Nancy Pelosi LOSES IT! Claims Trump Isn't Trying To Build A Wall Between USA & Mexico

Nancy Pelosi LOSES IT! Claims Trump Isn't Trying To Build A Wall Between USA & Mexico

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there needs to be upper age limits on these fucks. so many senile/dementia suffering zombie corpses running this ship.

Nancy is senile

>Claims Trump Isn't Trying To Build A Wall Between USA & Mexico
She's right. It's pretty obvious theater. If Trump wanted to build the wall, he would have pushed for it before Republicans lost the house.

fucking kek cant wait to see this train wreck now the dems have actual responsibility.

I am as leftist as they come and I hate Nancy.. I wish Alexandria could be speaker.. and president.. and senate majority leader all in one.

if high ranking central figures of leftism do not meet their demise at the hands of trump by 2020 (surely don't expect it) this country will be fucking toast in a decade.

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she is so brave and wonderful

Fuck u filthy ageist

>Claims Trump Isn't Trying To Build A Wall Between USA & Mexico
He isn't, though.

Also, stop shilling your Youtube channel. Pay for advertising like everyone else.

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Look at that awkward nigger in the background. How did he sneak in?

Whats the rest of clip say?

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this. more AOC.

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One dollah.

>fuck national security

Why is the U.s. government running guns to cartels, failing at customs searches and letting fetanyl into the U.s., have surveillance programs that never thwarted any terrorist domestically, think they are competent leaders representing the interests of Americans?

Nancy Pelosi has drugwar blood on her hands and acts all high and mighty talking about morality when she condoned torture.


She is an amazing woman.. and a breath of fresh air.

she's so cute and cuddly.. big brown eyes and shiny dark hair and very female curves. Yummy!

it seems to have Alzheimer's

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>I am as leftist as they come and I hate Nancy.. I wish Alexandria could be speaker.
I am not at all a lefty, but I can agree with you on these points.

I would LOVE for that retarded jewish-hispanic idiot to be Speaker. It would be fucking hilarious, but Nancy is also hilarious.

I really hope they make the right decision however.

Nancy is not far left enough.. even Warren is not. Alexandria is where I think the future of this country should be headed. I know she might be a little ahead of her time but I think she will emerge as a powerful leader of America and a true game-changer.

The clearly has some oral issues. Her red lips are fetishized by stark colors without reason.

I can agree with you she'll be a game changer, but not in the way you think.

Leaving my own views out of this, evidence seems to point at most of the trappings of far-leftism being firmly rejected by the American public. Here is just one example:

Showing there agenda might work in are favor people are still in disbelief the are so insane. we want $20 an hour and 20 million horrible chess pool immigrants but want to keep them illegally so they are not entilled to the same wage and can hide among then selfs undocumented for rape, murder and other crimes to end the white privilege.

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The next two years is going to be so sweet, hearing all you Trumptards bitch and whine about EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING that isn't going your way.
If it's what you say, I love it!
Bow to the Pelosi!

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"a wall is an immorality"

well at least the bitch cracked and finally said the truth publicly

dems dont want a wall because they want illegal voters to replace americans

She's right. We all know the wall is a symbol of white fear

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pssst: wall is done

Why do people like Nancy Pelosi have any say in deciding how our tax dollars are spent? This is our money, not theirs. The American people elected the president so that he could build the wall and secure our border. This bitch needs to fucking die.

So what was the second part of her sentence?

Nancy's daughter

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Jew FUCK doesn't give a shit that opiates and job-theives are ruining white communities

In fact they are GLAD about it and LOVE it and LOVE seeing white cities and communities get destroyed. They want MORE and they want it FASTER.

And guess what they support Israel's wall.


FUCKNIG DIE KIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You take that back, the Jewish people are God’s chosen people. When I was a young man some five decades ago we had something called respect and a bit of ACTUAL understanding of the good book. You sinful millineals are a disgrace to this good Christian nation and it pains my heart to see the sinful ways of today’s youth

Shit tier boomerpost. Gotta be more subtle, but also at least 400 more words to be believable. Study harder Zoomer

>Nancy Pelosi has drugwar blood on her hands and acts all high and mighty talking about morality when she condoned torture.
CA is sick to death of her, they keep giving her the elbow to get lost but she can't take the hint so now they'll smart dust her ass some lung cancer, screencap

These ppl are done

Glad you cut it off so we can't hear in context. Gj fag