Your Walmart NRA Licences have been revoked

Your Walmart NRA Licences have been revoked.

Attached: red flag laws.png (1406x895, 1.28M)

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Save me comrade trump.

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i can't wait for all the guns to be taken away.

and i can't wait till someone tosses you into a fucking gulag you stupid subhuman nigger

I thought true commies believed the workers should be armed?

>Red flag law.
Huh who knew a red flag was a red flag?


You would be the one being sent to the Gulag, in the USSR.

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>Your Walmart NRA Licences have been revoked.
The police have no idea that I have firearms, and that is 100% legal. The last one I bought from a lead on craigslist. We met at a public range, and I paid him for it. At no point in time was the state involved.

Outside of my home, only my brother and mother know I have firearms....and they aren't telling anyone. They have firearms also.

>The police have no idea that I have firearms
Well they might not HAVE, before you made this post. Now they do. Unless you're going through TOR in a very densely populated area or using a genuine burner device.

I lost all of my firearms in an unfortunate boating accident

Not in alaska.

Alaska struck down the red flag law.
However im probably fucked anyway because they are taking my efp posts as a crime.

I feel sad everytime i see a democrat destroy a little more this beautiful country u have.

We have taken the lesson, and expect u guys don't really go to deep before realize too.

>Well they might not HAVE, before you made this post.
They would also need a red-flag law AND for someone to report me. What are they going to do? Kick down my door to take my over/under Savage turkey gun? If I am on a list, I am near the bottom my friend. I am not the least bit scared. OH NO LOOK OUT he has a break barrel .222/20 guage.....It could be fully semi-automatic.

My point is that there are plenty of totally legal transactions involving firearms that do not in any way involve paper trails. It is 100% legal to make your own parts INCLUDING lowers for the evil AR sporting rifle. No records at all.

>Your Walmart NRA
The NRA is the Walmart of gun lobby's, a sorry piece of shit corporate scam that just fucks overs its customers.

Attached: NRAisTheShit.jpg (1200x630, 57K)

They get them back though after a hearing and being able to prove they're not crazy, and that's a problem in some cases because some people are actually too stupid to own guns (especially given that it's Florida).

I don't have an issue with the person's family being the ones to decide if he's crazy, as a hard traditionalist. Who would better make the decision, some kike doctor? But what the law needs to be is that the person's family makes the accusation, then the person get a hearing and gets to defend himself, then the court can decide if his guns will be taken. But given the nature of guns and what they're trying to prevent (mass shootings) anyone with half a brain can see the issue there, they'll just go on their spree early. Of course that won't even be the case because this law isn't going to affect a single fucking mass shooting in reality, but I can see the courts' reasonings.

Most these people got their guns back if you follow the cases. It's difficult to remove someone's constitutional rights, that's way bigger even than their civil rights. I'm surprised there haven't been more lawsuits or even judges being brought up on charges of violating their oaths.

>Israeli War Crimes

Attached: meme_flag_comm.png (906x900, 276K)

How many of them got their guns back?

>corporate lobbyists participate in corporate scams

who woulda thought. Should have sent your money to the people not afraid to tell school shooting "victims" to fuck off

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>But what the law needs to be is that the person's family makes the accusation,
I see your point but cant agree. What happens when its the crazy family member who is the one attacking the family? I'll explain. I have a brother that went off the deep end, we all tried to get him help, he started taking shit out on my parents when he needed money and even tried to beat up my father over it. To the point they moved to a gated community where you have to have code to get in,

I tried to get him baker acted but couldn't prove anything and parents wouldn't say too much to get him locked up. When he found out I tried shit got bad with me, even threatened to kill me and rape my wife, I ended up putting a restraining order on him. While waiting on court date he made an anonymous call to LEO and told them I was selling drugs and had a lot of guns in my house. No drugs but gun part was true, it was his way of swating me, so cops would show up and start shit with me. After an hour of explaining to officers the story everything was cool but what if he had got the jump on me? Now with these red flag laws he could have had cops disarmed me just to use it as a chance to try and kill me

>Should have sent your money
I would buy a raffle ticket for a free gun if .10 of it went to the NRA, my money is better spent on REAL gun lobbies who are actually fighting Trump in court.

Attorneys for Firearms Policy Coalition and Firearms Policy Foundation submitted over 900 pages of analysis and supporting exhibits, including a video that shows the actual operation of a “bump-stock-device” on an AR-15 type firearm, in an extensive opposition that shows the Trump Administration’s illegal proposed ban fails every test.

>Should have sent your money
Screw the NRA, money is better spent on REAL gun lobbies

why do you even come here to troll
can't you just enjoy /b/

SHALL NO- *gets shot by police*

Marx advocated that the people remain armed to rise up against the elite. You fucking dumb retards don’t even know shit about your self proclaimed ideology.