Border Patrol Agent Thanks Trump For Shutting Down The Government Over The Wall

Trump Can Not Pay You And Get Your Free Mason Endorsement KEK

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A border wall is an ineffective way to fight against illegal immigration.

t. Nancy Pelosi

So now that Trump MIGHT get a wall the counter narrative is it is ineffective?

That's not a counter narrative. That's one of the main arguments against the wall.

wtf I hate masons now

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Look at all those skinheads. Can’t wait until the browning of American is in full force once trump is out of office.

>monitoring potentially interesting thread

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worked for Israel

Explain why the democrats are dying in a ditch over the issue if it won't help with illegal immigration, also explain why bill Clinton made a speech promoting the concept of a border wall

No it isn’t. I’m not going to pretend that CA was actually some whitopia despite the state never being more then 77% White but most Hispanics in the state are descended from the about 2.5 million illegals in the state who came between 1946 - 1990 and had at least 3 - 7 kids per family. Only 10% are the descendants of Spaniards and Early Mexican settlers who stayed after the Mexican American war

cool, no one cares

>America is the same as Israel
You retarded bro? Most illegal immigrants don't cross the southern border, they just have an expired visa.

Israel’s upgraded 26-foot Sinai barrier, 2017.

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Democrats don't want to shut down the government over the president's pet project. Just because Bill Clinton said something doesn't mean its right.

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unfortunately for them its a statement backed up by nothing. and in places where barriers are used, like Israel, they are effective. i say if it doesnt work, they let Don build it and use it against him and Reps after demonstrating it is a failure.

Quality bait.

Source for any of this info?

400,000 do cross the border every year. And these illegal spics do actually particularly have big families. More so then those on expired visas who are mostly from Asia and to a lesser extent Europe, Latin America, and the middle east

i tend to agree. it does help, but with the right policies in place, it would be pointless. be honest Jow Forums would you rather a wall, or stringent border control laws that effectively prevent illegal aliens from residing in your country?

So if the plan doesn't solve the problem entirely in one fell swoop its not worth doing

Participation points are only good in school user

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You're the retard for shilling for democrats and israel. Like beyond retarded. You don't even deserve to live imo for being so retarded.

>Democrats don't want to shut down the government over the president's pet project
>To prove this they shut down the government
What do you mean by this shareblue kike?


>"We should be more like israel!"

Source for this info?

How is a wall ineffective?
>Because there are ways pet can surpass it
There's ways people can surpass anything. It's about creating further, MULTIPLE, obstacles that slows down the rate of illegal migration to the point where deportation outstrips it. Not to mention a wall is a wall regardless if Democrats dramatically reduce funding to ICE or not.

The plan doesn't solve the problem at all.

Then why are Democrats so against it?
It can't be because it's a waste of money, because Democrats don't care about wasting money, they look for any excuse to waste money and increase taxes to keep spending on useless government shit.
If the wall wastes tax payer money, gives an excuse for the government to argue for an increase taxes to offset the cost, and has no effect on illegal immigration, then the Democrats should be all for it.
What gives?

>a leaf
tell us how stringent laws stop people who don't care about the law from breaking it

Do you not know the story behind operation wetback, CA’s demographics, Prop 187, and Hispanic Immigrant Fertility rates particularly before Summer 2007

A supermajority of the earth lives in a nation with physical barriers on the borders. I want to be like the rest of civilised humanity

Trump shut down the government.

>Free Mason
Fuck off, JIDF.

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so you are telling me a physical barrier between the two countries would not prevent a single illegal immigrant from getting in. a single one.

that is what you are postulating. a 30 foot wall will not keep anyone out.

They literally are letting the government get shut down over the wall, that's the point. They are so desperate to prevent the wall being built over a relatively paltry sum that they are betting a large chunk of political capital over it.
Your claim that the major argument against it is its supposed ineffectiveness doesn't wash, when Israel's wall stopped 99% of illegal immigration, and the funds being requested are relatively small in the context of federal funds.

the congress shut down the government as they haven't had a real budget since the 70s.

the Schumer Shutdown 2.0, as it will be remembered, will be a spectacular failure and Trump will get everything he wants

>Democrats don't care about wasting money
Except they have been historically more fiscally responsible than GOP.

>i'm just gonna ignore the facts and move on
so walls work. agreed


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No, I'm not subscribed to Breitbart.

We already have borders.

>The plan doesn't solve the problem at all.
>expert in video above says it does
That's some extra special gaslight chutzpah you filthy kike

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It doesn't really solve the issue, since most illegals have simply overstayed their visas.

>its okay when obama does it.
they want you and your children scared, under control, indoctrinated and they think its funny.

>Trump Can Not Pay You And Get Your Free Mason Endorsement KEK
Oh look, it's another non-english first language speaker with a US flag criticizing the President.

The wall in israel divides Palestine and Palestine. Nice try schlomo

Checking that full house.
>praise him

>If I say it enough maybe they'll believe it

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Say it. 'A physical barrier between the two countries will not prevent 1 person from crossing.'

Because if a wall would keep one individual from crossing, walls work.

Only one-tenth (33 miles) of the Israeli barrier with Palestinian territories is an eight-meter (26-foot) concrete wall. The other 90 percent is a two-meter (6.5-foot) electronic fence. As for 99.9 percent, those numbers are a fantasy. The New York Times in 2016 reported on a vast smuggling industry that easily evades the Israeli security fence and wall that divides Israeli and Palestinian areas.

>palistine is real

My point is a wall won't stop illegal immigration to the degree conservatives/Trump supporters want.

>buys a 10 dollar ladder at Deposito de casa
Where is your God now

wont know til we try.

>The New York Times

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I like his pin ;)

we should put some goal posts with wheels next to the border wall. maybe those will keep people out

Why try something that has been proven ineffective?

>spic janny does it for free

>I don't like the source, therefore the information is wrong, even though I probably didn't even read it, because I don't like the source.

Like an assault rifle ban? That doesn't work at all. Walls do. How about voter ID. That works great. We should do that to.

We do in high traffic locations, and they work to an extent in those areas, only becuase they are shitty barriers. We want a sucessful wall which spans the entire border, and is like many other sucessful walls which can be pointed to.

why haven't Palestinians just bought ladders duh? Are they stupid or stupid? You're like so smart

>giving out gibs for 60 years
>fiscally responsible

>It’s hard to say. There were 303,916 border apprehensions in the southwest U.S. during fiscal 2017—a 26 percent drop from 2016.

your proof? the isreal wall?
thats been working very effectively at SLOWING THE RATE.
dont put words in my mouth.

I said 99% not 99.9%. Either way, their wall stops a large percentage of illegal immigration and it also reduced suicide bombings, which used to be common. Tunnels exist, but saying that this is an argument against the wall is simply letting perfection being the enemy of the good.
Your argument, which I suspect is being made in bad faith, is not compelling enough to prevent the wall from being built.

>opinions that are contrary to mine should be removed by the moderation staff
We need to build a wall between Jow Forums(nel) and Reddit

im so tired of you shareblue fucks. youd be against universal blowjobs if your pedophile boss told you to be

and I hope you meant "we have barriers"

Also keep in mind that's just apprehensions not counting the illegals that successful make it across.

I don't support gun control or for the same reason I don't support a border wall. Voter fraud is basically right wing paranoid talking point.

>I'm going to cite communist agitprop over actual Israeli government date


Why are you still here shilling you pathetic fag? Go kill yourself.

You don't belong here.

Makes me think

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>Jews control the media so it's all propaganda
>but I'm going to believe words straight from the Jews mouth
Is this doublethink?

Lol literally seething.

A better option would be walled border forts every fifty miles that use drones equipped with thermal cameras to patrol the desert. If invaders are spotted, an armed patrol is dispatched to detain them. The US needs a federal border patrol service under military control.

>youd be against universal blowjobs
Not if they were the ones feasting on the manchowder straight from the cock

>Everything I don't like is "communist"

Lol triggered much bros?

If I linked infowars as a source would you take it at face value?

>millions of non-citizens in your country
>a country that requires no ID to vote
Yes, there is no way voter fraud happens.

They didn't take any questions. This was a B.S. PR move because they cannot provide scientific data to support their brain dead wish of a concrete wall.

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Yeah I'm so triggered. Now go kill yourself. The retards giving you attention should kill themselves too.

>needs ID to buy alcohol
>needs ID to buy cigarettes
>needs ID to buy spray paint
>needs ID to drive
>needs ID to get a hotel room
>needs ID to buy certain cold medicine
doesn't need an ID to vote

b..b...but you already had borders! what do you need this for? who will make your shawarma?

I would at least read the fucking material...and then laugh uncontrollably.

>Voter fraud is basically right wing paranoid talking point.
>Goes on two year long frenzied Russia collusion and voter fraud witch hunt
Schizophrenia in action

>Look at all those skinheads
>skinhead freemasons
are freemasons based and redpilled?

It's not nearly as big a deal as the right-wing makes it out to be.

60% of illegal immigrants come through the southern border. That's a fact.
