>Damares Alves, Brazil’s new Minister of Women, Family, and Human Rights, has a message for the country’s children
>And in her inaugural speech she declared “a girl will be a princess and a boy will be a prince.”
Have meme libtard article
“Attention, attention! It’s a new era in Brazil: boys wear blue and girls wear pink!”
>mfw your country has less hope even than Brazil
Based and Redpilled.
we're gonna exports all aids-ridden faggots to usrael
short term yes, long term no
unless a massive eugenic program takes place here our only hope in the long term is balkanization the demographics don't lie.
you on the other hand can still rise up and purge the filth from your country but that is in the hands of the english men. only you can do it.
Fuck yeah, lets send all the niggers, faggots and overall lefties to Canada.
Is Bolsonaro going to fix the nonwhite problem Brazil has?
the fuck do you think those caravans heading your way are?
Not from Brazil?
Most are from Guatemala and central American countries.
If you wear any colour other than black or white you're a victim of neo-faggotry.
it's all hueniggers and huefaggots
save brazil
destroy usrael
>tfw this image pisses off esquerdistas
Yo let's make some fucking trade deals
Nope. Best he can do is reduce the handout programs, which naturally affect brown people the most.
I always though macron has like 10 kids. Is this pic true? Those people are removing themselves and we dont need to do anything. Interesting
He married his teacher, her womb is more dried up than Death Valley.
I hope so, he mentioned linking gibs programs to an obligatory sterilization.
This doesn't solve the problem. Not only huehues are stupid, they are also evil and compulsive cheaters.
Where's that guy with the trove of bolsarano jew attire pictures I need to save them
>Under the new administration, Alves added, “Girls will be princesses and boys will be princes. There will be no more ideological indoctrination of children and teenagers in Brazil.”
Send them to Canada hue hue, we're full
>That webm.
I lol'd.
We'll have guns!
I mean, legal guns.
Oh god...
>One image sambas on top of your argument about color having gender
Lembrete diário que se você apóia o Bolsonaro você é um imbecil e hipócrita, pois o governo dele está cheio de corruptos
There is literally no one in the gov that inst corrupt,the only way for real change is to burn it all down,tear the constitution apart
Mas a premissa do Bolsonaro era o combate à corrupção, não?
Cry us a river.
>No one will let go of anyone's hand.
Eu não tô chorando, eu tô rindo mesmo.
Pessoal que só se informa pelo zap zap hauahauahaua
Look at this poor child being brainwashed into homosexuality, one of his eyes is even half closed. How do we fix this?
E digo mais: quero que o país pegue fogo mesmo, imploda, para que, mesmo dentro do fogo, eu ria da cara de vocês. Bando de imbecis.
she's alright
anyone typing in portuguese here glow in the dark faggot
Lula is in prison.
Otimo,ja deu o recado.
Agora vá lavar uma louça e volte pro facebook.
Mas meu alvo são os vira-latas brasileiros mesmo. Vocês é que vão se fuder junto comigo
And import ebola so we can cleanse this land permanently
Sua mãe já está fazendo isso. Eu disse pra ela que iria xingar uns vira-latas no Jow Forums
Beleza. Agora senta lá no cantinho da disciplina, fera.
this is fucked up
I do pity the boomers who are just in it for the mito,who dont get the full picture,your mistake is thinking that everyone is some zap zap memelord,your cowardice shows in a attempt of smugness in hope of chaos,instead of wishing success and order in the new gubiment
Immature politically and not true to yourself,one day you will understand.
You owe him an atomic bomb.
Vai chorar?
he will grow up and develop a taste for dick just like the rest of the dirty niggers here.
Só se for de pena dos seus baits, amigo.
>Watch out guys! Damares is also a villan from Harry Potter!
>French people
>Having kids
Filhão, você sabe que tudo que estou falando é com embasamento. Não tem bait se é realidade. Governo fadado ao fracasso antes de começar
Isso aí, amiga! Mostra para ele!
>Governo fadado ao fracasso antes de começar
O governo já começou, não tem isso de "antes de começar."
As denúncias sobre o Queiroz e outras coisas rolaram em dezembro, antes da posse.
E aí, animal, mais alguma bosta pra falar?
Agora o capitalista safado ficou sem saída! Nossa, amiga! Me passa seu twitter?
Deport commies
Deport criminals
Deport corrupts
Deport separatists
Deport "white" LARPers
Deport defeatists
Death to the left
E dai? É um caso que deve e vai ser investigado como todos os outros. Todo mundo tem teto de vidro.Se você esta tão preocupado com isso, vai buzinar na orelha dos seus representantes.
based as hell
>Deport separatists
>Deport "white" LARPers
Lel, calma ai Vanderleisom
Ué, mas o Bolsonaro não é presidente de todos?
I like your Bolsonaro
>someone thought this would turn people against trump
Man, the left is out of touch
Obviamente.Não deixa de ser um representante seu tambem.
No shortage of evil white people in Harry Potter to chose from I guess
cucked and cringe
back to Jow Forumsbrasil sóymale
She doesn't want to admit, even to herself, just how badly she wants his cock.
So far:
>"dont confuse the children!"
>fags should go and stay go
Ellen Page is a lesbian....
>*Ellen Page was a lesbian
We need H-Bombs in order to become a true regional superpower
Can we talk, mutt man?
And the photos keeps getting rotated for some reason
Is any of my fellows watching her? She's restoring moral on live tv
thank you user
fucking maroons. making the same mistake as USA trump.
> yeah but it is a young democracy
no, stfu. liberate your thoughts and quit playing this stupid fucking politician caste system game.
young children with bolso t-shirts. this country will be in the shitter for another 30 years.
also, bolso is gay. no man dresses that spiffy, no man hates gays so much, if he was not in the closet afraid to come out.
you brasilipoors deserve everything that is coming to you.
>t.man dressed in pink
you really think it can be any worse than with the PT in power?
your country hit rock bottom, so did mine
either we kick the commies that are in power in the next election or 100% we're gonna be Venezuela 2.0
can't fucking wait, i'm impatient as fuck for that.
pro-abortion whores btfo live on globo news
look, i dont care personally. i am a rich white gringo. you are doing this to your fellow countrymen.
> Lets all close our eyes and pretend social justice in Brasil is ok and healthy. Wall off the favela's. Spray the homeless with cold water, so they scurry like rats from our gaudy marble shopping floors. lets fuck with the rights of people that were born with a minority sexual preference.
you wonder why your universities are communist as fuck, while you do all this extremist stupid as fuck shit. it will only lead to polarization.
and then, in a year or two, you take to the streets, with millions, to protest another president. while the military police (now super strong) will tear gass your children, while the military intelligence infiltrates news organizations and universities. while you give military tools to lazy as fuck unskilled police force, spraying bullets into favelas and killing innocent children. Complain about the corruption, then do not pay your taxes.
oh, Bolso with his blow-up dolls giving the military salute will save you. how fucking stupid can you be? grow the FUCK up
and i think Bolsonaro and Sergio Moro will play a vital part in saving Uruguay btw
once they start revealing more corruption schemes, many people here know by fact the commies here will get lots of flak because they were in bed with all corrupt Brazilian PT politicians
fuck off samefag nigger
>[pink dress intensifies]
The whole of South America will be affected by it, the commies are all together in this shit.
What are you doing? lmfao
Is there any investigation from uruguayan government about PT's money laundry?
> Look at me. We are from the white part of Brazil. My ancestry is 20% portuguese and you came from the slaves!
this beautiful country. this beautiful country. where 80% of the north is starving on 80$ a month. Where an Iphone costs fucking 7000r$ because, hey, lets give Brazilian smartphone makers a chance... fucking dumbskulls. get your CS degree, from a teacher that hasnt worked in a modern company since the 80s. Ill be drinking your milkshake.
That dude is like 300IQ
I hope someday we wipe you all and take back our Cisplatina.
Mecha Trump toys would sell.
woah truly made me think
I think the monkey is having a mental breakdown.
>Muh Cisplatina :)
Fuck off mate, leave Uruguay alone.
big if true..
will we ever be free from this madness?
you mother fuken savages