I have this, i know its not as good as the site makes it sound but its clearly above average...

I have this, i know its not as good as the site makes it sound but its clearly above average. Is there any way for me to communicate this to girls without looking like an asshole and in a way that gets me more laid?

Attached: comparison.png (937x585, 95K)

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good luck with your stds

that's average, slightly below actually, that statistic is 100% bullshit

what the fuck is that site?

Bruh 18.5cm is 7.2", that's suitably large. average is around 5.5" depending on the study. Pic related is from the British journal of urology.
>inb4 reee! That's a cope!

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How the fuck are you supposed to measure this accurately?

still, within 99%? that means that theres like 1 person with a 20cm cock per continent or something like that

If there's 100 people on a continent then yeah.

it says like by being 18.5 im within 99.5% i imagine taht 20 cm would be something like 99.9

and i've seen many CLEARLY more than 20 cm dicks in porn, and that should be what, 99.999%. shit i just did the math, even if this were true it would imply 5 million people with above 20 cm dicks. fuck, this planet is getting crowded

>I've seen many CLEARLY more than 20 cm dicks in porn,
I doubt that. I'm only half bragging about my dick on Jow Forums, but as a guy with a 22cm dick, most of what you see in porn is carefully framed to look huge, but is really just slightly above average. It's easy to tell if you know what to look for. As a rule of thumb if he can't get both his hands around it and still have all of his head showing, it's not 8 inches.
Here's some proof, unfortunately it's a tumblr, but what can you do?

Oops, sorry I thought you said you'd seen lots of 20cm dicks, not that you'd just seen some. Yeah theirs a few in porn, but they're still a minority.


Attached: 1530477640409.jpg (1440x1433, 340K)

Take a ruler, press it (gently) into your pubic bone and measure with you dick as straight out as possible.

Try multiplying 0.01 * 7billion and see how many >8" are in this world.
Basically, if you know about probability and distributions, dick sizes follow gauss' bell distribution.

>and i've seen many CLEARLY more than 20 cm dicks in porn,
No you haven't, they take a guy with a decent sized dick and find the tiniest fucking girl they can.

check out the size its pretty straight foward

still no one answered ops question

my friend with a big cock wears tight fitting pants/shorts. not like absurdly tight but tight enough to see. gets me wet.

It's not really possible unless a girl you fuck tells people about it. Believe me if it were possible I wouldn't be posting.

Larp detected.

take a look at ops numbers, hes a grower not shower, flacid its quite unimpresive

why would a girl you fuck tell people about it?
girls are total psycho bitches from hell, if they want to stay with you they wont say anything to not spark competition, and if they want to leave you theyll make sure to shit on you so no other people wnat to date you because they are such pieces of shit

just get hard in front of a girl then?

get tight shorts and be hard near a girl you like? is that really good advice? wont that make me look like a freak?

a) if she brags to her friends while you're together, she won't say she was lying.
b) I don't know how, but apparently word can get around.

>is that really good advice?
>wont that make me look like a freak?

i mean women wear low cut tops around men they like to turn them on whats the difference? this is coming from a girl by the way. a girl who would very much like to see more men in tight pants ;)

i think mating rituals are usually not symetrical, as in its not the same for the girl than for the boys.

altough its nice to know some girls would enjoy seeing a bulge, i dont think i can make much advantage of it in most social situations.

giving up that easily huh? you might be surprised how many women would be into that

here it is what do you think?

Attached: 20171130_013737 - Copy - Copy.jpg (2048x1536, 846K)

man imagine having a gf and she has a male friend and she gets wet every time she hangs out with him cause of his tight pants and big cock

thats just basic nature man. in every relationship both parties will get aroused by other people from time to time, if they dont act on it its ok

I firmly believe that post is a larp. Not even a cope, I'm pretty well endowed but I'm not dumb enough to think girls are anything but grossed out by guy's trying to show off their dicks.

they have to play it that way for looks, but deep down they are intrigued, you just got to let them have a chance to show it

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i still have lost respect for the guy who falls in love with someone and gets silently cucked mentally by big dick mystic

i think i just have no respect for anyone who falls in love with anyone who won't be seen as with as lustful eyes as the one he gives his heart would see others for. i'm too tired to phrase that sentence right. i keep thinking about NT normies with lives and girlfriends and who seem to be doing well but their chick is thinking about another dudes dick. going off on another tangent i keep thinking about NT normies who have done everything right in life except be sexually desirable, and it makes me feel better about being an autistic loser

you lost respect for everyone then because in 100% of all couples boht parties feel atraction to other individuals at some time

>this guy again.
It was only a matter of time I suppose. Can we skip to the part where you reveal that you're completely insane?

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i'm prob not the same guy

look dude, i'm surrounded by indians and chinks everyday. the indians try so hard, they listen to drake, wear OVO sweaters, have fade haircuts and neatly trimmed beards, they go to the gym, wear cologne, they have nice degrees and are working towards good jobs. they've done it all but their stacy pajeetas still sexually desire tyrone or brad. i see this shit everyday and it hits me with a weird sort of empathy like what the fuck, they did everything right but they still lost and can't win. they have to watch the pajeetas in their social circle get with chads and shit until they decide to settle

another thing is I see a lot of white NT normies talk about how their girlfriend/wife fucked their best friend. like is that shit even real? why participate in society if you're just gonna be on the sidelines watching shit happen, like a dude fuck your girlfriend. that's all fucked up.

i'm really blackpilled off all this shit.

looks nice

some women might be but i'm not.

>if he can't get both his hands around it and still have all of his head showing, it's not 8 inches.
How small are your hands?
If a girl put two hands on it, sure.