adage? This is the same case. Its not fair but it is what it is. Stop complaining and start proving people wrong you unbearable cunt. As of right now all you guys are doing is proving them right.

>it's another "user is delusional and thinks that everyone who doesn't share his hateful ideology is a woman or jew" episode

>unironically believing that women being justifiably repulsed by your shitty attitude and stage 4 autism is a sexual privilege

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Husband and I met when I was 21, he was 26 kissless virgin. He told me up front but it didn't affect anything about my approach. We've been married 9 years now.

Women actually do have a "sexual privilege". If you deny that you are oblivious to reality. I mean sure, women don't have to have sex with every guy that wants them but it is a fact that it's way easier for women to have sex than for men. So women may have many problems men don't have. But the pressure to have sex that men receive is a problem women don't have. Simple as that.

You sound like you have undiagnosed mental illness. Seek help.

Well you as a female, that leaves you in almost total control. You have total control with an innocent boy with whatever total bullshit you bring to the table.

I don't have any problem having sex with women therefore I don't ever feel compelled to make excuses for my lack of a sex life. I don't really give a shit that its easier for them. Doesn't really have much to do with my life or decisions.

That's what I mean. For some people it matters, for some doesn't. It doesn't change the fact that for women in general it's easier to have sex than it is for men. For some men it's easy too but it doesn't matter. Of course not all people care about this fact so it's irrelevant but it doesn't make it less true.

"I want to fuck an innocent boy and ruin his idea of women because I'm an angry women. I hate men, so all young men should hate women, and I'll make sure of that. A guy broke up with me, so I'll ruin a young man's idea of women to suit me."

I would be cautious.
They're either too clingy or pull pages out of PUA, even if they don't have the personality or confidence to pull it off.

Guys at 25 are still maturing, dating them for fun is ok but nothing serious.

>Its not fair but it is what it is. Stop complaining

I'm actually going to therapy soon and I'm trying to tabulate reasons why I should not kill myself, hence, the image in the OP.

>I'm a woman and the fact that I can/have had sex means I am a superior person, and therefore I'm allowed to look down upon and judge whomever I want because I'm superior :)
>Obviously I can't be wrong because I'm able to have sex and he isn't :)

For every one of you there's 10 women who get 100+ offers for sex every day.

>So women may have many problems men don't have.
Like what? Men have problems that lead them to the highest suicide rate and to making up 90% of all homeless people.

Women... menstruate lol

What advice would you give a 28 khv that hasn't lost it due to circumstance?

How do I navigate the expectations and shaming, questions about my development etc?

Follow the advice given to OP. It applies to you as well.

This guy is an idiot, his "advice" will get you nowhere. Women can tell if you've never been on a date or had sex before, trust me it will show.

Unless you're dating some blonde Instagram bimbo, most women won't care. However they will think "Why has he never been on a date before?" which will make them think there's something wrong with you. Are you a virgin because you were fat or weird? Unless you can change one of those then you most likely won't get a GF.

>Women can tell if you've never been on a date or had sex before, trust me it will show.
No they can't.

>Not one single other woman has been interested in you in nearly 25 years on that earth
this is the insulting thing to assume
this is what makes it impossible to take it in stride and makes it into a personal attack
there could be so many circumstances that a guy didn't date in high school, or university, or the few years after university

I don't know why I am even taking the time to explain this or why OP is trying to get an answer out of women on this board, seeing as they are probably even more brain-damaged than the autist robots

>be 25
>have had gfs and lost virginity in high school
>haven't had a proper adult date yet
Honestly I'm way more excited than ashamed.

Don't listen to this OP

this thread is prime rope fuel. gonna go for a walk now

>all of the anger, insecurity and raw toxic rage in this thread
I'm actually curious. What part of this thread fits that description?

>Not one single other woman has been interested in you in nearly 25 years on that earth
>this is the insulting thing to assume
>they are probably even more brain-damaged than the autist robots

really not seeing any solutions here



How is it rope fuel?

the girls saying virgins are undateable losers. i know i will die alone but it's just a little added sting to have it confirmed, y'know?

user my bf was a virgin when we met and I love him with all my heart.

Women want people like us to just die and go away.

I just wish they were dignified enough to admit it, because at least the world would see them for what they are: psychopaths.

How tall is he

He is 5'6. Why?


Nigga this is your problem, you're not exactly a ray of sunshine.

why on earth would I lie about his height :/

I have every reason to be bitter

Why wouldn't you lie about it

that's nice and thanks for trying to make me feel better. but im not super depressed about being alone, sometimes it hits me but I think some people were just born weird and not meant to be with someone. i accept that

>If you met a guy who was 25 and never been on a date, how would you feel about that?
I wouldn't care. Well that is unless he's one of those I don't do dates guys then I would know what kind of garbage he is.
>What if you were his first date?
I've done at least once before. I didn't know I was his first date until after but whether that was inexperience or listening to the internet saying he has to get a kiss idk. It's his problem, not mine.
>How would you feel about being a guy's first gf at 25?
I don't know, if I'm the girlfriend sounds like its fine.